good night, LOVE

good night love

"pffttthuahahahahahahahah!! omg changjo yah!! look! look! his face XD hahaha so funny!!

Changhyun laughs while pulling his boyfriend's shirt, again and again. The gagman on TV was making his guts explode out of laughters and he wanted his boy to enjoy it as well. But changjo's cold reaction pulled ricky's huge smile into a frown. He stared into the red head with deathly look but changjo who was too occupied with his phone just took a sweet glimpse towards his cute boyfriend and roughly pushed the boy's head away. (not to hard though,well..kinda. we all know how precious ricky is <3) 

Ricky flipped his hair back and ruffles them back in place.He who was comfortably laying on top of jonghyun's lap stood up and walked furiously to the kitchen. Fetching two glasses of milk, one for him and another.. well obviously for his dear boy. Even when upset Changhyun never stopped caring, how could he? they have been togethe

r too long to ignore each other, however the 'relationship' they are in only happened a few months back. 6 months exactly. He's feeling insecure, not much 'changed' ever since they started dating. Just the 'official' stuff, like a kiss... and etc (sorry, could not go on. NOSEBLEED.please understand XD)

he sat down beside changjo, passing the milk to him coldly. he didn't even look at the boy's face. Then he took the remote blasting up the volumes and laughing like crazy.But his heart was in flames. The smiles Changjo kept making while texting his 'friend' was making Ricky uneasy. Even when Jonghyun snuggled on his folded lap and laid there, Ricky was still tense. His boyfriend was too happy texting, as if a teenager texting with their beloved crushes.Ricky's face was smiling but at times he would peep at his boy's expression and growled silently. 

"pfft this pabbo ^^ isn't this cute."

Changjo let out a small giggle while looking up to his phone. Boiling changhyun snatched the phone away and read it.His eyes went red and his jaws clenched. A name "miss XX" popped up on the screen. When he opened the message, he exploded. "omo, oppaaaaa. when will you treat me some beer. you promised me didn't you, aaang <3 " the text was so cheesy it went into Ricky's spine but anger was bursting inside him. His eyes were burning and his face was as red as a tomato. He never checked Changjo's phone before, because he trusted the boy but now he regretted it. so so much, he thought to himself. Jonghyun stood up surprised seeing his sweet looking boyfriend now looked like the grim reaper. His face was as dark as Changjo's black shirt. 

", its not what you've misunderstood the situation now. Jebal.. listen to me. She's my sister! seriously!"

"NO! I KNEW IT!! you're just a player! its who you are, even when you promised me that you'd only look at me.. I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!! DIE YOU BASTARD!"

Changhyun raged into the room slamming the door so hard the house shook. Jonghyun who was in awe just stood there with nothing to think or do. it was his first time seeing his sweet boy so infuriated and mad. 

"aissssh this girl! i told her not to text me like that... ARGHH NO! its my fault. should've let changhyun know about her"

Ricky hastily took off his clothes with his face frowning so bad his, Daniel who was in the room could feel the heat.


"erm, the house is burning i swear!!"

Neil who could sense Ricky's anger just quietly watch his dongsaeng furiously opening the door and stepping into the bathroom. He could hear rushes of water from the toilet, the shower was as hard and as fast as Changhyun's flaming heart. Neil slowly opened the door taking a small peep into the living room. Changjo was leaning against the wall with his face down and his shoulders low. His hand was faintly holding on his ringing smartphone. "Its probably his sister again, missing her dear brother". Neill thought to himself. he slowly closed the door, taking out his phone, scrolling and scrolling through his touch screen gadget when his serious face suddenly changed into a subtle smile. At the same time, Ricky walks out the shower with a sour expression, still angered. 

"yah!yah! look at this! isn't she cute? ^^"

"not now hyung, i don't want to see some girls u have in your phone.Im just so tired"

"just look would u?!!"

"yeah, pretty.... wait. she looks like.. jo..jonghyun"

"doesn't she. its changjo's sister you pabbo! its the one the boy been texting with.she just turned 18 and all excited of being 19 and legal and stuff. So she's been contacting with your dear boyfriend a bit more often these days. Aigoo aren't you one jealous boyfriend"

Ricky's angry face suddenly loosen but tensed back right away. He was glad that his boyfriend isn't cheating on him but still he made a fool out of himself. getting jealous over Changjo's own flesh and blood. How could he even think that his loyal boy would cheat on him, he was just too embarrassed. He silently tip toed his way back to his room after taking a shower in Neil's room, puts on his blue polka dot pajamas and laid down on his queen bed that he shared with ... (well u know who .. huhu *wink)

"i hate you" *sobs* "Aiiiishhh this pabbo make me so angry!!"

Changhyun grumbled while pulling the cover over his head forcing himself to sleep. when his heart stopped. Suddenly, he heard rustling noise beside him and he froze. He could hear someone breathing close behind him when his breathing suddenly froze. Changjo slowly moved his hand around ricky's chest, pulling ricky's body close to his.Hugging him tight with his head leaned on ricky's back so close, his lips were a few inches away from changhyun's skin. It was so close, ricky could feel the warm breath from his back and it made his heart race. He held his breath for a good 30 seconds already, he just can't.Can't let his boy know that he's awake. They stayed that way for an hour when, ricky who was about to drift into sleep opened his eyes in shock. He was hearing subtle sobs.

"im sorry changhyun-ah. i really hope that you would wake up calm tomorrow, because i don't think i can do a day with you upset and avoiding me.Its not that i don't want to inteoduce you about my sister but i don't think she will be able to process the fact that im dating a guy just yet. She's young you see, ... and i love her.But still i couldn't live without you please..."

Ricky felt a sharp pain when he heard those words but he kept still. He was too awake because of the confession made by the boy he loves, he didn't know what to do.But he had to something, so he gathered his guts and turned around and wanted to apologize when his tense face transformed into a calm expression.his lips curled up carving a subtle smile on his milky face. Changjo was sleeping like a  baby despite the tears he shed just a few hours ago.Enlightened, Ricky slips his hand under Changjo's neck and inched closer towards the red head and place his other hand on top of his lover's chest. Hugging him gently.Then his subtle smile becomes a giggle when changjo naturally moved his face close to changhyun's chest hugging the blue haired boy tight. Happy ricky just hugged the boy back, placing his lips near changjo's ear saying..

"im sorry. i promise to wake up with a smile on my face tomorrow morning just like this.Happy.Now sleep tight Jonghyun-ah."

"and goodnight my love"

Changjo who was calmly asleep, smiles subtly as he snuggled closer to his lover's chest.

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Wow nice story!! I love it!
Chapter 1: ahh, how cute :3 I love this couple so much ♥
Chapter 1: How ardorable
Chapter 1: Aigooo~~~ Ricky is so cute ♥.♥ Changrick forever~ kekeke~
Chapter 1: aaaaww jealous ricky eh? yaa ricky you're pabo to feel jealous with changjo's sist lol but that was so good of you^^ happy that ricky could sort out his jealous thingy=))