Chap 18 You saved me twice

For the one I love ..~

Sandeul POV

,,WAE !!! WAE DID YOU DO THAT !! '' Sandeul screamed with his eyes full of tears falling down on her pale cheek.

But SooJi couldn't answer, her face was pale her breath was slow and not normal everyone just looked at her letting their tears flow until the Police stepped into the room.

As the Police analyzed the situation they started to call the ambulance immediatelly.

Sandeul was caressing SooJis cheek slowly while his tears crushed down on her pale face slowly. 
Laila and HaeMi cried heavily not knowing what to do being in panic like never. 
,,Melly, please hold on please..'' HaeMi said crying hugging Laila tight.
,,Faithy !!! WE SAID WE GONNA BUILD OUR LIVE UP DON'T LEAVE ME NOW !! i need you we all do yaaaaa !!!'' she screamed shaking SooJi on the shoulder a bit.

SooJi's head felt to the side her hair falling over her face.

Cnu looked at the blood running through Sandeul's hands down the floor being stunned until he was locking his view with Sandeul's.
I didn't took long for the ambulance to arrive nor to pull SooJi out of Sandeuls shaking hands carrying her to the Ambulance car to care for her. 

Sandeul couldn't move staying in the position he was sitting.
,,Sandeul kajja get up .. we need to go with them..'' HaeMi said keep crying. 

Laila runned to wookie crying in his embrace heavily who kep tcaressing her back comforting her to go out of the building. 

,,I'll take care of him.. go to your friend Haemi-ahh..'' Cnu said walking towards Sandeul.

After a while finally everyone made it out of the building except Sandeul and Cnu. 

Cnu was putting his arm around his younger friend trying to calm and comfort him. 
,, Hy...hyung...'' Sandeul stuttered gulping with his tears keep flowing. 

Cnu looked at him trying to controll his own tears. 

,,It''s.... all....'' sandeul started.

,,No it isn't you fault you didn't know about this stop doing this to yourself...'' Cnu said patting Sandeuls shoulder lightly. 

,,it is my fault... i didn't know is true... but it's also my fault that i didn't even gaved myself a try to find out why she suddenly be like this... why she suddenly abandoned me...if i could have found out she....wouldn't... be.... in .. this... state...'' 

,,Shin dong Woo ?  und Lee JungHwan ? '' a police officer asked stepping into the room. 
Cnu looked up answering with a light ,,ye?'' on his lips while Sandeul kept staring at his bloody hands. 

,,I have some questions for you ..'' the police officer said. 

,,i'm not in mood for any questions can't they leave me alone ? can't they just tell me how SooJi is doing and then just go ?''  thought Sandeul for himself.
,,Since the Ambulance is driving to the Hospital right now you can answer me on some Questions, we couldn't catch all of them the Girl is catched some of her buddys too but some could flee, we would like to know the Story'' The Officer said seriously pulling out his notepad. 

,,Mollase....yo...'' Sandeul said silently stuttering. 

Cnu looked at him worriedly before he locked his view with the officer again.
,,I know everything...'' Cnu said standing up making Sandeul look at his hyung in shock.
,,M....Mwo..?'' Sandeul said shocked. 

,,I didn't told you because she told me not to and because i knew if i would... this would have escalated even worser as it did now..'' Cnu said looking straight forward not daring to look at his shocked saeng.

,,Good then please follow me '' The police officer said taking Cnu out to the car with him.

,,Cnu couldn't do anything either... probably ... he didn't know that much as he think he do...the only one exactly know whats going on is SooJi...''

,,Sandeul we are heading to the Hospital now come with us she needs you more than ever now...'' Laila said comforting him to stand up.
Sandeul let her do following her weakly keep staring at his hands full of JiJi's blood. 

,,She... ye... i need to know... how she is doing..''.

Laila POV

Sandeul couldn't move staying in the position he was sitting.
,,Sandeul kajja get up .. we need to go with them..'' HaeMi said keep crying. 

Laila runned to wookie crying in his embrace heavily.
,,Andwae... andwae.... faithy.... ANDWAE.... wae wae ! wae did u...'' laila thought panically.
Wookie who kept caressing her back comforting her tried to calm her down the best he can trying not to shed a tear until he to go out of the building followed by Laila.

,,I knew... something was wrong...wae didn't she told me.. wae i didn't do anything....'' she thought guilty.
,,Don't give yourself all the blame... no one of us knew what was going on... she acted well and stubborn..she surely have an good excuse for this issue..'' Wookie said trying to calm her down while rubbing her back. 

,,melly that little dwarf calling herself a gamer but sacrificing her own life ?'' Kyu said silently to himself. 
,,that is true love...'' Kyu said sighting looking at the buildings entrance. 
,,Lee Sandeul... u surely have great luck..''

Laila looked over to Kyu hearing his silent words.
,,Kyu..?.. '' she thought as the doctor came by. 

,,We need to be hurry she lost a lot of blood, please stay here for the police you can follow then after you're done'' the doc said driving away fastly leaving the ambulance sound on.

,,Wookie oppa i guess Kyuhyun needs u more now ... i'll get Sandeul out of there and then we're heading to the Hospital araji ? '' Laila said trying to hold her tears back. 

Wookie nodded walking towards Kyuhyun. 
Laila was about to go back in the building as her eyes locked with Cnu who nodded at her looking to the entrance giving her an okay sign. 

Laila nodded running downwards to Sandeul. 
,,Sandeul... you aren't doing any better than us.... im sure you would like to be the one in her place... i know ur feels to her...and i know that you just want to run away blaming yourself... but she needs you.... maybe she can't get back to healthy without you..'' Laila thought looking at the fear shaking Sandeul.

,,Sandeul we are heading to the Hospital now come with us she needs you more than ever now...'' Laila said comforting him to stand up.

Sandeul let her do following her weakly keep staring at his hands full of JiJi's blood. 




Finally everyone has arrived at the Hospital followed by the Police which were waiting to get SooJis statement. 
HaeMi was sitting on the Floor holding her head crying. 

,,Melly please... ..please get well .... oh god why is this happening...'' She thought panically as suddenly she felt a hand around her shoulder.
Shocked by the sudden Situation she looked up who it was and the one she comforting her was Cnu. 

,,Can we talk ? ... this will probably take a while... '' Cnu said looking at the operation room door. 

,,Why should i talk to you ? i have other problems than facing you !'' she said pushing his arm away. 
Cnu sighted. 

,,Listen , i know the current situation isn't easy at all for all of us... but sitting here being angry at each other or ignoring each other or crying everything out and wait  unpatiently brings no one anything, and i bet SooJi would like us to talk everything out but it seems you don't even want to'' he said sighting and standing up as HaeMi suddenly grabbed his hand. 

,,Fine...''she said standing up following Cnu slowly. 
,,Start..'' she said looking away. 

,,Listen, i  didn't meant to hurt you .. nor to create such an missunderstanding.. but after all you should know how it is when you are totally focused on someone like you are focused on me... please understand my side to as i do yours... i know ive hurted you but i didn't do it on purpose.. '' Cnu said looking at her seriously. 

,,But still you did... and don't tell me you never noticed my anger or ignorance..'' HaeMi thought. 
,,Did you never noticed my anger ? or that im pissed ?'' she asked looking at him. 

,,I'm honest.... i did but i didn't payed much attention... and i'm sorry about it... ' he sighted looking down in guilty. 
,,Bam ... and that is it !'' HaeMi said tearing up. 

,,huh?' cnu looked at her confused.' 

,,Well..that ! u didn't payed much attention...? what am i to you ?!'' she said angrily.

Cnu holded onto her shoulders. 

,,NO !'' she screamed pushing him away.
,,You Hurt me without even noticing !!!'' she screamed. 


,,Noo !! WHY DO YOU KEEP INTERRUPTING WHEN I SAY NO ! WHY DO YOU KEEP HURTING ME ? WHY DO YOU EVEN TRY TO TALK TO ME OR KEEP CONTACT WITH ME !? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DO YOU HURT ME WITH THAT !? WHY DO Y..'' HaeMi couldn't continue stopped by Cnu's lips sealed with hers making her eyes open wide. 
Tears fell over her cheeks slowly, HaeMi couldn't move being stunned by the situation.

,,What... what... is he doing .... why....'' she thought as suddenly Cnu broke the kiss. 

,,why the both of you don't listen to me when i keep screaming around for both of you since 30 minutes !? SooJi is out of the opration room and she is awake now HaeMi we decided you go in first.. '' Jinyoung said pulling her into the room. 

HaeMi totally was confused and drifting away with her thoughts because of what has just happened. 
,,Cutie... gwaenchana ? you look totally confused..'' SooJi asked looking at her friend worriedly and weakly breathing heavily.
HaeMi couldn't think much sitting down, telling her friend what has happened. 
,,Cutie... you did understand it totally wrong... Cnu explained me all.. sure he loved me in the beginning but after we talked, spent time and all that... we talked so many times about you... you know after i told him over and over again about you and how you are there for him he seriously thought about it... the time he didn't payed much attention to you and he got angry you remember ? we texted the whole night.. because he felt guilty...and suddenly he told me once... because you didn't talked to him anymore that...'' 

,,I love you HaeMi... '' Cnu said stepping into the room.  ,,You don't let me explain... you always yell at me... are you willing to listen to me after all this is over ?'' 

,,I you H....Hae...Mi...!?'' Cnu's words kept repeating into her head. 
,,I'm sure she will...'' SooJi said giggling lightly.
,,How are you..?'' Cnu asked SooJi.
,,OMG SOOJI OMG IM SUCH AN >< '' HaeMi screamed forgetting everythign around her worrying her friend. 
,,Don't worry i'm always there for you cutie don't feel guilty or anything.... im okay oppa... '' SooJi said smilling lightly.
,,How long do you have to stay ? '' Cnu asked. 
,,Why did you do that !?'' HaeMi asked.

,,i don't know....'' she said then looking at HaeMi. ,,Shouldn't Sandeul asking me this..? '' she giggled weakly. 
,,i'll explain you everything when i got better....Cnu... please take care of HaeMi as long as i'm here..and HaeMi listen to him once '' SooJi giggled again smilling weakly. 

,,Next ones !'' the doctor said sending HaeMi and Cnu out. 
,,I'll SooJi'' Cnu said leaving the room.

Laila POV

Laila ranned into the Room panically.
,,Faithy faithy faithy faithy faithy !!!'' she said hysterically sitting down next to her holding her hand. 
,,Cutie.. why did you do that ? u made me die you know ?''

SooJi smiled lightly at her friend.
,,I'm sorry cutie.... but ... living with the fact Sandeul is being dead or almost... i was scared to lose him... i couldn't imagine.... i didn't want to... i didn't want him to be in pain... '' SooJi said weakly breathing heavily.
,,i would have done the same... '' Laila sighted. 

,,How do you feel ? '' she asked worriedly.
,,I won't lie to you.... i feel like ... with every breath i take it hurts totally bad.. cutie... i need to do another operation... they only stopped my blood from running out... they couldn't remove the bullet'' SooJi said looking at her friend weakly. 

,,MWO !?'' she screamed not believeing what to hear as suddenly the doctor stepped in. 
,,The next one..''the doc said pulling Laila out. 

Sandeul POV

After everyone of his hyungs already stepped in, it was finally his turn. Sandeul stepped slowly into her room.
,,S...sandeul...o...oppa'' She said looking at him smilling.

,,SooJi ahh...'' he said sitting down caressing her hands slowly.
,,How are you doing?'' he asked worried ly with tears in his eyes.

,,I'm okay oppa i'll be better soon...'' she said breathing heavily.
,,Why... why did you did that for me..?''

,,This whole time.... i tried to protect you from those people.... i did everything they wanted me to do... it ripped me apart... hurting you like this while i only wanted to protect you... seeing that you are okay now makes me more happy than i ever were in my life...oppa... you don't know how precious you are to me... please oppa... '' 

,,Shht... don't speak any futher...will you tell me what happened in detail when you do better ?'' he asked smilling a bit to calm himself. 


SooJi's breath suddenly got weaker and broke off second by second, her eyes getting heavier looking at Sandeul pressing his hands.
Sandeul looked at their hands feeling the preassure SooJi was giving to their hands. 
,,SooJi ...?y...yaaa !'' he looked at her worriedly. 

,,oppa... your singing... your excistance saved me once.... and you know... your smile... being able to see you without a screen in front of me... being able to touch you to sing with you... to see your smile , to hear your laugh everyday.... it made me survive this life... and i'm happy to see you in a moment like this'' she said caressing his cheeks lightly. 

,,SooJi don't talk like saying goodbye ...'' he said crying uncontrollable.

,, gomawo oppa.... you saved me bringing me here... and by making me survive this life... '' sooJi said her eyes getting weaker , her breath slower, with every word she got even more silent. 

,,SooJi..?! SOOJI !!!! SOOOJII !!!'' Sandeul screamed as he saw that SooJi's head falling to the side following by her hand falling down her cheek along his neck down on the bed.

,,Andwae.... andwae... ANDWAE !!!!!!!!! NOO DON'T !! I WONT LET YOU GO !'' Sandeul screamed hugging SooJis body crying heavily as a loud long peep could be heared.
Doctors ranned into the room pushing Sandeul away who tried to make his way back to SooJi crying heavily. 
,,NO I DONT WANNA LOSE YOU AGAIN !! '' he screamed as suddenly s grabbed his arms with tears flowing down their cheek holding the younger back.

,,Let them do their work...'' they said pulling him out while doctors started with the operation. 

Laila and HaeMi cried heavily on floor holding their heads in frustration. 
,, SOOJI !!! '' Sandeul screamed beating his fists against the door. 

,,Can someone make him stop ? the bullet is out we need to get her back now fast ! '' the doctor said trying to get her abck by electricy.

Doctors kept trying, almost giving up hope.
DON'T DARE TO MAKE ME LOSE YOU !!'' Sandeul kept screaming and beating and crying heavily.

B1A4 Members couldn't hold back their tears, also they didn't want to stop sandeul from screaming and beating since they would do the same if they would have the power to do. 

Suddenly a peep could have been heard by the machine making the doctors look at each other in suprisement keep on trying. 


another peep could been heard. 

,,Let him in he might be the solution.. '' the doc said letting the door open. 
Sandeul ranned in without even a official agreement holding her hand crying heavily.
,,I dont wanna lose the most precious to me'' said sandeul softly looking at her face crying. 

Doctors kept on trying giving Sandeul a light electric shock due holding soojis hand. 
But he didnt let go looking at her. 

,, I ... don't ..'' he started bending a bit over.

,,That's to dangerous please step back'' the doctor said about to try it again, but sandeul didn't listen and keep bending over, leaning closer with every word ignoring the doctors words. 

,,wanna...lose... the one i ....'' he stopped right before her lips whispering silently. ,, The one i love...the most...'' Sanduel pressed his lips lightly on SooJi's getting another but stronger electro shock due the next try of the doctor. ,,Don't leave me... stay with me..i need you here..''
Right in time the machine showed SooJi's heart beating again making the docs look at each other in suprisement.

Sandeul broke the kiss looking at the screen smilling brightly but keep tearing until he looked back at SooJi again.
,,Gomawo.....''  he thought smilling for himself as he saw a light formed smile on SooJi's lips.

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I decided to write the POV'S in the persons Version now :) just that you're not confused


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SueBiDu #1
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: this is perfect... Now my heart is Racing too ...
IAmLaNinja #2
Chapter 6: I'm very picky with the stories I read, but sincerely, I'm enjoying this one. I just have a few technical suggestions, you can message me if you want to hear them. Good job though. BTW are you German?
jennifer1801 #3
This is jennifer the admin on b1a4 bana international kekekeke