Knowing you

we are different

2nd chapter is up ^_^


They stode there and round eyed you O_O

"and what do you mean by walk with you?" one of them said

"well i want someone to walk with me home...and i dont like being alone... sense your in my class i can trust you" you said hoping for them to accept

"well i dont know...." one of them said but you interrupted him. "ooh well its okay i guess i have to go alone...thanks anyway" and you walked away.

they eyed each other "do you think she know us" one of them said.

"well she said were in her class... i think thats it" the other replayed.

"Luhan... im a bit curious..i will go" kris said.

"what...but we have to go to the dorm fast" luhan said reminding him.

"i will follow you later you go first" kris said and walked away.

"okay.. but hurry up" luhan said.

"araso" kris said while following you.

"hey" kris said to you a bit far.

you turned you head to see him running toward you... you stode there speachless.

"you sure walk fast" kris said catching his breath

"well its about to get dark..thats why" you said careful.

kris stode next to you "so why you dont like to be alone?" he said curious.

you walked "well its just that...i think its....well i dont know maybe its just a habit of me.. i dont know" you said carelessly.

"ooh" kris said understanding

there was along silence but you broke it "hey..umm..whats your name?"

  "ooh..right i didnt tell you im kris.. kris wu nice to meeet you" kris said

"and im choi minah...nice to meet you too" you said

you walked together till you reached your house.

"well here is my house thanks for walking with me" you said thankful.

"no problem...well see you tomorrow" kris said and walked away.

"bye" you waved your hand.

*its weird to walk with a guy...and not any guy a hot one* you said to your self and walked in.

you putted down your bag and headed into your room and changed into your pajama's

and made for your self ramen...sense your not in the mode to cook.

8:00pm you started to get tired and sense you were bored you decided to sleep....

)the next morning 6:40(

your alarm rang and you stoped it... you looked at the time.

"ugghh why so early" you grumble and stode up.. went to the rest room.

you took a hot shower and called sunhwa.

)phone call(

"sunhwa are you awake?"

"yes.. im in the way to your house"

"okay...see ya"

)end phone call(

you changed and brushed you hair.

waited for sunhwa to eat breakfast together.

(5 min later)

Ding Dong<

*it must be sunhwa* you went to the door to see a gummy girl infront of you.

"whats up with the gummy face?"you said joking

"YAH!!!" sunhwa yelled

"dont shout when im next to you" you said while closing your ears.

"you are just jealous of my beautiful smile" sunhwa said confidantly.

"dont be so come in and eat breakfast" you said forceful

"okay"she enterd and sat down ready for breakfast.

"are you that hungry?" you said while placing to plates on the table .

"kinda... i did'nt eat dinner yesturday" she said with a sad face.

"why were you shy to eat infront of your family" you said with a dont tell me you did that face.

"YES!!!" she said with a how did you know face.

"are you serious......thats not a good reason you know" you said with a doubt face

" i know but... my family care about my body more than i do they say 'you should care about your look to get a great husband' i mean its to weird for me" sunhwa said

" you've got to be kidding me... anyway lets eat i made your fav today here is BACON" you said to vheer her up.

"OMG...thank you minah i will eat it well" sunhwa said and started to dig in the food.

enjoy" you said with a smile

After they finished breakfast they headed to college.

when they arrived they saw alot of people crowded in the enterence door.

"what's up with the crowd in there?" you said curious

" i don't know.....let's ask someone" sunhwa said and you nodded agreeing

you and sunhwa went to one of the girls from the crowd.

"hey what's going on?" sunhwa asked

"exo m the who preformed in the college last year...are here to study in our college...KYAAAA" the girl replayed and sunhwa could'nt stand her screaming.

"so thats whats going on" minah nodded understanding the stution.

"yeah and she blew my ear" sunhwa grumble

"well whatever" you walked away...but suddenly you noticed someone familiar in there

you came closer with sunhwa to reconize the face...O.O "OMG...kris!!!" you yelp


thats the end of the chapter hope you get excited

the next chapter is tomorrow hopefuly

comment from you heart...bye

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Good job!! I like it ((: