The Bias & I


want to talk to you bias? well, you've come to the right place

interact with your bias and in time he or she will fall for you


alrighty guys. this is the first time ive made these sort thing so be nice to me.

RULES (yes they must be there)

1. two weeks max. to reply (im being nice here)
2. maximum of two month hiatus (if you need more, you can still keep your bias but other will get a go with them as well to keep it fair)
3. no arguing or fighting with me (if your chapter gets deleted, TOUGH!!)
4. no racism or discrimination of any kind (im very sensitive about it. i will delete you without warning if i see it)
5. no or yuri (i just dont know how to write for that but if you want a female bias and you are a female yourself, you can have them :) )
6. dont get in a panic if i dont reply (i will PM you if i cant reply on the day or if im going to sleep)
7. , violence, marriage, ect is allowed (your chapter will be posted, so if you dont want people to read that, DONT WRITE IT~!) 



1. subscribe first
2. comment for your bias after you check the wishlist and i will tell you if your bias is free or not
3. fill out the application form and inbox it to me

easy right?



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Chapter 5: I really miss this but life T-T
Chapter 5: Yay update~
Chapter 6: Hi Aron sorry it's been a long time how you been?? :(
Chapter 5: I miss my Minnie~
Chapter 5: I wish I didn't miss miss updates last night :(
Chapter 5: Oh where oh where has my Sungmin gone? Oh where oh where can he be~? With his aeygo so good and his eyes so wide, oh where can he be~?
Chapter 5: I miss updates on this :(
Chapter 5: Holly come back~~~~
Chapter 5: *Waits patiently*
Mr_Fanboy #10
I at this whole updating thing huh? LOL. Sowwy :(