
7 Minutes In Heaven...or Hell?

(Before you start, let me warn you that this story is INNOCENT, INNOCENT I tell you! Thank you for reading my disclaimer)

*SLAM!* The door went.

Yerim's eyes widened. She ran for the door and tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge.

"G-guys...are you seriously doing this?" She sighed when there was no direct response, only muffled laughter at the other end of the door.

She turned around to see Jaejoong right in front her, arms crossed. 

"Wipe off that smirk of yours before I punch it off for you," Yerim snarled.

"You haven't changed at all, Cho Yerim." Jaejoong smirked even more, if that was possible.

"And you haven't changed at all either, Kim Jaejoong."

Yerim took a daring step towards him, fist bared.

"Tch, always copying my phrases," he scoffed.

"Y-you flat nosed elephant!" Yerim blurted out.

Jaejoong guffawed and suddenly bursted out laughing.

"PUAHAHAHA! Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Yerim took another step towards him, her fist right in front of his face. "You do remember how I used to always beat you up?"

"You do realise the fact that I'm taller than you now, don't you?" Jaejoong leaned over, causing Yerim to instinctively pull back.

"I can always beat you up into a pulp though!" she declared. 

"Prove it."

"What?" Yerim blinked.

Jaejoong leaned down to her height of 165 centimetres, gazing into her eyes. "Prove. It."

"F-fine! I'll verse you in Mercy!" Yerim averted his gaze.

"Are you serious? What are you, 10?" Jaejoong laughed. "Only primary school kids play that kind of game."

"Y-you're just scared I'll beat you!" Yerim stuck her tongue out.

"Fine. Flooring mercy." Jaejoong inwardly smirked. *This wasn't what I had in mind, but it'll still work,* Jaejoong thought.


(A/N: Do you guys know what flooring mercy is? It's like the original game but it depends on who floors who first. Ahh, memories. By the way this story is sort of random and crack so random events are bound to happen)


Jaejoong and Yerim advanced to the middle of the room, which was as big as a normal living room. The room wasn't even completely dark, because of the light seeping in from the outside where everyone else was.

Yerim warmed up by slightly jogging on the spot and stretching her hands. Jaejoong just stood there as if he was too cool for this. "What, aren't you getting ready?" Yerim asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Is this a wrestle match or something? You're so enthusiastic about this," Jaejoong smirked.

"Argh, stop smirking  you conceited jerk!" Yerim snorted as they connected hands, "Let's count to 3."


"There's something you don't know about."

"No time to talk Jae, 2..."

"During these past 6 years-"

"2 and a half..." Yerim interrupted.

"I've been practicing taekwondo and I'm now a black b-"

"3! Wait- WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Yerim screeched. Jaejoong flashed her a mischievous grin and twirled her around effortlessly, gripping onto her hands tightly.

"Y-yah! Not fair, I was doing all the counti- AISH!" Yerim attempted to push his left arm back to get a better position, but he instead pulled her towards him, almost making her lose her balance. 

"YOU PRACTICED TAEKWONDO JUST FOR THIS?! AND YOU'RE A BLACK FREAKING BELT?" Yerim screamed into his ears. She tried to cross their arms and twisted his wrists back suddenly - however - she was no match for his renewed power and disconnected the cross. Before she could improvise a plan, he locked his leg with hers and pulled it in, making her nearly lose her balance again. However, she gripped onto his hands even tighter so if she was to fall, he would too.

"Th-that was cheating!" Yerim exclaimed. "You can't lock my legs, that wasn't part of the rules!"

"You should've introduced the so-called rules before you counted then," Jaejoong pointed out.

"Sh-shut u-YAHH!!" Yerim squealed as he pulled her to the right, making her on the edge of falling.

Suddenly - milliseconds before she went down, she pulled her down with him and twisted his arms towards her so he fell on the floor down- flat.

They both went down, although Jaejoong fell before her, back first. 

"Argh..." Jaejoong groaned, aware of the fact that Yerim fell on him. They both flutter opened their eyes at the same time, but their eyes soon became as wide as saucers. Why? 

They were head to head with each other, eye to eye, nose to nose, ear to ear...lip to lip.

It was like the world stopped spinning, as cliche as it sounded. They were both in the state of shock and trauma, not being able to move because of the situation they were in right now. 

Suddenly - the door slammed opened. 

"7 minutes is up!" Someone bellowed. 











Yerim and Jaejoong realised the extremely awkward position they were in because their arms and legs were linked. Also, to add the fact that they were having a physical match (that made them sweat) made the scene look highly suspicious.

"Ah!" Yerim yelped and tried to leap up to her feet. However, Jaejoong's grip was still on her wrists, so she landed on him, again. That also meant their lips contacted - again.

"WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN DOING IN THAT ROOM?!" Someone screeched, waking them both up. They turned their heads abruptly to the direction of the door, and another SNAP! of the darn camera was heard.

"Oh crap." They both said at the same time.

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Chapter 4: hahaha
jaejoong left behind
Chapter 3: fighting like a kid, haha
mlj508 #3
Chapter 3: Ah Yerim and Jaejoong are cute
They acting like kids fighting with each other
Looking for your next update^^
Chapter 3: hahaha!! this is soooooo funny! :D
Chapter 2: oho
nice nice
hithere-- #6
Chapter 1: Ahahhaa XD
omg, how did i even miss this?
musssssssst finish!
:3 jaeville /coughcough