VII: Agent 006 {You Are My Eternity}

As The Legend Goes...

Angel (Into Your World) - EXO

Chapter 6: Agent 006 {You Are My Eternity}

MCA Agent 006: Byun Baek Hyun

Codename: Gabriel

Power: Light

Trevi Fountain

Rome, Italy

April 6th, 2124



This was where I first met her.


A normal afternoon stroll in the city of Rome took a turn for me after I had found her, the fallen angel. Fallen angels were angels who had committed horrible sins, horrible enough to be cast out of heaven and forced to live in this mortal world. Their wings were taken away and their powers and gifts deemed useless.


Only fallen angels never cause trouble again. But this one was an exception and apparently, it still had control of its powers.


It wasn’t my first time. My first target had been a fallen angel who couldn’t stop the temptations of evil overcoming itself. He was easy to trap and easy to kill. Took me less than a day to complete the mission. Child’s play, I said.


But this time, my target was a girl. Admittedly, I had a soft spot for the other especially if they looked like her. Pure and innocent as if there was still a glowing halo around her. Her appearance itself gave away her ethereal status. Some fallen angels retained their aura even though they were banished. She was a rare case.


I remember how she sat near the fountain that day. The Trevi Fountain was famous. Couples and families crowded the area and suffocated the atmosphere with love and mush to the point of ad nauseam. It must have affected her greatly. She sat at the corner of the fountain on the cold marble ledge, lifeless and listless. Her eyes were blank and devoid of any emotion. It seemed like she never paid attention to any of the couples but her eyes were searching the crowd. Searching for what? I never knew until later.


Dressed in a thin white dress, she should be shivering from the cool breeze in the air yet the cold didn’t affect her one bit. Her eyes were diverted to the sky, cerulean like a sparkling ocean and dotted with fluffy pillows of clouds. The sunlight seemed to hit her features perfectly, dancing on her pale porcelain skin. I couldn’t help but feel that this was a picture perfect moment, worthy to capture.


I knew she was my target and call me sick but I had a quirk for remembering how my targets looked like before they were under me, writhing in pain and choking in their own blood. It was fascinating how deceiving looks were.


For example, one of my missions required me to hunt down a six-year-old girl who looked seemingly harmless. At night though, she transformed into a ruthless vampire, drinking dry almost half the village she lived in. It was cruel and truthfully, I would never lay a hand on a child. But she was out of control and it was either her life or the lives of the village.


Another mission required me to assassinate a high ranking official. He was a good man, charitable and good-willed. That’s what the public thought. Behind the walls of his compound lay a sick, disgusting old man who all his daughters and then ate them one by one. He was a werewolf, a very sick one.


So, appearances matter to me. The most innocent of all could turn out to be the cruelest of all.


My file told me that this fallen angel was causing trouble in Rome. Bank robberies, public disturbances, strange assaults in the middle of the night, all of them were caused by her. My file said no more other than that. When I first got it, I questioned the lack of evidence and the shady crimes. It’s a fallen angel, my agency said. Right, just a fallen angel…


“Are you a photographer?” Those were her first words to me.


My eyes widened and I broke out of my thoughts, realizing that she was staring directly at me with the same blank look in her unique grey-blue eyes. I stared at her stupidly and she smiled, her eyes disappearing into little half-moons.


“It’s a nice camera to take photos with.” She nodded serenely and I glanced down at the vintage camera I carried around with me on every mission.


“Oh, this, yeah, it’s kind of old but it works.” I lifted the camera with a small laugh.


“Yeah, it does.” She tilted her head to the side and blinked at the camera.


“Your name is…” I trailed off, waiting for her to introduce herself.


Then another one of her breathtaking smiles came and I was enchanted.


“Hwang Mi Ra.”













Hwang Mi Ra. My target’s name was Hwang Mi Ra. And it matched the information on my file.


After that, she said she had to leave and I merely nodded in a trance. She hopped off the ledge and turned her back on me, her white dress flowing behind her. I glanced down and realized she was barefoot. And she didn’t care.


A day had passed and I returned to the Trevi Fountain, trying to spot her once again but to no avail. It didn’t help that the good weather yesterday was short-lived. It was pouring and pouring hard. I sat in a small café opposite the Trevi Fountain. My eyes were transfixed outside, past the falling rain and on the fountain. The rain did nothing to dissipate the loving atmosphere. It merely transferred to the inside of the café. Couples sat around me, muttering sweet nothings to each other and feeding each other with loving eyes.


It was getting a bit annoying especially since giggles and weird glances would be cast my way. I was solo and they were not. What’s the big deal?


“Your coffee, sir.” The waiter gingerly placed the cup of coffee on my table and I glanced up at him with a small smile. With a quick shuffle of feet, the waiter left and I picked up my cup, taking a sip of the warm roast. I liked it black and strong. As expected, Italian coffee packed a punch.


Just when I set the cup down, out in the distance, my eyes caught sight of a white dress and a girl standing barefoot in the rain. Her back was facing me and her eyes were cast towards the grey sky. She was drenched and she didn’t care at all. It seemed like she was talking to the sky, her lips moving in a small whisper. No one seemed to notice her at all except for me. I slapped some bills on the table and I grabbed my black umbrella, rushing out of the café and into the pouring rain.


My leather shoes were splattered with rain as I stepped through dirty puddles and the rain. I stopped a few feet away from her, staring at her drenched back. I didn’t know why I had rushed out of the café in the first place. Was it her pitiful back? Was it some sort of instinct? Was it because it was me, the hopeless romantic, me?


“You came.” She turned around. Her eyes caught mine, a bright smile illuminating her radiant features.


“Yeah, I came.” I breathed out pathetically. What else was I supposed to say?













Our conversations lacked words and they were confusing. It intrigued me in weird ways though. And as of currently, I’m breaking so many rules. And I liked it.


“You warm enough?” I raised an eyebrow at the fragile girl, who shivered under two thick woolen blankets. She nodded with tightly pressed lips. I smiled and moved into the kitchen when I heard the microwave beep loudly.


The microwave door popped open and I carefully pulled out the two cups of boiling water. Setting them on the marble countertop, I grabbed a packet of hot chocolate, shaking it and tearing it open. As I poured the contents of the packet in a white cup with the Trevi Fountain painted on it, I glanced up to find the shivering girl on my white couch, looking around my studio apartment with wonder.


I occasionally used this place whenever I had come to Italy for a mission. It was quite the size for a studio apartment. High on a rooftop where I could see above the stone paved streets of Rome; this studio apartment was built of brick and wooden stakes. There was one window, wide and long, on the left of the apartment, that gave a great view of the streets and the houses of Rome. There was a small seating area near the window where one could spy on the busy streets or watch the falling rain drip down the crystalline glass. The kitchen was on one end of the apartment, small but useful. It had a small rectangular countertop fit for one person only that was connected to the brick wall. In the middle of the apartment was my living room where Mi Ra currently resided on my white furniture. Then, lastly, on the other end of the apartment was my bed, messy and untidy since I didn’t find the need to pack it anyway, and a desk filled with past photos of my targets and the sights around the city. Above the bed was a skylight, which was probably what sold me. I liked staring at the sky before I fell asleep and especially since my power was light; it was perfect in the mornings.


I shook my head and chuckled as I finished stirring the two cups of hot chocolate. I ambled my way towards her lithe figure, setting a cup down on the coffee table and passing the other to her. She gratefully took the cup with a light nod and she held it close to her, watching the steam rise from the cup and disappear into the air.


“What were you doing out there in the rain?” I attempted to start a conversation to burn away this awkward atmosphere. She blinked blankly, taking a tiny sip of the hot chocolate.


“I had to talk.” She answered vaguely.


“To who?” I leaned in closer and she shifted her eyes to me. I shivered slightly at the utter lack of emotion in her eyes.


“To someone.” She answered simply. I nodded, letting out an understanding ‘ah’ when I completely didn’t understand at all. We were silent when she brought up another topic that got my attention.


“Do you believe in angels, Baek Hyun-ssi?” She wasn’t staring at me but at the rain outside the window that poured down harder than ever.


“I guess so.” I shrugged, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.


“How about fallen angels?” I sat up straighter and almost spat out my hot chocolate.




“Angels who have fallen because of their wrongs, fallen angels, do you believe in them?” She turned to me with a small smile. I must have looked stupid, sputtering and wracking my brains for an appropriate answer. Could it be that she knows I’m here to kill her?


“S-Sure, I guess.” I averted my eyes uneasily. I was never the best liar, the best actor. I didn’t lie often so…I sputtered like a fool.


“Good, do you know where fallen angels would be?” She blinked at me and I widened my eyes.


Um, speaking with the enemy, right here and now?


“Um, on Earth?” I let a chuckle and she smiled in amusement.


“Yes, on Earth, but do you know exactly where?” She cocked her head and stared at me with those wide orbs of hers. I struggled for an answer even more when she smiled at me and I was enchanted once again.


“You don’t, do you?” I shook my head in utter confusion.


“They hide, Baek Hyun-ssi. Precisely why you don’t know where they are. But they are findable. They can be found. It depends on how hard you try though.” She mused, suddenly lost in her thoughts.


Silence. Confusion. And an answer.


“You think I’m a fallen angel, don’t you, Baek Hyun-ssi?”





“You’re not a fallen angel?” I breathed out in surprise and she nodded, at the very moment looking like an innocent child. She gazed up at my pacing form with unreadable emotions.


I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. “But it doesn’t make sense. Everything on the file, it’s all right, it all matches, am I missing something?” I her with a confused expression. I couldn’t understand this, not at all.


She giggled. She giggles. In a situation like this where I was this close to killing her, she giggles. “Baek Hyun-ssi, sometimes facts on paper misleads a person.” She shrugged, taking a gulp of her hot chocolate.


“But-But if you aren’t a fallen angel, then…who are you?” I took a step towards her and for once, for once, for once, I saw a glint of mischief in her eyes as she grinned up at me cheekily.


“I’m an Archangel who doesn’t have a place to stay. My name is Hwang Mi Ra or as the heavens calls me Alessandra, the defender of men.” She smiled charmingly and I knew I was hooked on her smile.


I blame my soft spot for women.






“Is this all you have?” I held the drenched white dress with two hands in front of me as I stared at it dubiously.


“Shopping time?” She lifts her shoulders with a meek look and I dulled, dropping the dress into the washer.


“I’ll go grab my wallet.” I deadpanned and she smiled. Damn, that smile…


I tried to ignore the way she looked really enticing in just my shirt that was way too big for her thin figure. She was wearing literally almost nothing under there and thankfully, I had the stubbornness of a mule. Otherwise, she’d be underneath me this very moment. Hey, I’m a man and I have my needs as well.


I turned my back on her and searched for my wallet in the pocket of my black coat that I had shrugged off once I entered my apartment. Where is the damn wallet? I thought in frustration, sticking my hand in each of the pockets. I let out a soft grunt and continued searching for it until two thin arms wrapped around me and I froze. One of the hands held a leather wallet that I recognized as mine and I grabbed it hesitantly. She still didn’t let go though, snuggling into my back and I stiffened like a rock.


“You remind me of my ex-boyfriend back when I was alive.” She muttered into my shirt and I chuckled uncomfortably. She caught my discomfort and let go immediately.


“Sorry, it’s just some memories, that’s all.” She shook her head in embarrassment, averting her gaze and tucking her fingers behind her back. I turned around with my wallet, forcing a tight smile on my face.


“Yeah, that’s alright. Shall we? The rain stopped.” I pointed out that the pitter-patter of the rain had halted and the skies were clearing. She spun around to glance at the window and I sighed deeply, my hand over my heart.


My discomfort was not because she had wrapped her arms around me all of a sudden. Trust me, it felt good, it felt right. But what caused my discomfort was the pounding of my heart against my rib cage. It scared me a little and it didn’t help that I felt this connection with Mi Ra. It’s like I’ve met her before when I’ve never seen her in my life until now.


It’s like I knew her. It’s like I loved her.









“So, about this ex-boyfriend…care to share more about him.” I slid closer to her and nudged her arm. She glanced at me, taking a small of her strawberry gelato ice cream.


“Then you would have to know who I was before I became an angel.” She chimed and averted her gaze to the blue sky. It’s been two days since I’ve met her and temporarily taken her in. She said she would find a place soon but I have a feeling she’s getting too comfortable on my bed while my back hates the couch.


“Okay, care to share about your mysterious life before you became an angel?” I raised my brow at her and she turned to me with a childish grin, “Okay.”


“Let’s see…I was born 161 years ago in the year 1963 in Seoul, South Korea.” My jaw dropped. “Wait, you’re that old!” I exclaimed in surprise and she rolled her eyes. “I’m actually considered quite young up in heaven. Besides, I don’t have any wrinkles, right?” She muttered self-consciously, pinching her cheeks in worry.


“You look sixteen.”


“Oh, three years off actually, I’m really nineteen.” She giggled and my eyes widened. “I died when I was nineteen so I’ll retain my nineteen-year-old physical appearance while I technically age. So, yes, I’m 161 years old when technically I’m in my nineteen-year-old body.”


“Do I have to call you noona?” I groaned in reluctance and she giggled. “In fact, I should be calling you oppa.” She pointed out and I realized that she was right. She was technically nineteen.


“Don’t. Just don’t.” I shook my head and she shrugged. “You were never one for formalities anyway.” She muttered under her breath.


“What?” I leaned in closer and she backed away slightly.


“Nope, nothing, I never said a word.” She shook her head furiously, playing innocent. I didn’t believe her but oh well, if it’s something she didn’t want me to know, it’s not my business.


“So, my life before I died…” She started off and immediately I paid special attention to her words.


“I was the total opposite of an angel. You would think that I was such a good girl to deserve the position of Archangel but I wasn’t, really. I was horribly bad and rebellious. I don’t think you can picture it but try seeing me with dyed purple hair, a nose ring, and leather everywhere.” She turned to me with a raised brow and, yes, I couldn’t see it at all.


“I hung out with gangs, stole, vandalized, beat up people, got drunk, partied hard, did drugs, smoked, and anything illegal interested me. It was fun and thrilling. I lived for the thrill. My parents hated me, everyone did. But I didn’t care. However, there was this boy. This boy…I was exaggerating when I said he was my ex-boyfriend but he acted like my boyfriend.” She chuckled and my heart burned with jealousy as I watched her serene expression. It looked like she was still in love with him.


“Whenever I came home drunk and stumbling, he would take care of me. I can’t count the number of times I puked on him yet he took care of me with great patience. Whenever I was arrested, he would be the one to come to my aid. Whenever I was hounded by the gangs, he would step in and protect me. Whenever I resorted to suicide, he was there to talk me out of it and cry with me. Whenever I tried to do drugs in secret, he would always find me and force me to quit it. I hated it. I hated it so much. I hated how he babied me and how he took care of me. I didn’t understand why he was the only one who could stand me while everyone left me. He was the only one who never hated me and ironically enough, I was the only one who hated him.


“He was the Friday church boy of the town. The Good Samaritan, the kind neighbor, the smart kid, the handsome nerd, the athletic jock, the amiable dude, the perfect guy a girl could ever have. He was kind to everyone and he never judged anyone. He volunteered at charities during his free time and helped out the other students during tutoring. He was the school president and every single person who met him loved him straight away. But if there was one thing nobody could ever figure out about him was why he stuck around me. Me, the terror of the town, the rebel, the gangster, the good-for-nothing, the dumb one, the violent one, the unfortunate one, the messed up one. Nobody could understand his actions and not even me.


“He wasn’t even my boyfriend yet he acted like one. Once, I kissed him just to try it out. He didn’t kiss back and merely pulled away. He said that I wasn’t in the right mind. He said I was too drunk. He said he would never take advantage of me like that. That changed my outlook on him. I grew dependent on him. I gradually stopped my midnight activities, spending time with him in his room instead. He helped me with my homework and shielded me from all the hate that poured my way when I decided to return to school. One day, I pulled him into my room and asked him to help me throw out the cigarettes and the drugs and anything that was hazardous to me. I wanted to start anew and he was more than willing to help me. He never even questioned why the sudden decision.


“He told me that to fully turn over a new leaf, I had to repent all my sins to God. I was reluctant to go to Church but if it was for him, I would do it. I was in love with him, you see. I wanted to change because I knew that my previous self would not be a good girl for him. That night, I went to Church with him and fully committed myself to God. I was in tears at the end of the service and I clearly remember his warm arms around mine. After the service, I said we should go out for dinner and he agreed saying he knew this nice place that served ddukbeokki. I decided that I was going to confess to him that night. I had everything planned perfectly. Then…” Her eyes darkened and tears brimmed on the edges of her eyes. I stayed silent. I waited patiently for her next words as I laid my hand over hers as a way of comfort.


“Then, we crossed the junction. I saw it first. I saw the car coming first. The brakes weren’t functioning very well and it couldn’t stop. It honked as it came closer and I saw it first. But I wasn’t in front of it. He was. What I did next was out of instinct when I pushed him out of the way. I could hear his scream as he saw the car run into me right before his very eyes. My vision and my memory of then were hazy. I saw nothing but bright lights, probably the headlights of the car. Several footsteps rushed my way and I couldn’t feel anything at all. Someone was speaking to me. Stay alive; stay alive for me, Mi Ra, the voice said. Someone shouted call an ambulance. I love you, Mi Ra, stay with me, please, someone said. Then the bright light got brighter until I could see nothing but white. I was dead.” She said forlornly, her eyes devoid with emotion again. I wondered how expressive her eyes were when she was alive and well.


“I was in heaven in the next moment. My injuries were gone and I was standing perfectly fine. I wondered why I was in heaven even after all the sins I committed before I repented. Then an archangel came to me with a message. He said that I shouldn’t be in heaven. A deal was already made for my soul to be sent to hell. But I was in heaven because I repented before my death. However, I could only stay in heaven if I agreed to be an archangel and wander the Earth to kill fallen angels that are causing trouble in society. So, I agreed. I’ve wondered the Earth ever since just looking for fallen angels to kill.” She sighed, stretching her arms and her legs as she hopped up from her spot. I sat there, staring at her as she spun around with her arms outstretched. She looked so carefree and delighted despite everyone throwing her weird glances. A smile crept up my lips and she stopped in her spinning, another enchanting smile being sent my way.


“Even his smile’s the same.” I read her lips but a ray of sunlight passed between us and I shook my head. No, I must be imagining things. The next thing I knew she was by my side, tugging on my hand not helping the sparks bursting in my heart.


I couldn’t have met her somewhere. Have I?


“Hey, want to try something before you leave?” She chirped happily, excitement dancing in her eyes. She pulled me to a stand and I blankly followed her. She grabbed my wallet from my front pocket and grabbed three coins from my coin pouch.


“What are you doing?” I whispered to her and she giggled in reply.


“You’ve never heard the legend of the Trevi Fountain?” She stared at me expectantly and I shook my head. In all the times I’ve been here, it was never to hear some legend of some fountain.


“You’re hopeless.” She rolled her eyes and tugged me closer to the fountain. “Okay, here hold these three coins.” She shoved the three coins into my palm and forcibly turned me around so that I faced the fountain with my back.


“Okay, now what?” I glanced at her expectantly and she smiled.


“Now, take one coin with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder.” She instructed and I hesitated.


“Mi Ra, are you sure-”


“I’m very sure about this. Everyone does this.” She nodded and I sighed, doing as she said.


“Aw, look happier when you do it!” She whined and I rolled my eyes, putting on a believable smile as I did so.


“Good, at least you don’t look like a cat scratched your face or something. Now, take another coin and do the same thing.” She urged on and I raised my eyebrow at her.


“Why can’t I just throw both coins in?” I huffed impatiently and she fervently shook her head.


“No, you can’t do that. Then the legend won’t work anymore.” She pouted.


“Why should I believe in this legend anyway? I don’t even know what it is.” I shook my head at the stupidity of this.


“You believe in angels and you don’t even know where to find this fallen angel. Same thing. If you do this…I’ll share some more information about me, information that you would die to know.” She wagered and I hesitated, pursing my lips together in thought.


“Well…” I trailed off unsurely and glanced at her pleading face. “Oh, alright, but only because I’m interested in your information.” I eyed her pointedly and she nodded eagerly.


I sighed and followed her instructions for the second coin. Do the last one, she said. I complied and at the end of it, she tackled me with a hug that I did not expect. “Thank you so much for doing that for me.” She muttered into my shirt.


“Um, sure, what’s the legend anyway?” I questioned and she pulled away with a mysterious smile that, I can’t believe it, left me enchanted as well.


“You’ll understand soon enough.”










“So, because you’ve committed so many sins, your human form can’t reincarnate?” I furrowed my eyebrows incredulously at the piece of information she gave me.


“Yup, so if I die as an archangel-”


“You can die as an archangel?!”


“At least I can. I’m a wandering archangel who has been exposed to the mortals for a long time. If I was an archangel who lived in heaven, I won’t be able to die. But I can die because I’m not under the protection of heaven. Complicated, right?” She grinned at me and I nodded perplexed.


“You know, this fallen angel you’re trying to find is a tough one. He’s quite the powerful one according to the messages I’m being sent.” She mused, staring out the window with a sudden listless expression.


“He’s nothing I can’t handle.” I scoffed as I sat next to her. She must have grown comfortable with me because she instantly leaned against me, laying her head on my shoulder. I didn’t mind. Just tried to calm my palpitating heartbeat, that’s all.


She murmured something under her breath that this time, I couldn’t catch. But I dismissed it anyway. I didn’t want to think any further about her confusing words.


“What to know what happened to him?” The change of topic almost caught me off guard.




“Him, the guy who helped me change before I died.” She answered back. I shrugged and she smiled wryly.


“Well, he died ten years later.” I snapped my head towards her with wide eyes.


“He died ten years later?” I echoed her statement and she nodded. “He was unlucky. He died in a fire in a hospital that he volunteered at.” She said. I blinked blankly at the revelation then a question occurred to me. “Did he, you know, go to heaven?” I asked cautiously.


“He must have. His soul was good. He was still grieving but his soul was good.” She nodded, staring into the distance.


“Have you seen him?”


“Nope, I can’t, remember? I’m stuck here on Earth, hunting down fallen angels.” She sighed and brought her knees to her chest.


“Then, doesn’t he get reincarnated?” I prodded and she chuckled.


“Yeah, he does, each reincarnation living longer than the other. You know, I’ve met one, right?” She grinned mysteriously.


“When did that happen?” I asked with a chuckle.


“Not long ago actually. Last time I saw him, he looked the same, acted the same, spoke the same way. He wasn’t very different. Probably his job but other than that, he was the same good guy I knew.” She smiled nostalgically.


“That’s nice.” I whispered out and she broke out of her reminiscent moment to gaze at me.


“Yeah, it is nice.”










“Are you sure about this fallen angel being here?” I stood by her side protectively. It was deep into the night and the streets of Rome were desolate and deserted. Only a light wind and the bright light of the full moon accompanied us.


“I’m sure.” She nodded solemnly.


“But why do we suddenly hear of him after what, a week?” I questioned, doubtful about this.


“I don’t know. I have my doubts about this as well but Dong Woon said that the fallen angel had requested to see us here.” She bit her lip nervously.


“Don’t you think it’s a trap of some kind?” I continued on and she me, a dry smirk in place. I realized then that I liked her smiling.


“It reeks of one. But it’s our only chance to kill this guy.” She smiled and then, I felt better.


“So, let’s go kill some fallen angel.”











We arrived at the meeting place. It was an empty square in the heart of Rome. Most of the shops were shut down and empty. The stone paved ground was littered with papers, food wrappers, and dead leaves. The area was dead, literally dead. Other streets weren’t so dead despite the closed shops but here, the lamps weren’t even illuminated.


“Are you sure this is the place?” I asked nervously. Something wasn’t right. It was in the air and in the dead atmosphere. It gave me the chills and I froze in my spot. I knew it was a trap but something about this trap told me that it wasn’t for me, it was for Mi Ra.


I studied my surroundings cautiously. My instincts were on a high; my senses were alert with vigilance. I could feel it. I could feel the death in the air. Something told me the fallen angel was here, just watching us with a maniacal grin on his face.


What was it? I don’t know what it was but someone was watching me. But where?




Someone pushed me aside and my eyes widened, my body falling to the ground like a dead weight. I was in shock and behind me, behind me was light, bright light. I breathed out and quickly rose to my feet. I saw the fallen angel. He was up on the roof of one of the buildings, a crooked smile on his face and black light blasting from his hands. Mi Ra stood before me, a grimace on her beautiful face as she deflected the black light against a shield she had created.


For a second, it stopped and the fallen angel leapt off the roof that same stupid grin on his face. When I stood next to Mi Ra and shot a quick glance at her, it was the first time I saw such hatred in her eyes.


“Ah, Alessandra, the defender of men, the famous hunter, the Archangels have sent you to do their dirty work again, haven’t they?” He tutted mockingly yet Mi Ra’s gaze didn’t falter.


“Cain, causing trouble on Earth, I see.” She said as calm as a tranquil river.


“It’s what I do best, Alessandra. I see you’ve brought a companion along.” His cat-like eyes flittered to mine and I steeled, standing my ground just in case.


“Oh, oh my, oh my, oh my, is that Byun Baek Hyun?” He stepped forward, mock surprise all over his face. My eyebrows furrowed. How the hell did the bastard know me? I sure as hell didn’t know him. She stiffened beside me and I shifted closer to her in worry.


“Shut up, Cain.” She snapped.


“Oh, dearie, you didn’t tell him, did you?” Tell me what?


“I said, shut up, Cain!” She screamed, sending a translucent ball of energy towards the fallen angel who merely pranced onto the neighboring bench, avoiding the attack sent his way.


“I guess I’ll do the honors.” He mock-bowed and in a flash, he was in front of me, a disgusting smile shoved in my face. “You, Byun Baek Hyun of 2103, are the reincarnation of her lover, the Byun Baek Hyun of 1963.”


“You remind me of my ex-boyfriend back when I was alive.”


“You were never one for formalities anyway.”


“Even his smile’s the same.”


“Then, doesn’t he get reincarnated?” I prodded and she chuckled.


“Yeah, he does, each reincarnation living longer than the other. You know, I’ve met one, right?” She grinned mysteriously.


“When did that happen?” I asked with a chuckle.


“Not long ago actually. Last time I saw him, he looked the same, acted the same, spoke the same way. He wasn’t very different. Probably his job but other than that, he was the same good guy I knew.” She smiled nostalgically.


“That’s nice.” I whispered out and she broke out of her reminiscent moment to gaze at me.


“Yeah, it is nice.”


Her words hit me like a rock. It was obvious. I reminded her of him because I’m his reincarnation. I am the reincarnation of the Byun Baek Hyun, who died in 1992.  My previous reincarnation must have died in the year 2103. That’s why I feel like I know her. I did. In 1982, I did.


“Oh, surprise, surprise, and guess what? The both of you were very in love but just too shy to confess to each other. The two of you were a big topic in heaven at that time. You were destined to be in heaven while she would be destined to be in hell. But you brought her to the light. So when she died, she became a wandering archangel, hunting for fallen angels. She tried to save you back in 1992, you know? On May 6, 1992, she tried to save you but she failed and a new life was born on the same day at the same time. And that was the 1992 reincarnation of you.” The fallen angel guffawed like it was the funniest thing in the world.


“You think all the reincarnations are in heaven? Wrong again! Your soul is to never rest until she dies as an archangel. You will continue reincarnating until she dies. It’s a curse that was put on her because of her end of the deal. You’ll never have a peaceful after life. Every reincarnation gets to live longer and longer but she can never be with them. That’s the curse of a wandering archangel.”  The fallen angel grinned evilly.


“So, I intend to kill her today so that you and your countless other reincarnations can rest in peace.” He finished with a mocking smirk and his eyes darkened. A black orb of energy garnered in his hands and he aimed it towards Mi Ra.


“NO!” I pushed her out of the way and sent my own orb of light towards the black orb, destroying it completely.


“I guess lover boy wants to be with Alessandra. Sorry to burst your bubble, son, but you can’t!” He hollered and sent another one my way. This time, Mi Ra blocked it with a shield, smoke billowing from a small smoke bomb she dropped, and she dragged me to a corner of the square where he couldn’t see us.


“Leave, Baek Hyun, let me deal with this.” She gazed into my eyes pleadingly.


“No, I lost you once. I won’t lose you again.” I held her shoulders and shook her hard. Tears threatened to fall, clouding her grey-blue eyes.


“No, Baek Hyun, you need to leave. You’ve lost me once but I’ve lost you many more times. At least I’ll be able to watch over you after this. Now, leave, Baek Hyun, I-”


“Come out; come out, wherever you are, Alessandra, lover boy!” The fallen angel crooned maniacally and I growled but Mi Ra’s cold palms cupped my face and pulled me towards her, her lips mashing against mine. My eyes widened and slowly I kissed back. It was full of longing, regret, and love.


When she pulled away, sadness was in her features as I felt a hand, pulling me back. I glanced behind me and I saw an unfamiliar angel with solemn features.


“Take him home, Dong Woon.” She nodded emotionlessly at Dong Woon and the male nodded back wordlessly. I felt myself being encased in a nimbus of light as I stared at Mi Ra with wide frantic eyes. I shouted for her and struggled against his iron grip but Mi Ra merely smiled at me, the same smile that enchanted me.


It was the last I saw of her before my vision grew bright and Mi Ra wasn’t there anymore.


She wasn’t there. The next thing I knew, I woke up in my apartment. No, my apartment not in Italy, my apartment in Seoul. I wasn’t alone though. Lay was hovering over me worriedly.


“Hey, man, you okay?” He asked me in concern and I touched my forehead drenched in sweat.


“What day is it?” was the first question out of my mouth.


“Um, it’s April the twelfth.” Lay replied back.


A week. A week had passed.


“Where was I before this?” I Lay, fear in my eyes.


“You were in Italy, remember? For your fallen angel mission? Didn’t you return an hour ago? I came here to talk to you about something and I found you flinching and sweating in your bed. Were you having a nightmare?” He leaned in closer and I sighed, running my hand through my hair in frustration.


“Yeah, haven’t had those since I was eight.” I chuckled lifelessly, my eyes transfixed on the angel figurine on my shelf given to me by Chan Yeol on my 21st birthday on May 6, 2123.


I woke up from a nightmare, alright.


“Me either, hey, when you’re washed up and ready to go, we’re having a team meeting.” Lay patted my back good-heartedly and he lifted himself off my bed.


“I got your call this morning…in Italy. We do have a lot to talk about.” I agreed.


My first question: What’s up with the wrong information on the files?

Up next….Agent 007

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Authornim! When do you plan to continue this amazing story?
NFTeenFinite #2
I love this story so much!!!! Eventhough some of them died (Moon Yu Ki ㅠㅠ), but they're lovely... Can't wait for the next updates...^^ Hwaiting!!!
Lysara #3
Chapter 8: wow! I like this story though a couple of the girls die.... It's sad but they couldn't all have a happy ever after with their first love, right? :(
Hope to hear of this seemingly in hiatus story soon ^^
Chapter 8: Sorry if I didn't comment ! Chen's and Xiao Le's dispute about Chen's height made me laugh xDD. I loved the chapter :3
Chapter 8: Awww sho cute :) Xiao Le is adorbs and he wants Chen to become his daddy, just hope nothing happens to Mei Fang and Xiao Le while he's away.
Thank u for the update ^^
Chapter 8: have a feeling the one single agent is going to do something to Mei Fang:(
queenoftrouble #7
Chapter 8: OMG. OMG. OMG. Author-nim!!!! Chen NEEDS to come back!! And Xiao Le is SOOO CUTE!!!! I want Chen to be his daddy too.
Chapter 7: Did she die??? D=Gahh! I'm so curious bout what happens next
Chapter 7: O___O The agency seems shady in a way...
queenoftrouble #10
Chapter 7: Wahhh.. Author-nim, if the sequel chapters are all at the end, I can't wait for until the end! XD