Dr. Lee Jinki 2 (JongYu)

Hospital!AU Drabbles



Dr. Lee Jinki was known to be a very cheerful man. Even though he’s had back-to-back 24 hours shifts in emergency or even after he had grueling sessions with angry pregnant women, Jinki still managed to offer everyone a wide smile and a greeting. That was one of the (few, he said) things Jonghyun liked about the good doctor.

So when Jinki arrives at work looking like a storm’s brewing on his face, Jonghyun was a bit concerned. “What’s wrong?” he hesitantly asked as Jinki plopped down his seat in the office. “You look like someone killed your whole family.”

“Not today, Jonghyun,” Jinki warned, frowning as he settled on his seat. “Some lowlife got my speaker slot in the annual OB-G seminar.”

Jonghyun raised his brows. “Dr. Lee Jinki, probably the most handsome and most popular gynecologist in the region, is turned down? What the hell happened?”

Jinki sighed. “I think the coordinator got upset with me.”

“What did you do to get her in a twist?” Jonghyun said, trying too hard to make puns.

Making a face, Jinki busied himself with shuffling papers on his desk. “I turned down her suggestion of booking a hotel room together.”

Oh. Jonghyun thought. It wasn’t the first or second time a woman had been disappointed by the seemingly aual doctor. Jonghyun knew too well the charisma his friend exuded as well as the lack of his interest in any types of female anatomy because they were boring (apparently). “So, she got personal with you? That .”

Jinki shrugged. “I’m just disappointed I don’t get to speak this year. I even have my visuals ready.”

Jonghyun wondered if by visuals Jinki meant his new brushed up hairdo and new glasses and a newly developed habit of fixing his stares at people he’s interested in. “Well,” Jonghyun cleared his throat as Jinki fixed those wonderfully seductive eyes at him. “I’m sure whoever the replacement is would be such a .”

Jonghyun guffawed at his own joke. Jinki sighed.

“Jjong…stop trying. I’m the only one who can pull of puns like that.”

The psychiatrist made a face. “Come on, I was just trying to cheer you up!” When Jinki rolled his eyes and crossed his legs under the table, Jonghyun reached over to tap his elbow. “Hey. What do I need to do to lighten your mood? I’m not comfortable seeing you sulky.”

Jinki looked at him curiously. “Do you want to know how?”

“Yeah.” Jonghyun looked over his shoulder. “You don’t have any patients waiting, we can play a game or something.”

“Okay.” Jinki settled into his seat, leg crossed over the other. “Lock the door.”

Jonghyun complied, eager to please his friend. It was weird that he’s the one doing the cheering up when Jinki usually did it for him. “Then?”

Jinki pointed to the examination bed on the corner. “Strip and lie down on the bed and open your legs.”

“What the ?!”

The gynecologist gave Jonghyun an exasperated glance. “You told me you want to help cheer me up?”

“I do! But…how does that even help?!”

“When I’m sad I examine people.”

Jonghyun looked bewildered. In all his life as a doctor no one ever said they look at patients to cheer themselves up. “Jinki…are you serious?”

Jinki gave him a look different from his usual eye smiles. “Off. Now.”

Jonghyun couldn’t understand why his hands automatically reached for his buttons.

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vicistar #1
Chapter 8: I'm craving more for the interaction between the gynecologist and the psychiatrist XD
aneleynob #2
Chapter 6: Hehehe I love it
aneleynob #3
Chapter 1: *squealing *
oscuro #4
Chapter 6: Chapter 8: The line about Kibum praying for Jonghyun actually made me laugh out loud for real, hahaha.
SashaHRH #5
Chapter 10: Did not realize how sadistic our Minho could be! Kekekeke!
Chapter 8: hahahaha
it's so funny
how jinki teasing jonghyun
can't you make another jongyu?
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha Loving this soo much. Waiting for your reply!! :)
YoonHee_ #8
Chapter 10: Really love all your fics..so, funny
Chapter 10: This seriously is so hilarious!!!xD
Jonghyun geeting aroused due to the scientific termnology is just epic!!xD I so want to know what Jinki whispered to him!!xP
And Jinki using those terms to get Jonghyun off was funny! (Wait is this called being ?)
Oh god I love JongYu even more now!!!
I just hope Taemin ends up with someone good too cause I want my MinKey (obviously even they want each other!)
Minho as the arrogant neurosurgeon who steals Kibum's undies from his locker and asks him out on a date in the operation room, is a rare sight! My first time reading a fic in which Minho has such a character!!
I love this so much!!♥
Hopd you update soon!!xD
OH i just love all ur fics and the Jongyu ><
MinKey is a close second OTP and this is all just perfect