Till Death Do Us Part


"Hmm? What is it Jae?" he asked his lover, softly caressing his white silky cheek.
"Who do you love more? Me? or the Harry Potter series?"
He stared surprised. What a silly question!
"That's a really idiotic question Jae. Of course I love-"



Yunho reads "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and reminiscence of times.

Set after DBSK broke up (I will ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH AND BELIEVE IN 5 <3).

Picture: Found in Google but It didn't say who did it. So credits to whoever designed it! 


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RuiLeeAnne #1
Chapter 1: Its two in the morning, and damn, im crying again.. Nice one authorshee.. ^^
foodiemin #2
Chapter 1: fuuu..
i cried so hard!!
Chapter 1: Aww, AKTF always and forever <3
Thx author-ssi^^