Let's start it

Our plan: That they accept their love

~ Teen Top - To You ~

“I hate you Changjo!”

“Well, I hate you too.”

“I don’t get it why girls like you.”

“At least the opposite gender pay attention to me.”

“Yah! Did you just say to me that I’m ugly?!”

“You’re not really a beauty…”

“Changjo is such an !”

“Don’t call me like that!”

“When I want to call you an , I’ll call you an !”

“No wonder that boys don’t like you. Your mouth is too naughty and rude!”


“Yah! Shut the up you two!” I yelled at them.

They looked at me and showed a little pout.

“But-“ they began together, but I interrupt them “No but’s!”

“She’s right. Please just stop.” stated L.Joe and looked annoyed.

“Well, then I’m going first to class. See you.”, said Sunmi, gave Changjo a death glare and stood up.

“Wait, I’ll come with you. See you.”, I replied and stood up as well.

We left the cafeteria and started to go to our class.

“Why do you always have to fight?” I asked after a while.

My best friend gave me a misunderstood glare “Because I hate him?! He is the biggest idiot I know.”

“And still my cousin, Sunmi.”

“I do not understand how you can stand him.”

We arrived and took the sits at the end of the class.

"It's actually quite simple. I'm not so unforgiving as you” I replied and smiled broadly.

Before about 10 years Changjo made one mistake and Sunmi still hated him for this.

That’s why Changjo hated her too.

Although the two actually really liked each other.

Changjo and Sunmi are just too stubborn and temperamental.

While our teacher just gave us a lecture about the importance of Korean history, I could feel the vibration of my cell phone.

I carefully pulled it out and opened the message.

It was from C.A.P: “We have enough. When will start the plan?”

A smirk crept onto my face and I looked at Sunmi.

She started bored forward and was in her own little fantasy world.

“Today. Let’s meet after the fifth hour on the rooftop!” I replied and grabbed my phone away.

Oh, how I’m looking forward to this ~


"Yah ... Where is Chohee?", I muttered dissatisfied and kept looking to the entrance of our school.

I soon waited 10 minutes and she knew how impatient I was.

Since I still had to get books in the school library, it was about five o’clock in the evening.

Chohee had promised me that she’s staying in school and waiting for me.

But she didn’t want to go with me to the library.

Then I suddenly heard the ringing of my phone.

I looked at the caller ID - Chohee-yah ~

„Where are you?!“ I asked upset on the phone.

 “Sunmi! Come quickly!”

I frowned as I heard her voice.

It was so anxious and shaky.

“Where… Where are you?”

Instead of answering, I only heard a scream.


"I'm ... I'm in the club room of the old literary club."

“I’ll be right there!“

Frantically I pocketed my phone and ran into the school.

The old club room was always locked and could not be entered.

A student was once abused and there.

When I thought about it, a cold shiver ran down my spine.

Hopefully nothing bad happened with Chohee.

I ran even faster.

When I finally reached the last few meters, I already saw that the door was slightly open.

I did not hesitate, opened the door and stumbled out of breath in the room.

"Cho ... hee?"

The person turned around.

That was not Chohee ...

That was her cousin, Changjo.

I looked around quickly, while he looked at me confused.

There was not a single trace of my best friend.

"Where is Chohee?", I barked at Changjo.

He looked at me confused: "How should I know? I'm waiting for Ricky. "

Suddenly I heard the door closed and a key turned in the lock.

With wide eyes I turned around and shook the door.

The door had actually been closed.

The mobile phones of mine and Changjo play the same beep when we got a message.

We picked it out and opened the message.

"It's Friday. The school is deserted. Nobody will be here before Monday. So if you want out, you contract kindly with my cousin and finally accept that you like him! "

I looked at Changjo, he was also looking at me.

About his view, I saw that he had received the same message.

"I trust them to be honest, that they would let us rot here." spoke Changjo and frowned.

I nodded in agreement: "You're right."

Changjo raised an eyebrow, "Wow, you've given me right since years."

I rolled my eyes and let myself down on a dusty chair "That’s nothing. I hate and will always hate you, but otherwise we do not come out until Monday."

"But how else do you want to come out of here?"


I knew this smirk on her.

This isn’t good...

She came to me and leaned to my ear.

I shrugged off.

"Yah! What was that?" I shouted.

Even though I really wasn’t upset, but somehow I had to distract myself from this faster heartbeat, right?

There is no other way, as long as she hates me.

She crossed her arms over her chest "I wanted to tell you something you idiot!"

She gestured with her head to the door.

Sunmi thought about that they overheard us?

Okay ... I would already give them the credit.

"So can I tell you now?"

I nodded slightly and went to her.

She squeezed my shoulder down because she was almost a head shorter than me.

I turned my head away slightly.

When I was blushing now before Sunmi, my Hyungs and Chohee wouldn’t survive it after I’m out here.

"We just talk as we would understand us suddenly. So join the fun! "

She turned to the door and said "Well maybe they're right ..."

I gulped "Yes, maybe."

Sunmi glanced at me.

I raised my hands and added "I'm sorry about what happened back then."

She wanted to answer, but the ringtones interrupted her.

We immediately grabbed our cell phones.

"Nice try, maknae. But we’re too smart for that :*" came the message from Niel.

Annoyed, I threw my phone back in my backpack.

"Yeah, great plan," I said condescendingly and leaned against the wall.

"Then try to make it better!" Sunmi said annoyed and turned away.

I rolled my eyes, then my eyes got stocked at something.



From the corner of my eye I saw to Changjo.

Why he did not reply?

Every time he shot something back, no matter what.

But he just stared at something.

"Here's my plan ..." he said and walked over to the windows.

He fumbled on one and called me over.

"You have to help me here."

"What?" I asked.

"The window here is unhooked. We just need something hard to finally get it out, then we can get out through the window. "He said quietly.

I sighed.

There was hardly anything left for us.

We would never understand us again.

He hated me too much.

That would probably never change again.

A small smile crept onto my face and I looked around.

Somehow I liked it that way.

So long we have never not fight when we were together.

Sometimes I regretted it that I was so childish, but I couldn’t change it. It was too late.

I opened a closet.

Dust whirled toward me and I began to cough.

"Sunmi, is everything okay?" asked Changjo, trying his muscle power to lift out the window.

I tried to calm down.

Not only my cough, also this ty butterflies in my stomach.

He had only asked me it, because otherwise he would not come out, I said to me in my head.

"Yes, everything's okay. I incidentally found something." I replied, holding one hand over my mouth and pulled out an old broom made of hard plastic.

He was over and over full of dust and cobwebs. Disgusting.

"Very good. Now come over here."

I ignored the commanding tone of Changjo and we pushed the broom handle to the right place.

"Well ... When I say three you pull down and I pull on the window, arasso?"

I nodded, avoiding his gaze and replied: "Arasso"

We did as told and after a while we heard a crack and then the window completely broke out from the frame.

Changjo pushed me back immediately, so that the window does not hit me.

I felt like I blushed as I realized how close he was to me.

So close he wasn’t a long time to me.

"Um, thank you ..." I mumbeled and pulled away.

"No problem." He replied hesitantly.

"So now let's get out of here before anyone sees us."

"Let me go first." commanded Changjo.

I rolled my eyes and took a step back. "If you really want."

He said nothing and elegant jumped out of the window.

Uncertain, I went to our escape and looked down.

Oh God, why must be the window so high and why I must be so afraid of heights.

"Now jump ..." stated Changjo.

He spread his arms, "I’ll caught you."

"Oh, how we were children?"

"At that time I was five years old and hadn’t learned self-defense for 8 years! Stop to be so unforgiving, trust me and jump!"

I sighed and sat on the window seat.

I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes and muttered, "If you do not catch me this time I will kill you, Jonghyun..."

Then I jumped and felt a breeze tugging at my hair and my school uniform and then two strong arms wrapped around me.

I opened my eyes and saw Changjos face.

He smiled at me slightly.

The blush shot me in the face again and I started to struggle, so he let me down.

I felt the ground under my feet again as we heard loud clapping.

About three meters away from us were Teen Top and Chohee.

They grinned at us satisfied and came to us.

"Now if you don’t finally like each other again. We have everything on video and we will show you until you finally accept that you like each other! "Chohee said, pointing his finger back and forth between us.

I looked back at Changjo.

He looked at me too.

Suddenly someone shouted "Hey you there! Who is responsible for that? "

A teacher showed up and pointed his finger to the window.

I began to smile and took Changjos hand.

Our fingers were crossed.

Then I turned to the others: "But you can pay for the window. After all it was your fault."

"They were it! Teen Top and Choi Chohee! We just came by chance." exclaimed Changjo and pointed to our friends.

Before they could say anything, the angry teacher already stomped to us and Changjo and I walked away laughing.


"At least our plan worked ..." Ricky said softly.

"Even if we have to pay for it." I replied and leaned on Chunji.

"Well, you shall now call your parents that they should pick you up." spoke a policeman.

We all nodded and did as told.


Ahh~ So the second oneshot is finished :3

Sorry again for mistakes and all.

Hope you liked it!

missyupina ♡

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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 1: OHHHHH~ this was sooooooo cute! Good Job! =^^=