Just Like That

Just like that

"If I told you not to leave me, will you stop in your tracks and turn to stay with me?"

Yunho sighed, caressing the remnant strands of Jaejoong’s wild hair, “I’m not leaving you boo."

Jaejoong flung his hand away. Stepping back, he turned, unable to face the hopeless expression on Yunho’s face.

"You’re not trying hard enough." he declared, “You’re not fighting for this!"


"NO! NO!" Jaejoong screamed, “I don’t want to hear your lies anymore. You’re just using this whole situation as an excuse to break up with me. You’re just pushing me away. YOU JUST DON’T LOVE ME ANYMORE. Why won’t you admit it?"

Jaejoong crumpled to the floor.

"Why won’t you admit you no longer love me"

It was masochistic of him but in that instant, the lines that Yunho uttered during their filming for Dangerous Love flashed back in his mind.

"In my heart, there’s you."

Jaejoong smiled bitterly.

"Now in your heart, I no longer exist." he spoke, the words cutting through the tension in the room like a knife through butter, “So let’s just stop pretending okay? Let’s just end this. It’s enough."

At Jaejoong’s words, the fiery anger within Yunho was ignited and his eyes flashed dangerously, increasing the tension present in the room.

"Who said I’m pretending?" Yunho uttered, his tone deadly, “Do you have any evidence? On what basis are you placing your accusation upon?"

Jaejoong lifted his face, boring straight into Yunho’s eyes, “If you’re not pretending, then why don’t your feelings reach me?"

"Why can’t I feel a thing from you?"

Yunho’s face crumpled and he clenched his fists. Perhaps it was due to Jaejoong’s tears, perhaps it was due to the desperation evident in Jaejoong’s voice, in any case, it was not long before Yunho’s eyes started welling up and the tears flowed freely down his face. Just like that, the quarrel came to an end. Just like that, the fire was doused and the well of tears was opened. Just like that.

"I’m sorry." he uttered, pulling the fragile form before him into a tight embrace as he surrendered into a wave of apologies, “I’m sorry."

The pair stayed locked in the embrace as time passed by, neither wanting to let the other go.

"Don’t tell me to give up," Jaejoong whispered after a while, sniffling on Yunho’s shoulders as his grip on them tightened, “Don’t tell me to forget you and move on like that. I can’t do that."

"Jae." Yunho protested weakly, breathing in the scent of Jaejoong’s cologne, “We can’t be together like this. Our love won’t be accepted. The road ahead of us, it isn’t going to be easy. We might be ridiculed by those whom we loved. We might be widely hated. We might lose our careers. We might break our families apart. We have everything to lose, Jae, don’t you understand? There’s nothing but suffering, pain and loss ahead of us."

"And love," Jaejoong interrupted, “There’s also love."


Jaejoong smiled, patting Yunho’s back as he trembled, holding onto Jaejoong as his sole anchor. Yunho could be so adorable sometimes.

"You idiot. Love was never easy." Jaejoong chastised his lover, “What made you think so anyway? No one said life was a bed of roses. Life was meant to be difficult from the start. Besides, did you truly think that if you were not with me, my suffering would have lessened in the least bit? You’re such an idiot Yun! Why can’t you see that I’m willing to walk this road down with you?" 

Jaejoong pressed a kiss next to Yunho’s chin, rubbing his face against his rough stubble. 

"Why can’t you see that our suffering becomes negligible when we’re together?"


"No, you idiot." Jaejoong interrupted, “Listen to me. Since you love having your proof so much, I’ll give it to you. I’ll prove it to you that our suffering is negligible when we’re together. I’ll give you evidence just because I know it’s the fastest way to make you see and believe. How’s this for a change?"

Yunho blinked. In a matter of seconds, Jaejoong had grabbed a piece of scrap paper next to him and scribbled on it, presenting the ‘evidence’ to him swiftly.

Yunho sighed, “Jae. How can this even be counted as evidence? It’s just a scrap of pap-"

Yunho’s words died down as his eyes widened, finally taking in the writing before him as a new realization struck him.

"You-" he uttered, his face an expression of shock.

"Yes me what?" Jaejoong laughed at Yunho’s speechlessness, “I presented you with valid proof so my statement has been proven correct. Now, can we proceed to the part where we make up like wild bun-"

The sentence was discontinued as Yunho abruptly awoke from the stupor he was in and crushed his lips against Jaejoong’s, surprising Jaejoong with a full blown kiss.

"Yunho, what are you doing?" 


Jaejoong questioned the moment Yunho let him up for air, astonished at the improper behavior his uptight lover just displayed. Yunho smirked.

"I’m granting your wish." he replied as he dragged Jaejoong onto the bed, slamming the door behind him shut, “We’re just getting to the ‘making up like wild bunnies’ part."

"Oh?" Jaejoong smiled, “I should be a genius more often then. My wishes get granted instantly."

Yunho chuckled, “Provided you can keep up with my speed babe, provided you can."

Jaejoong grinned, his peals of laughter echoed around the room, enveloping them as they teased each other, garments sliding to the floor soundlessly. In that instant, a gentle breeze blew through the open cracks of the walls and the scrap of paper that laid on the floor flipped over, revealing what was written beneath:

(-1) x (-1) = 1

Two negatives made a whole. Two sufferings multiplied was positive. It was just that simple.

Just like that.

The End.


Author's Note: My tests are flooding in so updates on chaptered stories are kinda impossible for now. :( Thanks to kpop4evafanatic for reminding me how many uncompleted fics I have lol. DAMN IT! >< I hope you loved this drabble nonetheless. P.S. Please go and check this: http://noeldenever.livejournal.com/ out. I'M LOVING HER FICS SO I'M GONNA PROMOTE IT HERE HAHA! (I hope you don't mind.) ;X So that's it. See you guys soon! :D

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Chapter 1: that was simply the best with a lovely moral!!
why are u promoting my lj here??? i'm so hopeless, my fics are like kindergarten kid writings compared to yours ;;______;;
*finds a rabbit hole and hides in shame
(and hoping to find yunjae making out a la wild bunnies inside the hole, lol)
i'll never be able to find any love expression in a math equation...that's a very nice touch. and so loving the part when jj said that love was never easy. this drabble is short & simple, but deep...love it. may ur test results be as good (or even better) than this ^^
Chapter 1: sorry unnie sorry haha. XD XD. cheh. at first i thought it was a marriage certificate hahahaha. but the damn it. math. doing math now. exam tmrw T_T
Chapter 1: It's just like that...woah..love this..awesome! fighting author sii!!
CaraMia #5
Chapter 1: hehe, cute drabble, but the geek in me cringes at the equation. technically, the answer is -2. It's (-1)-(-1) that is equal to 0. but that's just technicality. don't mind me. I'll just chalk it up to creative license. :)