the devil's adversary

the geometric tattoo that are the year marks; something like this:

forgot to put this in the last chap.

Now, enjoy.

---(TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Tao bit onto his dinner roll that he brought from the grocery store. He decided to walk back by himself, just wanting to explore a bit more, before going back to his dorm to have a dinner feast. The others protested, but Tao assured them that he would be fine and can make it back on his own.

'This place is more like a college campus area than a tournament ground. Eh, it's cool though.'

He started to walk back to the bulletin board that displayed all of the names of the contenders and which room they were staying. 'Hm…Kyung-owl said that there are 128 people…' Tao started to count the number of people. 'Yup…there are 128 people.' He continued to munch on his roll, until he noticed that one person was roomed by himself. 'Hm?' He leaned over, squinting his eyes. 'Hm…that guy is roomed by himself…so…didn't Chan-giant say something about being the champion, you get to be roomed by yourself or something?' Tao looked at the name again. "Kris?" He made a face. 'American? Or…pfff, what a weird name anyway. Must be half and half?'

Tao pursed his lips as his eyes went over for the matches tomorrow. He looked through them, noticing that he is going to go up against someone.

'Changbum? Hm…wonder what he is like.'

Tao stood up straight, only to bump into someone from behind. Immediately, he looked over his shoulder to apologize, but noticed that his face was not looking at a face, but at a chest. 'E-eh?' He looked up to see the person that he bumped into, looming over him with sharp eyes. It frighten Tao a bit; to him, it looked like the other wanted to rip him apart and eat him as a late dinner snack.

"S-sorry." 'Damn it! I stuttered!!' "Um," Tao backed up a bit, fully turning towards him. "Sorry…about that." He gave a small bow. As he stood back up, chills went through his spine as he saw how the other's look didn't change; it was as if he was studying him. It was quiet among them, and Tao was terrified to move an inch, fearing that the man before him will attack. Instead, he decided to make small talk. "Um…my name is Tao." He adjusted the bag of groceries to his left, and let out his right hand, ready to shake. "Um…I'm a first comer here…hm…I would tell you my power, but I'm not sure what it is…I guess I am a late bloomer?" He chuckled, hoping that the man would laugh too, but still no reply. "Um." Tao brought his hand down. "W-whats your name?"

Still no response.

'God…what is his problem. Oh! Maybe he is mute? Or deaf?' Tao could only glance at the man in seconds; his gaze petrified him, but despite all that, he would have to admit that he was a looker. The man before him, with the use of the small floating ball of lamps that were around, illuminating much light as it could, Tao could see that he was dressed nice with a navy colored double ed coat and red embroidery at the ends of his cuffs, navy colored pants to match, with black laced up boots that went up slight above his ankles, nice golden like color hair, yet his face, especially his expression, was so cold, so harsh. 'Whoever this guy is…he is much more good looking than me…' Thus, Tao started to feel self-conscious about his looks. 'Jeez, he is too tall…way taller than Chan-giant!! Eyebrows are so thick…hm, should I start growing my eyebrows too?'

Tao started to feel uncomfortable; he wanted to leave, but thought that it would be rude to leave someone like this. He turned around, moving to the side to stand next to the other. Now both were glancing at he bulletin board.

"Are you going to have a match tomorrow…or the next day…?" Tao asked softly, but only to have the other glance over at him. "Erm…" 'Oh jeez…either stay Tao or leave…Leave. Definitely leave.' "Um, well…I have to go so, I'll see you around?"

The man gave a surprised look, making Tao amazed that the other could do another expression besides giving a glare like look. Tao gave a small smile and nodded. "Ah, goodnight I guess." With that, he backed up and started to head back to the dorm house.

'God…so awkward!! Who is that guy?' Being curious, he looked over his shoulder, jumping a bit to see that the man was now staring at him as he was leaving. Afraid that he might start running after him, Tao picked up the pace.

---(TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

"There you are." Kyungsoo crossed his arms, his foot tapping on the floor. "Seriously, like I said before, there is nothing else around here."

Tao pouted and closed the door with his foot. "I just wanted to see the bulletin again. I saw that I am going up tomorrow against…this person named Changbum."

"Changbum?" Joonmyun looked up from his noodles. "I know him. This is his 4th time coming here."

'4th? So he must be good then?' Tao thought with worry. He was still unsure what his power was and going up against someone that is a 4th sounded bad.

"Hm." Joonmyun nodded. "Changbum uses energy whip construction."

Tao blinked at the name. 'So…an energy user?' "Is he…um…is he difficult to beat?"

"He is pretty good." Chanyeol nodded, biting into his cookie. "For all we know, he probably has gotten better."

"Chanyeol." Kyungsoo gave him a look. "Don't say that. Look, you are making Tao all scared."

"Well…it is better to be honest right?" Chanyeol defended himself. "Right? Why would I sugar coat that?"

"Tao doesn't even know his powers yet…for all we know, he will be eliminated in the first round." The owl said. "Just…don't freak him out like that okay?" He looked over at Tao, seeing that he was pondering about tomorrow's match with a 4th year contender. "Tao, just relax --"

"How can I relax though? I don't even know my own powers." Tao said with a little worry. 'I might be eliminated in the first round…that will be embarrassing.'

"Just relax." Joonmyun said, offering a plate of fruits to Tao. "You are probably a late bloomer…your powers might come when you step on the arena."

"You think so?"

"Hm." He nodded. "Just you wait. The feeling of wanting to use your powers might…"activate" them." He said as he placed the plate on arm rest of the couch to make air quotes.

"I see. Well…yeah, I just have to think positive." Tao said feeling determined as ever. "I just have to give it my all!"

"Thats the spirit!" Chanyeol beamed. "Thinking positive is good."

"Well, alright…but now, Tao…you have to eat. Your match tomorrow is at…what time?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Like…around 10."

"Like around 10…or at 10."

"10." Tao nodded in assurance. "10 for sure."

Kyungsoo nodded. "Good. Now, eat something."

"Okay…wow, Kyungsoo…you act so much like a mother."

The owl blushed at the comment. "I'm not a mother! It is common sense to make sure that everyone is fed!"

"That is so like a mother personality." Chanyeol said, drinking a glass of milk. "Very much like a mom. I wouldn't mind living in with you."

"And cook, do your laundry, and pick up after you? Hell no." Kyungsoo shook his head; he looked over at Tao once again to gesture the other to sit down at the table. Tao followed what he was told, and sat down to eat. As the other munched on his food, a thought ran over Kyungsoo's mind. "So, Tao," The panda looked over his shoulder at the owl. "Is the bulletin the only place you went?"

"Hm." He nodded. "Yeah. Now that you mentioned it…I met someone."

"Oh?" Kyungsoo nodded, as he made his way over to Tao. "Who was it?"

"Dunno." Tao shrugged. "He didn't say much. He just stood there…as if he was mute…deaf…I dunno, but he was a creeper."

"Now that is rude Tao." Kyungsoo lightly tapped on Tao's head.

"Hm! Do you know anyone like that here?"

The three pondered a bit to the panda's question. "Hm," Joonmyun pursed his rosy lips. "No…I don't think so. Maybe the person was shy?"

"I dunno…he was staring at me the whole time. It was just creepy."

"Oh…well, there are some creepy people here. Guys and girls alike. Like that guy over there." Kyungsoo gestured Chanyeol, who made a face, realizing that it was directed at him.

"Ha, ha. Funny."

The other three chuckled while the taller puffed his cheeks out towards them.

'Today was a good day!' Tao beamed. 'Weird…but…it is interseting!'

---(TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

"This…is so cool!!" Tao beamed as he checked himself out the mirror on his fighting outfit. "This is exactly like 'Attack on Titans' outfit!! Well…not really, but close!!" He squealed once again as Joonmyun sat on his bed chuckling at his roommate's enthusiasm.

'I'm not sure what that is, but okay.' The angel thought smiling at the panda.

Tao turned around to check the back side of his outfit. 'Whoever is in charge of our clothes totally knows my measurements so well!! Creepy…but so cool at the same time!!'

It was already the next day, and Tao woke up extra early, being excited about his first match against the so called Changbum. When Tao opened his closet, he was presented with the his fighting outfit, hanged neatly on the side of his closet. It was white: his sleeve-less shirt, pants that hugged him right, and even the his gloves whose middle, ring, and small finger were covered, while the other two were exposed, that even went up to his elbows. Besides white, black was the next and last color; he wore black laced up boots in which thin belts were attached to his boots. It crossed each other, around his thighs and finally attached to his pant loops. Another set of thin black belts were attached to Tao's white gloves and crossed over on his upper arm, and finally attaching themselves on the ends of Tao's sleeve less shirt. His back also had a crossover of the black belts, making an 'x', loosely looping between his crotch and legs.

'I look…so hot!! I could so cosplay as a character of Attack on Titan! I just need to make the coat and I'll be good!' He looked over at Joonmyun, complementing his outfit as well.

Unlike Tao's, Joonmyun had a bit of a red riding hood outfit like going on. A cerulean color short cape with a little hood containing a strip of white that went around the hood, a button up, romper like outfit with puffy leg pants that was colored mint green, along with a tan mini boots.

"Thank you." Joonmyun said with a happy expression. "It is cute yes?"

Tao didn't hesitate to nod. "Of course! It surprisingly fits you. By that, I mean like your personality."

"Hm? Thanks…I think." The angel chuckled as he scratched his cheek with his index finger. "We should meet the others and you should start eating breakfast."

"Bleh…I hate breakfast." Tao scrunched up his face. Him and breakfast just don't get along, even when Tao was young. It's just that his stomach is not in the mood to eat.

"Then…a banana, strawberry smoothy? You need something in your tummy."

A knock was heard and the angel informed whoever that it was okay to come in. As the door opened, Chanyeol peaked his head inside with a smile on his face.

"Morning! Just checking to see if you guys are up and --"

"Chan-giant, lemme see your outfit!!" Tao interrupted, feeling excited. "I bet is is cool yeah? Like ours?!"

"Um…I guess." Chanyeol opened the door wider, making the panda 'aww' in amazement. The taller was wearing morning colors: red, orange, and yellow; he wore a thin, long, a gradient red to orange, sleeve-less coat that went down all the way to his knees. The coat's collar was popped up and the first 4 top buttons were opened, exposing a bit of his neck, and the last 4 buttons were as well as , exposing a bit of his stomach. His maroon colored pants hugged him right, shaping his tone legs well, and various yellow belts of different size wrapped around his waist. Unlike the others, he wore red converse like shoes; to Tao, he thought that it would be better for him to run. To top it off, Chanyeol wore goggles that laid perfectly on his curly like hair, and short, finger-less, black gloves.

"You look hot!! Like me!!" Tao praised as he inspected the other by circling around him. "Wow…you even have a phoenix symbol on the back?" He poked Chanyeol's back, in which he jolted a bit.

"Yeah," The taller looked over his shoulder. "A level up. I'm able to generate a fire phoenix to aid me."

"Sweet! Um, how do you know when you level up again?"

"You will feel it." The three in the room turned their heads to see Kyungsoo, leaning against the doorway. Tao's eyes widen at how amazing Kyungsoo's outfit was. The owl wore a short, sleeve-less jacket, where the hem of the jacket rested slightly above his pectorals; his shirt was obviously a button up, but also sleeve-less. His pants were puffy like Joonmyun's but belt like suspenders were attached to his pants, crossing over his chest to form an 'x'. Along with it, he wore knee high brown boots that had two buckles the each shoe. To Tao, he looked like he came from a fashion magazine.

"Kyung-owl! You look like a model!"

The owl blushed. "T-Thanks…I guess. But, um," He cleared his throat a but. "To answer your question…we feel it. It is like…like it flows through the body…like a warm feeling." He nodded. "Its just that you feel it."

"I see." 'You just feel it huh. It must be a great feeling. I just hope that I get to feel it too.' Tao glanced at his hands, flexing them. As he was sleeping, he hoped, prayed to a higher being that he will be able to get his power when he wakes up, but he was sadly mistaken when nothing happened. He just didn't want to make a fool out of himself when he gets on the arena fighting Changbum. 'There is a reason why I am here…I must have a power of some sort, but why can't I summon it or whatever.'

"Tao." The panda looked up to see Joonmyun gesturing him to come along. "We are going to eat." As if he could sense it, Joonmyun's happy expression slowly went away. "You're worried huh. About your powers?"

"H-hu? I'm not…I was just thinking."

Joonmyun gave a simple nod. "Well…okay then…but, lets eat?" He opened the door wide for Tao, who nodded and trotted his way out of their shared room.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Tao sat in what he considered to be equivalent to a locker room. He wanted his roommates to stay, but Kyungsoo informed that they weren't allowed inside, just the morning match contenders were allowed inside.

The panda bit his lip, seeing how everyone was talking to one another.

'Of course…they are probably not new comers like me.'


Tao looked up to see a light brown, doe eyed male in front of him, looking happy as ever. The panda looked around, making sure that he was talking to him and not the person beside him or from behind.

"Erm, h-hello?"

The doe eyed male beamed and extended his hand towards him. "Hm, I'm not a creeper if that is what you are wondering,"

'I wasn't…but I am now.'

"I'm Luhan by the way! I just happen to see you here by your lonesome. Figured that you were a newcomer and thought that I should introduce myself."

"Ah, I see…um, I'm Tao." He shook hands with the one called Luhan. "N-nice to meet you."

"Likewise Ta --"


Both turned to see dark tone, rainbow colored hair male, as well as two others coming towards them. The doe eyed male beamed even more as he waved towards the three.

"Hey, Se --"

"Why were you shaking hands with Luhan?!" The dark tone, rainbow haired male asked in such an angry tone. It made Tao jump a bit, wondering why he was getting angry at him when really he did nothing wrong.

"Sehun…that was rude." Luhan pursed his lips at the other. He turned towards Tao, apologizing in behalf of the so called Sehun. "He is just overly protective of me." He chuckled, but Sehun didn't think it was all that funny. "Tao, lemme introduce you to my friends." He gestured towards each of them. "This is Sehun… a wind controller," He gestured to a jet black haired male with a nice face definition. "This is Chen. He has electrokinesis, the ability to control electricity. And lastly, this is Xiumin." He said, motioning his hand towards the the rich, chocolate haired colored male, with such soft cheeks. "He can manipulate ice…or snow."

"Ah I see." Tao nodded. 'They have such cool powers…I have to be honest…I'm jealous.' "W-what power do you have? I-if you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, I have telekinesis." He pointed to himself. "I control things with my mind."

"S-so cool!" Tao said out loud, not meaning for his words to be spoken. "S-sorry…I just think --"

He was interrupted with the chuckling from the doe eyed other. "It is totally fine. I'm guessing your match will be up soon?"

"Um…well, I'm scheduled at 10 so…I have a few minutes of waiting left."

"I see." Luhan was about to continue, when a computer voice from the intercom announced that Xiumin and another had to go to the arena. "Oh, Xiumin, you're up."

The soft cheek male nodded and was about to leave, when Chen followed him, escorting him out.

'Hm.' Tao watched the two. 'They are so quiet -- hu?' He then chuckled at the scene when Chen gave what he thought was a good luck kiss on his cheek. No doubt Xiumin started to turn into a shade of pink. 'Cute!'

"Hey Tao…you want to watch?" Luhan asked, pointing to the stairs going up. "The balcony…we can look over and watch Xiumin fight."

"O-oh okay." Tao stood up and dusted himself. He was about to follow when Sehun quickly walked passed him, bumping shoulders. 'Whats his problem?' He puffed his cheeks at the other when he wasn't looking.

As he go up, he saw some people already sitting down, or standing, looking over the railings at the arena below them. Tao was in awe; he glanced around seeing majority of everyone sitting down in their seats.

"Tao, over here!" Luhan gestured Tao to come closer. As Tao did, the panda blinked as he saw Xiumin walking out with another. "Hu? Is that a girl walking with him?"

"Hm?" Luhan nodded. "Yeah...his opponent. Why?"

"B-but…isn't it…like, wrong for a guy to fight a girl?"

By then, Sehun laughed at what Tao said, making him blush. The doe eyed male gently slapped the other on the shoulder. "Sehun, that was rude. No, Tao." He gave a small smile. "It doesn't matter if you are fighting a boy or a girl."

"Oh, I s-see." Tao glanced down at the two as they made their way to the middle. A familiar insignia glowed a silver color; within a few seconds, the ring was heard, echoing the dome. Immediately, the arena's transparent floors shifted and transformed themselves into a jagged rock environment. "Whoa!!" Tao leaned into the railing, making Luhan grab him by the belts that were on his back.

"Whoa there buddy. Careful."

Sehun scowled and crossed his arms. By then, Chen made his way over to his friends, right beside Sehun.

"What is up with you?" He asked the other, who narrowed his eyes towards the panda.

"That thing…is taking up Luhan's space!" He hissed lowly towards Chen, only making him chuckle softly.

"So protective." He said before turning towards the railing to view Xiumin.

"So," Tao began. "Who is that? The one fighting with Xiumin?"

"Hm? Oh, that is Choah…3rd year, hyper speed."

"S-so she is fast?"

Luhan chuckled. "Very."

A sharp ring, jolted Tao a bit; he looked back at the arena to see that both fighters were about to go. With one last short ring, the blonde, Choah, moved with immense speed, causing Tao to widen his eyes.

'S-she…was just there!' He looked to the side, realizing that she was now circling Xiumin. 'Poor Xiumin!!' The panda was for sure that Xiumin was having a hard time locking the other down, with moving his head back and forth. Before Xiumin knew it, he was hit harshly at the back of the head, making him lean forward, and tumbling down the jagged rocks. "Xiumin!!" Tao yelled without really knowing what he was doing. He watched as Xiumin was rolling down the jagged rocks, getting himself cuts from the rocks.

As Xiumin landed on the ground with a thud, he quickly tried to get himself up, but was kicked right in the stomach by Choah's foot, sending him flying into a rock pillar.

Tao looked away at how violent this was getting even if the match was only 3 minutes in. He felt a small pat on his cheek, looking at Luhan with a small smile. "Don't worry. Xiumin has a plan."

'P-plan.' He looked back to see Xiumin on all fours, panting. 'I don't think he has a pla -- hu!!' The rock terrain beneath Xiumin started to shift in white, ice covering the grounds that they were standing on. 'H-he is icing it?'

Choah narrowed her eyes as she jumped on the jagged rocks to avoid stepping on the now slippery terrain. Tao began to understand was Xiumin was doing. With Choah's hyper speed, she would only slip and fall on the ice.

Immediately, Choah jumped from the rock, speeding her way to Xiumin before he could cover all the rocks with his ice. As he sensed it, he extended his hand and snapped his fingers.

The thick, iced rocks extruded out from the ground with sharp points at the top. Choah was taken by surprise, dodging the extruded ice rocks to the best of her ability. What she didn't see coming was that from the already extruded ice rock, another forced out, striking her right in the shoulder and leg.

She lost her balance and fell on the hard ice, skidding now with just a few feet away from Xiumin.

"This is Xiumin's trademark." Chen said towards Tao.


"Hm." He looked back at the arena. "He freezes them."

With that, Xiumin blew cold air towards Choah, making her widen her eyes. Soon, she started to shiver, coughing out cold air as well. Tao started to feel himself getting cold. 'Is Xiumin's power also effecting everyone here in the dome?!' He turned towards to Luhan, asking him how the fights end.

"Ah, well, you see the red four corners?" In which Tao nodded. "Basically it is, if you push the opponent out, then you win, or if the person is K.O'ed, or tapping out, by tracing the insignia on the ground." The doe eyed male said, tracing the insignia in the air as well.

"I see." 'It is like cage fighting…in a way.' Tao gulped and looked up to see Choah, trying to stand up, but kept wobbling around, resulting her to fall again. Soon, she was on all fours, trying to steady her breathing, but the air was so cold. Unable to run anymore, Choah felt she was going to passout; with the best she can, she traced the insignia on the ice in front of her.

Once she completed the insignia, a ring was heard and soon the terrain quickly transformed back to a transparent floor. Xiumin coughed a bit, before running with the best of his ability towards Choah, asking if she was okay, in which she nodded. With no one else helping Choah, Xiumin took it upon himself to carry her out of the arena, placing her arm over his shoulder, and his arm wrapped his arm around her waist.

With that, the crowd gave applause at Xiumin's victory, and Choah's good fight. Tao on the other hand felt a bit worried. It wasn't like the games that he played, or the animes that he has seen, this is real.

"Lets go check on Xiumin shall we?" Luhan grabbed Tao's hand, pulling him gently to the stairs going down.

As they caught up with Xiumin, Tao bit his lip. Xiumin was covered in dirt and had some blood dripping from the cuts that he had on his arms and face. "H-how…um, how are you feeling?" The panda asked softly, in which Xiumin cocked his head to the side.

"Hm? Oh, I am feeling fine." Xiumin assured. "I'm feeling pain here and there, but everything is okay."

"You sure? I-I mean…you don't look so good."

"He will be fine." Chen nodded. "All he needs is some of Dr. Zhang's healing powers." He grabbed onto Xiumin's hand. "I'll take him there right now." Before Tao could say anything else, Chen started to pull Xiumin away.

"Hu? Um," He turned his head to Luhan, bearing a confused expression. "Are…they together or something."

"And what if they are?" Sehun asked, narrowing his eyes at Tao.

"I'm just asking. I don't find it disgusting or anything if that is what you are worried about!"

"They are." Luhan said. "From what Chen told me…they were childhood friends and became secret lovers in middle and junior high school. Now in high school, they are open about their relationship." He sighed. "It is interesting how both bear special abilities and neither of them knew about it until last year.

"Oh." 'That totally reminds me…I wonder what year they are…I saw Xiumin's though…2nd year…just like Chan-giant and Kyung-owl. Sehun and Luhan…wearing those long gloves I can't tell…so is Chen.' "Um, question…what year are you guys?"

"Oh, I'm a 3rd. Both of us are." Luhan gestured him and Sehun. "Xiumin is a 2nd…so is Chen."

'Ah, that makes sense.' Tao nodded. Soon, the intercom called out the next match, which happened to be Tao and Changbum. 'O-oh no…' "Um…t-thats me." He nodded his head at the two, and Luhan giving a thumbs up at Tao. Sehun on the other hand ended up rolling his eyes, mumbling that he wouldn't stand a chance against Changbum.

Tao trotted his way to the door that led to the arena. He was about to open the door when a hand beat him to it. He looked up to a contender with a rosewood colored, wavy hair and expressing a dazed expression.

"Hm." He said, as he opened the door for Tao, making him blush a bit.

"U-um, thanks?" Tao scurried inside, and walked up the steps to the arena floor. He let out a shaky breath before taking any more steps. The panda saw that the contender that opened the door for him, walked passed him, making his way towards the center of the arena. Tao started to catch up, making his way over to the center as well.

Since Changbum was already standing on one side, Tao figured that he must face the other, just like the match before them did.

The same procedures went through, the transparent floors changed into field of various flowers, letting Tao be filled with awe. 'W-wow!'

As the last ring, rang, Tao didn't have time to react when he felt a sharp sting hit across his face.

'What the?!' He was shocked; he brought up his hand up on his cheek feeling it sting. Bringing his hand to see, he widen his eyes to see blood covered on his fingers. 'B-blood.' Tao looked up, seeing Changbum smirk as he cracked the whip beside him.

'!' Tao quickly turned around and started to run the opposite direction. He tripped a couple of times, but was able to get up from the ground. However, running away was a terrible idea; with Tao's back turned towards the other, it gave Changbum an opportunity to whip him from behind, leaving whip marks on his back and his white outfit now drenched with his own blood.

", Tao isn't doing so well!" Chanyeol said as he scooted forward in his seat.

"Thank you captain obvious." Kyungsoo bit into his lips. 'This is so not good. He looks tired!'

Joonmyun started to feel terrible about his new found friend. He closed his eyes hard not wanting to see any more of the blood being shed.

Tao coughed and stood up once again, this time looking directly at Changbum.

"How weak!" He said laughing. "Why don't you show me your power huh? What is the delay for?!"

The panda blinked letting small tears fall. The pain he was feeling, especially on his back as painful. 'What am I going to do? I can't keep running away or else I'll just get whipped more.' He took a step back. 'Come on power…activate or whatever already!' As he was stepping back, he fell on his bottom, landing on the roses. 'O-ow.' He brought his hand up, in which small petals were on his hands. 'I'm going to lose!!'

His heart started to beat hard; a small wave of warmth filled him. He remembered how others said that he would feel some warmth within him, telling him that his powers will bloom. However, before he could do anything, Changbum quickly appeared before him, getting ready to knock him out. With quick reflexes, he rolled to his left as fast as he could, making his opponent scowl as his fist hit the flowers instead.

Tao coughed a bit, having some of the petals caught in his mouth. He sat up, in the 'W' position, trying to clean his mouth out. His attention was now brought up when he hear Changbum cracking his whip.

"I'll knock you out to end this!!"

Changbum brought back his energy whip and cracked it forward. Unable to move fast enough, all Tao could do was bring his arms up to defend himself.

He waited.

'W-what the?' The panda looked up to see at now a wall of petals formed around him, blocking every cracking whip thrown by the opponent. 'Th-the petals!!' He glanced down, to see the flowers were now bald without their petals covering them. 'What in the world?!'

"What the hell?!" Changbum raised his whip once again, snapping it back at the wall of petals, hoping to break them, but failed.

Tao took the opportunity to back up and run away from Changbum. As he ran, he noticed that a stream of petals, followed him, protecting him from either side.

"Not so fast!" Changbum cracked his whip towards the other; the fall of the whip extended itself, as it quickly followed Tao.

It caught the panda's attention and immediately, waved his hand over.

'Protect me like what you did! Show me that wall again!!'

On command, wall of petals formed, blocking the ends of the whip from extruding any more. Changbum clicked his tongue as he retrieved back his energy whip. He started to pant a bit, cursing himself for using so much of his energy to construct a whip.

'I should just use close combat for now.'

With that, Changbum rushed towards Tao, getting ready to fight him. The panda on the other hand, noticed the change of attack.

'He is going to fight me up close?!' Tao quickly tried to think of a plan, a plan to either knock him out, making him tap out, or even knock him out of the arena. 'O-okay, okay, so I control petals then?! What was that one anime…Cardcaptor Sakura? The Flower card…she danced a lot --' Tao dodged Changbum's fight, as best as he could. Unfortunately, Changbum, kicked Tao right in the stomach, making him fall backwards in a pile of roses.

'Think Tao! Think! She overflowed everything with her flowers…she made it rain flowers like in that one part…if she made it rain…' He blinked in realization. 'I make a hurricane out of petals? L-like Sailor Jupiter from the manga! God, I hope this works.'

When Changbum started to leap up to do a harsh drop kick, Tao ordered the petals to form.

"Flower hurricane!"

A rush of petals formed into a tornado swirl, harshly blasting Changbum in the air diagonally away from Tao. To his secret delight, Changbum was blasted out of the perimeter of the arena, but hitting the wall in the process.

A ring was heard, indicating that the match is now over. The crowd was surprised and clapped for the two, but more cheers roared for Tao.

The panda sighed in relief; he sat up straight, now on his knees. He looked up, seeing the now floating petals, slowly dropping down. He smiled a bit, thanking them for protecting him. With a blink of an eye, the environment shifted back to its transparent state.

Tao got up, staggering a bit. He had no more energy left, thus he collapse on the floor. Before his senses turned fuzzy, he heard people coming for him.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

"Hm." Tao groaned as he turned over to be on his back. 'Bed…I'm on a bed.' He blinked a bit before sitting up properly; glancing at towards his right to see Joonmyun and Dr. Zhang talking to one another. He didn't want to break such a private conversation, but the creak of the bed caught their attention.

"Tao." Joonmyun smiled. "You are awake."

"How…h-how --"

"Hm." Joonmyun stood up from his seat and made his way over to Tao. "You weren't out for that long." He chuckled. "You were conscious for a minute, but when…um, this guy named Luhan --"

"Oh, yeah! Luhan, he is a new friend and his group too."

"Yeah, they carried you out…along with Changbum. As I said, you were conscious when they brought you here, but then you said that you were hungry."

Tao blushed. "I-I did?"

"Yeah, by that time, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and I, we gave you a sandwich and you then told us that you wanted to sleep. So you hopped in this bed and slept." He let out an angelic laugh, making the panda blush even more.

"Well…thank you. A-and thank you Dr. Zhang for healing me."

The doctor nodded. "Don't worry about it. It is my job anyway." He gave a small smile. "Now that all your wounds are healed, why don't you two go up and watch the other matches?"

"Sure." Tao hopped off the bed, but not before he fixed it up. "Thanks again for everything!" With that, Tao sprinted out the door; Joonmyun chuckled and turned towards the taller, bidding his farewell. Before the angel could leave, the doctor have a chaste kiss on the other's lips.

"Have a good day okay?" Yixing told the other, in which he nodded.

"I will. You too."

With that, Joonmyun left, closing the door behind him.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

As Tao made it up the stairs to the seats where everyone were, he searched until he spotted a familiar wavy haired male with goggles. He excused himself to reach over to his friends; in the process, he was told a good job in beating Changbum and praises from the girls on his special ability.

"Oh, hey Tao." Kyungsoo said. "Nice job out there. We were getting worried about you."

"Did you say 'flower hurricane' when you did that final blow?" Chanyeol asked, trying his best to hold in his laugh. "That was really funny -- ow!" He rubbed his arm, when Kyungsoo slapped him harshly on the shoulder.

"All that matters is that it worked. Alright?" Tao beamed and gave a nod. "Good." Kyungsoo chuckled.

"Should I just kneel here or --"

"You can sit on my lap." Chanyeol said, patting his hand on his thigh.

"You sure? I don't want --"

"Nah, nah, come." He leaned back in his seat before going forward and pulled Tao down to sit on his lap causing Tao to slightly blush. "Besides, people behind you can't see."

As Tao sat on Chanyeol's lap, he scooted down a bit so that Tao's head was now resting on Chanyeol's shoulder. Even with him just sitting straight, others behind him still won't see.

"Thanks." Tao said nodded his head, in which Chanyeol just smiled.

Just a few seats behind and diagonal from them, sat two people who were watching the three closely.

"Well, won't cha look at that." The slightly tanned skinned and dark coffee colored hair male nudged his friend on the arm. "Looks like someone's boyfriend moved on." He smirked at the expression his blonde haired friend was giving.

"Shut it Jongin."

"Whoa," The so called Jongin placed his hand over his heart, feeling hurt. "My bad." He said with a sarcasm in his tone. "Just stating what I see Baekhyun."

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at the other as he glanced at the other, tightening his fists together. He looked away, grumbling that he didn't care, as he crossed his leg over the other.

Jongin chuckled as he looked back at the three. 'How interesting.'

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Tao blinked as he sat up a bit. "I know him."

Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Joonmyun looked over to see the two contenders for the morning. Their eyes widen when they saw the Devil himself walking to the middle of the arena along with a frighten blonde male.

"I hope you mean Jaebum." Chanyeol said gesturing to the blonde.

"Oh, no not him. The one with golden hair…the tall one and he is wearing basically all black." Tao chuckled, but the three didn't think so. He sensed the tense atmosphere between them. "W-whats wrong?"

"Tao…you are joking right?" Kyungsoo asked. "You sure that you mean 'that'?"

"That? Don't you mean him? And yeah I talked to hi --" Before Tao could even finish his sentence,  ring was heard, causing them to look at the arena. All that showed was the Devil, just placing his hands in his pockets, tilting his head back to breath out the excess fire, and smoke seeped from his lips and the blonde male was now out of perimeter, having burnt marks on his skin and clothes. The panda was shocked; the match was already over. "W-what the -- what happened?!"

"The match is already over." Joonmyun said softly.

"How? They were just going…they were just starting."

"Tao…that is the Devil that we were telling you about." Kyungsoo said with a worried expression. "You talked to him?"

"W-well, sort of…t-that is the one that I told you guys about last night. The one that I met."

Chanyeol bit his lip before he spoke. "Just don't talk to him alright. Remember what we said?" The panda nodded. "Don't talk to him, don't go near him."

Tao frowned, but nodded. The more people are telling him not to go near the so called Devil, it just made him more curious than before.

'I want to know what is going on.' 

The panda sighed, but soon widen his eyes once the Devil quickly turned his head, staring right at him with the same intense gaze from last night. It sent shivers down on Tao's spine.

'M-maybe...things shouldn't be poked at...b-but, he is just interesting.' 

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

comment if you like/mistakes = im sorry

** Why flower manipulation for Tao?

is that a flower I see (O 3 o) so, yeah that scene. Tao's power is just beginning.

100%'s Changbum:

** Energy Whip Construction: creates a whip composed of solid energy; can extend the whips to battle opponents from the great distances or latch on to far to reach places.

AOA's Choa [Park Choah]:

JJ PROJECT's JB [Im Jaebum]:

'Attack on Titans' uniform / Tao's fighting outfit - something like this:


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Chapter 10: I miss you. I miss the story. Please update
yini_666 #2
Chapter 10: Ahh god the fact that no one trusted kris really got on my nerves, love the story though!
Govina #3
Chapter 10: WHOAAAA you are back author-nim!!!
I almost die in shock when i see the 10 chapt update..
And ommo.. How sad is for Kris for his love is one sided.. Huhuhu..
Okay, now i am going to be a good girl and wait for your next update xixixi
prince4 #4
Chapter 10: HOLYYYYYY!!! Nooooo cliffhangerrrrrr..... can't wait for the next chapter :D
SilverSapphire34523 #5
Chapter 10: This is so good!!! It felt like I was really there!
Chapter 10: Oh gosh when I saw this was updated I about died! I love your work and can't tell you how many times I reread your stories. I had to reread this from the beginning of course and goodness this new chapter did not disappoint! Cliff hanger though! Can't wait to read what happens next :D
Omg!!!! Welcome back authornim haaaaaaah ive been missing you like crazy! Im gonna read thissssss!!
Govina #8
Chapter 9: Update this fanfict pleaseee???
I cant even tell how much i like this oneeeee...
Like the script came from heaven
flyingsweets #9
Chapter 9: Someone pinch me out of this dream that is a fanfic OwO
peachfunnyfever #10
Chapter 9: updated please