Oneshot Part 2

We Met And thats all that Matters

So yeah guys sorry for the late update im such a fail of an author lol

Hope you do enjoy though :3


Kris couldnt believe he had to depend on Joonmyun so much.
How was he supposed to look cool and have the other fall for him when he was being so pathetic?
He sighed heavily and he parked in front of his house.

"So,here we are"he turned to face Joonmyun.Joonmyun looked out the window taking in his surroundings.
"Ooh,you got a nice looking house",Kris chuckled as he shut the engine off and went to get Joonmyun's door.

Joonmyun stepped out and thanked him in a small voice as he follwed Kris up the steps to the front door.
Kris let Joonmyun go in before him,as they entered the house,quietly closing the door behind them.

"Make yourself at home,Joonmyun-ah"He motioned for him to take a seat in the living room,"Im gonna go ahead and change,my clothes feel disgusting,if you're hungry you can go ahead and order some food,my treat".Joonmyun nodded and smiled before Kris headed upstairs.

When Kris finished he made his way downstairs,he followed the smell of something delicious and found Joonmyun cooking in his kitchen.
He froze by the doorway and felt his heart stutter in his chest as he watched Joonmyun move around as if he lived with him.

Gosh whoever gets to marry you will be the luckiest bastard alive...

Joonmyun chuckled and turned around,"do you really think so?"

Kris' smile dropped,how did he know what I was thinking?

Joonmyun let out an adorable laugh,"maybe you should stop saying whatever's going through your mind"

Kirs couldnt have been more embarrassed.He felt a small flame go up on his cheeks.

"Uh,you really shouldnt have"he started awkwardly as he pointed to the food,"a delivery would've been fine,you already did so much for me"

Joonmyun continued to stir some things on the pan,"Kris,dont be silly,this is nothing"he smiled,"Besides,how long has it been since you've had a nice decent home-cooked meal?"

"A while"Kris admitted sheepishly,"do you need help with anything?I can help you out with something,anything"

Joonmyun then turned and gave him that angelic smile that had Kris' hear going crazy,"Okay,if you insists,you can wash some lettuce and set the table"
Kris nodded before reaching into his fridge to take out the romaine lettuce.

He suddenly found himself smiling like an idiot,when he thought of how they looked like a couple and Joonmyun could be his wife waiting for him to come home from work.

He went on about washing his lettuce and setting the table happily.This was definitely going better than what he had hoped for so many times.

"Kris the food is don-"Joonmyun didnt get to finish his sentence as he slipped and skated on the slippery floor.Good thing was he was there to catch him and on instinct he wrapped an arm around the small male's waist to prevent him from falling,pulling him close.

He turned to see what Joonmyun had slipped on and he mentally face palmed when he saw there was some little water driplets scattered around in the floor.

"Are you alight?"he asked turning to face the petite male,Joonmyun seemed like he was still in shock and gave a weak nod in response.
"I-Im so sorry Joonmyun-ah"he stuttered,"It seems I cant even wash some dumb lettuce without being a bother to you"

Joonmyun looked up at him and smiled at him.That smile that seemed to comfort him greatly."Nonsense,Kris"

"You should've just let me take you home and I should've just walked or somethi-"
Joonmyun cut him off,"What?No,Im just a very clumsy person"he moved his hand up to touch Kris' face and caressed his cheeck gently and softly.

Kris leaned into the touch,he realized he had fallen for Joonmyun,hard.He tightened his grip on his waist and pulled him closer.
It was now or never.If he didnt try,he would never know.
"I really like you,Joonmyun-ah"he said as he leaned in and softly kissed him.
Joonmyun was obviously caught by surprise,but he would be lying if he said he had stopped thinking about the handsome tall stranger he met at the club that night,so he closed his eyes and kissed back.

The kiss was everything he had expected and more.Kris continued to kiss him,like he couldnt get enough of him,like he could've easily gotten high just off of the other's lips.

He finally pulled away after it seemed like Joonmyun would faint if he didnt get oxygen soon.

Joonmyun happily beamed into one of those angelic smiles of his,"Sheesh Kris,I thought you werent gonna make a move"
Kris smiled,"I spent weeks waiting to see you again,I'm so glad I found you today"
"Me too"Joonmyun said as he pulled Kris in for another kiss,a soft smile spreading on his lips.

After that day it was all smooth sailing for their relationship.Joonmyun came and went,more came than went,and it became a normal routine for them both.
Soon,of course,he officially moved in with Kris,their relationship had hit several month anniversaries when this happened.

Now they were both out for their 11th month anniversary,it was a cool,summer night.
Joonmyun had his arm linked through Kris' chatting happily about his plans to redo their living room's furniture and style.
Kris only smiled fondly,as he looking down at his enthusiatic boyfriend.

They had gone to have a nice sea food dinner on their 11th month anniversary and decided to stop by the bay to admire the moon reflecting on the water.
The view was something to remember and Kris was about to make it even more special.

Just as Joonmyun turned his head back to face Kris,he saw the tall giant on his knee pulling out a blue elegant box.

He gasped and his vision start to blurr a bit when his emotions rushed to his eyes.
He had always waited for this moment ever since they hit the half year mark,he knew how much both were ready to take the next step in their relationship.Although since he would always get dissapointed he gave up and here it was when he least expected it.

"Joonmyun-ah,would you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life by my side?"Kris asked looking up at his lover,a bit of nervousness reflected in his dark orbs

Joonmyun just nodded,unable to make a proper answer leave his mouth and finally broke out sobbing once Kris slipped the engagement ring onto his finger.He then wasted no time to launch himself at his now fiance,throwing his arms around his neck,pulling him in until their lips met.

Later on that night Kris wondered what it would've been like without having met Joonmyun that day at the club by accident.One way or another he owed Luhan for having him go to the club when they met.

Now they were engaged,and soon they would be happily married.

No matter how hard things get,they would always have someone to rely on.

They met and that's all that matters.



So yeaah there you have it the end,it was kinda rushed cause ive been working a lot and didnt really have the time to revise or make it longer

I do hope that you enjoyed it even though its a very cliche fic oTL lol

n e ways yeaaah Krisho deserves more love you guys

there needs to be more fics so that you wont suffer w my ty writing lmao

Thanks so much for all of you who suscribed,viewed,read and commented!

I'll be back soon with a new story.

Till then,take care :3

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2444 streak #1
Chapter 2: awwww... sometimes the best things happen when people are at the worst circumstances... no matter how much Kris hated clubs, he wouldn't have met Jun if he chose to not go with Lu then... and if their friends, such good friends lol, didn't leave them by the pool then, Jun wouldn't have taken Kris home! and the rest is history!

Kris you've got to thank all your friends! not just Lu! HAHAHA
Chapter 2: Aww~ tho kyute!! Happiest bastard alive xD I really enjoyed the story!
Chapter 2: Kris, the luckies bastard alive ;;w;; <3
aww umma appa so cute~ kris being so adorbs when junmyeon's around kkk~
but yeah, this too rushed. i want to see how kris's friends interact with junmyeon with all those teasing honestly ^^ but well this is cute <3
Chapter 1: omo! omo! omo! so sweet mama baba! >////<
gosh, i can't handle my KrisHo feels /sobbing/

authornim, im new reader, and its my first time read fanfic in english. so sorry for my bad grammar /deep bowing/

i subscribe ur ff! update asap!^^ ㅋㅋㅋ
mel_amelia #5
Chapter 2: Congratulation for successfully being a luckiest bastard alive kris!! Haaaa.
Thank you for the story!
Authornim, could you make an epilogue or sequel maybe? I'll looking for it! *puppy eyes* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
jeunjihye #6
Chapter 2: ohh god>< luckiest bastard alive..
noname022 #7
Chapter 2: oh may gaaaash!!!! kyaa~~ thats so sweet... my krisho... ^^
nerdychanyeolism #8
Chapter 2: well then Krease, congratulation for succeeded on being that luckiest bastard alive ;A;
Chapter 1: This is not fail & ty~

I like how you`ve written this~ just a right amount of fluff. ^^ <333

Can`t wait to read the next part~ hwaiting~! :)