Chapter 1

In Between

Night came, Jongin walked thru a quiet neighborhood by himself, he always does this routine after he had dinner with his family. The cold breeze chilled his body, he tighten his jacket and shoved his hands on his pocket. He stopped when he realized he passed a familiar playground. It was the playground he, Taemin, and Soojung used to play at when they were kids. He slowly walked in and observed the place, it was still the same like he remembered. He motioned himself to sit at a swing, he fished out a box of cigarette and lighter. He took a stick and lit his lighter, he put the lit cigarette on his mouth and inhaled then exhaled the smoke.


He smiled half-heartedly to himself and smoked again, he was nostalgic all of a sudden. He held the swing chains with his hands and closed his eyes as he remembered a memory.


"I like you."


8-year old Soojung confessed to 8-year old Jongin. They were at the playground ( the exact playground where the Future Jongin is ) only the both of them, Taemin was doing his chores back in Lee's house. Jongin stared at Soojung blankly not giving the latter any signs of emotions.


"Why are you telling this?"


"I-Its because...I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow and this feeling I'm hiding needs to come out. That's why I'm tell---"


"I can't reciprocate your feelings. I'm sorry."


With that, he back faced Soojung and walked away like nothing happened. As he walked away, he could sense Soojung fell on her knees and started crying. He wanted to stop but his body won't cooperate with him.


Ring~~ Ring~~ Ring~~


Jongin's thought was interrupted by the sound of his cellphone inside his pocket, he fished it out. It was a message from his mom telling him to come home already because its already late. He looked at his watched and it says 10:30pm, he sighed and threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. 




"You are such a kid."


Taemin chuckled as he ruffled the latter's hair playfully, she got annoyed by his acts and smacked him really hard on his arm. He groaned in pain and rubbed the part where he got  hit, he was in pain but his happiness overtook him. He couldn't explain his happiness right now, it felt like he won a lottery.


"C'mon let's go downstairs, mum and auntie must have noticed our long disappearance."


He took the latter's wrist and led  her out from his room, he wrapped his arm around the latter's shoulders as they walked to the direction of the stairs. They heard their mums talking to someone, they hurriedly walked to see who it was. It was Jongin, he was back facing them but Taemin knew already who it was.


"Oh there they are Jongin!" His mum said in a joyful voice.




Jongin turned around and there he found Taemin and an unknown person standing beside him at the utmost staircase. He stared at the girl and then to the old woman sitting beside his mother on the couch, and from that he had figured it out who they were. He slowly turned around and faced the girl with his blank face.


"Long time no see, Soojung."





Chapter one posted! Tell me what your thoughts about this chapter? And to my subscribers thank you for subscribing!! I feel happy that someone subscribed to my fanfic. Hehe. And oh yeah...I changed my "Description". I don't know if this time, its interesting but whatevs. Haha!

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KennyFinnster #1
I can feel the heart break on Taemin's half but I can't seem to stop pushing for Kaistal. Especially when Jongin is so bad with his smoking and stuff.

Great work by the way, keep it up.
fxkrystal_kpop123 #2
Chapter 2: oh how complicated this gonna be
I like it
two brothers one krystal jejejeje
how about if other guy appear
keep updating
Chapter 2: Wooow update *^*
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 1: oh seems interesting keep updating
Wooow I'm soo excited *^*
Keep updating author-nim ^^"