Session #0


"So Donghae tell me about your family and about yourself." Dr.Jung asked.
"When I was born I knew I wasn't wanted. I wasn't supposed to happen. My parents only planned on having two children not three. I was the unwanted child living under his older brother's shadow. I had no escape because I couldn't just get up an leave. But music, music was always there for me and still is. I had a pair of headphones, that I still have today, that has been with me through everything. The times I've cried, the times my heart ached, and the times I just wanted to run away. My headphones have been with me for over 20 years just like Hyukjae and Amber. Siwon and my parents mean nothing to me. Siwon was the star child. Loved by everyone and treated with care. I was jealous of him at times but now look where I'm at. I have a husband, a wonderful house, and four loving people that live with me." I explained.
"Tell me more about your past Donghae. Your first 5 years of life. You have excellent memory so I expect them to be detailed." Dr. Jung stated.
"I was born October 15, 1986 in SK Hospital. I was a small child at birth unlike my brother and sister. I looked nothing like my father or my mother so the hospital wondered who really were my parents. When they saw Amber they knew I was their child. I'm glad I don't look like my parents. It will only make me remember the horrible memories I've had with them. When I was 1 I had a ton of hair on my head. Sometimes Amber would style it because she was bored. •chuckles• I remember her pulling my hair into a pony tail because it was so long. At the age of 2 my parents started cutting my hair frequently due to the fact it grew like crazy. Nothing changed when I was 3 or 4 so... When I was 5 I got a bead stuck in my ear because of Siwon. We were making bracelets for my mom for Mother's day. My father scolded me and hit my head saying, and I quote, "How could you get a ing bead stuck in your ear? You made me spend money just to get it out. I could have used that money to buy Siwon clothes you know? Your such a useless child." He left me to cry myself to sleep that night. Siwon said it was my fault the bead was in my ear but he was lying. Amber tried to tell my parents but they wouldn't listen. They never did. After this happened that's when all the abusing started to happen." I looked away from Dr.Jung's eyes and stared at the ceiling.
"Would you like to go on Donghae or no?"
"Not today Doctor. I don't feel ready yet."
She sighed and I heard her clicking her pen. "Donghae..."
"Yes Doctor?"
"I have a plan that will help you forgot everything. You will be able to live your life in peace after."
I finally looked into her eyes and asked "What's the plan?"
"It will be 6 stages. Each stage will help you move on in life. Amber is on the last stage you know."
"Really? Is it helping her?"
"Oh yes! Every stage helps somehow in someway."
I kept quiet and looked back at the ceiling. If it worked on Amber it can work for me right? I'll give it a try.
"So Donghae... Will you let me put you on the plan?"
"Of course Doctor. How long does this plan last?"
"About 2 months roughly. Each stage will last about 5 days, which is 3 sessions."
"Do I need any meds or anything?"
"Nope. All you need is yourself."
I smiled, looking back at Dr.Jung.
"Ok. I like the sound of that. Now tell me. How are you and Amber-Noona doing?" I put my chin on my hands and looked at her with interest.
"Donghae I'm not allowed to tell you that during a session. Maybe we can have lunch to talk about this." Dr.Jung blushed and looked at her clipboard.
"Well the session is done in 3...2..." The timer rung just on time and I smiled brightly.
"Ah you sly boy Donghae. Would you like to go to lunch? It is also my break time."
"Sure Dr.Jung! Just let me call Leeteuk so he doesn't worry about me eating." I pulled out my phone and pressed speed dial.
"Teukie-Hyung~" I greeted.
"Omo Donghae! Have you eaten yet? Is your session over? Do you want me to cook you lunch? Need anything?" Leeteuk asked a million questions before I could reply.
"Anyio Hyung. I'm going out for lunch with Dr.Jung if that's ok."
"Its ok Donghae! As long as you eat well I won't worry."
"Ok Teukie I'll see you later. Byeeee~"
"Bye Donghae." He chuckled and hung up.
"Leeteuk said its ok." I smiled happily and Dr.Jung just giggled.
"Your still the same Donghae."
"Yes I know. Now where are we going to lunch Doctor?"
"Donghae after sessions are over call my Krystal."
"Fine." I pouted and walked out of the room slowly following Dr-I mean Krystal. We reached her office after a while and I waited for her to grab her things before we left.
"A cafe." Krystal said, closing the door to her office.
"What?" I asked. Why did she just blurt out cafe?
"To answer your question from earlier its a cafe."
"Oh... Where's the cafe at?"
"Its just across the street. I'm surprised you haven't been there yet. I know how you love cafes Donghae."
Krystal knows me so well like Amber and Hyukjae. I've always loved cafes because Jewel and Ryeowook own one. Amber would always take me to one after school when I was younger. She feed me there because my parents didn't feed me a lot at home.
"Ready to cross the street Donghae?" Krystal asked breaking me from my thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh yes. I'm excited to go to this cafe. Who owns it?" I asked.
"Its a secret for now. You'll see who it is when we arrive." Krystal put a finger over like a child. I giggled and crossed the street safely.
"Ladies first." I opened the door for Krystal and stepped in after her.
"Still a gentleman aren't you?" Krystal chuckled. I nodded and followed her to the ordering spot. (A/N: Display? Cashier? I don't know. >_<)
"Hi welcome to Kawaii cafe! How can I-OMO! Krystal you brought a friend!" The cashier said. She had long black hair with some brown highlights. She was beautiful sight along with her eyes. Her black orbs stared at me in awe. She was very famliar but I couldn't remember who she was.
"Of course I did! I bet you don't remember this handsome fish huh Fany?" Krystal giggled and looked at me. I sent her a confused look. She pouted and looked back at this "Fany". That nickname is Who is this "Fany"?
"Fish? Lee Donghae! Oh my god! I can't believe its you! Tae tae, Min, Maknae, Moon, Sul, Vic! Come look who it is!" Fany jumped around in excitement while I could only stare at her in confusion.
"Ummm... do I know you?" I asked politely. I didn't want to hurt her feeling but I really didn't know who she was. Or at least I thought so...
"Its me! Tiffany! Tiffany Hwang! Your wing women!" OH MY GODDESS FANY! I haven't seen her in years!
"FANY!!!!!" I yelled and pulled her into a hug.
"Ya Fany what do you want?" A familiar voice grumbled.
"Look! Its Fishy!" Tiffany squealed and pulled all her friends out from behind the counter, to the front.
"Donghae! Omo nice to see you again! Its me Taeyeon!" Taeyeon greeted. Her hair was short and dyed blonde at the end. She look as beautiful as Tiffany but Tiffany's eyes were more happy. I know I have a thing for beautiful eyes. Taeyeon looked alittle bit shorter then Tiffany but I decided not to say anything.
"Nice to see you again Taeyeon." I bowed and smiled.
"You remember Kyuhyun and Sungmin right?" Taeyeon asked.
"HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!" Kyuhyun screamed and ran to hug me. Sungmin giggled and followed his movements.
"Hyung I've missed you so much! How's Jewel and Wookie? I heard they had a child? How's Hyukjae?" Kyuhyun blurted out.
"I've missed you too. They're doing fantastic. Yes they have a child and Hyukkie is amazing as always." I smiled and patted Kyuhyun's head.

I saw some in the corner looking at me weirdly. I stared back until I realized who it was. My eyes grew huge while the person smirked.
"Y-YOU!" I yelled and pointed at the smirking figure. Everyone was startled at my sudden outburst. They looked to see who I was pointing and went silent.
"Long time so see Donghae." The figure walked towards me. I walked back until my back hit the wall.









Hello! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I finally had the chance to use the computer ^^

I hope you enjoyed this update! Next chapter will be intense.

I leave you with Eunhyuk!

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Eunli_umma #1
Chapter 2: So Amber is alive :'D! SO HAPPY! And ahahaha! Threatening Eunhyuk saying they wont have x'D!!! Oooh Jewel married to Ryeowook. WHAT A COINCIDENCE ke ke ke ^^
Eunli_umma #2
Chapter 1: OMO! AMBER-NOONA NOOOOOOOOO!!!! PLease be alive!! Oooh is that gif a hint!? SHE'S A MAGICIAN!!!!!!!!!
Eunli_umma #3
So many characters! So exciting!!! x.x! I can't wait to read the first chapter!!! By the way, do you make your own posters!?