chapter 1 » destiny


chapter one »



» My name is Hanna. Han-na.

Occupation, student. Third year. I'm 17 years old. Well, I looks like a 17 years old girl but I'm actually a 20 years old lady. I celebrated my birthday for the last time in age 20 (it was about 30 years ago, I guess), then I 'decided' to stop aging. Yes, I decided it by myself. That is one of many advantages becoming a werewolf. We can choose when we stop (or pause) our aging process.

I don't wanna do it when I reach 25, because I will looks older than Kris and people will assume me as a pedo-noona. Yeah, Kris. The old guy who living in a gorgeous and handsome body. He is really old, I can tell. He is the only person I knew in my life. I don't even know who is my father and my mother. He was there when I spoke my first word. He was there when I walked with my own feet for the first time. He was there when I started my first day in elementary school. He was there when I grew up into a teenagers girl. He was there, still in the same face like now. He literally stopped aging in age 22, I don't know when was it.

Kris is all I have. He is my father, my mother, my brother, my guardian, my tutor, my bestfriend, my boy. He's my everything. If only there's no a big difference between us, maybe I already be his partner in life. Unfortunatelly, we couldn't choose our destiny. I was destined to become a werewolf while he was destined to be a vampire. Two opposite side who could never be together.

Such a irony. I'm a werewolf who raised by a vampire.

Werewolf and vampire can never be together. It was destined from thousands years ago.

I never knew what's really happened in the past before I was born. I never knew why a vampire like him ended up living with a werewolf like me. The only thing I knew is I'm here, spending my immortal life with Kris, moving around, entering so many school, changing name hundreds times and living like a normal human.

"Did you hear me?" Kris's voice woke me up from my daydreaming.

"What?" I asked blankly.

He sighed. "See. You're too busy thinking about unimportant things."

"It's important." I pouted.

"What is it?"


He sighed again. "Then it's not important." He said and back to his book.

"What book is it?" I asked.

"Old book. Something about using your brain."

"Using brain? For what?"

"For listening to other's thought."

"Really? Whoa, let me see." I tried to take the book but he dodged. "Aish~" I mumbled.

I looked at him and another question came into my mind.



"Is animal's blood delicious?"

He glanced at me and back to his book. "Why did you asked that question?"

"Just curious. I never felt something like that though."

"Well, it's like being a vegetarian in human world. Animal's blood is delicious enough for me."

"Then what about human's blood?"

He glanced at me again and put his book on the table. "I couldn't remember when were the last time I tasted it." He smiled.

"Oh, okay." I said. There's no need to continue this conversation.

"Another question?" He asked. I shook my head. "Okay. Now sleep. It's already 4 AM and you didn't sleep for almost two days. You have to go to school in the morning."

"I don't think I need sleep. I still feel so fresh."

"Yes, you do need to sleep. Werewolf need to sleep too. Go before I taking you to bed with force."

"Yes, yes, I understand, appa." I pouted and walked into my room, leaving him smiling.

Yeah, this is one of disadvantages from being a werewolf. Werewolf still need to sleep, while vampire doesn't need it at all. Not 8 hours per day like normally human, werewolf only need to sleep for 2 hours per day.

Two hours. Imagined what can I do in 2 hours instead of laying in the bed like now.






» My first chapter. Whoa, my English is really----really bad >.< I'm sorry. But I'm trying my best, I wish you all can understand what am I going to tell in this chapter. ^^ Please feel free to comment and tell me what do you think. Anyway, for them who already subscribed to this story, I sent you my biggest thanks. Kkk~ I really appreciate it!


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chapter 1 >> destiny


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Bang-Jello #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
glasskun #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^