The EXO Drabble Collection

 There was something about the twilight air that made the light seem to melt around his long tresses in bursts of dark red and an almost purple. Really he was nothing much to look at most of the time(except that darn dimple) but in battle….in battle he was everything that was savage and wild and beautiful. he whirled around his hair flying followed by the sharp glint of his sword. he laughed as the clang of the swords meeting was followed by his sparring partner stumbling backwards with a shocked look-a savage, brilliant laugh, a victorious laugh. He almost felt sorry for the poor boy - who looked a puny 10 year old next to the long haired lithe creature and not like one of the best swordsmen in the kingdom.

The boy circled around Lay again and took up an on-guard position. Lay gave a quick smile, the dimple flashing, knowing it to be his greatest weapon, blazing eyes fixed on his opponent. A quick exchange of blows followed, he concentrating on dazzling the other into defeat and the other boy was concentrating on being dazzled willingly. Barely 5 minutes later his sword thunked on the ground and he stood mere inches away from him with his sword at his throat. The on lookers hooted and jeered and he saw the boy’s face flush red.

Kris smirked.

But his smugness was short lived.

 Lay took away the sword carefully and cupping the boy’s cheek affectionately murmured something to him that made him laugh with him. They were standing way too close framed in the dying sun’s brilliance for his peace of mind. Kris’ face was thunderous as he glared at the scene before him. What absurd and inappropriate behavior for a warrior of the elite forces, really. He wanted to so desperately drag the infuriating one by his tip-pointed little ear, give him a good haircut and instruct him on the proper ways of a warrior of the kingdom of Rivendell. Not that he cared about him or his hand on that stupid boys face particularly, just that…..well he was an embarrassment to their whole kind.

 And then to many catcalls and wolf-whistles and kris’ utter horror Lay bent forward and kissed the defeated boy’s cheek gently, making him go nearly purple before he turned and sauntered away as if he has forgotten the whole fight and all around them already.

Luhan who had been standing silently next to him all this time smirked, his face cat-like and satisfied. “had your fill for today, leader?” he asks and then neatly sidesteps Kris who whirls around at him. “slow, leader, very slow. That won’t do you any good in battle.” He adds as over his shoulder and walks away to join the crowd.

Kris rubs a tired hand over his face and wishes for a fast and fiery death.


A/N - soooo...........i love Lord Of The Rings...especially the elves. can you blame me for wanting yixing to be reborn as a cute, pointy-eared, y little swordfighter in Rivendell???? I hope you guys enjoyed this! each and every comment is much appreciated! even if you are a silent reader you are still very much loved ^^


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Chapter 2: This perfection deserves full story because tease elf Xingie Is very y! And love struck wufan is SO amusing to read xD
Chapter 1: Yixing is one damn y elf I tell ya~
Chapter 1: gahhhhhhhhhhhhh U INCREASING MY KRISLAY FEELSSSS
palalabu #5
Chapter 1: more! i want more elf!xing