Hide MiMi... Quickly.

Hide-And-Seek, Mi~



Blood curdling howls rock through the air, making the earth itself pulsate. Moving back, J-Hope and V jump, having to stumble to keep up right. MiMi groans softly in her sleep, twisting in J-Hope’s arms, whimpering, eye brows furrowed in confusion.

Slowly, two wolves stalk towards the seven, their eyes white.

Monsta growls, glaring at them. “Kyungsoo… and Sehun?” he smirks. “Sending maknaes’ out to do their dirty work?”

The boys’ eyes narrow, a vicious growl ripping from the lighter ones chest, lowering himself, ready to strike.

I can still kill you… Sehun hisses, his thoughts sizzling through the air in silent communication. Kyungsoo lets out a wolfish snarl, bouncing forward two steps lowering himself as well.

Give us the girl. He states angrily. Monsta snarls, jumping forward his clothes ripping from his body as fur sprouts randomly, his nose and mouth stretching into a muzzle, his dark eyes becoming black and dull. He lands on his feet, a solid thud echoing in the night.


Come and get her. He snaps his jaws at Kyungsoo neck, narrowing his eyes. Soon enough, Jin and SUGA follow his lead, flanking their leader, lowered and ready to pounce when given the signal. Pausing for a moment, J-Hope takes in the three.

Monsta is the biggest of them, because he is the alpha, red mixing with the black in his eyes. He almost blends in with the shadows, his fur as black as night. Jin is the second biggest, his fur a deep, deep chocolate brown, almost black. SUGA… the most aggressive of the three, behind his WONDERFUL leader, he is black, as well, the only way to tell him and Monsta apart is the white the circles tracing around his ankles.

Taking Monsta’s angry proposal to heart, Kyungsoo leaps forward, snapping his jaws at Monsta’s throat.

Taking the opportunity, J-Hope nods to Jimin and V, turning to take the opposite way to the hide out, Jimin deciding to stay and help his Hyungs fight the other wolves… they may have them in numbers, but their magic is strong… that of the elders.

V smiles weakly at J-Hope, shrugging.

“I got you, hyung.” He whispers, taking off in front of him to make sure the way is cleared. J-Hope grunts, having to bounce MiMi in his arms to hold her more comfortably.

“V, clear?” he calls, half yelling, trying his best to keep his voice down.

He freezes when there is a strangled gurgle for an answer. , , … V!

“V?” J-Hope calls desperately, hoping that he is okay… there is no answer. Taking a breath, J-Hope walks forward, radiating his confidence, daring something to attack him while he is holding his T’okki mi… well… MiMi.

Instead, standing in front of him are two wolves, both huge… bigger than any other wolves he has ever seen. The largest is grey and black, his black eyes hiding depths of knowledge and experience. He is obviously the leader, his pack already including three…

Monsta knows them… but he doesn’t.

How many do they have in their pack?

The other looks quite a bit younger, his chocolate eyes youthful but filled with pain and understanding. He is a soft caramel colored wolf, standing at his leaders hunches, V laying discarded off to the side rather peacefully.

He doesn’t look hurt, just knocked out.

Clenching his jaw, J-Hope looks from V to the two wolves, who just sit before him, as if waiting for something…

“You’re not getting her.” J-Hope hisses, narrowing his eyes. The younger growls lowly, moving like he is about to step forward until a soft rumble echoes from the leaders chest, calming the boys anger easily, all the while, his eyes never leaving J-Hope.

He needs the girl, he needs her unharmed…

She is all that can save…

Or destroy, his world.

We can rip you to shreds… if you prefer. The older wolf offers, his mouth hanging open slightly in an attempt to smile, his aura kind… J-Hope tenses, glaring at his elder.

“She is mine.” J-Hope growls, ignoring the elders look of curiosity as he stands, shaking out his fur eagerly, before tilting his head at his “brother” per say.


Fine… ill rip her from you. He snarls, pouncing at J-Hope when he least expects it, knocking him off his feet. Stumbling backwards, J-Hope cradles MiMi tighter, hiding her in his arms when he knocks back against the ground.

Then suddenly, she’s gone.

Her weight disappearing as if by magic. Opening his eyes, he faces the caramel wolf, glaring angrily. Who is he to take MiMi from him?!

But he can’t do much... against an elder, he is powerless. He still can’t fully control his own wolf.

She hangs there lightly, clenching her pillow to her chest, her face scrunched up as the cold air hits her body. He trots back over to his leader, who is kneeling beside V, waiting patiently. Laying her gingerly beside the elder wolf, the pup (as you can say) lets his tongue loll out, panting happily.

J-Hope attempts to lift himself but finds that his legs aren’t cooperating.

“Dammit” he growls, yanking up only to fall back flat on his back again.

Instead, he is forced to watch as the leader lifts himself, before lifting MiMi onto the Youngers back, where she snuggles into his fur.

As soon as she is situated, he takes off, careful of her weight and the fact she isn’t completely holding on, making sure she stays on well and doesn’t slide. Looking after him, both J-Hope and the elder wolf pause, watching in both happiness and horror.

J-Hope is horrified. He might as well die now.

His pack may never accept him again after this. He didn’t even get the option to be knocked out… or killed. The elder wolf walks to him slowly, baring his fangs angrily.

Come for her, and you meet the wrath of the elders… warn your alpha.

And just like they appeared, he was gone, fading into the shadows of the forest.

Moments later, he blacks out, still not able to feel his legs, only accompanied by a tingling feeling in his feet.



“But… Jered.” A woman whimpers, clinging to his arm. He jerks back a bit, quite annoyed. She has over stayed her welcome.

“But what?” he hisses, narrowing his eyes, the ice in them making her shiver in fear. He is nothing like the smooth, sweet talking Casanova she met last night… nor will he ever be to any woman. To him, their feelings are just something to be played when he feels… frisky.

Now, he knows that it is wrong to play a woman, and he would stand up for any woman if she was being forcefully being taken advantage of… no, he isn’t a hypocrite in this. He plays with a woman’s emotions, but he has never put himself against a woman against her will.

Sighing heavily, he looks down at the beauty hanging onto his arm. She pouts, jutting out her bottom lip.

“Didn’t we have fun last night?” she asks sweetly. He snorts. Yes, she was fun, but so are the others. They are there to fill the voids that he has had left empty since he was a young child. His mother and father walked out on him and his twin sister when they were 6…. Then when they were 8… he was forced to walk out of her life as well.

As much as it broke his heart, it was for her own protection.

She would have never understood if he had told her.

Sighing, he makes a face, pulling the girls delicate fingers from his arm, taking great care in doing so, making the girl think he still kind of cares.

This only fuels her advances again.

Growling in frustration, he glares down at her, the fiery look in his eyes enough to send her back a few steps.

“Listen,” he begins in a measured voice. “As much fun as we had last night, I despise clingy girls.” He mutters, sending a look her way, one she had to hang her head to avoid. She knows she is clingy, but she didn’t want him to leave her after a one night stand.

With that, he lifts himself from the bench they were sitting on, disappearing into the crowd, never for her to even see again.

That is the amazing thing about werewolf magic. Any petty human that he doesn’t want to see him, doesn’t. He is just basically invisible to them.

He does this to all of the girls he sleeps with.


After a short time, he feels someone following him. It’s… a male… that isn’t usual. But, he doesn’t want to risk it. Inconspicuously, he lifts his face to the wind, sniffling. Wolf.

Great, just what he needs.

Setting a new course, he cuts through the crowds effortlessly, wandering seemingly aimlessly towards the large park just on the other side of the busy street. Waiting his turn, he can nearly feel the wolf’s breath on the back of his neck. Tensing, he walks forward seconds before the light turns green, just seeming impatient to the others being forced, whom are just as “impatient” as he is.

The wolf follows.

He needs the fresh air, and the trees for cover, just in case anything goes down.

Having an encounter with a wolf in front of so many people would not be such a good idea, especially since he just wandered into this little town.

Why do these wolves keep following him?


Once under the cover of the trees, he pushes past some bushes, standing in a clearing meant only for the wild life there. Most people don’t even know it exists. Standing there, he waits for the wolf to follow him through, only to be forced back when he comes from the sky instead.

He is still in full human form, nodding slightly to his fellow wolf, seemingly nonchalant. He has reddish orange hair, styled nicely, his deep brown eyes showing age and wisdom where his appearance shows nothing older than 24. He is tall and nicely shaped, not to muscular or too thin.

The man smiles a bit at him.

“Jered.” His voice seems oddly familiar. “Seems… your still enjoying the… perks of the human life.” He states, chuckling lowly. Jered lowers his eyes at him.

“What do you want?” the man pauses, staring at the youth.

“Impatient are we?” as if to answer his question, Jered stands there in silence, quirking his eyebrow in question.

“Point.” He states blandly.

Taking a frustrated breath, he stares at the boy. He has always been like this… even as a child. But he knows one word that will break through to his thick skull.

“MiMi.” He states plainly. Suddenly, Jered is pressed up against him, his eyes narrowed, pushing him up a tree by his collar. He laughs a bit bitterly.

“That got your attention did it?” he muses, glancing at the boy. Jered glares, an animalistic growl ripping from his chest.

“Who are you? And what do you want with her?” he hisses, his voice barely audible.

“The names Kris, Kid.” He states absently, shrugging. Jered drops him. His guardian. Well… he has altered his appearance from the last time he saw him.

“What is wrong with MiMi?” he demands, taking a step back. Kris pauses, his eye brows furrowing unsure of how to explain, but shrugs deciding that being blunt is the best thing with him.

“They’ve found her-,” before he can finish, Jered is almost pressed against him, snarling in anger, but his eyes show fear and worry like the small child he never got to be.

“We have to get her!” he nearly yells, forgetting that they are in such a public place.

Casually, Kris places his hand over mouth, glaring.

“We have her. Let me finish.”

Pausing, Jered nods, listening to someone else for once. Thus far, only Kris has had the power to make the headstrong wolf listen. After all, he is his guardian, along with his five other wolves under his command… but honestly, Jered doesn’t need it much.

He has always been strong, he even found his wolf earlier than most. When he was 8.

“They found her,” Kris continues. “But we managed to get her from their hands… but they will come for her… there will be many after her, and she is still in a lot of danger.” Jered nods, leaning back on his heels anxiously.

“We need your help.” He says slowly, knowing Jered is a loner, but never the less, he nods, his eyes quite serious.

They need to protect her no matter what.

She is the key to it all, but she doesn’t know that yet…

But she will soon.

And when she does, all hell will break lose.


Vampires, werewolves, witches and other supernatural beasts will be after her blood, itching to control it all.

For the world, human and supernatural, they need to somehow keep her from their hands.


Jered gulps a bit, squeezing his eyes shut as he lets Kris fly him back to the Elders Lair.

MiMi… please forgive me… for being away for so long… he silently prays looking out in front of him blandly. Please, you may not understand… but you have never been alone.

In silence, he thinks back to all the “anonymous” tips he left foster care about how she was being treated, how many times he had left food and medicine for her making her think her foster families felt bad for beating her…. when he paid for her surgeries and therapy so she wouldn’t have to worry about anything more…

It’s all been for you, MiMi… to keep you safe.

Okay guys,

I plan to update this as soon and as often as I can,

but if i must take a few days every few chapters, please forgive me

because I must catch up on my Kpop One Shot Shop...


i havent forgoteen about you...

or this story,

but i need to work on everything evenly.


work it ChanYeol!

haha Such a y xD

love love love this macro...

and Kai's face!



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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 5: Love Ur story!!^^
it´s another wolf, right? But it isn´t jungkook since he can´t transform if he want to.... so... hmm I don´t know who it can be

whatever... I think I have to wait for the next chapter
I like your story so far and I really love your writing style
keep up the good work - fighting!

hope you´ll update soon
celina1dream #4
Chapter 5: Were are u??!!??? Need to Read morrrrrreeee!!!
Chapter 5: CHANYEOL!!
Chapter 4: KYA!!XDD woah! I hope you write one about SUGA XD
celina1dream #7
Chapter 4: love it <3
celina1dream #8
Chapter 2: AMAZING LOVE IT!!!! update sooon <3