How curious are you, Eve?

the red of a sinner's fruit


Dead leaves and undergrowth crunched under the worn soles of his trainers, sharp branches shooting out from gnarled trees threatening to strike him, but he deftly dodged all of their stationary attacks with precise footing that must've taken weeks or months to perfect. His breath dissolved into the chill of night, heart quiet as the beat of a butterfly's wings. He was silent, determined. Ears perking up at the nearing sound of water rushing over rocks, his pace quickened to that of a fleeing deer as he continued his trek.
Long legs clearing a fallen log that sunk into the uneven land, his lithe body entered the bank of a steadily flowing river surrounded by a thick vegetation that blocked out the horizon but left the sliver of white rock hanging in the navy sky visible. The mouth of the stream disappeared into the dark abyss of brush and conifers, the cerulean liquid breaking over onto the broad line of green that marked the grass of the area, wearing away at the packed dirt that parted to create the blemish in the earth's crust. His dark eyes flickered over the premises in anticipation, only to fall in disappointment once nothing met his gaze. Owls released their enigmatic hoots into the air from their shielded homes up in the high branches of the surrounding trees, the chirp of nonchalant crickets meeting the steady gusts of wind that rustled leaves and disturbed the stalking foxes, who flitted in and out of sight as their slender figures wove through the puzzle of nature around them.
"Joonmyun?" his cattish lips parted to release the breathy call. Inky tresses fanning over his pale skin, his sharp eyes scanned every bit of the area in his search, thin brows knit in distaste. He warily took another step, body shifting barely from it's original place. "Joonmyun-"
"Look behind you."
The soft voice sent electric jumps of shock up his spine, body falling forwards and head jerking in the direction of the sound, quick footing placing him in an about-face that put him merely inches away from another figure.
"Joonmyun! That wasn't funny!" he jutted out his lower lip, feigning a pout that earned him a gentle flick on the tip of his small nose.
"It's your fault for being late, Jongdae." the figure responded. With hair red as aged wine and milky skin pulled over a toned physique, they stood several centimeters taller than Jongdae, body clothed in nothing but rushing ivy tinted in sinister shades of crimson and silky locks feathering around a face that housed a pair of sparkling eyes the color of cocoa. A set of curved horns sprouted from the backside of their pointed ears, ridged with small lips and sharp points curling down into themselves.
"Yes. In fact, you are exactly three minutes over our set time." Joonmyun stated a matter-of-factly, fluffy lashes skimming his high cheekbones as he blinked.
"Set time? But we never-"
"Well 12:00 on the dot will be our new set time. We have one now." the redhead quipped. Jongdae opened his mouth to protest, but a slender finger pressed against his lips before he could fire off a witty comeback, a smirk pulling on Joonmyun's pale pink lips.
"On another note, I believe it's time for the show." he spoke in a more hushed voice, eyes drifting to the running water beside them. Jongdae followed his gaze and nodded frantically in agreement, his excitement obvious as he swung his knapsack off his angular shoulder and onto the ground, leaving Joonmyun for the river's side. His eyes grew to the size of saucers upon gazing into the hidden depths of the torrents that seemingly spiraled down into the very crevices of hell itself. A steady chuckle rumbled up from Joonmyun's throat as he took long strides to join the younger, eyes beginning to radiate a soft glow hued in crimson.
"Ready?" his question was answered by a simple nod from Jongdae. The black-haired youth was staring with intent at the running brook, head lowered and spine erect in a way that made it seem as if he was contemplating something (when in reality, he was just captivated by an unknown beauty hiding within the aqua waves). His neck craned gently in Joonmyun's direction, dark eyes locking onto the other's own.
"Take me into your world, Joonmyun."
And with that, their bodies crashed like rocks into to the water, jerked forwards by an invisible force that treated the duo like rag dolls. Froth erupted on the surface in their wake, figures sinking with a trail of fat bubbles that contorted with the current of their falling bodies. Hair and clothing whipped back by the velocity of the fall as Jongdae dared to crack open his eyes to dark slivers. The waters were an abyssal pool of ebony at that point, and clear vision was impossible as they sunk deeper and deeper into the rollicking tide.
Suddenly, they stopped. Like marionettes yanked on by the puppeteer's strings, their bodies froze in animation and the waters stopped convulsing around them, rocking to a pause that hugged their bodies tightly. Joonmyun's sharp eyes shifted from side to side before the corners of his lips curved up into a devilish grin, parting just enough to allow a small stream of bubbles out from his mouth. He swiveled his head to face the still jongdae, lithe body curling in like an eel trying to recompose itself. Jongdae's body seemed lifeless as a handmade rag doll, eyelids gently closed and long lashes grazing over his sharp cheekbones as his ebony tresses rippled calmly in the ever-churning tide, bubbles forming along the soft line of his curved lips from his deep breaths.
"Open your eyes, Jongdae." Joonmyun chided in a ghostly tone, slim fingers trailing along the sharp curves of the younger's jaw. Mirroring his exact directions, one orb widened from a slit and the other quickly followed suit as Jongdae turned his head in the direction of the gentle touch, knees automatically drawing up to his chest to put him in a fetal position.
"You're so beautiful, Joonmyun." he whispered. The glittering background of his eyes shone in a certain fondness for the creature before him, Chesire cat grin tweaking his lips in a way that made the redhead want to envelope the lean boy in his arms and press his lips against the other's own and just love him.
But he wasn't made for affection.
Kim Joonmyun was crafted from blood and dirt, designed for deceit and betrayal. His purpose was to lure in the unsuspecting and feed from them. Devour them. Eat their very being and leave nothing but hollow bones and an empty shell. Because he is the original sinner. The Eve that dined on the forbidden fruit and therefor the creator all the wrong in the world.
"You're stunning." he smiled in a sad nature. Jongdae's eyes crinkled up as a blush dusted over his cheeks, pink tongue poking out from rows of pearly teeth in his cheeky grin. It was endearing. And so naive that he couldn't see the inner angst and turmoil that was Joonmyun's soul. Nonexistent soul, actually.
"Come on. The world awaits." Joonmyun's hand migrated from Jongdae's face to his bony hand, long fingers wrapping around the frail set of bones before he turned his lithe body in the opposite direction, chest propelling forwards enough to set the two of them off at a quick pace. 
It was as if the water had all evaporated, leaving them in an area of zero gravity that was manipulated even by the slightest movement each of them would make. The darkness was suffocating as Joonmyun pulled the younger down even deeper, slim legs battling the water to push them into the depths of the seemingly never ending river. It was a bottomless pit of ashen substance.
With a firm grip on Jongdae's wrist, Joonmyun pulled the silent boy along behind him as they continued their descent, his brow set in determination. 
A sudden spark of emerald was quickly followed up by long wisps of ochre and copper that curled and coiled with spidery tendrils of azure and salmon, the myriad of colors spiraling around the couple like coy jellyfish playing around with their kin. eyes wide in amazement, Jongdae found himself incapable of words, his synapse shutting down and refusing to form legible sentences for him. Joonmyun couldn't deny the bemused smirk that graced his features as he tugged the ravenette down deeper into the vortex of jewel tones that swallowed them whole within seconds. Large bubbles of iridescent pearl floated around with no purpose, streamers of crimped silver and violet threading through grand rings of gilded material before snaking between towers of apricot and rust that sank down into humble, rolling hills of verdant that piqued the wavering horizon of indigo and crimson tinted with thin clouds of topaz.
It was breathtaking.
Finally, a throaty giggle bubbled up from Jongdae's throat once his mind caught up with his eyes, the beautiful sound ringing out like chimes throughout the whole area. Ripples coursed through the projections of color from his disturbance, but not even the frayed rims of the structures melted away.
"Everythung here is so bright!" he called out. he managed to wriggle out of Joonmyun's possessive grasp, body immediately floating towards one of the many bubbles that dotted the new world. He cocked his head in question before the blunt nail of his index finger prodded the glittering sphere, and the thing exploded with pearly ribbons that began to swim around the moment they were released. Another giggle fell from his lips.
"Play with me, Joonmyun!"
And like that, the two lost themselves in the technicolor wonderland that sat in the depths of the river. Bodies curled around each other in an unsteady dance, silky tresses caught by the rocking waves of water as they blew away from their faces, eyes reflecting a kaleidoscope of color when they found themselves snagged in each other's gaze. It feels supernatural, Jongdae would remark silently as he was captivated by the sinfully gorgeous creature that was Joonmyun.
Surrounded by the universe of swirling color that shimmered on his milky skin, he was like a siren- something that you wanted to touch, wanted to claim as your own- but you were unable. All you could do was sit there and pray and beg that the siren would notice you. Love you. And it seemed that the siren had taken notice of the human. Because life somehow worked out in that one way for Jongdae even if nothing else did. If he had Joonmyun, his world was truly complete. 
> > > < < <
Spidery fingers grasped onto the grassy rim of the earth with a labored gasp, water spraying up and splattering over the ground as Jongdae's head disturbed the rippling surface of the river. The water frothed around his wiry figure that dragged itself up from the suffocating water, clothes clinging to his fragile frame and hair clinging in ashen clumps to his pale skin as his lips dripped with the clear liquid. He gasped in attempts to refill his sobbing lungs with the glorious oxygen above the surface, clambering up onto the verdant ground before promptly rolling onto his back. Joonmyun's figure crawled up in a much more graceful fashion, lean body pulled up by his muscular arms that planted into the edge of the river, thin legs swinging up to put him in a sitting position. Water rolled over his defined muscles, droplets skidding down his cheeks and sliding through his silky red locks before he ran a bony hand through them to shake off some of the wetness.
"Mm, you look so vulnerable like this, Jongdae." Joonmyun cocked his head. "Like i could just eat you up." Those sorts of comments never failed to decorate Jongdae's cheeks a deep flush that contrasted against his milky skin like rose petals against steel. Just hearing those words laced with underlying lust and want was enough to make jongdae want to disappear on the spot. He didn't dare move a muscle though- being under a fiery gaze such of that from Joonmyun was enough to force polar waters through someone's veins to render them a stiff doll at the mercy of the eyes' owner. It felt like he was being torn apart piece by piece, entrails strung over the crude foliage of the trees and essence preserved in a vial hung from a thread of linen around Joonmyun's small waist.
He wasn't expecting much more than teasing and lust-driven touches, though. It was always that way. It had astonished him; that Joonmyun would kiss and violate every inch of his body, but refused to knock down the third wall. It stayed as a reenforced brick giant that encircled the two and blocked off any hopes of a developed relationship. Because, as Jongdae had pointed out upon their first meeting, they were just friends.
Just the apple and the curious Eve.
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Chapter 1: I did not expect such a well-written story... :)