Chapter 2

Ocean of Love

This chapter is dedicated to oh-tea-twelve. Sorry for the long wait. I haven’t edited this one ‘cause I’m busy with school stuffs but anyway, enjoy reading!




Kris’ alarmed clock started ringing, waking the giant from his deep slumber. He sleepily shuffled under his blanket to reach for the off switch of his alarm clock sitting innocently at his bedside table. Upon reaching for the clock, Kris fell off his bed that made him wince in pain as soon as his elbow hit the floor and the clock dropped straight on his face. In that instant, he was now fully awake.


Kris looked around the room and slumped his shoulders.


“Yeah, right. I forgot that I’m at my grandmother’s house.” He sighed as he pulled himself up to prepare his self for school.


He got his towel from his closet and brought his toiletries out of his bag. It’s too early in the morning so Kris thought that nobody has gotten up from their bed. He closed the door behind him cautiously, afraid that he might disturb his mom sleeping at the next door beside his.


He dragged his feet to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Kris checked if the water was warm, he doesn’t want the freezing water be the cause of his death. The water was continuously running out of the shower as he lazily took off his pyjamas.


Kris leaned both of his hands on the tiled and mould-less wall while facing the shower. He put his head under it as the warm water flow on his body, which somehow helped his mind to be clear. Kris has to think of a way on how to stop both of his parents from divorcing. Sighing, he reached for the shampoo bottle and poured some on his palm as he brushed it over his hair.


“What should I do?”


Kris can’t afford to sulk over this matter. He’s already in his 20s to act like a teenager rebelling over his divorcing parents.


Kris snapped his fingers as he thought of what was best to do first; he shall go talk to his father. Since his father was the one who added fuel to the already burning fire, he just have to convince his father to ask forgiveness from his mom; that’s perfect! Kris smiled at his own idea and a picture of them together again flashed in his head.






Kris happily went straight after dressing himself to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for him and his mom. Even though he’s really bothered of what happened yesterday that caused his dark bags under his eyes, he has to show them that he’s strong and he’ll prove that. The only thing playing in Kris’ mind was to make his mother happy for the time being.



While preparing a hot chocolate, his uncle went downstairs wearing his decent working attire.


“Woah, you’re already up, Kris?!”


“Goodmorning, uncle. Do you want me to prepare you a breakfast as well?” Kris faced his uncled as he asked him with a great smile carved on his face.


His uncle waved his hand to gesture that Kris shouldn’t bother, and instead he walked to the coffee-maker and pour some on his cup. “Preparing breakfast for your mom?”


Kris hummed as an answer as he put strawberry syrup over the pancakes lying on the plate. “I want mom to happily start her day.”


“You’re such a good kid, Kris.” His uncle’s voice was in the middle of concern and glad and Kris felt that something’s bothering his uncle.


Kris faced him after putting all of the food on the tray, he asked, “Are you okay, uncle? Is there something bothering you?”


His uncle gave him a frail smile and shook his head. “It’s nothing, Kris. Wait, is that butter?”


“Huh?” Kris looked back at where his uncle was pointing at. “Pancakes will never taste good without butter on it and you know mom loves it, right?”


“Kris, I think you shouldn’t put butter on it.” His uncle told him while shaking his head.


Kris knitted his eyebrows. He knew how his mother loves pancakes especially when there’s butter on it. “Why?”


“I’m not the one who should answer that question, Kris.” His uncle glanced his head up, staring with two orbs shining in concern at the door where Kris’ mom is. He sighed as he added, “I think she’s not ready yet to tell you.”


Kris was getting more and more puzzled of what his uncle was blabbering about. His uncle gave him one last sympathetic pat and left him there alone in the kitchen.




Kris went up to his mother’s room with the food tray in his grip. He knocked thrice but no one responded so he thought his mother’s still asleep. He held the tray with his hand as he used the other to turn the knob. As soon as he entered the room, he saw his mom sleeping like an angel in cloud nine; she looks so gorgeous. He softly walked up to her and placed the tray on the bedside table. Kris sat at the edge of the bed as he brushed the back of his hand at his mother’s perfect jawline. He gave her a light kiss on her forehead and the latter stirred and mumbled incoherent nothings. Kris left a note on the tray because he decided not to bother his mom in her beautiful sleep; what a sweet son you are, Kris.



Kris bid his goodbye to his grandparents and was ready for school. He asked his uncle if he can send him to school and the latter happily agreed. Kris wanted to take that opportunity to ask his uncle about the matter earlier. He can feel that there is something he should know.


When Kris was about to open it up again to his uncle, he noticed that Kris will be asking about it so he suddenly asked something that Kris will surely put all of his attention in to. He cleared his throat before adding, “So, uh..  Kris, I heard that you entered an art competition. How are you doing with the preparation?”


Kris widen his orbs in bewilderment. “Oh, shoot! I forgot about the art competition!” He shrieked and gave his forehead a light slap for forgetting such important event.


“Calm down, Kris. When is this competition?”


Kris was a bit calm now as he answered the question of his uncle. “Well, I still have 3 months to prepare for the competition but I can’t seem to find my inspiration. You know, stuffs happened and I’m obviously distracted.”


His uncle nodded and felt sorry for his nephew. “Sorry, Kris, I wish I know something about art to help you.”


“It’s okay, uncle, I can figure this out myself.” Kris gave him an assuring smile.



Silence entered the car again. His uncle was flopping his fingers up and down on the car’s stirring wheel while shovelling the back of his head to think of a way how to help his nephew. He wanted to help Kris to the extent of his strength, especially, when that day comes when Kris will need him the most.


An imaginary light bulb hovered above Kris’ uncle’s head. He exclaimed that made Kris jump from his seat, well, thanks to his seatbelt he didn’t fell but he bumped his head. “Kris, I know someone that can help you! He’s studying at the university where I’m teaching!”


Kris got a hand on his chest and he can feel his heart was rapidly beating inside his chest as the other one was rubbing his hurt head. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets, evident that he was really startled, when he faced his uncle. He tried his best to gain his composure back and made sure to use gentle words to decline the offer of his uncle. “I don’t need help, uncle. This is my competition and I don’t want to cheat. I want to fairly compete with the others.”


“That’s not what I meant, what I mean is that he’ll help you find your inspiration!” His uncle is trying his best to persuade Kris.


“Uncle, I can handle this myself. I still have 3 months to prepare for this. You don’t have to---”


Kris was cut off by his uncle. “My decision’s final! You’ll be meeting him later this afternoon!”




“No buts and ifs, Kris. What time does your last class ends?” He straightly asked.


“4:30” Kris nonchalantly answered his uncle back, feeling irritated why his uncle was being pushy.


“Okay, that’s good. I’ll send him and he’ll wait for you at the school gate. Don’t try to do silly things like escaping, okay? Don’t be rude.” He reminded Kris.


“Yes, uncle.” Kris mockingly saluted and you can easily read his annoyed expression. No matter how you turn the world upside down, he’s his uncle so he showed him his gratitude. “By the way, thanks for bothering.”






A/N: I have nothing to say but be prepared for the next update. I bet you’ve been waiting for that person to finally make his appearance, right? ;) Anyways, goodluck Kris on your plan! We’ll support you no matter what happens. We got your back! Wait, why Kris’ uncle was acting weird?


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I edited the main image and background image. Sorry for making such shameful edited pictures.

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Updated. 09/29/13


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Chenchenlay #1
Chapter 4: Wait ! What ?? JD , baby .you did what to Kris ??? LOL
viani24 #2
Chapter 4: wow chen what were you doing?!?!kkkk,,this chapter was absolutely rose my curiosity,,good job author ^^
Tokoroten #3
Chapter 4: Woah! Evil Chen! Not so common to see a not-so-angelic Chen in fanfics, so is waking up my curiosity ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
taeyeoshin #4
Chapter 4: yay an update! tiffany is too cute yes i agree. krisfany is cute too! everything is too cute! But why do they need to kidnap kris?
oh-tea-twelve #5
Chapter 4: whoa! what just happened there? anx lemme guess the idiot who gave kris a backhug is chanyeol, scary looking dude (zitao), pretty boy(luhan) and poker face dude (sehun), am i right or am i right? ¦;3
aaah that was unexpected- chen and tiffany as cousins i mean oooh more drama
i wonder where they're taking kris to? hmm *thinks deeply*
update soon~
taeyeoshin #6
authornim is a sone! i am liking the story very much! hope to see an update soon
Chapter 3: wow this was good!!!
please author-nim .. updated it.. i really like the character..
viani24 #8
Chapter 3: like chen&tiffany character,,,okai me too was wondering what happen in next chapter ^~^..fighting for your exam \(^ ^)/
Tokoroten #9
Chapter 3: Oh! This story looks really good! I love Chenris, and here I appreciate the originality in the personality of this Kris and this Chen! Let´s see what happens... ^_^