Author's Note

Transparent Answer

Author's Note:

Thank you guys for reading, commenting, and subscribing. I really hope you liked this story,

sorry that I didn't leave too many (any at all) author's comments to show how wonderful you all are

and I really mean it! Anyways thank you guys so much really! Also I know that some of you guys

were upset with some parts of the stories, to the point of crying even and so I'm so sorry. Thats is

why, so you don't kill me, an option you guys have!

This is compensation for the story... Now those aren't your only options you guys can

private message me your own ideas as well of what you want me to do... erts... This is to make up

for how I made you feel *tears* Also I will take suggestions and the poll will be open until August 1st,

2013 after that day it will be closed and no more suggestions will be accepted. If no one votes or

does anything I will simply leave the story as it is!  Still I hope you enjoyed that's all that matters

when it comes to it. Thank you very much for reading! ;D

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Thank you!
I will attempt to update this story tomorrow


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Chapter 10: Omfg I just read this yesterday and...
I can't believe this omg
I wasn't able to read fanfics since school started last june but now when I had the chance to...
YOU MADE ME CRY </3 jk but I just feel so sad rn!
Sunghyo95 #2
Chapter 10: This ending T-T that was so sad, seriously, I can't !!!
That little message from Kevin... OMG He should've said it to Kiseop when he was still alive, it would've solved evrything, but now he's dae and Kiseop is all alone and it's so sad and BOOOOOH T-T
Do whatever you want, it's your story, as long as you still find pleasure into writting it, it's okay ^^
eliass #3
Chapter 10: I'd really like a happy ending like where they would meet in Heaven and everything would be alright or something. Any how I really loved this fic and it made me cry a LOT. Even my dog came to comfort me when I was reading..sigh. Really great job!
moonlight77 #4
first sorry author_sama for intruding like this ,i was just trying to give my idea but ended up writing a whole chapter lol .sorry again,i was not satisfied with your ending since it was so sad.i couldn't handle it.i wanted something cheerful for me and for Xominmii.i'm not good at english ,this is my first attempt to write ,i know there is a lot of mistakes ,but plz don't remove it let it ,maybe xominmii will see it .anyway the reader can read your ending if they like the tragic ending or my version if they like happy ending .for who wants to read mine start from below .and go upper .hihi .author _sama i respect your peice of art that you wrote ,thanks and i hope you will continue your work on scorching blood because i'm waiting for it .plz leave minho as he is .tough .good luck .
moonlight77 #5
kevin went to the bathroom to get ready ,after 10 minutes his mother lost patience of what taking them so long to appear so she called them one more time before she found them in front the kitchen door stepping toward the table to take their seats ,his mother hands them their breakfast meals ,kiven and kiseop looked at each other and smiled then start the process of eating while his mom was observing oddly of what makes her son suddenly regain his appetit.before heading out to school kevin tells his mother that he is going to the amusment park after school and maybe watch a movie too ,his mom smiled "so you two lovebirds cameback like the sweet happy oldest time i hope ?", a hint of shyness crept on kiseop's face precisly on his now pink cheek ,while kevin settled for "MOOOOM",his mom smiled in defeat "KISEOP,take care of KEVIN ,i"m counting on you ".and by that kevin and kiseop headed toward a new life full of happy moments starting their day by school ,then going out ,joking around and do what any normal couple madly in love would do,kevin after 3 weeks of recovery went back to his old self if not to say much better ,full of energy and kiseop liked the improvement in kevin.that he stopped cutting his wrist forever and concentrate on their blossoming love.after 2 months,kevin's and kiseop's parents knew about theirs son" relationship and they approved as long as both of them are happy ,nothing matters.and by that the dream of kevin having kiseop on his side as a more than a best freind "a lover " was reached ,the same for kiseop was more than happy that his nightmare turn out just a nightmare he hoped he would never sees again as long as he is a alive .cheshing everty moment he hes to spend with his precious freind,best freind ,beloved ,lover and boyfreind .then END .
moonlight77 #6
kevin and kiseop were taking the chance to enjoy the moments.but kevin'mom sound brought them to reality '"KEVIN","KISEOP", it's breakfast time come down here"kevin uses his wit and push him self from kiseop lightly and ajust in a second to answer his mother properly since the kiss did take a lot of what left from energy in him."YEAH MOM IN A MINUTE I'M JUST GETTING READY"he looks at kiseop who still in his own world like he's been hypnotic,but soon kevin drove him from his daze "KISEOP_AH! what did you ment when you said :it's a nightmare ,just a nightmare"kiseop looks at him like he no longer knows where he is then answer him with a soft smile "AAH!it's nothing kevin ,forget about it"that's all kevin gets before "are you sure ? because i was very worried about you ,you looked very deseprate and scared like you have seen a ghost", maybe an other time i will tell you kevin but now ,that was kiseop's answer ,so kevin let go deciding it's not the best time to argue with his lover when he just reclaim it after a long agonising suffering ,and for an other reason ,his stomac starts growling which made blushes in embarrassment leaving kiseop to laugh at his adorable boyfreind thinking that he is so lucky to have someone as him .he gives him a bear's hug ,to let go when he heard his fish"s suffocating protest"KISEOP_AHHH ,if you want me to stay on earth like you want me to promise you, you better stop soon hugging me like you're gonna squeez the life out of me" kiseop laughes again at this outburst and gives him a more softer hug letting kevin put his face in the crook of his neck and taking the chance to kiss his head and touch his light strands of hair,just to move away again "we better get you to eat some food kevin because DAAAAMN ,you look like you had lost half of your weight those past months" kevin gives him a stern look "and whose falt is that you think ?"then he soften to peck his lover's lip as a sign he was joking ,kiseop ruffles his messy sleek hair
moonlight77 #7
after watching his lover's odd yelling from his overwhelming joy and happiness ,kevin's face lit up and blossomed like a flower was waiting for the spring to come and in this state kiseop was his ultimate spring.his eyes gained their colorful glitter again full of life and hope for a better life from now on with his soulmate kiseop.he catched kiseop by guard and kisses him again this time in a hungry more powerful kiss determined to make him dizzy after it's done but kiseop had some other plans in his mind when he changed the equation to be the one on control ,the one who will drain kevin from the air that reaches to his kevin found him self in a battle with kiseop for dominance ,but he knew he had no chance to vanquish his lover in this losing war,so he put his body in the hands of his king and let him devour his soul and body combined...kiseop was startled again by kevin's kiss but soon he turn his astonishement in a devilish smirk his inner downstair mind was screaming "OOOOH!! KEVIN BABY WHAT HAVE YOU GOT YOUR SELF IN ?"by that he takes control and bits harder on kevin lips to let the blood drips from it just to it with his tongue hearing a whimper from the smaller boy due to the painful bite ,kiseop disconnects their lips for a short moment to give kevin a sorry look then divert his eyes admiring his handy work when he saw the swollen still bleedind lip,he rose his fingers to touch it gently earning a a whine from his beloved just to change his eyesight to his now feverish cheeks which they are painted with a pink reddish shade,knowing that he had the most sensitive creature in the world that was affected by just a bite ,all this meditation took less then seconds for kiseop before he could know he found him self drawn again to those intoxicating rosy a ravishing power that left kevin's knee unsteady,but all he does as a reaction was one hand in kiseop shirt and putting the other around his neck.
moonlight77 #8
chapter 3:"kevin ,i can't survive without you .pleaz ,just don't leave me alone anymore,hugging him more tighter"kiseop was waiting for kevin outburst,preparing him self for the ultimate rejection from kevin but he was taken by surprise when all he received was kevin sweet soft lips crashing on his in a delicate move showing how much he was longing for him.that he waited so long to here his confession and this is his way saying a big "YES" to kiseop ,his one and only .when kevin broke away from the kiss which was a short one ,kiseop was in an utter shock unable to form words to describe how he felt,"i waited so long to hear those words from you lee kiseop,you made my life a living hell for you " by that ,kiseop awaken from his jolt "is that means a "yes"" kevin buries his face in kiseop's neck,and all kiseop gets was a small whispers of "yes" that made his neck that moment all fears went away from his mind .finally kevin was his and no one gonna takes him from him,after a long hesitation kiseop gathered the energy and courage still left in him "KEVIN,WILL YOU BE MY BOYFREIND" kevin clutched with his fists strongly on kiseop shirt and inhale the intoxicating scent of kiseop which of his own body masculine smell and kevin favorit cologne that gave kiseop as a birthday gift and this latter use it everyday,well ,first because it was from kevin his love and second he liked it.kiseop waited in anticipation for his respond when he heard kevin says for the second time "YES"he could swear it's the most shortest wonderful word in the world,he let go of kevin from his embrace ,hook his hand with kevin's and urges him to stand from the bed to take him again his embrace while they are standing ,kiseop start move in a swirl yelling like a maniac"YES YES YES "not careing if kevin's parents heard him , still cluching to kevin who still amazed by his lover's behavior.
moonlight77 #9
sorry i 'm intruding but i wanted an other ending to this story a happy one .i know i'm not good in english as the writer .anyway ,the first thing came to kevin's mind was asking kiseop how the hell did he get in here and more important why is here in the early morning,couldn't he just wait till they meet in school.but all that fade away when he saw the tears streams like jewelries, a precious ones that no one must see unless it was a very good reason for it to fall .kevin put all his sorrows and grieve aside and instantly cup kiseop face with hands and wiped those tears wondering what made his precious kiseop cry like this.kevin felt like a whole in his heart because he could bear everything happans to him except for one,to see his beloved hurt like this ,made him vulnerable.after a deep gazing in each other eyes ,kiseop broke the silence "it's all a nightmare ,yeah,it's all one big ugly nightmare"kiseop starts to smile with the tears still falling ,and that put kevin in a state of confusion,"kiseop what are you talking about ? are you alright ? "that's all what came from kevin's mouth.but the answer to his question was a bit startling ,in instant he was asking kiseop and in the next one was cuddled in his strong arm ,kiseop gave him a squeez of his life that left him needy for air to seep throught his lungs."kevin ,i"m in love with you ".kevin felt like he is been hit by a truck at the sudden confession but instead of the pain there was a shock from happiness.the tears this time starts to stream down kevin's cheeks .it's his turn to show his feelings that were abandened in the deepest of his heart.with not much words because kevin still in a daze ,he stutter to let a few words comes from his mouth"w..what d..did you say?","i'm in love with you kevin "still holding him in his grip with no intention to loosen up even a little bit,"promise me kevin even if you don't love me the same that you won't leave my side ,don't anything stupid araso ?"