Love Hurts

Pabo Boys

Jordan's POV: "Ow!" Seungjin yelled in pain as I accidentally touched his red shoulder. "Sorry. It seems to touchable." I giggle smiling innocently at him. He rolled his eyes and rolled onto his stomach on the floor. We were all drained from our energy. I winced as my burnt shoulders touched the back of the tan couch. Ow...God. Maybe staying all day wasn't the brightest idea. "How about we play I spy?" Seungjin suggested, rolling onto his back. I fidgeted uneasily as he layed his head against my shoulder. "What are you doing?" I asked staring at him with one eye brow raised. He smiled up at me, making me blush heavily. "It seems like a bad accident happened here." My dad's voice said flatly. I looked over slowly. He was wearing nothing but a white robe and his dark brown hair was sticking up crazily. "We all decided to stay at the beach all day yesterday." Sungjae said laying on a blue beanbag chair. My dad chuckled and took a casual sip of his steaming coffee. I jumped as Seungjin's phone started to viberate. He looked at the bright white screen and sighed heavily. "Hello?" He asked placing his hand over my mouth. I frowned and glared at him annoyedly. "I...Don't know baby." He said hesiantly. Everyones smile fell slowly and they glared. I scooted closer to him and pressed my ear on the other side of his phone. "Well, I really want to see you. Can I please come over today?" She asked her voice full of hope. Why is he hesitating? Most boyfriends would love to see their girlfriends, right? I grabbed the phone and turned away from him quickly. I smiled.

                            "Sure baby. Actually, you can come over." I said deepining my voice as much as possible. Seungjin tried reaching around me to grab my phone but I pulled it away quickly. "Ok, it sounds fun." She said her voice filled with excitement. Sungjae chuckled and smiled in amusement. "She really wants to have some fun with you." He joked. Everyone chuckled and mumbled their agreements. "We all should go somewhere for fun." Kylie suggested rolling onto her stomach. I rested my finger on my lips. That actually might be fun...Seungjin and her can roller skate romatically around the ring... "That's it!" I said standing up quickly and snapping my fingers. Everyone looked up at me curiously and Kevin rolled his eyes. "No, gummy bears aren't mood colored." He said flatly. I shot him a glare and smiled triumphantly. "We all should go roller blading." I said staring at their hesitant and shocked faces. "What if...Some of us can't roller blade?" Kimchi said his voice filled with embarrassement. "That's what makes it fun." I said smiling brightly. I don't either....But hey, if it makes them happy then I'm fine with it. "Since when did you learn to roller blade?" Kevin asked titling his head at me. I crossed my arms and held his curious stare. "A while ago." I said confidently. "You guys should have seen her last time. She fell face first onto the ground." Kevin said laughing even harder when he said it. He's so mean...

                   "Yeah, it sounds really fun." Seungjin said smiling hugely at me. I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "We could even get some ice cream." He said totally unaware that it was mentally for him and his girlfriend. I jumped as there was loud knocking on the door. "Is anyone going to get it?" My dad asked as no one moved. Seungjin huffed and walked towards the door. He exhaled and looked down for a moment before answering the door. A pretty girl with golden hair that dangled past her shoulders with freckles splashed over her face with bright green eyes. She flung herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I missed you." She said hugging Seungjin tightly. He smiled and hugged her back. "Jordan, Kevin, Kylie, this is my girl friend Angel." He said smiling hugely at the pretty girl. I waved friendly and smiled. "Hello, I'm Jordan. Iv'e heard alot about you." I said cheerfully. My nice greeting wasn't returned, instead, she wrapped her arms around Seungjin's neck and kissed him passionatly. The others akwardly looked around and I flexed my jaw. Well then... "Oh, Iv'e heard alot about you to." Angel said flipping her long blonde hair behind her shoulder. Was that...Annoyance in her voice? I forced a smile and stared at Seyong. He nudged me and grinned. "Don't get jealous, your still Seungjin's favorite girl." He said reassuringly. 

                 "What?" I asked dumbfoundedly. He rolled his eyes and looked away. I'm not jealous....I just think he could have found a sweeter girl. "We were going to go roller blading later. Do you want to come?" Seungjin asked smiling at his devilish girlfriend. She smiled and scanned the room. "Yeah, I'd love to go." She said glancing at me. I slumped against the couch and surpressed a sigh. Heechul smiled and leaned against me so that we were shoulder to shoulder. "She isn't what you imagined, huh?" He asked chuckling at me. I shook my head and looked down. I hope she doesn't make things akward between me and Seungjin. "Well, I got to make sure Jung Kook's ok." She said before skipping towards the door. Gasp seemed to fill the room and I felt my blood turn to ice. Jung Kook's here? Is she still cheating on Seungjin? He seemed frozen and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The door opened to reveal a nice looking guy. He had black hair that swooped in front of his face and light brown eyes. "Gosh, just leave me." He said his voice filled with annoyance. I felt my jaw drop a little bit as I stared at him. He sure is hot... Seungjin glared heavily at his brother. "What's up my little brother?" Jung Kook asked opening his arms for a hug. Seungjin didn't even smile, he just looked down. "What are you doing here?" He snapped. The room seemed to fall silent and Angel cleared . "He wanted to see you again and I gave him a ride here since I was heading here." She said resting her hand on Jung Kook's shoulder. I snickered and looked away. Sure, it's obvious they were together before they came here. I don't like her at all.

                           Heechul's POV: I looked at Jordan who was annoyedly mumbling to herself. "What's wrong with you?" I asked staring at her worriedly. She crossed her arms and looked down. "I don't like her." She mumbled low enough for no one else to hear. I thought to so... "So, Are we going to the roller blade place?" Jung Kook asked ignoring his brother angry glare. The others looked at each other doubtfully. "We are, aren't we baby?" Angel asked resting her hand on Seungjin's shoulder. He gave a tiny nod and glanced at Jordan. "Yeah, I guess." He said staring at us curiously. Well...We better go in case a fight breaks out between those four. Jordan stood up and her bright smile returned. "Come on." She said smiling hugely. We all walked towrds the front door and I looked down. "I wonder if Jordan will get jealous." Kimchi whispered to Seyong as they followed them out the door. The gray clouds hung in the air and gaps of blue sky were peaking around the clouds. "She's not dumb. She don't want to start drama." I said jumping to Jordan's defense. They stared at me blankly and I walked past them. Angel was giggling as she talked to Jung Kook. They both were walking close together, looking passionatly in each others eyes. Something doesn't seem right.... "Who's sitting where?" I asked facing the others as I walked backwards. Everyone was quiet for a moment. 

                            J-Hyo and Kevin were already climbing in the passenger seat while Kimchi climbed in the drivers seat. Jordan looked hopefully at Seungjin who was talking to Angel happily. Jung Kook and Seungjin climbed in with Angel in the middle. Jordan heistated and looked down. "You can sit beside me." Seungjin said smiling hugely. Angel stopped talking to Jung Kook and looked over sharply. "I really want Seyong to sit beside you." Angel said stopping Jordan. The two girls glared heavily at each other and I sighed. Cat fight.... "Fine." Jordan said through clenched teeth. Seyong hesitantly sat beside his best friend while glancing over his shoulder uneasily at fuming Jordan. I sat beside Seyong and Jordan groaned annoyedly as she sat beside me. "Don't let her get to you." I said resting my hand on her shoulder. She stared at me and I saw hurt and anger in her blue eyes. "Well...She's being a total brat." She said annoyedly. I glanced to my right at the others. Angel had her head turned away from Seungjin and was chatting away. He doesn't seem that happy sitting over there. Once we started driving,  everyone fell silent. Seungjin glanced at Jordan who was looking out the window, not saying anything. I akwardly fidgeted and thought of something to talk about. "Do any of you even know how to roller blade?" I asked breaking the silence. Jordan laughed. 

                   "Well no, but it will get a good experience for everyone." She said smiling. The others nodded in agreement and Seungjin laughed. "If I fall, you better catch me." He said pointing at Jordan. She smiled and gave a shaky laugh. "I'll laugh, then let you fall and laugh some more." She said already laughing as if she could see it. The others smiled and shook their head.  Seungjin pouted and looked down. "Step in cat crap..." He said flatly. Why don't those two date? They'd be so cute. And they fit each other perfectly. I sighed with relief as the huge collisium was in the distance. Everyone squeezed next to each other to peak out the window. "It's so big." Sungjae said in awe. We finally pulled up in the huge black parking lot and I sighed heavily. "This is going to be so much fun." Angel said bouncing up and down excitedly. She climbed over Jung Kook who gave a half smile. Once everyone was out side, everyone started to talk softly. "That was so akward." Kylie said glancing at Seyong. Seungjin was walking by himself, frowning at his girl friend that was puting her hands all over Jung Kook. "Jordan." I said looking around for the bubble girl. Jordan skipped up to me and titled her head. "Go talk to Seungjin." I said glancing at him. She gave a small nod and ran towards Seungjin. She flung her arm around his shoulder when she reached him. He smiled brightly at her.

                             "They sure do make a good couple." Seyong said looking over his shoulder. I nodded in agreement. A second later, Jordan jumped on Seungjin's back. He grabbed her legs and ran towards us. "You ok homie?" I asked patting Seungjin's arm. He nodded and shrugged. "Yeah..." He said looking down at the black pavement in deep thought. I wonder why Angel is being so clingly around his brother. We all walked inside and the cold AC felt good on my face. I peaked my head around a corner to see a small room where everyone was puting their roller blades on. A lady wearing a blue dress smile and waved at us behind a huge caramel colored counter. "Hello." Kimchi said pulling out his wallet. "How many?" The lady asked looking me up and down. She her curly brown hair behind her ear only to have it fall down again. Kimchi turned around and counted while mouthing the numbers. "Eleven." He said at last. He handed her a fifty dollar bill and the others grabbed their roller blades. "I'm going to fall on my face." Seyong said putting on his bright blue roller blades. "And I'll be laughing." I said grinning. Jordan grunted as she struggled to put on her purple roller blades. She cussed loudly as the plastic cut her finger. "Need any help?" Seungjin asked kneeling down to her. She opened to object but he gentle slipped it on her foot and tied her shoelaces. He looked at her finger that was bleeding and grabbed a bandaid from the counter. "Here, be more careful." He scolded her gentle. 

                             Jordan's POV: I blushed as he caringly wrapped my finger in the bandaid. "Come on." He said standing up skillfully. I screamed as my feet moved crazily as I struggled to gain my balance. He laughed at me and flashed a bright smile. "You at this." He joked making me give him a determined look. "Seungjin, come here." Angel said from further away. She beckoned him towards her with her long skinny finger. He glanced at me then to her. "I'll be back." He said before skillfully roller balded towards her. I sat down on the wooden bench and studied my purple roller blades. "Hey." A voice said from above me. I looked up to see Jung Kook. I smiled and returned his friendly greeting. "Do you want to roller blade with me?" He asked his light brown eyes glowing. Should I? Seungjin would be furious... Without waiting for my answer, he grabbed my hand. I clumsly stumbled after him. "I promise I won't let you fall." He said glancing over his shoulder at me. Kylie and Seyong gave me a curious and shocked stare as she saw me skate by with Jung Kook's hand in mine. "Are you nervous?" He asked roller blading backwards. I shook my head but he gave me a unbelieving stare. "We haven't actually been able to talk." He said sounding apologetic. "My name is Jung Kook." He said smiling innocently to. He doesn't seem that bad, why does he hate him? 

                     "I'm Jordan." I said feeling a little better. He smiled grabbed my hands once more. "Do you know how to roller blade by yourself?" He asked making me blush heavily. I shook my head and he gave a tiny smile. I went wide eyed as he let my hands go. "J-Jung Kook!" I squealed automatically loosing my balance. I flapped my arms widely as I tried to get my balance. I felt myself fall foreword, but something stopped me from falling. I clung onto it for dear life and opened my eyes. Jung Kook was looking down at me with a tiny smile. I was in his arms, my arms wrapped around him tightly. "Your so cute when your scared." He said amusedly. His warm breath tickled my neck and I akwardly pushed myself away from him. "Jordan?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Seungjin standing there. He looked at me with nothing but sadness clouding his face. Did he see me all up on his brother?  "H-Hey." I stammered. I don't want to make him upset... I jumped as he grabbed my hand. I felt my heart race and I forced myself to meet his eyes. "Come on, skate with me." He said pulling me after him ( song that is playing) I looked up as a disco ball slowly went down. Bright lights flooded around the skating area, and music blared around me. I squeezed Seungjin's hand tightly, not wanting to fall. 

                          I cheered as the wind blew through my hair. Seungjin pulled me foreword so that I was skating by his side. I blushed at how cute and adorable he looked. When did he get so cute? When the song ended, we both came to a stop. "That was so fun!" I said throwing my hands up. He smiled and nodded in agreement. I squealed as I lost my footing, sliding foreword. I blushed heavily as he caught me. I was in his arms now, his face inches away from mine. I looked into his bright blue eyes. "Hey, skate with your best friend." Kylie's voice said from behind me. Seungjin let me go, making me akwardly stumble towards Kylie. She titled her head at me. "What were you and Seungjin doing?" She asked sounding amused. "We were skating together." I said couldn't help but feel a smile spread across my lips. "Have you guys seen Angel and Jung Kook?" Heechul asked coming to a stop as he skated up to us. We both exchanged a glance and both shook our heads. "I skated with him early, but I haven't seen him since then." I said akwardly. Everyone was spread out and looking around for them. They wouldn't just leave...Would they? I jumped as Seungjin appeared beside me. "That's my brother for you." He said not sounding surprised. I stopped as and looked in the room were people put on their roller blades. I went wide eyed as I saw them both. Jung Kook had Angel against the wall and they were both kissing each other passionatly. I gasped and covered my mouth quickly. They really must be dating...I looked down. 

                    I gasped as Seungjin appeared beside me. His bright smile collasped as he saw them both. Tears formed in his blue eyes but he vicously wiped them away. "Oh, Seungjin. I didn't see you there." Angel said pulling away from Jung Kook. I glared heavily at them and Seungjin clenched his fist. "What's going on?" He demanded his voice shaking with emotion. Angel wrapped her arm around Jung Kook's waist, pulling him closer to her. "Sorry, but I don't love you anymore. I got bored." She said carelessly. I clenched my fist and bit my tongue, stopping myself from saying something mean. Seungjin looked completely shattered. "But...Why? Why him?!" He snapped his voice rising. Jung Kook grinned and snickered. "Because I'm better. No one will ever love you." He said through clenched teeth. Seungjin glared at his brother and I gulped. Jung Kook smiled and kissed Angel in front of Seungjin. A second later, Seungjin slammed his brother against the wall. "Leave." He said angerly. Angel raised her hand and a heartbeat later smacked it against Seungjin's face. "Leave him alone! He did nothing to you! Iv'e always loved him. I needed you so I could get close to him." She said helping Jung Kook up. Seungjin was silent and Jung Kook stared at me. "At least you have Jordan. If you don't want her, maybe...I can." He said wrapping his arms around my waist as he stood behind me. I gasped and tried yanking away from. I went wide eyed as Seungjin swung hard at Jung Kook, making blood fly out his mouth. 

                            Kylie's POV: "Oh no!" Seyong said as he took off his roller blades. The others did the same and ran towards the lobby. We all turned the corner and went wide eyed. Seungjin and Jung Kook were in a heated fist fight. Jung Kook slammed Seungjin against the wall and punched him in the mouth. "It's funny how defensive you get over her even thoough she isn't your girlfriend." Jung Kook said shoving him harder against the wall. Seungjin kicked his brothers feet out from underneath him and kicked him hard in the stomach. "So what, she's my friend. And I'd do anything for her." He said standing over his brother. Jung Kook wiped his bloodly liped and grinned. "It sounds like your in love with her." He snickered. Seungjin went wide eyed and stood there for a moment. He shook his head punched his brother. "No, I'm just her friend. And you better stay away from her....And Kylie." He said glancing at me. Heechul and Seyong both grabbed Seungjin's shoulders and arms in case he tried swinging at his brother again. Angel helped Jung Kook up and glared heavily. We all watched her as she walked towards Seungjin. "Monster!" She screamed lifting her hand up. We all waited for the sickning slap but it never happened. I went wide eyed.. Jordan had grabbed her wrist and glared heavily at Angel. "Don't you dare touch him." She said through clenched teeth. What is she doing?! Everyone went quiet and I prepared to jump to Jordan's defense. "What are you going to do about it?" She teased. Jordan grinned. 

                             She pulled her arm back and a moment later punched Angel straight in the face. Angel screamed in pain and stumbled back. She glared furiously at Jordan. "How is that worthless idoit your friend! He's nothing like his amazing brother. His mother was right, he's a disgrace." She said holding her bloody nose. Jordan went wide eyed and charged into Angel, knocking her off her feet. Jordan pinned her down and punched her in the face, taking turns using each arm. Angel clawed and punched Jordan as well as they both rolled on the ground. I grunted and grabbed Angel, putting her arm back. "Seungjin is the most amazingest friend anyone could ever ask for! Your giving a amazing person up. I know somebody will love him, becauses he's worth it. I'm lucky to have him as a friend. I'm glad he's not like his brother..." Jordan spat her voice rising. I elbowed Angel in the face as she struggled in my grasp. "That's enough." J-Hyo said making me let Angel go. She glared heavily at us before turning around and walking off with Jung Kook by her side. When they were gone, everyone fell silent. "Are you two ok?" Seyong asked looking at Jordan and Seungjin. They both nodded and Jordan avoided Seungjin's gaze. "Let's go." I said popping my knuckles and walking off. What a day... I looked over my shoulder. "Thanks Jordan. Did you really mean that?" Seungjin asked staring at her with tears in his blue eyes. Jordan smiled and nodded. She blushed heavily as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Thank you." He said resting his head against hers. She smiled and closed her eyes for a moment. "That's what friends are for." She said softly. 



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Chapter 1: Oh Kylie and her do seem to b getting in a tense situation now 0___0
But I'm sure nothing will happen between them as long as Kylie also feels special..
hahaha they should have at least the lights when they were watching the movie xD
kitkat_bunnytime #2
Chapter 1: awe~ that's so cute! I hope kylie doesn't become her enemy! O.O
but they are so darned cute~
even if they are pabos~