
Reality check? Not real. Can't be.



Dear Laptop Diary,

Yes I’m famous! Woohoo! There is a soft side to me! Being famous is harder than it looks. I

mean there are stylists everywhere trying to make you put on the UGLIEST outfits! The make up

artists are HORRIBLE! My 5 year old cousin could do better! Yeah I think you feel my pain.I

WANT A BOYFRIEND. But he has to be perfect. How about Sungyeol? I’ve had a crush on him

for awhile... >:) No, I don’t think he likes me... He just seems like the right guy for me.
Unlike Hoya.... Gosh he’s weird. No offense to you Inspirits... just kidding all offense to you
Inspirits. Things around here have to go my way or they don’t go at all. My dad and mom NEED
to give me everything. I’m a daddy’s girl :) He obviously loves me. Don’t you think??
Muahahahaha I love them. Should I ask Sungyeol out? :/ Mommy has been getting on my nerves.
Me and Sungyeol were shopping for a new summer dress for me (with Sungjong of course) and I
found the perfect one and it was only 100,000 dollars! Mommy said it was “TOO expensive for a
little piece of clothing” (that’s in mommy’s words), but we can swim in money because we’re so
rich! I wanna wear the dress when I ask Sungyeol out! <3 Should I make chocolate? Nahh,
that’s for poor people. I’ll order special ones. Just for him. (: But how should I confess? I
don’t know.. I’m getting tired. I’m getting too tired to write to you. Hope you get nightmares :)
JK! … Not really (;


P.S. I found this ugly bracelet while we were shopping just laying there on the floor. I wonder if anyone

dropped it? I picked it up anyway.

Hugs and Kisses,

Mee Yon





Sorrie, First chappy is a little introduction so it's boring! Keep Reading! :) Ppyong!

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lambotran #1
wow you finally updated XD good job though
Oh! keep writing!~ <br />
teehee! it seems interesting i wonder why their selling bracelets! <br />
Anywhooo~ Hawting!<br />
Update soon :)
its cute ^^ <br />
sungyeol will appear soon?? keke~
sharatwol #4
updates coming soon!
Update soon! This seems interesting ^^
lambotran #6
... okay so i'll try to help... you shall help me!