
Are We Really Meant To Be?

Your POV


I walked around the school for awhile until I decided to get some air. I walked outside and found three guys sitting at a table. They looked really familiar so I walked closer. Just then, the three guys turned to look at me. When I saw who they were, I became very upset.



Doo Joon: haha! Sorry _______. We saw Krystal and that other girl sitting with you so we thought we’d give you some “privacy”.

You: “Privacy” my . You guys could’ve told me that you were going outside.

Lee Joon: *munch munch*

Yoseob: we didn’t wanna bug you two so we just took off.

You: aish, you three. Well come on guys, class is starting soon.


The bell rang and the four of us went to our separate classes.




Lime’s POV


Yoo Ah Ra: FINALLY!! The first day of school is over and done with.

Nara: I know~ I just wanna relax now.

Lime: what are you all doing later?

Alice: I’m not doing much.

Nara: I’m not either.

Yoo Young: what’d you have in mind Lime?

Lime: I was gonna ask if you all wanted to come hang out at my place.

Yoo Ah Ra: sounds good to me. Anyone else?

Yoon Jo: I can’t. I have to help my mom with some stuff.

Lime: aw~ what about the rest of you girls?

Alice, Nara, Yoo Young: sounds like a plan.

Lime: *smiling* alright! Haha! … umm… wait. Haha! I gotta call my parents and let them know first.

Yoo Ah Ra: wow~ seriously? Cause I gotta call my parents and make sure too. Haha!!


Lime: *on phone* hey mom? Is it alright if some of my friends come over for a while?

Lime’s Mom: I don’t see why not. *serious tone* Are any of them boys?

Lime: haha!! No mom, they’re all girls.

Lime’s Mom: *happy tone* ok. Can’t wait to meet your friends.

Lime: haha ok. Thanks mom, love ya.

Lime’s Mom: love you too. Are you gonna be walking home?

Lime: yes mother.

Lime’s Mom: be careful then. See you soon.

Lime: thanks mom. Bye.



I then hung up and put my phone away.


Yoo Ah Ra: so what’d she say?

Lime: *smiling* she can’t wait to meet you girls.

Alice: haha! Can’t wait to meet her too.

Lime: what about you Yoo Ah Ra? Can you come?

Yoo Ah Ra: *pouts* no~

Lime: WHAA!!!!????

Yoo Ah Ra: haha! I’m just kidding. I have to be back home around 5:30 though.

Lime: oh, ok.

Yoon Jo: well, I gotta go now. I’ll see you girls tomorrow.

Yoo Ah Ra, Lime, Alice, Yoo Young, Nara: ok. Bye Yoon Jo!

Yoon Jo: *smiling* you girls have fun.

Alice: it won’t be as fun without you though.

Yoon Jo: haha! Maybe next time.

Lime: alright then. Well, have a safe trip back home.

Yoon Jo: haha! Thanks. You girls too.


Yoon Jo walked off in another direction while the rest of the girls and I walked off towards my house.


Jessica’s POV


The first day of school is finally over. Well, I better go find Krys. I walked around the school hallways and finally found her at her locker with her friends.


Jessica: Krystal, we gotta get home and help mom with the garden.

Krystal: huh? Oh yea~. Haha! Sorry girls, I have to go.

Victoria: it’s fine. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Luna, Amber, Sulli: *waving* Bye Krystal!!

Krystal: *waving* bye.


Krystal and I walked out of the school building and off towards home. As we were about to go pass the school’s gate, I saw ________.


Jessica: _________, Annyeongseyo!!!

You: huh? Oh, haha! Annyeongseyo!


I shot a smile at __________ and waved goodbye.


Your POV


I saw Jessica waving at me so I waved back. When Jessica and her sister, Krystal, were out of sight, I turned around to grab my bag that was on a bench. When I grabbed my bag, seven guys came walking to me.


Jay: you and Jessica close?

You: wait, huh?

Jay: I said, are you and Jessica close?

You: why?

Taecyeon: just answer him.

You: if we aren’t?

Jay: then that’s good. Keep it that way.

You: and if we are?


I was immediately punched in the stomach.


Jay: then you’ll get more than just this.

You: *cough cough* I just met her. She’s nice to hang around with.


Jay immediately threw another punch to my stomach.


Jay: stay away from my girl.

You: *cough* y-your girl?

Jay: yea! Now, don’t be hanging around her anymore.

Wooyoung: or you’ll get more than just a punch.

You: *cough*


Jay and his guys then walked away. I sat myself down on the bench, holding my stomach.


Yoseob’s POV


Man~ I swear, Lee Joon’s gonna meet every single girl in this school. Doo Joon and I found him talking to these two girls in the hallway. We were gonna walk away to find ________ but Lee Joon shouted out for us to come to him.


Lee Joon: where’s __________?

Yoseob: I don’t know, Doo Joon and I were about to go look for him.

Lee Joon: oh. Well hey, meet Hyomin and Eunjung.

Doo Joon and Yoseob: Annyeongseyo.

Lee Joon: This is Yoseob and this is Doo Joon.

Hyomin and Eunjung: oh~, *smiling* annyeongseyo.

Yoseob: *to Lee Joon* well I’m gonna go find ________ now. I’ll see you guys later.

Doo Joon: alright. See ya.


I walked outside and saw __________ sitting on a bench. He looked a little different. As I walked closer to him, I noticed that he had some red stuff on his face. I started walking faster to him. He looked up at me and I saw blood near his mouth.


Yoseob: W-WHAT HAPPENED?!?!!!?

You: *looks down* nothing much.

Yoseob: did someone punch you or something??!

You: …

Yoseob: who was it?!?!


________ looked towards a group of guys and said “that guy over there”. I looked over to them and immediately knew who he was looking at.


Yoseob: what’d you do to make Jay punch you??

You: he said for me to stop hanging around Jessica.

Yoseob: “Jessica”?

You: it’s this girl that Doo Joon and I met in the hallway. We thought she was Yoon Jo.

Yoseob: oh wow~

You: speaking of Doo Joon, where is he? And Lee Joon?

Yoseob: they’re inside, talking to some more girls.

You: oh. well I think I’ll go and head home now.

Yoseob: did you want a ride home?

You: sure, why not. What about Lee Joon and Doo Joon?

Yoseob: I’m pretty sure Lee Joon’s gonna stay here for awhile. You know, talking to girls. And Doo Joon, I believe he drove here.

You: oh, ok then. Mind if we go now?

Yoseob: sure, let’s go.


I followed Yoseob into his yellow car and we drove off. As Yoseob was driving, I noticed someone familiar walking by herself.


You: hey, that girl looks familiar.

Yoseob: huh? hey, that’s Yoon Jo.

You: we should stop and ask if she wants a ride.

Yoseob: yea.


Yoon Jo POV


I saw a car pull up next me on the street. I was a bit worried until the windows were rolled down.


Yoseob: hey, do you need a ride?

Yoon Jo: huh? *smiling* Oh hey!! umm, my house is just a few minutes down this road.

Yoseob: that doesn’t answer my question though.

Yoon Jo: umm~

Yoseob: *smiling* if you don’t want it then it’s okay you know?

Yoon Jo: are you sure?

Yoseob: haha, it’s fine. I can give you a lift.

Yoon Jo: thanks a lot.


I walked to the car and got in the backseat. I hope these guys aren’t bad. I’m really starting to second guess my choice on coming with them.


You: so how was your first day of school?

Yoon Jo: aren’t my parents suppose to ask me that?

You: haha! sorry, just trying to make conversation.

Yoon Jo: haha I’m just kidding. It was okay. How bout you guys?

Yoseob: eh~ it was okay.

You: I had a blast!

Yoon Jo: oh jinjia?!

You: yea~! Getting ignored by some friends, getting DITCHED by some friends.

Yoseob: *cough chuckle*

You: Then finally, getting punched at the end of the day.

Yoon Jo: oh~ I’m sorry to hear.

You: no, I’m sorry. Anyways, do you know who Jessica is?

Yoon Jo: Jessica??

You: Jung Jessica?

Yoon Jo: umm~ nope. Can’t say I do. Why?

You: Doo Joon and I met her in the hallway.

Yoon Jo: good~ for you?

You: but, we thought she was you. She looked a lot like you.

Yoon Jo: haha!! really? wow~

You: haha yea. we felt like idiots.

Yoon Jo: haha! you guys are funny.


After a while, my house finally came into view.


Yoon Jo: there’s my house.

Yoseob: huh? oh, ok.


Yoseob pulled up into the driveway and unlocked the doors.


Yoon Jo: thanks for the ride guys.

Yoseob: anytime.

You: bye Yoon Jo. See you at school.

Yoon Jo: *getting out of the car* Yup.


As I walked up the steps to my door, I waved and said “good bye” to them. As soon as they were out of sight, I went inside.


Lee Joon’s POV


Hyomin and Eunjung left me and Doo Joon a couple minutes ago and now I’m bored. I should get home I thought to myself.


Lee Joon: hey Doo Joon, I’m gonna head out.

Doo Joon: it’s about time!!!

Lee Joon: haha!! you could’ve left you know?

Doo Joon: yea, I could’ve.

Lee Joon: but you didn’t.

Doo Joon: oh shut up. You need a ride home?

Lee Joon: nah~ I think I’ll walk.

Doo Joon: alright then. See you tomorrow.

Lee Joon: See ya.


Doo Joon walked to his car while I walked towards the gate. Doo Joon drove out of the gate and made a left turn. He kept driving until he was out of sight. I continued to walk down towards my house. I walked by an alley way until I was suddenly pushed into it.


Taeyang: Yo G-Dragon, we got someone.


I looked at the guy laugh while two guys came walking towards me from behind. Suddenly, two more guys appeared right next to that Taeyang guy.


G-Dragon: *grins* you got any money man?

Lee Joon: uh-um…


Just then, I was grabbed from behind and thrown against the wall. I didn’t know what to do.


G-Dragon: imma ask one more time. You got any money?

Lee Joon: …

G-Dragon: *sigh* should’ve just given it to us. Taeyang, get em homie.


Taeyang came at me with a punch to my gut. I started falling down against the wall until he picked me back up and gave me an uppercut to the face. The uppercut was followed by many punches to my sides. I held my arms down to try and block the punches to my sides but G-Dragon and this other guy grabbed them.


G-Dragon: hold him still T.O.P.

T.O.P.: yea~


I found a pause in Taeyang’s punches and took that chance to kick him away. After Taeyang flew back against the other wall, I pulled T.O.P. and pushed him away at Taeyang. I then threw a punch at G-Dragon’s face, causing him to fall backwards. I then tried running away but G-Dragon told his boys, Daesung and Seungri, to grab me. Seungri grabbed my arm and threw me straight into Daesung’s fist. I fell to the ground with my eyes barely open. Taeyang and Daesung were searching my pockets and took all the money I had. As soon as they were done searching, Taeyang kicked my face causing me to knock out.








Already had this chapter written so yea~ haha! hope you guys like this chapter. this is only my second fanfic so please go easy on it. thanks for reading and stay tuned till next time :D

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tommyo9876 #1
Update plz! It's so good!
Thank you for the update ~
myohmy21 #3
Update pleaseeeee
tommyo9876 #4
Chapter 18: Update plz :)
OMG You're back! Right when I was beginning to think you died too! This was a great update. Keep it up =)
Chapter 15: *waves* hi author-nim! new reader!
love the story! Haha I'm dating Krystal. lol

can't wait for the next update! fighting! :3