Chapter 2

New Love

short, but hope you still like it.. please do comment and subscribe ^^ i love you all <3





Chapter 2

I heard some noises near to me. It became louder and louder. I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them. I saw two girls were wearing school uniform, standing next to my bed with hands on their hips. I smiled and reached their hands. They snapped mine and told me to wake up now. Okay, it's so annoying.

"Okay!Okay! Don't be loud like that girls. My ears are hurt. you know!" I yelled at them playfully.

I could see they shut up, but not long after that they started to yell to each other, throwing blame. Wow... How could I got daughter, twin daughter? I just could sigh and sigh. Maybe when their mother was young back then, she was like them, too.

"Appa! I want my hair to be tied like Hyeorin. She tied it by herself." Hyerin pulled my hand, made me stood up and took comb to tie her hair. Really, I was such an ahjjuma here.

"Appa! Is my hair nice? I tied it neatly right?" Hyeorin grinned while playing with her hair.

"Yes, of course." I nodded eagerly while yawning. "What time is it now?"

"6 AM." They said together.

"Are you crazy? Why so early to school?" I asked curiously.

They didn't answer me instead they smiled toward each other and giggling like a girl. Oh, well they were girls. Stupid! After tying Hyerin's hair I excuse to take bath. They waited me in the kitchen. We had breakfast the food we ate last night that I steamed them again. We headed to my car and they sat peacefully. I didn't know why, but as I saw, they were humming some nice kid songs and shaking their head to the right and then to the left. I thought maybe they had vocal class. But I was so wrong. They slowly mention a teacher that would teach them today. The new teacher they told me yesterday.

"So, that's why both of you are so happy today?" I asked but my eyes were still on the road.

"Ne, Appa. We want to see him again. Oh, ho I miss him so much!" Hyerin sang a song.

"Yup! I miss him too..." Hyeorin grinned and chuckled.

"What if he's not in your class?" They shouted spontaneously. I hoped I could cover my beauty ears so I couldn't hear anything loud from the. My God!

"Appa! He's in vocal class. We are taking vocal class! You know, his voice! His voice just like an angel, so nice!" Okay, I covered my ears when we got trapped in traffic jam. They crossed their hand and looking at the window while pouting. I chuckled myself.

I shook my head because of their cuteness act. I slowly drove the car when the lamp was green already. We reached the school and their hopped excitedly, waving their hands and walked towards the their class hand in hand.

I drove my car to my work place. I almost hit something or maybe it someone when I heard someone shouted. I opened my car and saw a boy was sitting on the ground in the back of my car. He hissed because I was sure his must be so hurt. I gave my hand and he took it. Oh, God! His hand was so soft. It's like a woman's hand. He said thank and bowed at me. But before he walked away I called him.

"Hei! Umm... I'm sorry, but, is it hurt too much? You look so hurt." He tried to walk again and I saw he's in pain. He touched his and said it's okay. I don't believe it easily. "Come on! I'm sorry and I will treat you. Umm. what's your name by the way?"

He looked at me with painful eyes then smiled. I remember the eyes that only one person had them. I meant, he has those eyes same with the one I ever met before in my past. So care and so brave...

"Kim Ryeowook. Actually, it's really okay, Mr-"

"Kim Ryeowook?"

He nodded then smiled again. "No need to treat me. It's just an accident."

"I... I'm sorry again. But, please, let me pay for this, Wookie..." Yes, you stupid! Why did you call him by his nickname? Was I missing him so much? No, No, it's couldn't be.

"What are saying, Mr?

"Cho Kyuhyun..."

He was shocked, I knew that. He covered his mouth and I could see tears was forming from his beautiful eyes. He shook his head say no repeatedly with mouth covered. I wanted to cry too, but not here, in front of the person I missed so much. Now, I admitted I missed him. I missed him so much that I wanted to hug and said sorry.

"No, it's not you, right? I- I must be wrong hearing this." I took his hand not caring about around me. I was sure many students and their parents were looking at me and him. But I didn't care. I just took it and caressing it.

"I am."

He cried and hugged me tightly. The thing that I could do right now was hugging him back and said sorry many times.

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there's a week for the next update...


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Chapter 19: huwaaaaaaaaa q kangen fic ini....... where are u now????
d fb juga gx aktf lg deh ky na ?
ateena1618 #2
Chapter 19: Sure! Take your time! All the best for your project! Do well!
Chapter 19: take your time dear..
smoga tugas'y cpt slesai.. tp jgn main fb-an mulu y kkk
janji lo lw udah slsai urusan'y bakal update ma fic yg baru d post ehehe

fighting ne^^
AlyciaC #4
Chapter 19: it's ok ! i can understand because i have some exams those next months too! keep going
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 18: Awww.. Please updateeee T.T i want to read next chappieeeee and i also kinda want wookie to be pregnant!
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 16: Wow.. Your english had improved so much throughout the story.. Its really a great story.. And im lovin it
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 5: Omg this is so romantic!!!!!!!
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 1: Awwww kyu as the father is just so cute..
Wookpair #9
Chapter 18: Ugh, their family was sooooo cute. And i hope wook can pregnant, pwease!^^ i will wait the next chap, dont takr too long timr dear
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaaaa......kyaaaaaaaaa kyaaaaaaa super cuteeeeee...
Aigo...kyu meaniiiiiieeeee>,<