What's up with his scrutiny anyway?

The day my eyes saw colors



It's bustling on the site as all the actors and actresses hang around it, some recalling their lines, others languorously mob around the place. Cameramen busy with fixing the devices and equipments, the other members of the crew repairing wires, checking for the producer's arrival and such.

I'm sitting on the a chair, drinking mineral water and reading a book as they still haven't begun. Yoona approaches me, a saddened look dances on her young face. It's the first time I return to work after going to the US and coming back, so I assume she's going to console me.

Presumption confirmed, she gives me a light side-hug and says, "I'm so sorry for your loss,"

I shake my head and give her my trademark toothy grin and she laughs then asks, "I heard you have a sister that you've brought back here, is that true?"

"Yeah, Yumi," I tell her and I'm suddenly curious to how she's doing at home. I stand up, lift my hand in the level of my torso and say, "Excuse me," while using the other to obtain my sunken cell phone. She nods at me and I'm dialing the dorm's number.

It rings several times and then Junho picks up, "Hello?"

"Hey, bro. It's Taecyeon," I'm a bit relieved someone is there but soon that relief turns to worry and I ask, "Are you alone with Yumi?"

Junho chuckles and says, "No,"

No? I think. Can he be more elaborate? "How's Yumi?"

"We're teaching her Korean. Dongsaengis so funny, she can't pronounce well, it's all slurring,"

Dongsaeng? Talk about rapid relationship development, I think and a group of male voices laugh in the background as I heave a sigh, "Don't you guys have work?"

"Nichkhun and Wooyoung aren't home," he says.

Which leaves Junsu, Junho and Chansung at the dorm, if Junsu is there, then I have nothing to worry about. I ask him to put her on the phone and she says, "Yowbo sayyeo,"

A chuckle explodes from my nose, "It's Yobosaeyo, Yumi,"

"Pft, at least it was near it. God, Korean is difficult," she complains but laughs nonetheless.

"Are you having fun?"

"Yes! Even though they keep laughing at me, it's all good fun," she reassures. "Plus, cooking for Chansung-san is a pastime. He eats a lot," she laughs out loud.

"Yeah, he does. Say hi to everyone and take care, I got to go, now," The producer has arrived and they are assembling us.

"When will you be home?" she asks, an octave of anxiety rises.

I purse my lips and say, "I'm not sure but I'll call,"

I can picture her nodding and then says, "Good luck," and sensing there is more to it, she exclaims, "Fighting!" and hangs up quickly.

I'm exhausted. I badly want to return to my dorm, throw my body on the bed and sleep but of course, I can't. I sigh as another shot is taken and almost squirm when the producer has said, "That's it for the day,"

The hour glares at me as it tells me ostentatiously the time which is past midday half way to the beginning of the night. My stomach growls and I walk sluggishly, supporting my fatigued body with the wall. Jetlag is getting the better of me, I guess but heck it.

I scale the car and the driver reaches my dorm where I smile at him gratefully like he just given a bum a few bucks and I spew my body rapidly up the stairs, thinking of the heavenly look of my solo bed, calling out for me and my mouth subsequently drools.

I stop abruptly, hit my head hard and continue treading. Past Wonder Girl's dorm and 2AM's, I reach ours and bust the door open.

The first thing that hit me is the lavishly enticing smell of food. It's a spicy scent and I'm not confident of what it is but now my drooling is running out for an actual reason. Then I realize, as slow as I can be at times, voices of people that aren't my group members and I crane my neck to see.

"Taecyeon!" Seuleong shouts for me and I grin and raise my hand.

The rest of 2AM appear alongside Junsu, Nichkhun and Chansung. Yumi is sitting awkwardly on the floor, a rice bowl in front of her. She arches her neck when she has heard my name and smiles, "Ni-san, you hungry?"

"Your sister makes the best curry rice, ever," Changmin says as he gulps another spoon full of rice.

Chansung doesn't even bother to say hello, he continues on munching his food. Both Junsu and Nichkhun greet me and I welcome our visitors. Kwon's eyes don't leave Yumi as he compliments her exceedingly which annoys me. He smiles at her as if she can see it, "She promised to make us Ramen," he announces and then looks up at me, "She's surpassed you," he chortles.

I snort his way and without fail do I sense Nichkhun's staring. I know what I'm doing is probably childish or meaningless but Kwon is too old for my sister, what's up with his scrutiny anyway?

Seism of the mind hits me up close as Kwon puts his hand on my sister's head and ruffles her hair, I grit my teeth; that's my move. I feel everyone's worried eyes on me but my sight is zeroed on Kwon, presumably, it's my fiery glare. I clear my throat but then all fires extinguish as I hear Yumi laughs playfully.

"Isn't she the cutest dongsaeng?" he asks rhetorically.

"Yeah," I hiss mildly, regardless.  

"Ni-san!" Yumi stands up from the floor and I notice the soft matt that is underneath her. I draw near her as she tries to find me and when I give her a light pat on the shoulder, she says excitedly, "Hwan-yoog,"

The group of men burst out in laughter and Yumi bashfully laughs as well, asking, "Did I say that wrong?" as she bangs her head in a silly way.

"Hwan-yeong," I correct. "If you're trying to say welcome that is,"

"Yup," she nods, her eyes staring at my chest. Suddenly, however, she springs and disappears into the kitchen, she takes a few minutes in there and comes back with a big plate. I walk to her enthusiastically and help myself to the bowl, thanking her as I begin to eat.

Flopping on the floor, I gorge the rice, not minding the spice in it or the hot temperature that burnt my tongue, winning over Chansung's usual eating fashion.

"Dongsaeng, that's not fair," Chansung chants, his big lower lip pouting a centimeter ahead.

"I put other one you," she says in poor Korean but I'm impressed nonetheless and the men laugh again as she comments, "You should really stop laughing at me," her cheeks burning red.

Kwon stares again and smiles absentmindedly, his eyes gleaming as it moves with every action my sister commits. Beside the cheeky way of watching, Kwon's face rests on his fisted hand and it's tilted like he's thinking about her.

Nichkhun stares at him for a bit, thinking of how weird and cynical his behavior is. Chansung surprises both of us and slaps Kwon's head, "What's wrong with you? erted day dreams?" his nose wrinkling.

Kwon grunts and puts his hand on the back of his neck, his eyes squinting, "Ew, no. I was just thinking,"

"You … think?" Jinwoon asks sarcastically and the other member throws a pillow at him only he dodges it and it hits my sister's face.

Everyone's silent as we watch her reaction, the pillow falls off her face and she presses her hand to her reddening nose, eyes shimmering with tears. Kwon's face turn pale, waning until the veins appeared around his eyes. He stutters as he tries to explain, his mouth falling open and his eyes amplifying, "I … I was .. was .. I .. I was .. just .. throw .. I .. Jinwoon … I," then out of complete loss of words, he bows then kneels down to bow again, his face on his hands on the floor, "I'm so sorry,"

Yumi's eyes widen as she senses the quietness, Nichkhun comes to her ear and whispers what's happening. She trembles and she herself gets down on her knees and bows to him respectfully and they stay like this for a couple of seconds then he rises and draws near her to straighten her up. She does and then tears are rolling down her cheeks, "Older people should never bow to younger people in that way," she says, her voice wobbly, her hand flailing in the air and I come closer to her. She clutches my arm and requests, "Please translate," her eyes running out of water.

Kwon nods at me, indicating he already understood and smiles profoundly, "I'm sorry," he says in English.

She wipes her eyes and says, "It was an accident, wasn't it?"

Kwon glares at Jinwoon from behind and says poisonously, "If it wasn't for Jinwoon's full wit, I'm sure such a thing wouldn't have happened,"

Jinwoon sticks his tongue out and laughs mockingly, "I think our leader is falling in love,"

The last remark is said in Korean and Kwon's face turns maroon as he denies, "I'm not. Shut the hell up," but he throws a sidelong glance at me nervously. Changmin who has been quiet all this time, starts to speak, probably sensing my boiling anger, "Kwon, I think we should go now," putting down his plate and thanking Yumi in Japanese.

"We do?" his eyebrows knitting.

"Yeah, come on,"

Seulong and Jinwoon stand up and nod in Chansung and Nichkhun's direction then at me, I nod back and force a smile. Kwon bows to me, which isn't very common and to Yumi, he says goodbye and the troop of four men leave our dorm.

"You shouldn't be this angry," Yumi says indifferently. "I'm not a child,"

Nichkhun stares at her, half trying to hide a laugh because realistically, she's not that far from a kid and half smiling proudly at how mature she is. I don't know how much they've gotten close since yesterday, which I assume isn't that much but from the way I see it, Nichkhun is probably the only one I'd trust my sister with, he seems to understand the meaning of a younger girl sibling since he has one.

"I've got to go too," Chansung says, remembering that he has a job to do and leaves the living room.

My anger has subsided but I know there's smoke somewhere within me and I put my hand over my sister's as I tell her, "How about you and I explore Korea?"

She hasn't had fun for more than a week, that can't be healthy. Besides, going out would definitely do her good.

She smiles widely, a twinkle of enthrallment ignites in her pale gray eyes and she nods. Hopping up and down, Yumi walks back to her room and mine and I turn to Nichkhun, "Khun, how long have they been here?"

He checks the clock and narrows his eyes while biting his lower lip, "Ah, at probably one-ten,"  

I calculate in my head and the total is five hours. What in the world were they doing in five hours? Fears creep their way to me and I dismiss them, slapping each in the face with a bolted door. They aren't erts, I think. Are they, though?

I gather the dispersed plates all over the dorm and put them in the sink, then knock the door on Yumi and she quickly answers nervously, "I'm not done,"


About six pm, Yumi and I go out and explore Nighttime Korea.



I'll go write about their expedition ^ w ^

Hope you like this chapter, will update soon, I promise ^ w ^

By the way:

Miss A - Wonder Girl will appear in later chapters, a few chapters away, I promise. 

2AM came out of the blue, as well as Kwon's ... infatuation? Muwahaha. 

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I used to love this story :(
Yangmei #2
Hey everyone, this story will take a bit of a ... um, roundabout? or a U-turn because my drafts are in my other laptop so, the latest situation has to be delayed until I get a hold of my other folders, Gomenneh v.v
hellopanda23 #3
wahhh such a unique story..and you are even posting your own lyrics?? wahhh.. i did not imagine such lyrics from her.. but yeah!! next chapter........
Hmmm... I don't know. It doesn't seem to match up with how I see Yumi, I always get a vision of her being cutesy.
Yumi could wear lolita dresses and sing, it'd be cute. ^_^
Yangmei #6
"To every careless action, there's a severe consequent," -Anon (a.k.a: Yangmei) <br />
The next Chapter will have this quote applied and the guessing game begins ^ w ^
Junsu and Yumi are cute together.