Too Late...

Is This Seat Taken?

“Is this seat taken?”

“No, it’s free.”

“Thanks” said the stranger. Luhan just nodding at him and continue watch the movie.



It’s just usual busy day. And here Luhan, with his lunch on his favorite Bubble tea shop. Taro bubble tea and cakes always be his lunch since he moves to Seoul. He always sits on his favorite spot, near the window that facing street on the corner.

“Is this seat taken?” someone ask.

Just like déjà vu Luhan answer. “No, it’s free.” I think I ever hear his voice before, Luhan thought.

“Thanks” he said and takes a seat in front of Luhan.

“Sorry for interrupt your lunch, just almost all table are occupied and I see and empty chair here. So I try my luck.” He said again.

“Nah, it’s okay really.” Luhan reassuring his answer with smile.

 And then they just silently enjoy their lunch. None of them talk or even stealing glance. And it’s before some toddler run to their table and hit it. Poor for Luhan cause now his bubble tea all over his pants.

“god! I am sorry dear, my son really clumsy.” A middle age woman run to his table and bowing, before grab the kid by the hand. The toddler already cries since he hit the table.

“Leo, say sorry to hyung” his mother said. But the Leo kid just keeps crying.

“It’s okay, but did he get hurt somewhere?” said Luhan while try to clean up bubble tea from his pants.

“I am really sorry.” She said again.

“Nah, its okay~ kid always like that” he smile and the woman leave with the toddler. The stranger just watches all scenes in silence. Before he pick up his handkerchief to Luhan.

“Here, use this.” He said.

“Thanks” Luhan Take it and start clean himself.

“Glad I have no class left, or I’ll be in a huge mess.” He is more mumbling to himself.



Luhan was late to his history class. Since last night he stumbles on making report for this class and he lack of sleep. And now he runs in school corridor just to get in time to the class.

“!” him cursing under his breath. Its 5 minutes already since the class start. After running all the way he stops in front of his class door and slide it silently. Luck was on his side, cause at the time he enter the class the lecture facing the cupboard and his classmate barely aware the of his present.

“Is this seat taken?” he ask some tanned skin boy on the back row. The boy looks up and they gaze meet.

“You? Sure, it’s free.” He said and grabs his bag and put it on his side. Luhan take the seat beside the boy.

“I don’t know that actually us on the same school.” The boy said while keeps taking note on his book.

“Me either.” Luhan said and start taking out his book.

“By the way I am Jongin. Kim Jongin. But you can call me Kai.” Now the said Kai boy looks at him.

“Kai?” Luhan tilt his head in confused. While Jongin or Kai hold his argue to not pinch the boy right away.

“Just my little nickname back then when I was in Japan.” He said and continues taking note.

“Luhan” Luhan said and taking note as well.




“uhhh~ this is !” Luhan growling and slam the book on the living room table. Apparently they were in Luhan apartment, do their History homework. Since the day they meet each other officially, they start become close and being friend. Luhan with his bubbly, playful and carefree match with calm, steady and neat Jongin.

“Don’t give up Lulu” he encourages his friend. “Lulu” it’s been a week since Jongin start calling him that nickname. Usually Luhan will scold anyone who gives him pet name and mostly cute one. But don’t know, seems like Jongin as an exception.

“Let’s take a break. My brain already stops working” he pouting to Jongin. Jongin just chuckle and pinch one side of Luhan cheeks.

“Alright, let’s do it later. It’s like 2 weeks more before we handed the assignment.”

Upon hearing this Luhan grins cheekily to Jongin.

After picking some chips and ice cream, they walk to playground beside Luhan apartment. They both sit on a swing beside each other. It’s was silence, but it’s not an awkward one.

“Wow… look! The stars are beautiful” Luhan said and while pointing at stars in the skies.

“It is…”Jongin Look up and turn his gaze to Luhan afterward “but not beautiful as you” he said.

“ewww, Kim Jongin you gross.” Said Luhan with mocking tone but can’t hide blush on his face.

“Only for you Lulu” and they both burst in laugh.

It’s almost 11 PM that Jongin decide to back to his home.

“Sure you won’t sleepover?”It’s pretty late.

“Nah, my brother just alone at home now. My parent will back in 2 days, just wont to make him feel lonely.”

“Okay then, say to Jongdae I said hi” Luhan chuckle a bit.

“Okay, I think it’s time for me to go.” They both already in front of Luhan door. Luhan still inside while jongin outside.

“Yeah, be careful on the way home. Don’t get in trouble.” Luhan said.

“Yes mam.” He chuckle and Luhan hit his arm playfully.

None really move from their spot. It’s like both won’t to leave yet. They just stare at each other.

Jongin can’t take it anymore. So he step in to Luhan and cup his face. In count of second their lips crash at each other. Luhan a bit shock, but nonetheless responds to the kiss. Its until both gasp for air and break the kiss. Now both cheeks flush with red color.

“Good night Lu.” Jongin said.

“Good night Jongin.” And like it’s a cue, Jongin walking away from the door to his parking motor bike.




Luhan can’t sleep that night. His fingers still trailing over his lips. Lips that was occupied by Jongin lips. Luhan dates, but he never kisses before. All his dates were girls and he never kisses them because he won’t be rejected. Only peck on cheeks and forehead. That’s all.

This feeling new for him. For a boy kissed him. He didn’t hate it but he can’t tell if he like it either. But the kiss makes him have these butterflies over his stomach. He just plainly sees Jongin as a friend not more. But after tonight, he know Jongin no more just friend. At least it what was Luhan thought.




It was 2 weeks later when Luhan saw Jongin with some boy. He has this doe eyes and chubby cheeks. He is shorter than Jongin and looks fragile. They walk hand in hand. The boy keeps talking something to Jongin and he seems happy. Because he keep smiling or giggling whenever he finish his talking.

But what more got Luhan attention is Jongin. He held the boy hand tightly like the boy will lose if he ever loosens the hold. And he is smiling lovingly whenever the boy talks. Luhan touch his chest.

“Its hurt….” He mumbles to himself. “It’s hurt….”. And he run to the other direction and wipe his eyes from tears that keep falling.




2 months. No news from Jongin. Nor text or even Phone calls. And Luhan to coward to send him text or call him first. After that day, Luhan still hangout with Jongin and jongin will come over Luhan place.

Luhan miss him. He missed Jongin. Miss his warm smile, warm hands and everything about Jongin. He missed it. Him. And Luhan only can wait and waiting. Maybe, just maybe, Jongin will stand in front of his door with open arms. Just maybe.




Luhan sit in his favorite seat on his favorite bubble tea shop. He enjoying his meal happily before someone voice destruct him.

“Can I take a seat here?” he asks and he had this funny dialect. Was it a dialect?

He looks up and meets with tall boy. He had this blonde hair and pale skin. Luhan also notice mole on his right neck. “Sure” was only Luhan answer.

“Waiting for someone?” the stranger asks after take the seat in front of Luhan.

“Not really” Luhan cut his cake and shove it into his mouth.

“But you keep gazing at the street. Like wishing someone to walk in.” he said again and drink his chocolate bubble tea.

Usually Luhan will bark and tell the stranger to mind his own business. Buy again, it’s seems like this stranger was an exception.

“By the way, I am Oh Sehun.” Sehun said and start eats his pasta.





“hyung! Let’s get that roller coaster.” Sehun whine to Luhan. Luhan like taking care a toddler. Cause Sehun didn’t stop dragging him here and there to get on a ride.

“Can’t we take a rest for a while, you almost play everything in here and we still have plenty of times. And my legs a bit tired” Luhan said while squishing Sehun hands.

Sehun puffing his cheeks and pout but he loves Luhan so much so he does what his hyung request.

“Okay hyung” and they take a seat in nearest bench. It obvious that Sehun bored just by sitting on Amusement park bench. Luhan just chuckle.

“Just go and have fun. I’ll be here. I’ll join you later.” He said while put his hand on Sehun shoulder.

“No, I won’t leave you alone.”

“Really Sehun, it’s not like someone will kidnap me in here. Just go and having fun. I’ll text you and join you later.”

“Hmmm… really?” Sehun a bit hesitate to leave Luhan alone. Luhan nod and give his best smile to Sehun.

“Okay, just text me if you need me, I’ll be here less than 5 minutes. Promise!” with that he running through the crowd.

Luhan laid his back and close his eyes. Try to rest a bit from Sehun hyperness. He just Loves Sehun so much and let himself being drag to this place. It’s not like Luhan hate amusement park, he loves it too. Just the crowd, he never likes it. And the entire gaze that sanded to him by highschooler girls really destructs him the most. And seems God won’t let him take a rest. Another voice disturbs his short nap.

“Is this seat taken?” then come it voice. It’s so similar. Just like him. Oh, how much Luhan miss that voice. But Luhan didn’t open his eyes yet. He thinks it’s just part of his dream.

“Is this seat taken?” come the same question but Luhan can hear the guy add more power so it’s a bit louder that before. And finally Luhan open his eyes. They gaze meet. And it’s just like yesterday they still talk to each other. Luhan can’t help but smile. ”sure.”

Jongin take a seat beside Luhan.

“Have you been well?” he asks. His gaze everywhere but Luhan.

“I am good I guess, you? How have you been?” Luhan turn his head to Jongin.

“I missed you…” he said instead of answering Luhan question.

‘I missed you too bastard! How can you just disappear and come like this? What you think am i? Do you know how ing much I miss you?! Do you!?’ Luhan said in his mind. But his mouth just let out another words.

“I’ve missed you too” he said try to hold the tears on his eyes.

Jongin phone is ringing. It’s seems a text, cause Jongin smiling and replied it directly. Luhan can see love emot that Jongin put at the end of his message. ‘Kyungsoo’ was the contact name.

“You seem happy, boyfriend?” Luhan ask Jongin. Jongin Just nods and smile at Luhan.

“Can I tell you something Lulu?” he said after a long silence between them. ‘Lulu’ Luhan keep repeat that voice in his head. I miss that too.

“Promise me you won’t mad at me or even hate me…” ‘isn’t you too much Jongin?’ Luhan thought but he nodded nonetheless.

“I Love You Lu…” he said and looks into Luhan eyes. Luhan just look at him back. No reaction. Yell, gasp or something. It’s like Luhan can’t do anything.

“I love you, I don’t know when it happen. But I am sure it after we getting close to each other.”

I was afraid of rejection because I thought you are straight and worst homophobic. I won’t lose you so I keep this feeling and stay as friend. The moment I kiss you, I was so happy. Because you kiss me back and it’s like I gain some hope for you, for us.” He paused and sighs.

“But you seems take a distance from me after that and never want to bring it up. So again I lost my hope.”

“I think it’s not fair for you so I decide to tell you. But I never had that courage until this time. And heck, I wasn’t planning to confess to you know and meet you here. I just scared I will never can say it to you.”

“So I gain ma courage and said it.”

Luhan just silence. He just staring at his lap like it’s the most interesting thing at the moment.

“Stupid…” he mumbles. But Jongin hear it too and just smile.

“I know.”

“You stupid. I was waiting…. All the time. Waiting.” Luhan try to hold his tears.

“Sorry Lu…”

“It’s true I wasn’t into boys before and still not. But after you kiss me, I wasn’t thinking you as a simple friend anymore. I don’t know what that feel is. It’s something new for me. I didn’t hate it nor love it either. But I can say, I was attaching to you.”

And before I realize, I was falling for you.”

It’s before I saw you with a boy. Kyungsoo I guess. You seem so happy together. Because you can’t stop smiling when he said something to you. It’s hurt. I shouldn’t feel like that at the first place, but I know it’s just an excuse. I was falling in love with you too.”

Jongin just let out bitter laugh.

“What happened with us Lu? Why must I am being ing coward and never confess. Why…”

He covers his face with his palms and bends down. Luhan chuckle bitterly and pats Jongin back.

“We both are coward and scared for rejection.”

“Why don’t you ask about him before? I wasn’t date him…”

“This feeling is new for me Jongin. I was confused by myself and your action.”

“What should we do?” he facing the sky while let out deep sigh.

“Nothing” Luhan said.

“Just make him happy and life happily. That what us should do.” Add Luhan and smile, even in inside him crying so hard.

“Rite.” They come to end silence again before Jongin stand up follow up by Luhan

“I think I am late” he said while glance to his phone. ”time to go.” he then hug Luhan tightly. “Can I still come over your place?” he ask in the hug.

“Of course, you babo” Luhan chuckle a bit before let go the hug.

“See you around the Lu..” he said and run to opposite direction.

“nae..” he wave to no one except Jongin back which now disappear in crowded.

“Too late, and it’s our time to let go of each other” mumble Luhan to nothing. With that he walk away and text Sehun to ask where is he.



Thanks For Reading



Just Another Love Story....

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Chapter 1: This made me cry 'cause I felt so sad for both of them and I think it was unfair for them to be separated. They should had ended up together. /crying my heart out.
Chapter 1: Wah this is so sad. It's kind of angsty. I usually love Hunhan and I'm glad they're together in the end, but its heartbreaking that Luhan and Jongin love each other yet they can't be together because both were to scared to say anything.