For (the Love of) Science


Jongin likes Kyungsoo; for science.


Title: For (the Love of) Science
Length: One-Shot (5810wds)
Started: 7/16/2013; 1:06AM; Tuesday
Finished: 7/16/2013; 3:31AM; Tuesday
Main Pair: Kyungsoo/Jongin
Genre: Romance, High School AU
Rating: PG13
Warnings: boyxboy love, profanities as well as inappropriate language/behavior, may be more
Disclaimer: I only own the plot, the rest belong to their rightful owners


Kim Jongin thinks science is the answer to everything even when he's clearly proven that it might not be true. But when new transfer student Do Kyungsoo arrives, Jongin starts to think maybe not everything has to do with science.


Kim Jongin
Do Kyungsoo

Kim Joonmyun
Oh Sehun
Kim Jongdae

— Prologue —

    When Jongin said he would prove Sehun wrong on the theory of Hostess, he didn't actually plan for them to make their unexpected comeback so quickly. So with the fact that he lost fifty bucks, he's going to ignore that fact for the rest of his life until his greatest grand kids invent a time machine to erase this part of history, he's willing to do it; for science. And frankly, it was his only excuse to begin with. Sehun, on the other hand, only did it in spite of Jongin's ignorance to the fact that Hostess did it for repetition of junk food desirable. But Jongin, no matter what, will always think it had something to do with science.

    So he theorizes again, "They probably had a secret drug chemical thing that made it so addictive, like nicotine, and they got caught and had to take it away. They get rid of the nicotine and when they bring the Twinkies back people won't notice the difference of no nicotine because they'll never want to take the golden goodness for granted again."

    Sehun says with a growing migraine, "Nicotine is very detectable and it has one of many unfortunates to tint the ends of your fingers. I don't see any symptoms relating to when Joonmyun has been stuffing his fat with Hostess the second the umbilical cord was cut."

    Joonmyun, who is currently chomping lovingly down on a Ho Ho, punches Sehun's arm so hard the younger hisses and somewhat flails like he is a fish out of water. Jongin stands up dramatically and yells as if he were announcing the stats for gay marriage rights, "I said like nicotine! And the symptoms would be being fat and lethargic! Look at America now, children, and brace for what science is trying to tell you!" Joonmyun shoves the last of his Ho Ho in Jongin's mouth, naturally trying to suffocate him, but he only gets as far as shutting him off. He and Sehun can settle for less every once in awhile. Jongin coughs up the treat and falls on the couch Sehun is on, science will surely save him.


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