
Voice of My Heart

Donghae could say that his life was almost perfect. Having a good job that could made him afford a fancy apartment, good clothes and everything he needed. Everything sounded like he was having a perfect life, but not to him. He would faked a smile around everyone when they asked about his love life. Those four letter word made his almost perfect life, wasn't as perfect as he wanted to.  


Everyone thought that he was only having a hard time choosing a right woman. But no one needed to know when no one ask right? Oh yes, Donghae had been keeping a secret for a long time to himself. No one knew, not even his parents, or his older brother Sungmin. Not even his roomate Suho. No one. Why? Because he was afraid that everyone would throw him away, away from his almost perfect life.


No, it wasn't because Donghae was a drug addict or something bad like that. It was just because Donghae was falling in love with his best friend, his partner at work, the person he had cared since the first time they met. Nam Woohyun. He always thought why did he had to like his best friend? Why couldn't he fall in love with any pretty woman out there? Why must it be him? And the worst of all, Woohyun had a very beautiful girlfriend. And they were good together, like they were meant for each other.


Donghae himself had been trying to restrain his feelings towards Woohyun. He didn't want to ruined their friendship by confessing his love. And why did he even think about confessing? Woohyun was straight for God's sake! But those beautiful smiles and deep yet adorable voice weren't helping at all, you know?   


"Donghae! Donghae!"


Donghae snapped from his daydreaming routine at work, lifting his head slightly. There he was, standing near Donghae's desk, his arms folded above his chest. Nam Woohyun. Donghae wanted to hit his head on the wall because his object of depression was standing, right in front of him. "Seriously, Donghae? Do you think these articles could be done by themselves? They need to be checked by someone, and that someone is daydreaming." Woohyun said sarcastically.


"Sorry, Woohyun. I'll finish checking them by this evening, don't worry."


Woohyun sighed and took a seat infront of Donghae. As a good friend of Donghae, Woohyun knew that when Donghae had something in mind, he would daydream and forgot that world was still revolved around him. And the last thing he had to do was forcing Donghae to spit it out. Or showing his aegyo. Well, at least that was something he had been doing all these times and it always worked.


Donghae leaned back to his seat, feeling uncomfortable by the closeness from the other. Woohyun placed his hand on Donghae's shoulder and patted it softly. "What about it this time, Donghae?" Woohyun asked. Donghae shook his head, ignoring the other's concerned eyes. 


A silence from Donghae made Woohyun let out a deep sigh again. "You know Donghae, I'm so frustrated right now."


Donghae raised an eyebrow, "Why?"


"Because my best friend is keeping secrets from me." Woohyun gave a dissappointed look, checking Donghae's expression before he continued, "You know you can tell me anything, Donghae. You know that right?"


Oh yeah, like Donghae could confess his love here? There was no way Woohyun would listen, he would feel disgusted instead. Even though Donghae knew that Woohyun was a good friend, but it was a different matter. Donghae didn't want to take that risk to ruin their friendship. He would rather choose keeping his feelings inside and locked them up without letting Woohyun know. 


After a few minutes Donghae just shook his head rapidly, earning another deep sigh from Woohyun.  "Come on, Donghae! Tell me or I'll kiss you!" Woohyun insisted childishly. Woohyun pouted, showing his best aegyo so his best friend would open up to him. Woohyun didn't know, but Donghae's heart just skipped a beat by Woohyun's words. Donghae could feel a light blush appeared on his cheeks. 


He lowered his head, hiding his face away from his best friend's sight, hiding the light blush because he didn't want Woohyun to notice that Donghae actually embarrassed by a man's joke. "I.. Um.. It was.. Suho. Yes, Suho. He ate my favorite cake yesterday when I already said no. I was just pissed, that's all." Donghae answered, cursing himself silently. Seriously, Donghae? That was the lamest excuse he had ever made. Oh hell, Woohyun would be even more suspicious.


Donghae saw Woohyun's eyebrows furrowed, signified that he was thinking. "Suho?" Woohyun asked suspiciously. Donghae just nodded slightly, feeling frightened. Suddenly Woohyun took out his phone and began to dial a number. Donghae's eyes widened and his hand unconciously pulled Woohyun's hand. "What are you doing?"


Woohyun gave Donghae a disbelief look. "Calling Suho of course. That guy will not eat your food anymore!"


"Ah!" Donghae took Woohyun's phone forcefully. He couldn't believe that Woohyun actually believed that.


Woohyun was confused, because all he wanted to do was to help Donghae and he just didn't understand his best friend at all. "Let me tell him myself, so don't worry, okay?" Donghae said as he returned Woohyun's phone back to his owner. Woohyun just nodded confusedly, but decided to let it away this time. Woohyun's gaze softened as his hands were ruffling Donghae's hair gently.


"Don't be sad anymore, Donghae. You know that I hate it when you're sad. " Woohyun said sincerely. He and Donghae had been friends since they started working together at this company, SM Magazine. Even though they only been friends for a few years, Woohyun always felt that he need to been there for Donghae. 


"I know Woohyun. Thank you." Donghae replied with his sweetest smile. See? Woohyun was so kind that Donghae might go crazy. How would he stop his feeling towards this guy?


"Oh, I just remembered. I'm going to meet Kyuhyun for lunch. Do you want to come, Hae?" Woohyun offered. Kyuhyun? Woohyun's twin brother, right? I've met him a couple of times. Donghae thought silently. Donghae was hesitant at first, because he wasn't much of a social guy. But hey, maybe he could change that bad habit of his. "Okay." Donghae answered, earning a big smile from the other.


"Great! So we'll pick Kyuhyun at the hospital and we'll going to eat at a cafe near the hospital. They said the food is good!" Woohyun said cheerfully. He pulled Donghae's wrist and walked together to the basement. Woohyun was glad that Donghae accepted the offer because finally he could introduce Kyuhyun to Donghae properly. Donghae just laughed by the other's cheerfull personality and followed him. I guess keeping it as a secret is the best way, isn't it?




"Kyuhyun! Here!" Woohyun shouted to a man who was standing with his hands in his lab coat's pocket. The man looked at Woohyun's direction and smiled as he waved and walked towards him. "Woohyun!" 


"Hey, my baby brother. Rough day today?" Woohyun asked as he ruffled Kyuhyun's hair playfully. Kyuhyun hit Woohyun's arm softly. "Woohyun, I already told you many times! Don't call me baby brother infront of your friend! It's embarassing!" Kyuhyun's words made Donghae realized that he was actually there, besides the fighting twin brothers, not behind a tv screen and watching a drama.


Woohyun laughed because of Kyuhyun's cute response. He quickly introduced Donghae to Kyuhyun, who was just stand there blankly when he was talking to Kyuhyun. "Kyuhyun, this is Donghae, my partner at work-" Kyuhyun bowed his head slightly and gave Donghae a warm smile. "And Donghae, this is my twin brother, Kyuhyun." Woohyun continued. 


Donghae bowed his head slightly, "We've met a couple of times, but it's nice to meet you Kyuhyun-ssi." Donghae said and stretched his hand. Kyuhyun welcomed the hand and shook it, "You too, Donghae-ssi." Kyuhyun smiled. Donghae was mesmerized for a second, how much alike both Woohyun and Kyuhyun were. Even though they were fraternal twins, they actually ressemble each other. They had the same smile that would show their white teeth, they had the same brown eyes, and they had the same adorable voice. It actually made Donghae blushed about the thought.


"Hyun, I'm so sorry that I forgot to tell you that I've already made promise with Hyukjae to eat lunch together today." Kyuhyun suddenly interrupted Donghae's train of thoughts. He looked at Woohyun, who was showing a dissppointed face. "But you said yes when I asked you!"  Woohyun whined, didn't want to miss a chance of eating together with his brother. Kyuhyun was so busy at the hospital and so did Woohyun, so it was a rare chance for them to eat together.


They actually live together at an apartment, but their work schedule really didn't match with each other. Woohyun had to go to work really early when Kyuhyun didn't have a regular shift at the hospital. They often missed each other at their apartment. Sometimes when Kyuhyun got home, Woohyun was already asleep. Or when Woohyun woke up, Kyuhyun was still sleeping because his shift ended late.


"I'm really sorry, Hyun. I promised I'm yours for the next lunch! You can just eat with Donghae-ssi or you can call Ji Na to accompany you." Kyuhyun convinced. Woohyun was still sulking over Kyuhyun, until he finally let out a sigh. "You ditch me over your boyfriend, Kyu? Fine, but you have to promise to eat with me next time, okay?" 


Kyuhyun nodded his head rapidly, reaching his brother and gave him his warmest hug. "I promise, Hyun. I'll see you at home!"


Woohyun softly ran his hand up and down Kyuhyun's back, "I'll see you at home." he smiled. Kyuhyun bowed to Donghae who was only watching both of them talking, didn't want to interrupt both. Kyuhyun gave another quick hug for his brother before leaving Woohyun and Donghae. From afar, Donghae could see Kyuhyun and a guy were holding hands and they both left with a car. 


"He's a good guy, you know." Woohyun, again, interrupted Donghae's thoughts again. Donghae nodded, agreeing about the other's sudden statement. They both went back inside the car, putting on their seatbelts and Woohyun continued. "Everybody loves him. Even though he's-" Woohyun coughed a little, "Have a different point of view about uality and love, but I'm glad that he came out of the closet to all of us. I don't want him to face this hardship alone." 


Donghae once again only nodded, didn't know how to respond. They both ready to go, but Donghae was confused because Woohyun hadn't start the car and they just waited silently in the car. Before Donghae wanted to break the silence between them, Woohyun talked,"But you're.. You're not.. You're okay with that, right? I mean with Kyuhyun's uality."


"I'm okay, Woohyun. I'm not a homophobic, so don't worry." Donghae answered. Of course he was okay. He was in love with Woohyun after all. 


Woohyun let out a relieved sigh. He was afraid when people knew about Kyuhyun's uality, they would judged his baby brother. And he wouldn't want that. "Thank you, Donghae. I was afraid that you might hate him because of 'it'. Anyways, you're hungry, right? Let's just eat, my treat!" Woohyun started the car and they both went to the cafe. Actually Donghae was surprised that Woohyun's cheerful personality came back so sudden, just because of his twin brother.


Actually Donghae was jealous with Kyuhyun. Not because Kyuhyun was very close with Woohyun, they were twin brothers after all. It was because Kyuhyun was had the courage to came out of the closet and tell everyone that he was different. That he actually feel LOVE. Unlike Donghae was still being a coward and keeping his love towards Woohyun to himself. He was hoping that he had the same courage as Kyuhyun's, but he knew that he wouldn't.



A/N: First chapter guys! Thanks for waiting and subscribing <3<3<3 Sorry if its short >.< The next xhapter will be longer I promise!

Please tell me what you think in the comment^^ I would appreciate that!

Sorry for grammar errors!






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(Voice of My Heart) I can't believe I havent updated in almost 2 months. Life has been like hell.


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Chapter 3: perhaps this one will be an abandoned story eh huhu...but i like the storyline tho..
i wish that u can continue write this story....
"pray hard for this huhu...
plz author nim update this story
its such a good idea and i really wanna read the end of it
ppppppplllllzzz update
Niichani1013 #3
Chapter 3: Wooooow i'm crying heeeeeere ;__________; Poor Kyuhyun ㅠㅠ will hae take a responsibility for sure?? i hope yes... >< How Kyu's feel? :( and how woohyun respon after that? update soon^^
Chapter 3: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! very very very lateeeeeee...........but huhu...
nooooooooooooooo poor kyuhyunnie huhu...his precious voice is gone huhu...what will happen to him next...and donghae u must take the responsibility....yah do update soon neeehhh and thank kyu for the long update kkkk
kyuhae kyuhae kkyuhae...
Chapter 2: oh oh oh is that a sign for love at first sight...oh hae u are too oblivious kkk...but woohyun is more clueless....i feel sorry for hae but im haeppy later coz i know kyuhae will be together right right ^^ thank kyu for the update and do update soon ^^
Fish_heart #7
Chapter 2: Annyeong author-nim!
I'm new reader here..

So.. I like your story n i bet it'll be the great one. I'll add this to my favorite fics list, hhaha~

I'm waiting for your next update, arasseo! ^^
deanoowinchester #8
Chapter 2: This is good! Poor Hae of course but I'm really looking foward to your updates! Please update soon! Thanks! (:
KYU-girl #9
Chapter 2: Wait a moment.
WooHyun get married??.
Poor Hae of course his heart broken.
I really like this chapter Fighting
KYU-girl #10
Chapter 2: Wait a moment.
WooHyun get married??.
Poor Hae of course his heart broken.
I really like this chapter Fighting