Chapter 1

My Cold Namja

Chapter 01


Like any normal days, I go to school then work at the parlor..


I would be on the cashier, smiling and greet the costumers,




The bell that hung against the door rung..


“good Afternoon” I smiled; like usual.


There were a group of boys, 12 hot High School boys… and from the looks of there uniform, there from SA specifically called Special Academy.  (School for Rich a**!)


The tallest one stepped forward and ordered 5 mints, 3 Chocolates, 1, Strawberry, 1 Vanilla, rocky Road and Cookie’s and Cream..


“its XXXX all sir” I smiled.

He took out his wallet and handed me his Credit card.

I swipe it then handed it back to him, my Partner Minhyuk, placed the cups of ice cream in the tray and placed it in the counter.


The tall guy looked at us with his ‘what-am-i-suppose-to-do-with-that? Look..

I glance at the Minhyuk but he just shrug then walk away..


“im sorry but is there a problem?”


“yeah, am I suppose to bring that?” he pointed at the tray; I nodded.


“what’s the purpose of those hands?” he pointed at my hands.


I followed his finger and look at my hands..


Really? Is he that Stupid??????? Bulls*** Rich bas****’s!!! Spoiled A***hole’s!!!


“then what’s the purpose of those?” I pointed at his hands with big puppy eyes; works every time, but maybe not today?? Heheh?*sarcastic laugh*


He looked at me blankly before picking the tray and smashing it in my face!


He did NOT!!!!!


Minhyuk and all the other workers rush to me, which was all boys..


Minhyuk took a napkin and help me wipe my face..


The 12 boys stood in front of us, sniffling there laugh’s,


I clench on my fist but hung my head low so they wont see my mad face..


“’s” I mumbled but Minhyuk who was beside me heard it and chuckled.

I took the napkin from his hands and wiped my own face.


*Juju breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, relax*


The tall boy approaches me in the counter and slammed the money on the marbled counter.


I kept myself calm and collected. Even though I hate this guys guts I need to control myself..


I cant have my bosses on me again..


I forced a smile before walking away..




3rd Person POV


When you walk away, the Tall guy smiled while his friend laugh..

Minhyuk and the other workers glare at them before going back for work.


*Jerk* Minhyuk thought.


As the group left, Minhyuk went to the Staff room where you are cooling down for a bit..



“Don’t hey hey me bomb, im not in the mood”

“Im just being nice” he shrugs

“Why am I working in a freaking ice cream parlor again?”

“Cause’ you needed money and a simple cover up”


“You know, you’re cute but your attitude is so hot” he joked

“Funny bomb!”

“Are you going tonight?”

“Maybe? And you?”

“I need to release some steam”

“good for you, now go home, change and get drunk” he smiled before pushing you to the door, insisting for you to leave the establishment right away.

“fine fine, geez, no need to be pushy like P.O!”

“Hey I heard that!” P.O yelled from the Kitchen..

“its meant for you to hear!” you yelled back, laughing then leaving the establishment.


As you walk to the dark parts of Seoul, the gangs and the hoodlums of this part of the town, hides at this time of the night. Why?


Simple, your on your way home..

Gets? No?


Lets just say, that whenever you pass the streets and the alley’s whenever you see someone, specially when your in the bad mood, you kind of… you kind of pay them a visit, which they are totally afraid of..


As you arrive at your house, the run down building at the end of the Dark alley, you pass the hallway and you took the line, a thin black wire connected to your room for safety precautions.


You connected the end of the wire to the other wall… the wire is just a few inches away from the floor so when some stupid intruders come, you’ll know immediately.


Its kind of part of the job, Survival and Skills, Knowledge and Wise.


As you enter your apartment, you slump in the bed/couch in the living room…


“Why am I so exhausted today??” you question yourself as you close your eyes.. Drifting to sleep.


Poke~ poke~ poke~


Sleeping, a finger was poking you cheeks, you mumbled some curses that made the intruder giggle at your cuteness




With one swift movement, you grab his wrist flipping him in the air throwing him in the floor and sat on his back, as his face was in the floor.


“oowwwhhhhhhh~ Juju!!!!!” the intruder complained..


The voice was familiar to you,


“you could get yourself killed one day because of your sneaking Jiji!” you said before getting off of him.


“it hurts Juju!” he pouted..


“aigoo, the leader of one of the best team in KITSSO is pouting? Wait till Vam see this!” you chuckled before snapping a picture of him pouting..


Before Zico could react you had already press the sent button…


“yah!!! Lee Yeonju!!” he yelled chasing after you..


(Lucifer Ringtone)


You swiftly jump over the couch and took your phone placing it immediately on your ear..


“Good evening Agent Lee” your boss said..

“Good morning Sir, is there anything I can do for you?”

“yes, drop by to my office okay?”

“ne” you said before hanging up..


You gently throw your phone over the couch and walk to the walk-In closet across the room..

Weird right? The Only room in the house Is your walk-in closet instead of your room, lets just say it’s the best Walk-in closet anyone could dream of..


You took your black stretchable pants and black long sleeve fitted top, you changed in matter of seconds, you opened the cabinet with boots in it and picked your favorite Black high heel boots that fit perfectly in your feet to your knee.. You opened the black drawer in the glasses section, and took a big black shades that you usually use..


You went to the dresses section and at the back of those hundreds of Dresses located your precious toys..


You picked 2 48 caliber’s and the leg straps.. you tied the straps on both your legs and place your guns in there..


You exited your secret toys room and went to the dresser…


You took a napkin and wipe the bb cream you use to cover your tattoo in your collarbone which is a black angel’s wings and the letter H in its center..


That Tattoo has a meaning to you specially that letter H that stands for the nick name HanHan…

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Wow !! This is good !!! Love it so much !! Hey authornim.. Please update soon cause this story kinda sound awesome and effing my likey !! Plase update soon
Chapter 1: It's a cool story! Update soon~!
Woah ~ cool ~ cool ~ update soon :) - Yuki
Chapter 1: Wahhh cool ~~~ can't wait for next chappie
I'm so interested on this