Calm Before a Storm


“Changmin, bring me a cup of tea.” My butler, Shim Changmin, is a tall, well-built man with mahogany colored hair and dark brown eyes. He came from family of butlers who has served my family for generations.  He started to serve me since I was born and he was only 12 at that time. Over the year growing up with him, I’ve grown attached to him more than I did to my parents as they always away. He came with a cup of tea on a silver platter with a smile of his face. A smile that I never grow tired of.


“Ear Grey with bergamot oil.” He announced as he reached the silver platter out to me. “I found the recipe in the net. I hope you find it to your liking.”


“Did you do the testing before you serve it to me?”


“I only do the best for you.” He smiled wider as I drank. It really tasted nice. The temperature was a score, not too hot that it burns my lips and not too cold either. The taste reminded me of sweet fruits, with thickness of Ear Grey. The oil complemented it well. That was just perfect.


“I see the net gets a score for once. Thank you, Changmin” I smiled as he took the empty cup and refilled it. As the calming smell of tea circled the air, I couldn’t help but to study him. Changmin donned his black suit today, just like how he always does. His mahogany hair was combed neatly to his side and his tie knot firmly around his neck. Even his shoes were polished well. The way he presented himself and his calculative and precise motion proved that he is from the dying breed of perfect gentleman. A well trained butler. “Has Junsu called?” I diverted my mind from the petty conversation so to break the silence.


I’m supposed to visit my parents at Caribbean. My parents owned an island there where they built a manor. It is not our first house, but it is a great getaway place, especially for our family who prefer solitude and space. So I sent out my Head of Security, Kim Junsu, a gifted man in term of technology to check on the security of the route. Kim Junsu is an expert hacker and cracker. He can find anything in the net even if it is secured or private. Usually, I prefer to board public airplanes because there is always one handsome flight attendant to serve my drink, but none of them landed on the island. So, I have to take out my private jet, which I rarely used. So, Junsu has to check from the safety of the system in the jet right to the system in the island and the weather, including the standard safety protocols such as parachutes, bulletproof vest and others.


“Indeed he did. He said everything is well and ready.”


“Great! I expect no storm during the flight.”


“The weather forecast said it will be a bright and sunny day. Should I take out H&M?” H&M is my favorite brand of clothes. It’s not high-end, but it is casual, comfy and stylish. As a teenager, that’s all that matters. But not my mom. She prefers to see me in formal dress, as that what she called ‘appropriate’. But being a teenager, I will not listen to what she said. After all, the most she can do is just give me a lecture.


“Yeah, bring out the mini skirt too. I want to look fabulous.” I flashed out my devilish smile which Changmin returned with a sigh. Yup, it’s going to be a hell of a family gathering.


---Change of POV---


“It is the right time.” Said a hoarse voice.


“Not yet. The pawn has not yet in place.” Replied the younger man. He brushed his gelled raven hair and studied himself in the mirror. His narrow jaw line looked perfect with his black short hair and his dark brown eyes sparkles by the moon light reflected by the mirror.


“She needs to be stopped. He must pay what he has done.” The older man reminded sternly. Somewhere within his voice has a hint of desperation. The old man fell out of breath and coughed terribly. His hand started shaking as he reached for a bottle of pill. He was diagnosed with weak heart and high blood pressure two years ago and the pain never go away since. He gulped down the pills with a glass of water quickly, that the water dripped to his chin and wet his shirt.


The younger man came to the old man’s side before he wiped his face with a napkin. He placed an assuring hand on the small shoulder and whispered close to the elder’s ear. “Don’t worry, uncle. I will avenge you and make your dream come true.”


With that, the young man left the room and headed for his private jet. There’s a family gathering that he needs to attend, and he cannot wait to see both of them.


--- Yumin’s POV ---


                “Has anyone ever told you that you look like a doll?” That is the first question came out from my mom’s mouth when she met Jaejoong, my footman, who was standing behind me. This is not the first time she met him, but it’s the same question every time. It almost makes me laugh at how Jaejoong responded with only a blank face each time the question asked. I covered my mouth and chuckled. “And girl, who should I blame for this ridiculous outfit? Your butler or yourself?” She turned abruptly and eyed both me and Changmin.


                “Oh mom. I thought you have a wide perspective in fashion.” I waved and smiled sarcastically. “This came out in its newest collection.” I said while heading for the sofa. The drawing room has not changed a bit. Even the primrose and white wallpaper is the same. The carpet, however, changed design. “Nice carpet. Did you get it from Italy?”


                “A courtesy from your cousin. He just came back from Europe. I heard that his business is flowering.” My mom joined me around the fireplace and settled in two-seated sofa. It is floral printed and made from mahogany woods, the design came from the peak of Victorian era. “He is coming to visit.”


“Is he?” Now that’s a surprise. He rarely ever come for family gathering, too busy making money. I didn’t know what to feel about him as we rarely spoke. The last time I met him, I was still in diapers and I didn’t remember what happened then.


“It will be a good opportunity that you two get in touch. After all, you need to widen your horizon, my dear. Being stuck in your father’s country too long is not good for you. You need to see the world for once.”


“Mom, I’m still a student, remember? College didn’t give much time to travel.” Especially, if you’re a law student, I wanted to add, but thought better and shut my mouth. My mother always against me taking up law. She wanted me to follow her footstep and work in her consulting company. My mom was an accountant and now she’s a CEO of one of the biggest consulting company in United State. That is one of the reasons why I rarely see her. “Speaking of which, where’s dad?” I quickly changed the subject, hoping she would never bring it up again.


“He won’t be joining us this year. He is busy with his latest case.” I can see from the corner of my eyes that my mom was rolling her eyes, but I turned my gazed away and ignored her sentiment towards my father’s profession. My father is a detective working in organized crime division. He used to be a lawyer, but quit after his client, a , got away from conviction and killed two women. He blamed himself and swore never to be a defense lawyer anymore. The dropped in salary and free time with the family became an issue in our home. They got divorced later on, but neither remarries. I still think they still love each other, but my mom’s prejudice and dad’s pride got in the way. Now, it sounded so like soap opera.


I cleared my throat and motioned for a glass of champagne. Awkward silence hung heavily in the air I can see my mother fidgeted to break the heavy air. But I offered no effort and kept silence. I hoped the food tomorrow will be great.

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