
| Girlfriend's Cousin |

| Girlfriend's Cousin |

Chapter 2- Song
The morning came and Jimin's eyes shot wide up and his back automatically flew up and straight on to the bathroom. Jimin turned the shower on and strip his clothes off. Before hopping in, he looked at himself in the morning and told his own reflection, "Time to End today!"
After taking a shower, he headed down and ate his breakfast. The same morning routine happened except the main topic of the boys's conversation were about Valentines. 
Yes, today is Valentines. The day of the girls's confession, whereas their hearts will grow and blossom beautifully and by the end of the day, either to continue blowing or their hearts torn apart. The boys were totally excited. How can they not? But at the same time, although aware, the boys were never prepared  for breaking a girl's heart. Actually, every girl's heart that will confess to them whole heartedly.
Jimin and V got to their homeroom class and to V's upset Jae Mi really wasn't present. "Are you expecting a chocolate from her?" Jimin joked and V pouted with a nod, which surprised the hyung. 
"She always make me handmade chocolate like last year..." V pouted again. 
Their ending ceremony began and the farewell began. On their way back to class to grab their things. A group of girls stopped in front of V and Jimin. "Oppa... We have a surprise for you," a girl said and the group of girls stepped aside.
There they find one girl with holding a mic and someone playing a guitar. The music sounds soothing and like a sweet indie music.
The girl began to sing:
Oh~ When I first met you, you were walking down the street with your friends
Oh~ Laughing and Dancing, Singing and goofing around like no one cares
Starting then, I thought you were cute
Right from them, this feelings unexpectedly grew
I like you
I fell for that smile
I fell for those eyes I can barely see from afar
I like you
And if you ever ask me why
I can only tell this my love
I love you because I do
Those words touched Jimin's heart like love. The way they stabbed his heart for real like some beautiful scar. No greater than scar. They were carve in his heartall of a sudden. Just like that... He fell in love with the song. The song touched his heart like crazy. 
*This feeling... This must be how the girls feel when the guy they like sing them a song,* he thought with a blush but pause. Jimin stared and observed the girl and he had to admit, he had no idea who the girl was. He has never seen her before and never talked to her in his life. But just looking at her, she's pretty.
She came up to him shyly with a blush, looking at the ground because everyone's eyes were on them. V stepped aside and watched Jimin's flustered and embarrassed reaction. No one has ever done this to him. Confessing this way, it is simply unique.
The girl has such long dark and straight hair... Her skin was not too pale but not tan at all, just fair. From there, he could see that her eyes were dark brown as well. She's pretty. And from what he heard, she has simply voice but because of the song... It made her voice sound special.
Jimin thought... It was love that was missing. That empty part of his heart was being filled because of the song. "Jimin-nim... I'm Moon Go Reum, your lower class man. I've been in love with you ever since I saw you. Will you please go out with me," she said ever so shyly.
Jimin stared both flustered and everything. Wow, he couldn't believe it. He thought he'd be the one confessing to the girl he loves, well that's how he wanted it to be but it seemed that this generation is different. 
But what should he say? She's obviously a stranger but she made him a song... A song only for him. A song she created with all her heart. A song he fell in love with just like that. From the corner of his eyes, he could his hyungs and Jung Kook recording it. V just stood right beside him in a great distance. Asking for advice, V could only shrug his shoulder helplessly. 
Jimin stares again. If he could fall in love with the song she made, it should easy falling for her as well. She's pretty and she seems nice... So why exactly can't he say something. Was he too surprised? Was it too soon? Was it the pressure? Not even. It's because she's a stranger. Not a friend, or an acquaintance, but a stranger. Someone he has never met. 
She stood there waiting and waiting. Her fingers fidgeting, her whole trembling, wanting to wobble down. She can't believe it herself, she was able to do it. She confessed and was able to get through. She knew after she sang, although her voice may not be so good, he loved it. He loved the song but she knew loving the song was completely different from loving her. She was a stranger and if he asked for friendship, she wouldn't mind. 
Go Reum knew what she did was a fangirl's dream... Although quite the opposite. She didn't expect him to say yes that easily, and it's the last day of their year. If anything, she really dreamed of getting a boyfriend that could love her unconditionally throughout her high school years.
She remembered clearly when she first saw him. He was by himself walking down the hallway with his headphones on dancing and humming to the song he was listening to. She was walking the opposite way of her and for that one little moment... He looked at her. That one little moment that seemed to be much longer. Moon Go Reum never believed about Love at First Sight... But she stood corrected as she just then fell in love with one of the popular and cutest boy in school, Park Jimin.
Her heart beat 100 mph and there's no way she could've press the break. There was no break. Not at all. In her heart, Jimin has always been there since she saw her.
Still unable to answer, he let out a "um..." He looked at her and made eye-contact and her cheeks grew red as he stared longer. What should he say? He has always been a shy boy when it comes to girls. Really. 
V butts in with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry my friend here... Is shy and always speechless when he sees a beautiful girl in front of him," he said. Jimin turned to V. Beautiful is too strong of a word for Jimin to say loosely like that. Although Go Reum is totally pretty and a princess, beautiful is too strong.
"It's okay..." Go Reum said, uncertain of what to do. 
Then he wonder again. If he could fall in love with the song just like that, then maybe he could to her as well. She may be the missing part of his well-fed heart. "I'll go out with you," Jimin let out making everyone somewhat cheer... V just stumble back a bit and stare at his hyung. He didn't expect that one coming. Not at all.
A huge smile crept up to her face and she cheered as if she had won a million dollar in the lottery. She began to cry and all of a sudden Jimin began to panic. "I'm sorry. I'm just really happy," Go Reum let out making Jimin happy. At least she's happy. 
Besides, going out with her could be fun and she seemed like an interesting girl... He thought ... She may be the one. 
Jimin walked to the bus stop with his bros blushing ever so madly. It's been fifteen minutes and they haven't stopped teasing him. It's his first girlfriend but that's not exactly what they couldn't get over with. It's the fact that Jimin's dream of confessing to the girl he likes somewhat became the opposite. In all honesty, it wasn't embarrassing... He thought it was unique and cute, plus sweet and different. 
But never mind that. In Jimin's mind there's only one thing he had, the song. The song ... when he recalled it truly was for him. The way the lyrics went, although they were immensely short, the way the melody flew through the air with the guitar, sweet and tender as if the song was specially staring into his heart instead of his eyes, singing its way in and filling that empty part of his heart. It was truly incredible.
Go Reum ran through his mind. He agreed to go out with her, at least to give her a chance. However, the thought of going out with a complete stranger was a bad idea, he let that one slide. He must give her a chance. Besides, she seemed like an easy person to like. Also, it shouldn't be hard... She did wrote that song. Well, he's never heard of it before but then again, it's not the type of music he commonly listen to.
On his way, the last person to stay by his side is his dongsaeng, Taehyung. He realized how Taehyung haven't said any word ever since. Jimin wondered what's wrong so he asked, "Taehyung, everything alright?" 
Taehyung turned to his hyung with a slight smile. "Yeah," he replied. Jimin just nodded. They've known each other long enough. He knew very well his dongsaeng isn't. "I'm just thinking..." he added. 
"About what? You know you can tell me anything," Jimin told his dongsaeng.
Taehyung slightly smile again, "I know... Hyung, is it alright for you to really go out with her? I mean didn't you said she's a complete stranger? What if you ended up not liking her? What if she's a complete control and obsessive freak just like those in the movies? What if she's a psycho? What if she's annoying? What if--"
Jimin cut his dongsaeng off with a laugh and sliding his muscular arm on his dongsaeng's shoulder then said, "Hey... She doesn't seem like that kind of person. I mean she made me a song. She must be sweet." Taehyung slightly smile again this time making an eye contact with Jimin.
"Hyung, what if you end up not liking her? Exactly how are you going to call it off? She said she loves you and you out of all people is strict about that word love," Taehyung pointed out. They continued to walk in silence. Jimin's mind is full of thoughts.
"Love," Jimin whisper to himself. "Exactly, who and what are you?"
He's so cute >.<
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sugarcookie123 #1
Chapter 28: I just started readinf this today amd i fell in love with this story. I wanna know what happens mext. Please update !!!!
essacampz #2
Update please. The story is amazing
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 28: I'm totally forgot my next subject because of this!! I'm stucked on this story.... It's really AMAZING...
-kimmyeons #4
Chapter 28: Wow I just noticed that I commented on this story long ago. I am waiting for your update!!
Chapter 27: When are you going to updaaaaaaaaaaate ;______;
-kimmyeons #6
Chapter 26: Nooooooooooo where's Go Reum and Ji Min fluff? i want them seriouslyuuhuuuuuy
Sigrid123 #7
Chapter 26: Ooooo~~ so cute! >3<
I totally shim Jimin and JaeMi!
Please update soon~~~
Wow. Your story is really interesting. Can I be a co-author and, no offense, edit your grammar though? I really need practice for my upcoming English quiz, and I want to apply what I have learned so far. :)
BerryIceCream #9
Chapter 24: JaeMin!!!~ OMG I love them so much!
Sigrid123 #10
Chapter 24: Yes. They are friends again! :3
The festival sounds fun!
Please update soon~~ :D