
will you be my superman?

gdragon pov :

top: "help!help! im sry imsryy!!! please.... HELPP!!!!"

gdragon: "ya, choi seng hyun!!! ya! wake up!" ive been trying to wake him up from his nightmear for weeks now... he keeps having these nightmears about something but he wont tell me which one it is... its getting me worried.

(intro : we live in a small abandoned wearhouse by jeol la nam do. we've been here ever since we were 10. its like our little own house. our 'friends' thinks that its haunted but it really isnt and once you get use to it, it actually feels very cozy and relaxing.)

seng hyun finally woke up and he was all sweaty but he didnt say a word

'yo seng hyun, are you sure your fine. you know that tomorrow we have our first day of highschool right?"

he paused for a while "did you hear that?" he has these hawk like ears and sometimes it to be his brother but other times i thank god.

"nope. but ill go check for incase. go wash up and be ready to tell me cause now i really have to know whats been bothering you. and i mean it, if i have to ill even force it outta you!" and i sneaked up to the front of the waerhouse. these days we had people searching for us because apparently we stole there money. but to actually tell you the truth if we did steal the money we wouldnt be starving everyday and we would actually have a nice bed not a riped up dirty one.

top pov:

ughhh this was the times when sometimes i wish i was abit faster than him. casue although im older by an year, since our streangth is about the same it is some times harder to beat him... people say that i have a good ear but i really dont notice it. i guess it does help me sometimes cause i could hear what hes moving but still hes REALLY fast.

while i was thinking about an excuse to tell gi yong i heard something move be hind me. i knew that it wasnt gi yong cause his foot steps are alot more quicker and percise, but still i wanted to be careful incase i knew the person so i took my sweater and wraped it around the head and slightly hit him on the neck so that he wont be knocked out for too long. then i noticed that it was the man whoes been chasing us. wait wheres gi yong?

i looked around to make sure there was no one else then ran to where he was suppose to be. then i heard fighting. "'

thats all i was able to say. we had to go to school tomorrow as the two weirdo gangsters AGAIN. dammit.

by the time i reached the parking lot outside. i noticed that one of the guys took out a pocket knife... ughh ohno. gi yong has this huge fear of pocket knifes since he was a kid cause of his parents death. i went over and did the stupidest thing EVER. i tackled him. but  i was able to get the knife and i threw it into the fire can then everyone came after me....

original pov:

about 10 mins later gi yong and seng hyun were all brused up but was saved by this balck figure...

"seng hyun ah...." gi young called


"who do you think that man is?" gi young answered.....


they blanked out right after...... <3

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