Let's Hang Out

Are We Really Meant To Be?



Krystal’s POV


My parents and I had just finished breakfast. Jessica was still in bed of course because of her sleeping habits. I told Jessica and my parents that _______ and I were dating last night. It actually went a lot better than I thought. My parents only congratulated me on getting in a relationship and that was it. ________’s the first guy I ever dated so I thought I would get some kind of lecture from my parents. I went to my room to grab my phone so I could call ________ but I forgot that I didn’t have his number. I felt so stupid for not getting his number. I really wanted to hang out with him today so decided to go into Jessica’s room to ask if she could take me to his house.


Krystal: Jess~ wake up.

Jessica: ugh~ what do you want?

Krystal: do you mind taking me to ________’s house?

Jessica: *yawn* why?

Krystal: I wanna hang out with him.

Jessica: haha~ miss him already? You just saw him yesterday Krys.

Krystal: I know. I just wanna be with him right now haha.

Jessica: *yawn* fine. Is there food in the kitchen still?

Krystal: yes, mom saved you some.

Jessica: ok. I’ll take you after I finish breakfast.

Krystal: *sigh* ok.


Jessica washed herself up in the bathroom and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Jessica pulled out some food that was in the microwave and started to eat it. I sat in the living room to watch T.V. while I waited for my sister to finish eating. Jessica walked towards the door five minutes later and said “lets go.” I put my shoes on and followed Jessica into her car.


Krystal: oh wait, you told mom where we’re going right?

Jessica: no.

Krystal: oh! I’ll go tell her real quick.

Jessica: haha!! I’m just kidding. Of course I told her.

Krystal: you Jess.

Jessica: haha! C’mon Krys. Don’t you want to go to ________’s place?

Krystal: yes.

Jessica: then lets go.


Jessica started up the car and drove off.


Your POV


Yoon Jo had just told me that she liked me. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna say?


You: well~.. umm…


I saw Yoon Jo’s head tilt downward. I was speechless. I didn’t know what to do or say.


You: Yoon Jo, you’re a really nice girl and all but~.. I’m already with Krystal.

Yoon Jo: I know.


I then noticed that she was whimpering. I saw tears falling down from her face to her lap. I felt bad for breaking her heart like this. I got up and walked over to her. I bent down to wipe her tears and gave her a hug. I felt my shoulder getting wet from her tears but I didn’t care.


You: I’m sorry Yoon Jo.

Yoon Jo: *sniff sniff* no, you don’t need to be sorry.


She broke away from the hug and stood up. I followed her to the front door, feeling bad. As she opened the door, I then remembered that she walked here.


You: Yoon Jo?

Yoon Jo: yea?

You: let me walk you home.

Yoon Jo: *nods* ok.


I grabbed my house keys and got myself ready. I locked the front door when I got outside and walked with Yoon Jo. We walked for a few minutes and finally arrived at her house. When she got to her doorstep, she offered me to come inside. I couldn’t say no after hurting her earlier so I decided to go in for a little while. I went inside with her and walked over to the living room. I then heard Yoon Jo close and lock the front door.


You: where’s your parents?

Yoon Jo: they’re working.

You: ooh~

Yoon Jo: what about your parents? I didn’t see them when I came over.

You: they went on a five day cruise without me.

Yoon Jo: oh~ that’s not cool.

You: not really, but what can I do right? Haha.

Yoon Jo: hehe, yea.


The atmosphere in the room was a little awkward and quiet. I sat down on a couch, looking around the room. Yoon Jo came to the living room and handed me a bottle of water.


You: huh? Oh, kamsahamnida.


Yoon Jo sat next to me and just smiled and nodded. I took a sip of the water and then put the cap back on. I placed the water bottle down next to my foot. Just then, Yoon Jo wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. She quickly backed away. I was shocked and awfully confused at what just happened.


Yoon Jo: _________! I-I’M SORRY!!

You: w-what was that for?

Yoon Jo: m-my body just moved on it’s own! I~ um~ … I-I’m so sorry!!

You: umm.. I think It‘s time for me to leave.

Yoon Jo: I’m sorry _______.


I walked to the door and turned around to see Yoon Jo standing there. I placed a hand on her shoulder and said “It‘s okay. Don‘t worry about it.” She nodded and I walked out the door. She watched me leave her house until I was out of sight.


Krystal’s POV


________’s house was just a minute or two away. I stared out the window and saw a familiar face walking alone.


Krystal: JESS!!! IT’S ________!!!

Jessica: what’s he doing?


Jessica pulled the car up to _________ and I opened my window.


Krystal: _______?

You: huh? *smiling* Oh hey!

Krystal: what are you doing out here?

You: oh, Yoon Jo came over to my house just earlier by herself and so I thought I’d be a good friend and walk her home. Hope that was alright with you?

Krystal: haha, it’s fine.

You: so what are you girls doing?

Krystal: I~…

Jessica: *smiling* Baby Jung here wanted to hang out with you today.

Krystal: *blushing* if that’s alright with you?

You: oh, yea! Haha! Of course it’s alright.

Krystal: hehe~

Jessica: did you want a lift back to your house?

You: um~ since my house isn’t that much farther, if you and Krystal don’t mind, I’d like to walk with Krystal back to my house.

Jessica: haha! It’s perfectly fine with me.

Krystal: *excited* OK!


I got out of the car and said “goodbye” to my sister. ________ said “goodbye” as well and we began to walk off to his house while Jessica drove back home.




Your POV


Krystal and I were in the living room watching Despicable Me 2. “B DO B DO B DO B DO” were the sounds coming from a minion in the movie.


Krystal: haha! Oh my goodness~ so funny.

You: haha! Yup~


Just then, there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and peeked through the shades. IT WAS THAT G-DRAGON GUY!! I quickly ran back to the living room and turned the T.V. off.


Krystal: What’s going o~…

You: *covering Krystal‘s mouth* shh~!


There was another knock.


Krystal: who’s that at the door _______?

You: the same guy who tried to get to you when we left the library.

Krystal: w-what’s he doing here?

You: I don’t know. But I’m about to find out. I just need you to be quiet for now okay?

Krystal: ok.


I quietly ran to my room to grab my Kendo Stick, that I bought a few months ago, and slowly made my way back to the front door.


Krystal: why do you have a Kendo Stick?

You: I wanted to get a real sword but this was the closest thing I could get.


I opened the door slowly and stared at G-Dragon.


You: how’d you know I lived here?

G-Dragon: I kind of followed you and that girl here. Look, I’m not here for trouble.

You: then what are you here for?

G-Dragon: I came to apologize for everything that happened that one day.

You: tch~ why am I having a hard time believing that?

G-Dragon: I really am sorry. Taeyang’s the one who suggested that we attack you. He told me that he would make sure that I never see my baby again if I didn‘t do what I did.

You: … then what about the fight between you and Yoseob? In the cafeteria?


*G-Dragon’s POV Flashback*




Taeyang: all you gotta do is make him angry is all.

G-Dragon: dude, this is messed up. I don’t want to do it.

Taeyang: it’s not that hard. Just force him to initiate a fight with you. Then all you have to do is beat the crap out of him. Now MOVE!

G-Dragon: why don’t you do it?!

Taeyang: cause I need you to do it.

G-Dragon: what will we accomplish from this anyways?

Taeyang: look, I know where your girl, CL, lives. If you wanna keep seeing her then you will do everything I tell you to do.

Taeyang pushed me into the Yoseob guy. Yoseob looked at me and I quickly knocked his food to the ground and messed up his hair. I noticed that he was pissed and immediately punched me in the face, causing me to fall backwards. He landed a few more punches on me and that’s when ______ and that other guy came in to break up everything.


*End of Flashback*


Your POV


G-Dragon told me everything and I actually started to believe him.


You: …

G-Dragon: I’ve actually decided to stop hanging around those guys.

You: well that’s a good start.

G-Dragon: to believe everything I’ve just said, is all up to you. But I just wanted to let you and her know that I am very sorry for everything. If you don’t mind, I’d like to apologize to her as well.


I moved out of the way so G-Dragon could see Krystal.


You: Krystal?

Krystal: yea?


Krystal looked over to us and G-Dragon spoke.


G-Dragon: hey, um~ I just wanted to apologize for everything and I hope you both will forgive me. The other guy, Taeyang, made me do all thes~…

Krystal: I overheard your conversation.. And I forgive you.

G-Dragon and You: REALLY!?

Krystal: yea. I feel kind of bad for you. Does this CL girl go to our school?

G-Dragon: ne

Krystal: you two should come hang out with us at school some time.

G-Dragon: u-uh yea! Sounds great!

You: well, if she forgives you then I forgive you.

G-Dragon: OH MY GOODNESS! THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH!! I have not been myself lately after what I had tried to do that day. Thank you both. Well I’ll be going now.

You and Krystal: bye~


G-Dragon ran off happily as I closed the door behind him. I put my Kendo Stick aside and joined Krystal on the couch. I turned the T.V. back on and Krystal leaned against me.


You: sorry to turn the T.V. off like that.

Krystal: oh, it’s okay.

You: it was rude.

Krystal: haha, I said “it’s ok”.


She hugged me tightly.


Krystal: don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal okay? Haha.

You: haha~ okay. Let’s watch the rest of the movie.

Krystal: OK!







Whoa! Yoon Jo? why would you do that??? it's okay, i forgive you XD ... here's chapter 9 everyone!! hope you guys enjoyed this one ;) please comment and suscribe :) and stay tuned for more ^_^

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tommyo9876 #1
Update plz! It's so good!
Thank you for the update ~
myohmy21 #3
Update pleaseeeee
tommyo9876 #4
Chapter 18: Update plz :)
OMG You're back! Right when I was beginning to think you died too! This was a great update. Keep it up =)
Chapter 15: *waves* hi author-nim! new reader!
love the story! Haha I'm dating Krystal. lol

can't wait for the next update! fighting! :3