Let's Take It From the Top

How to Tell Her I Love Her *Under Hiatus until further notice*


  Hi guys! I’m so terribly sorry that this story has been sitting in the corner and begging me to write on it for months. Writer’s Block was one of the reasons, school was another, and personal issues was also a factor but now everything is gucci. Enjoy!
-<< ____>> means its Kyungsoo is talking

-Italics is Korea

<< Do- no. Da-nuh uh. Hmmm~.*laughs* Yep thats the pitch. 1, 2, 3, the sun comes up another morning. My mind never wakes up without you- Oh, hi haha. I didn’t notice you there, you.

How long have you been standing there? Im sorry that I hadn’t acknowledge you earlier. You see, when I get into my music, it’s hard to break me from my trance but are you here to hear the rest of my tale? Yes? Why don’t you have a seat; it’d be rude of me to make you stand the whole time I mean, you are my guest after all. *takes sip of mango smoothie* Hmm where should I start off now...OH yeah, I know where to begin >>

      It was a bright early morning, Thursday to be specific, and Kyungsoo had manage to wake a tad bit later than he expected. Some might say 6:30 am was an appropriate amount of time to get up only to bathe, brush your teeth, iron your clothes, fix your hair, and then eat breakfast but Kyungsoo liked to get up at 6:15 for safety measures plus he liked to go to school with a clear head. The steam from the bathroom heated up the room as the fresh scent of crisp linen filled the air as Kyungsoo ironed his plaid yellow and black button up shirt along with his white denim skinny jeans and to match, a pair of scuff free black and yellow Jordans. After getting dressed, he checked himself over to make sure there wasn’t any wrinkles. Satisfied with his attire, Kyungsoo grabbed his book bag and headed down the hall towards the kitchen to find his mother cooking Gaeran To Su Tu (Egg Toast). The aroma made the young boy’s stomach grumble as he etched closer to the kitchen doorway.       

    “Good morning mom.” “Good morning..Why dont you ever speak in Korean anymore Soo? Start speaking in Korean or you’ll start to forget your roots!” “Don’t worry, you know I won’t forget about my roots. Now, can I get my breakfast? it’s almost time for me to head to my bus.” “Hmm whatever you say. That’s what your older brother said and look at him now. He has to practically sit and think for 5 minutes to form a correct sentence in Korean! Aish, look at me getting all mad o- oh yes! Your breakfast! Here put it in this napkin so you can hurry and catch your bus."  She practically shoved the napkin wrapped Gaeran To Su To in his hands and pushed him towards the door. Hearing the door close behind him, he let out a long sigh before biting into his egg toast. "Today is gonna be the day." He smiled slightly to himself while taking another bite out of his toast and walking to the bus stop. The best part of having this bus stop is that he didn't have to share it; it was all his. So if he needed to vent or was talking to himself, noone would give him weird looks or question his sanity. The bus finally came and he hopped on. As usual, his ears were greeted by the commotion of the social bugs; that's what he called the people who never could keep quiet for a second. Kyungsoo never could understand how anyone can be this talkative in the morning when the day hasn't even started yet.

   The quiet boy popped his earbuds in; something that was apart of his daily routine of life. The sweet sounds of Woman's Work by Maxwell poured into is ears. Many assumed that Kyungsoo, or his friends, had any great taste in music but their "fact" was false. Kyungsoo prefered the smooth sounds of R&B and gospel with a hint of hip hop and pop; Maxwell was one of his favorite singers matter of fact. As the bus rolled on, Kyungsoo anticipated the next stop because SHE was getting on next stop. The girl who made the hair on the back of his neck stand up on end whenever she was near. The same girl that made his heart jump out his chest everytime he saw her. Yes, it was the girl now getting on the bus:Desiree. He watched her step up each step almost as if she was moving in slow motion and there was a big spotlight on her and only her. Her hair slinged side to side as a smile graced her face at the sight of her friends greeting her; then it happened. She looked at him looking at her and he froze under her stare. He quickly turned away, feeling his face heat up. 'Was she looking at me or past me?' He swallowed, attempting to moisten his dry throat, and slowly turned around to face the front of the bus to take a peek at her. In his view, a few seats in front of his own, sat Desiree chatting with her friends and she so happened to be turned around in her seat facing her clique. The jittery boy cursed under his breath and looked back out the window to avoid  making eye contact with her or staring like a fool.
     The bus pulled up to his school: Martin Barber Highschool (I just made this up by the way lol). The school wasn't that bad in looks and it was actually one of the top highschools in the state of California and got a big rep for their basketball and football team since they were considered one of the best. But just because it was one of the top highschools, it doesn't mean it had the best students in the whole world. You have your s, your loners, and you  have the people who are popular but it was tolerable.

    It was lunch time and Kyungsoo was ready for lunch since his stomach was on E. He met up with Baekhyun and Xiumin and they got their lunch and sat down at their usual spot "Kyungsoo, are you hearing yourself right now? You are a nerd, how they put it; she'll never give you the time of day. We're on different wavelengths from her." The said person's friend said while rubbing his temples in fustration. Yes, Kyungsoo was indeed listening to his friend bicker and complain...but it went through one ear and out the other as he sat and fawned over his crush from across the lunch room: Desiree. Yeah, she only talked to him to get answers or help with assignments but that didnt stop him from liking her. No more than that, love her. Because he was blinded by her beauty and his love for her, he would give her his homework and help her at the blink of an eye; it always ended him with being scolded by his two best friends: Baekhyun and Xiumin. "Hey! Are you even listening?!" The one talking is Baekhyun. He is much louder than Xiumin and does all the complaining but it'd all because he doesn't want his friend to get hurt. Xiumin sighed a slouched alittle in his chair. "Have you got any plans to woo her lover boy?" The calm talker is Xiumin. He's concerned also but he just want him to be happy even when things go downhill. Kyungsoo never really thought of "wooing" her, he was just going to go up to her and ask her to date him; he wasnt so sure of that. "Actually....no" He said pushing his glasses closer to his nose bridge. "What would girls like her like in a guy?" "Hmmm good question..she's a dance team member, maybe she's into guys who play sports." Kyungsoo's eyes brightened up. "Sports! I'll try and join a team!" The brunette smiled in delight while his friends shook their heads.


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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 4: Aww that was sweet
nini56 #2
Chapter 3: I like how it is going and they would make a cute couple please update when you can :)
Chapter 1: That was REALLY good for your first time writing
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 1: Pls update soon
oppa pls update.
Baebaegopa #6
Chapter 1: If she wasnt gone. And they were close in age.... I would ship that
regigi #7
Chapter 1: Woooow they do look good together