My Confident, My Best Friend

The Truth Revealed

     A twelve-year -old Hankyung sat at his desk in school, struggling to focus on the lesson. Right in front of him was a short, scrawny boy with dark brown hair and a cute smile. But he couldn't let his feelings be too obvious. He was already wading in dangerous waters after he eyed him for a bit too long the other day. The other boy was starting to get weirded out, and kept looking over his shoulder at the boy behind him. 

     A few days later, he was out with his friends. The prettiest girl in his small village came up to them, and began to flirt with him. He smiled awkwardly at her, giving her a "you-can-go-away-now" look. 

     "What was that for, dude? She's the prettiest girl within ten miles, and she was into YOU!" his friend told him.

He shrugged. "I guess I'm just not interested in her."

     Confused, his friend shook his head and kept walking with him and the other boys.

Fifteen-year-old Kim Heechul stared at the floor of the corridor, trying to go unnoticed. He grabbed his books, closed his locker door, and quickly walked down the hall of the corridor. He felt someone jab him in the back, causing his books to fly onto the floor. 

     "Looks like the flower boy's gonna be late to class again," the taller, muscular boy teased. Heechul didn't even bother to retaliate, due to the black eye he received the last time he tried to. He quickly gathered up his books and went to his next class. 

     True, he did hate that guy's guts, but something about his build and the power he used over others was attractive to Heechul. And he wasn't quite sure why that was.

     People knew there was something "odd" about Heechul, but they didn't know his entire secret. But something like that was hard to hide in an all-boys high school, especially if you were a person like him. 

     Fast forward ten years to when both Heechul and Hankyung are in the music industry. They've gone this long without mentioning how they feel to a single soul. The fear of rejection, shame, and judgement gnawing at them every day, yet the pain of hiding who they truly are threatened to be more aggravating. 

     So, Heechul joined a band called Super Junior, not expecting to find more than a group to debut with. For, in that group, a quiet, tall, muscuar Chinese man debuted with them, catching his eye. Heechul remembered the treatment he received in high school and tried not to be too obvious, but whenever the man saw him looking, he kind of stared at him like others did, except, Heechul didn't feel icy daggers piercing into his heart. He felt a spark of curiosity.

     That other man was Hankyung, and he was indeed curious when it came to Kim Heechul. The slender, almost spindly looking man with long fingers and with bleach blonde hair like his own snagged his attention. Hankyung would laugh and talk with the other members, but lost his focus and his cool every time Heechul entered. It was as if every one else wasn't there.

     For quite a few months, this went on, until they both managed to speak to each other. Slowly, what started out as being simple bandmates turned into a bond of a strong, inseparable friendship. Finally, they both had enough of bottling up their feelings. Neither one knew it, but they both had found the ability to trust the other, and with that, they would admit something to each other that they had never told anyone else over the course of their lives.

     Heechul knocked on Hankyung's dressing room door. 

"Come in," Hankyung said after Heechul identified himself.  He smiled at Heechul, using the smile that always succeeded to make his heart melt. 

      "Hey. What's going on?" Heechul asked, sitting on the sofa.

"Not much. Just getting all this dang makeup off." Hankyung wiped his face once more, scrubbing at the stubborn eyeliner. 

     "I know a trick for that."


     Heechul nodded. "You know this soap they leave for us?"

Hankyung looked at the bar he held. "I never knew how to use it."

     "Well, all you do is get it wet, put some on the cloth, and just do this," he went toward Hankyung's eye carefully. Hakyung felt his heart rate skyrocket when Heechul's hand came close to his face. 

     "Wow, it does work," he blushed.

"I told you so," Heechul smiled.  They both looked at the other's face, wondering where to go next.  Hankyung felt Heechul's breath on his nose, and went in for a kiss before he could. 

     "Wow," was all Heechul said.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Hankyung asked. 

     "Only if I can tell you one."

He took a deep breath, and said "I'm gay."

     "Me too," Heechul smirked, as they both held each other for a few minutes, which seemed like a blissful eternity to them.


Hai friends.......sorry if this is sumb...I felt like doing a one-shot, and I'm bad at gay, yeah..................

anyway..... thanks for reading!


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Chapter 1: hanchul <3
can't wait for next chapters~~
Chapter 1: You did good, a bit rushed, but sweet, the trick to is to write it continuously until you improve.