
An Idol Husband and An Unwilling Wife





Knock. Knock.


Their heads jerked up to the sight of the door. “I’ll get it.” Sehun excused himself. But before he could do it, Baekhyun hissed and stopped him. He whispered, “Wait first.”


Seeing Baekhyun being so discreet suddenly, Sehun looked back and also whispered, “What’s the matter, hyung?” Baekhyun ignored the maknae’s question and went back to cuddling on the bed, looking as lifeless as he had been earlier. He tried to suppress his smile by biting his lips. After assuring everything, he let out an ‘OK’ signal for the maknae.


Sehun looked weirdly at the rest of his hyungs before continuing his steps. Kai chuckled, seeing Baekhyun being so weird. “Did he hurt is head too in the accident?” Kai was shot down by the leader and the vocalist himself (hissing and showing his fist while still lying like an unconscious patient)


When the maknae finally slide the door opened, there was a girl standing there. Sehun looked instantly at his hyungs and their eyes followed his to the same girl. She looked at the rest of them with hesitance before bowing slightly. Her eyes fell at a particular man on the bed, curling like a dead person. Her heart felt a pang and she looked away. It was mixed feelings seeing him there. A part of her was happy while the other part told her to start being a caring wife. Yep—she’s his wife.


“Um, we’re not receiving any fan visits.” Her eyes shot back to Sehun’s and she nodded. The boys just fell in silence with her. There was this glint of mysteriousness lingering around her presence and they didn’t know how to voice out for the moment.


Firstly, she is beautiful. Her hair was curly but it hung loosely just above her waist. She was wearing a long flowery printed skirt with a cute top, a cardigan covering her then. It seemed too much to wear but she looked pretty. Secondly, Baekhyun could be seen frowning when he heard that she was about to leave.


She handed the stacked home cooked dish over to Sehun. The maknae again looked at his hyungs before taking them in his hands. Whoa—he thought, this fan even personally cooked Baekhyun lunch. How lucky! Sehun was still considering the fact to be sick like Baekhyun when suddenly all of them were alarmed by bacon.


“I just escaped death and you’re planning to just leave?”


The girl looked at Baekhyun and frowned. She was quite mad that he actually tried to fool her by acting sick. And there she was, almost crying for him. Baekhyun was waiting for her to enter but she stayed stoned there, just staring at him. “Do you not get me? Come inside and close the door.”


Sehun waited for his hyungs’ response but the others were just as clueless as him. It was D.O then who walked over and softly pulled the girl inside for he feared that people might see them. Luckily, Baekhyun’s room was at the end of the floor. He then shut the door and awkward silence engulfed the 7 people inside.


“Did you bring that for me?”


“Your mom’s a bit busy. So she had me coming here.” Sehun automatically gave her the lunch boxes back and she made her way to his bed. “I made some mushroom soup, kimchi friend rice but I was told that you shouldn’t eat such greasy food after a surgery. So I bought some apples on my way here.”


“Apples would be great.”


She sat next to him and peeled one. It was so awkward and none of them were saying anything. After staring at her for a long time, Baekhyun finally drifted his attention to his fellow members. It was a chaotic telepathic conversation. And when she looked at them, they stopped. “Shouldn’t you say something to them?” She asked him. The members nodded enthusiastically at her words.


“Her name is Minyeo.” He finally said. It was frustrating for the rest of the boys. They thought that Baekhyun would explain the details of this Minyeo girl. “And she isn’t just a fan.” Minyeo looked at Baekhyun for a while and then drifted her attention to his apple. Chanyeol looked the most surprised but none of them voiced out.


“Should I leave now?” She put the peeled apples on a plate and placed it on the shelf. Baekhyun killed that proposal with his glare and she sighed. But in the corner of his glares, he was intoxicated by her. She looked very pretty even when she didn’t try to. He smiled silently and lay back on his bed.


“Um, should we go then?” Suho asked. Minyeo shook her head while Baekhyun showed the opposite. He’ll have his time with the boys later but Minyeo could be gone at any time. After much hassle and some bickering, the couple was finally left alone.


“How was your walk here?”


“I thought that you were going to die.”


“I’m fine.”


“How could you get yourself being hit by a big truck? You could get yourself killed. Where exactly did you put your eyes?”


Then they both fell into silence. Baekhyun because it was his first time seeing her overworked like that. Minyeo was normally the type to stay quiet no matter what. She’d say nothing and keep everything to herself. And seeing her worrying over him to the point of scolding him, Baekhyun was overwhelmed with happiness. He could die peacefully next—he doesn’t care.


And Minyeo was surprised with herself. She was almost crying because she worried about him too much. She couldn’t sleep at nights and would check on his news every second. It wasn’t like that before—she didn’t care about him but maybe it was because his almost death made her realized how important he is in her life.


Minyeo hates herself. She wasn’t supposed to actually develop any romantic feelings towards Baekhyun. They were wed because of the family. She had to leave her friends, even the boy she liked in order to be his wife. She was supposed to despised him but the condition of him right now—they way he still has bandages around his body, the marks and scratches on his face, his pale lips—it pained her just as much that she began to sob.


Baekhyun has seen Minyeo cries so much time before. The first was at their wedding (also their first met), the second, straight on their first night together (nothing happened though) and there were more after that. But never once did he saw her crying over him actually. Did she finally lose her guard and just accepted him as her husband?


“Don’t cry.” Baekhyun could only manage to croak those words. He got up from his bed and put the apples aside, before pulling her into his embrace. Everything hurts—his bone, his worn-out bottom for sitting and lying so long, also the headache but everything was gone the moment she wrapped her hands around him.


“Please don’t die.”


Baekhyun was tearing up as well. He never thought that he would actually come to love his arranged wife. She was a task for him but even at the first sight, he had gladly taken her into his life. He pulled away and caressed her face, wiping away her tears. She had this puffy eyes and red nose—it was just cute that Baekhyun kissed of it tenderly.


They had never kissed for real before—the wedding was a fake one as Baekhyun kissed only the corner of her lips. They also pulled away in less than 3 seconds. But when she blushed madly at his touch, he just wanted to kiss her so badly and he did.


“I won’t die. For the sake of us,” He hugged her again and snuggled unto the crook of her neck. Minyeo hugged him back and shut her eyes tightly—one, because she didn’t want to see his smirking self and two, because she’s afraid that she’ll be the one to kiss him then. “I love you.”








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SassyWitch #1
I really wish that this story is a full-book story....ㅠㅠ
phulzyxtre #2
Chapter 1: so cute! but I still don't get it, who's saying i love you?
jihanajiha #3
Chapter 1: awww~
Such a cute fic..hehe
I love happy ending!!!^^ Baekkie sure is the cutest 92liner I know
Chapter 1: Oh my God, the fluttery feel inside my stomach >.<
Chapter 1: That was so cute >< But who said I love you?
Chapter 1: Awww,Baekhyun <3
xxBloodyWolfxx #8