
A Werewolf's Love Story
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Infinite gathered around Myungsoo when they saw him approaching the school.

“Hey buddy~”

“Hey~” They bumped shoulders and greeted each other.

“This punk, why didn’t you join us over the weekend?!” Woohyun nudged his elbow.

Myungsoo shrugged, “Projects.”

“Ooooohhhhhhh~” And that earned teases from his friends. “You’re with Jiyeonie the whole weekend!” Sungjong squealed.

Myungsoo turned red and shook them away, “whatever.”

“Aren’t you closing the gates now?” Dongwoo asked and pointed to a direction.

The rest of them followed his view and saw Jiyeon running with Jieun beside her. Jiyeon and Myungsoo saw each other which made Jiyeon sprinted like mad-woman again.

Myungsoo giggled at her sight and crossed his arms across his chest, “Nah. I’m in a happy mood today.” Infinite stared at Myungsoo and only one thought flew past their minds, *He’s indeed in love with her.*

Jiyeon and Jieun ran into the school compound and panted badly. Jiyeon straightened up and walked towards Myungsoo and his gang. “You didn’t close the gates today?!”



“Don’t feel like it.” Myungsoo smiled and patted her head.

Jiyeon smiled back and took his hand down, she placed something into his palm and walked away with Jieun.

Myungsoo opened his palm and saw a Mickey keychain, which they saw yesterday at the amusement park, but with an extra note attached to it. “Be happy and smile like you always do to me.

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PJyKM27 #1
Chapter 31: Best end
Iam happy MYUNGYEON FOREVER :D XD :-) :-D ;-) B-) O:-) <3 :D
Chapter 31: Jealous Myungie is teased by everyone :3
Angry Myungie !
Aha now it's frustrated Ji :3
Cute them ♡
Aww Hyukie ~
Little wolf is here :3
I wish you wrote more Happy wolf family's moments ♡
Chapter 30: BEAST woke up !
Thanks Ji's help, they're all safe !
Chapter 29: Saving damsel in distress Ji ~
Helping BEAST too !
Sleeping together ~
Chapter 28: INFINITE, let's save Ji ~
BEAST to be wolves !
Myungie to be here ~
Chapter 27: Ji just miss L because Myungie is always here !
Aha Already wants some little wolves, Myungie ?
Ji was kidnapped..
Chapter 26: Little confrontation..
Red eyes ..
Ji's kiss save him ~ ♡
Chapter 25: Looks like the Gangster student and tutor's problem with BEAST :3
Chapter 24: I see a wedding soon :3
Yeah, you're brothers but all of your surnames are different!
Chapter 23: Imagine he changes to wolf today, he'll have to wait until full moon so a month!
Aha Maybe the wolf boyfriend is, indeed, a mistake .. :3
What is here ?!