Perfect For Eachother

Perfect for eachother


- he ran towards you and hugs you -
Jungkook - AAH it's been a while *kiss your cheek*
You - it was just 3 days ago *can't help but smile*
V - eeeiiish what about us then?!
Jungkook - HYUUUNG *goes between himchan and V*
- everyone laughs -
V - are you here alone? 
> V had his own group in high school and it was from different ages : the popular ones in school and you all goes in the same school just different grades <
Jungkook - naah i met my childhood hyung today he's here because of his parents
You - wait what? 
Jungkook - his parents has set up a date with some girl i don't know who but I'm sure she's gorgeous and nice, his parents have such high standards
You - oh it's hard to find those kind of girls
V - BUT WE HAVE ONE RIGHT HERE *jumps on you*
You - YAAA *pushes him off*
V - Waeeeeee *pout his lip*
You - it feel like you're gonna me *laughs and goes back a few step*
Jungkook - Oh hyung! *lifts his hand*
- you felt you stepped on something and turned around fast - 
You - oh god I'm sorry! 
- you bowed fast and looked then right infront of you. Just a chest and you looked up, -
Zelo - well hi to you too *smirk*
You - why.. Wait.. Don't tell me..-
V - ssaaaap *handshake* I'm Taehyung
Himchan - I'm Himchan*smiles and handshakes with him*
- you felt his eyes glued at you while you're texting your friend -
Zelo - Hi Hana *bend himself into your height and looks straight into your eyes while giving you a smirk*
You - *you just smirk back* hi *waves your hand*
- he grabs his arms around your waist and heard him whisper "two faced, i like it" and you just stand still there -
You - soon *whisper and smirks to him*
Himchan - *coughs* ehm
- junhong immidietly let his arms let go and goes to Jungkook that's behind you - 
Jungkook - This is my hyung, Choi Junhong 
- junhong bowed and greeted - 
Himchan - okay let's go and eat then I'm starving
Himchan - HANA TOO BAD
You - (mind ; this not again) EIISH i paid last time too 
V - well now it's your turn to pay *laughs*
You - yeayeah i'll pay
V - Yah, Jungkook-ah and Junhong-ie. Have you guys eaten yet? Take this chance now. It's not every day Hana pays
Jungkook - well
Junhong - Okay let's go! 
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kekechilders #1
Chapter 6: OMG lmfao jello
Chapter 3: Good to say Zelo is my bias. this story is good. update soon.
Chapter 6: Wow the mom is so cool ~
linheeee #4
Chapter 2: Hehe *smirks*
Claudine_NG #5
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness~ Arranged marriage. I guess it will be fun *smirks*
Goldie #6
Chapter 5: Ohhhh ottoke! Its zelo! Ahhh!
Chapter 5: Mom-"I can't wait till you're home so we can spazz together!" wow the mom seems so cool~^^
Ohsnapitschristi #8
Chapter 3: OMG. V @ CHAPTER 3: " I'M HERE Y'ALLL "
Zom_kitty245 #9
Chapter 4: Please update soon!!
Chapter 2: She got the D!
They will meet again, for sure