A Little Too Late

A Little Too Late


A Little Too Late 

Krisho, unrequited love, character death 



May 20th Sunny Day
Dear Diary, 
         Today is the best day of my life! Chanyeol, the captain of the basketball team, asked me to go to the homecoming dance with him!! And guess what I said? --YES! I've been crushing on him since freshmen year! Well of course he doesn't know. Nobody knows. Except for you and my bestest friend in the entire universe Kris! Kris is older than me and is supposed to graduate this year but decided to stay a year longer for me. He's so nice and caring. I hope he finds his true love too! Now about the dance...Yikes! I don't know what to wear! Anyways I'll ask Kris tomorrow. I have to sleep now. Good night, diary~
May 22nd Sunny Day
Dear Diary, 
         I'm so happy! I feel like jumping up and down on the bed and screaming on the top of my lungs! Too bad I can't since everyone is asleep~ BUT! Chanyeol asked me to his boyfriend yesterday after the big tournament in front of everybody!! (Which was why I didn't write last night--I couldn't think or move) So I said yes!! Today after practice he took me and Kris to the movies! It was a horror movie and I was so scared! Normally I would grab onto Kris' hand but Chanyeol pulled me into his arms and whispered "Don't be scared. I will protect you forever." I almost cried from his words! Kris had to leave early. He said he wasn't feeling well...I wonder if he's alright now. Maybe I should give him a call. But it's midnight already. I'll ask him tomorrow in class. Ahh~ I wonder if I'll see Chanyeol in my dreams. Sweet dreams, diary! 
May 23rd Warm Day 
Dear Diary, 
         Hello! I'm sooo tired. I just got home from shopping with Kris. I must say though; shopping with Kris is the best because he has a great sense of fashion. He's really like a big brother to me. Always helping me out and being there for me. Like today after school he drove me to the mall to help me choose an outfit for the dance. He found me the most perfect outfit ever! A clean white button up that was partially see through and low enough to show my collar bones. A casual black blazer that compliments my slim figure. And sleek black trouser pants. I love Kris soo much! I don't know what I would do without him. He acted a bit strange though when he dropped me off. He said he has something important to tell me but then said to forget it. I wonder what it is...I need to go shower now! Bye-bye! 
May 24th Rainy Day 
Dear Diary, 
         ACHOO! There was a rain-thunderstorm today and I forgot my umbrella at home! Kris had a sudden rap meeting and couldn't drive me home. I thought I was doomed. I walked three blocks from the school to the bus stop just to see a sign that says the bus will be delayed for an hour!! I was dripping wet and freezing! But then...CHANYEOL SHOWED UP! I love him so much! He's the best boyfriend ever! He drove me back home and helped me blowdry my hair. Then he went to make me chicken soup! During that time Kris called me to ask if I got home safely. Such a worrywart. There was rain in the background though. Maybe his meeting ended early...Mm my head hurts. I need to sleep now. Good bye~
May 24th Bad Day
Dear Diary, 
         Sniffles! I feel so sick! When I stand I feel dizzy and lightheaded. My throat is dry and my nose is runny. I must've gotten sick from the rain yesterday. My parents are on a business trip so I'm home alone. Thank God Kris cut during lunch break and came over or else I might be dead now. Once he saw how pale I was he ran to the nearby pharmacy to get me medicine and cough drops. Then he made me porridge and gave me a hot bath. Honestly he's...I can't even describe how awesome he is! I'm so lucky to have a friend like him. But that's not the highlight of the day! Chanyeol came to see me! He missed practice to come see me! I was so touched that I was crying when he hugged me. I didn't even notice Kris leaving! Anyways I have to sleep or else Chanyeol will be worried. Bye!
May 27th Sunny Day
Dear Diary, 
         YIPPEE! I'm finally better! I can smell and yell again! I hate being sick. It's not just annoying to me but I feel like I'm bothering Chanyeol as well. I already told him that I have Kris but he still skipped practice to come see me. Today he gave me a teddy bear and a small bouquet of roses. He's the most wonderful boyfriend ever. But! I will make it up to him! Tomorrow is the homecoming dance AND--I decided to give him my first time. I think I'm ready. He's just so special and I want to be with him forever. Maybe I'll discuss it with Kris tomorrow. He always knows what to do! 
May 28th BIG DAY 
Dear Diary, 
         I just got home to change. Chanyeol will be picking me up at six. I'm so nervous. When I asked Kris today his face blackened. He told me to do whatever I want and left. He walked out on me. I was crying in the boy's bathroom for a whole period. Does Kris not approve of Chanyeol? But...But he said he was happy for me. I really want to give my everything to Chanyeol. Am I wrong? I tried calling Kris but he closed his phone. I hope he will be at the dance. I hate seeing him unhappy. He's always there to make me happy. Now that I have Chanyeol I hope he can find someone that can make him happy as well. Bye, diary. I need to go prepared. Wish me good luck! 
May 29th Next Morning
Dear Diary, 
         It-was-magical. Being with Chanyeol is so magical. After the dance he drove me to a lake and we looked at the stars in the night sky. Then we kissed. It was my first kiss so I bet I . But he knew exactly what he was doing. I wanted to give myself to him. He said he would never take me out in the wild and that I deserved more. He drove us to a five star hotel where he already set up everything. Red wine. Rose petals. It was perfect. He's perfect. Too bad Kris never showed up. I really don't know what's wrong with him. He keeps saying he wants the best for me but does the opposite. I can see that he doesn't like Chanyeol. Why? Who can ever dislike Chanyeol? He's perfect. 
June 3rd Tiring Day
Dear Diary, 
         Sorry diary. I've been busy lately so I haven't been writing as usual. Chanyeol has been sweeping me off my feet with dates and little surprises. And then there's Kris. I don't know what's gotten into him! He's been giving me the cold shoulder ever since the dance. I really thought he was my true friend. He promised to always be there for me! He promised to love me even if I act childish or stubborn or unreasonable. He lied! I hate him! If he don't apologize to me I will delete him off my friend list! Hmphs. I have Chanyeol anyways and he will love me forever. 
June 5th Cloudy Day 
Dear Diary, 
         I'm writing to you earlier since I'm going to Chanyeol's basketball game later. Kris sent me a text this morning. It said, "I have something important to tell you. I'll meet you tonight at ten in front of your house. I won't leave until I see you." I wonder what he wants to say. I remember a while ago he said he has something to tell me as well. Is it the same thing? I don't know. But there's going to be a celebratory dinner for the team after the game so I don't know if I can be back in time...I really want to have a nice chat with him though. I'm not used to not having Kris by my side. I'll talk to you later, diary. 
June 5th Midnight
Dear Diary, 
         Oh my God. I--I really don't know how to summarize wht happened tonight. I'm only finally starting to calm down. My legs are still shaking. At the game. During the last five seconds Chanyeol dropped down unconscious. We rushed to the hospital and the doctor said his heart was failing. I was so scared. I was hysterical. His mom was holding onto me sobbing. Everything was a rush. I can't even remember the details. Then a nurse came and whispered something to the doctor. I thought they were going to tell us that Chanyeol...died. The doctor however smiled and said they found a heart for Chanyeol. After the surgery we were reassured that Chanyeol was fine. His parents drove me home a few minutes ago. Then when I checked the time I remembered about Kris. My parents said he didn't come though. I wonder where he is. I really need to lay down. This is--too much. 
June 10th Clear Day
Dear Diary, 
         I haven't heard from Kris ever since. People said his dad got a job promotion and moved to Canada. Some people said he knocked up a girl and they eloped to the countryside. I've purposely wandered to his house a couple of times just to see a SOLD sign hanging on the door. They were gone. He was gone. Just like that. Without a word. I should've been home that night. Kris. Where are you? Kris. Kris. Kris. I have so much to tell you. I miss you so much. 
June 12th Sunny Day 
Dear Diary, 
         Chanyeol was finally healed and better than ever. This morning I went to visit him and he wasn't in his room. I was scared. The nurse said he still can't be wandering around too much just yet. I ran all over the hospital looking for him. Suddenly I heard someone yell "Someone fainted near the fountain!" My heart skipped a beat. I ran out and saw no one. Then---Chanyeol walked out from behind me and kneeled down on one knee. Yup. You got it. He was proposing to me. He said he really loves me and appreciate how I stayed by his side during recovery. He said he wanted to be with me forever. I was tearing up. All I could do was cry and nod. He slipped the ring on my finger. Then our parents, friends, classmates and teachers walked out to congratulate us. All but Kris. I really wanted him to share this moment with me. 
June 6th, 2013 
On June 5th, around nine'o clock at night the victim Kris Wu was caught in an accident due to a drunk truck driver. His car was thrown off the lane and spun off colliding with another vechile. He instantly died on spot. When sent to the hospital it was revealed that he was a donor. His heart was then anonymously transferred to a patient with heart failure. At that time he was found with a ringbox in his pocket and a bouquet of dead roses in the car seat. Heartbroken his parents decided to move away out of the country. 
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2439 streak #1
Chapter 2: why is this so sad OMFG
actually, this is beyond sad... this is tragic! HUHUHU
Yifan didn't even get the chance to tell Jun how he really feels abt him! BIGGEST WHAT IF RIGHT? i mean, Jun was happy with Yeol BUT WHAT IF??? HUHUHUHU
Chapter 2: So sad ㅠㅠ
After fifty years only Suho knew about it and it was too late. /sobs/
Chapter 2: thanks God my roommate hasn't come back yet or she will hear me sobbing like an idiot...
this is so sad..really sad.. I don't know what to say anymore..
Good job authornim.. please write a lot of KrisHo fanfic.. fighting!!!
dammn! this is.. so ..sad!!! OMG!!! i cry reading this. TT~TT
i like this but this is just so sad n bitter 4 me 2 handle.i love that my fav pairing in the story, chanho/suyeolXkrisho, i really love having this three ppl in the same story but this is soooo beautifully heartbreaking u know, thank u for making this n good job 2 u author-sshi.u r amazing ^///^ hope to more of ur work in future with this three ppl kay :')
JunMaWu #5
Chapter 1: so sad, i can't read the sequel.. T.T
MaraudingSnitch1314 #6
Chapter 2: ;____; I wasn't expecting an epilogue for this story, but it's very touching. Chanyeol knew all along, I guess? And Suho only found out much later...
Chapter 2: Whoaaaaaaa TT_TT
its so sad
ezzarin #9
Chapter 1: damn this is the most heartbreaking one shot story that Ive ever read. I don't know that a one shot story can take my heart upside down like this.. I almost shed tears