Finally Perfect

Finally Perfect

He woke up to the pitter patter of rain lightly hitting his window. He could hear the sound of cars splashing though the puddles as their drivers quickly continued with their busy days. Changjo shifted in his bed to face the clock. 5:37am. The big green digits shone brightly in the room that was still yet to be lighted. He pulled the blanket over his head and buried his face in his pillow. His plan to drift back into a deep sleep didn’t work out too well. He tossed and turned, trying to get as comfortable as possible, but nothing worked. Finally he gave up and let out a sigh; he sat up to be greeted by the cold air lingering in the room. Changjo grabbed a cardigan then made his way down stairs and grabbed a bottle of alcohol out of his parents’ liquor cabinet. He sat down at the dinner table and took a shot. He was pouring himself another when he heard a light knock at the door. Who could that be? He wondered as he got up. The person impatiently knocked once more, a bit louder this time. Changjo opened the door and let in a burst of cold air.

“Yo,” Chunji chanted, “You’re awake?”

“Couldn’t sleep…what about you? Why are you awake so early?” Changjo asked.

“Heh, who ever said I went to sleep?” Chunji replied with a smirk. He walked into the house and kicked his shoes off. Changjo closed the door and walked past Chunji who was already lounging on the couch. He grabbed the bottle of alcohol and took another shot as he returned to the living room where Chunji was.

“Kinda early to be drinking isn’t it?” Chunji asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Whatever,” Changjo retorted.

“You’re just lucky your parents are always away on business,” Chunji stated.

“Lucky my ,” Changjo scoffed.  They talked for over an hour and a half until Chunji realized the time. “, school starts in less than 30 minutes,” Chunji said as he sat up.

“School? You expect me to go?” Changjo asked with a small laugh.

“Come on, you have to keep your grades up!” Chunji said slightly whining.

“Like you should be talking about grades,” Changjo replied.

“Hey, hey, hey! Just because I like partying and staying out late doesn’t mean I do bad in school. I’m a model student!” he quickly said defending himself, “Now go put on your uniform.”

“What about you? Shouldn’t you put on your uniform?” Changjo asked.

“I’m wearing a blazer, that’s good enough. Either way, what can they possibly do to me?” Chunji stated.

“Well, then I’m not changing either,” Changjo replied with a smile.

“But… you’re wearing a cardigan and pajama pants…” Chunji said eyeing him. They argued for awhile and Chunji finally forced Changjo to change.

They walked to school sharing an umbrella as Chunji complained about his hair getting messed up. The gates started to close as they approached the school. “Run!” they both exclaimed as they started sprinting forwards. They barely made it and collapsed onto the ground once they did. They both looked at each other then started to laugh, completely ignoring the rain that was still falling. As they sat there enjoying themselves, a teacher noticed and started yelling at them. “Hey! You two! Get to class now!” he said as he started walking in their direction. The two quickly got on their feet and ran into the school before the teacher could catch them and give them detention. They walked down the hall together, but soon had to depart. Chunji was a senior while Changjo was only a junior; they had no classes together and hardly saw each other at school.

Changjo strolled into his class casually, not caring that he was late. Everyone stared at him as he made his way to the back of the class, soaking wet and hardly in proper uniform. As he got closer to his seat, he noticed something different. Changjo sat down and looked at the boy next to him. Changjo didn’t talk to everyone in his class, but he knew all their faces, and this, definitely was not always here.

“Annyonghasseo,” the boy chimed with a cute smile. “My name is Ricky, I’m new here.” Changjo just stared at the boy’s out reached hand. He smirked and turned away. Ricky’s face dropped. Why won’t he talk to me? he thought.

“Ah, yes. Changjo, this is our new student Ricky. Please help him out with anything he needs,” the teacher said then continued on with his lesson. Changjo looked back over to the boy and eyed him from head to toe. Ricky felt intimidated from Changjo’s gaze and tried his best to stay focused on what the teacher was talking about.

The bell rang for lunch and everyone rushed to the cafeteria. Changjo took his usual seat at Chunji’s table with his friends; they were all older, but still got along very well with Changjo. Ricky stood in line which was moving too slowly for his liking. Finally he got his food and turned to face the tables. Where do I sit…? Ricky thought to himself as he scanned the room. His eyes brightened when he saw Changjo sitting on the other side of the room. He quickly made his way to him.

“Uhh…can I sit here?” Ricky hesitantly asked.

Changjo was about to say no when Chunji spoke up first. “Aw, who’s this cutie? Are you Changjo’s friend?” Chunji asked while looking at the two. Changjo quickly shook his head in a ‘no’ manner but Chunji disregarded him and looked to Ricky.

“Well, I’m new here… and I sit next to Changjo in class… so he’s the only person I know,” Ricky replied shyly.

“Of course you should sit here then! You and Changjo should be friends since you’re classmates, right?” Chunji said with a warm smile. Ricky nodded eagerly and smiled back.

Everyone ate quietly as Chunji continued to question Ricky only to get short replies; clearly Ricky was a bit uncomfortable, but that didn’t stop Chunji from talking. And this is what Changjo hated about Chunji. Yeah they’re best friends, but they’re the complete opposites. Chunji was always smiling and happy, wanting to make new friends all the time. Of course no one knew how he was outside of school. The cute innocent boy that turned into a bad boy once the sun set; clubbing, drinking, sleeping with a different girl every night, the list went on forever. But none of that mattered here. Chunji always wore a smile and talked to anyone he ran into.

Changjo let out a sigh and began to get up.

“Wait, Changjo,” Chunji said stopping him. Changjo sat back down and looked at Chunji with curiosity.

“Tomorrow the senior class is going on an overnight trip, so none of us will be here for a few days…” Chunji trailed off. Changjo just nodded and walked away.

Changjo walked to school by himself the next day. He entered his class and made his way to his seat at the back. “Annyong!” Ricky gleamed as he took his seat next to Changjo. “Yo,” Changjo replied not looking at him. The teacher entered and called the class to order. Ricky took notes throughout the period as Changjo took a much needed nap. The bell rang for lunch and all the students quickly filed out of class.

Ricky shook Changjo’s shoulder to wake him. “Changjo-ah,” Ricky called out quietly, “Changjo, wake up.” Changjo finally got himself out of dream land and looked up at Ricky. “Its lunch time,” Ricky said with a sweet smile. Changjo looked around the room; when he saw no one there, he grabbed his bag and strode out of the room. “Hey! Wait for me!” Ricky exclaimed scrambling after Changjo.

After they were done eating, Ricky suggested they go outside since it was a sunny day. Changjo didn’t object and followed Ricky to where ever he wanted to go. Ricky convinced Changjo to play a few games with him as they sat under a shady tree. “Yes!” Ricky exclaimed winning again. He fist pumped the air causing his sleeve to roll up his arm.

Something on Ricky’s arm caught Changjo’s attention. He looked closer at the purple marks and knew exactly what it was. In one swift movement, Changjo grabbed Ricky’s arm and pushed his sleeve up further. His eyes widened in shock.

“Ricky… what is all of this?” Changjo questioned in horror.

“Uh, I know… tripped,” Ricky said making up anything.

“Don’t lie to me Ricky. Why is your arm covered in bruises?” Changjo demanded still holding onto his wrist.

“I said I fell down, why don’t you believe me?” Ricky said trying to pry his arm away.

Changjo grabbed Ricky’s other arm, and as he predicted, it too was covered in bruises. “Who did this to you?” Changjo said through his teeth, his grip tightening around Ricky’s wrist.

“It was no one,” Ricky replied still trying to pull away. Changjo’s grip kept getting tighter and Ricky let out a whimper. “Changjo, it hurts…” Ricky said quietly.

“I’ll let go when you tell me the truth,” Changjo said, rage filling his voice. Ricky didn’t reply and Changjo’s grip got stronger. “It… it was my parents,” Ricky breathed out, not looking at Changjo.

Changjo’s heart sank when he heard the words. He dropped Ricky’s hands and pulled him into a warm embrace. Flash backs flooded Changjo’s mind. His best friend. Parental abuse. Suicide. He thought back to his happier days, when he spent his time running around and laughing. He saw his best friend’s smiling face in his head. He spent all his time with him, they were like brothers. But one day the unthinkable happened. Changjo got a call telling him his best friend committed suicide. Changjo cried and cried but couldn’t help but wonder why. The boy always seemed happy… why so suddenly? It was later found out that the reason behind it was abusive parents. The boy couldn’t take it anymore, he tried to leave, to run away, but nothing worked; until the day he left for good.

For the next few days, the two were inseparable. Changjo followed Ricky around everywhere and never let him out of his sight. Chunji was quite surprised when he returned; Changjo was never the type to make friends. In a matter of time, their relationship developed to more than just friends. Changjo and Ricky spent every minute of their lives together. Ricky was a great influence on Changjo. Because of him, Changjo gave up his drinking habits and became a happier person. He was no longer that dark aura sitting at the back of the class, but an approachable guy always wearing a welcoming smile. Things became better for the both of them. Having Changjo in his life made Ricky believe that maybe there is someone capable of loving him. Everyday spent with Changjo was a happy one, until he had to return to that hell of a home.

“Just come live with me,” Changjo pleaded after Ricky had come running to him after being beaten.

“I don’t know…” Ricky said quietly staring at the ground.

“Come on! You know it’d be better for you! And I won’t be lonely living in that big house by myself,” Changjo stated, not letting Ricky win the argument.

“But, won’t I get in the way?” Ricky asked not wanting to impose. After a lot of convincing, Changjo finally got Ricky to agree. Instead of going home first, they went straight back to Changjo’s house. Ricky borrowed some of Changjo’s clothes to sleep in, which were too big on him, but he didn’t mind. That night Changjo slept with Ricky in his arms. Having Ricky there with him and knowing he was safe made Changjo the happiest.

Changjo opened his eyes to the sound of heavy rain pelting his window. He smiled to himself thinking about the last time it rained this much; the day he met Ricky. Suddenly his smile faded.

“Ricky?” he breathed out as he shifted in the bed to face the place Ricky was supposed to be sleeping. Panic struck him when he saw the other side of the bed empty. He quickly looked at the clock; it read 6:42am. “Ricky?” Changjo called out, hoping the boy had just gone to the bathroom or something. “Ricky!” Changjo called louder this time. Nothing but silence replied to him. Usually he liked the quiet the house brought to him in the morning, but not today. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Ricky’s number. “Please pick up…” he mumbled to himself as he made his way downstairs. Changjo searched each room carefully, but to his dismay, Ricky was nowhere to be found. He tried calling him again and waited impatiently as each ring sounded through the phone.

Changjo was about to hang up when he heard something on the other end. “Ricky?!” Changjo frantically said waiting for a reply, “Ricky? Are you there? Can you hear me? Ricky?!”

“Changjo-ah….” Ricky’s voice croaked quietly into the phone.

“Ricky! What’s wrong? Where are you?” Changjo was already putting on his coat and shoes as he spoke into the phone.

“Parents house…” Ricky managed to say breathing heavily.

“Don’t move. I’ll be there soon,” Changjo said, concern and worry filling his voice.

“Changjo… it hurts…” Ricky’s voice trailed off and the call ended.

“Wait for me Ricky…” Changjo said as he dashed out the door.

The door flung open and Ricky tiredly opened his sore eyes to see a tall figure rush towards him. “Ricky?!” Changjo exclaimed when he saw the boy broken and bleeding lying on the floor. “I already called the ambulance, they’re on their way.” He rushed to his side and gently cradled his head on his lap. “Ricky, how did this happen?” Changjo asked as he brushed Ricky’s hair out of his face.

“They called and told me to come home… they were mad that I left… I don’t know where they are now…” Ricky said as his head felt heavier. It was becoming harder and harder for him to keep his eyes open.

“Ricky, stay with me!” Changjo exclaimed as he saw Ricky losing the will to live. Ricky’s eyes fell shut and each time he forced them open until, they didn’t open anymore. “Ricky! No! Ricky, open your eyes!” Changjo continued yelling at Ricky until the paramedics finally arrived.

“I’ll have to ask you to move aside,” said one of the paramedics. They quickly checked Ricky’s pulse to only feel a faint thumping. They rushed him into the ambulance and Changjo got in with them. The sirens sounded loudly through the quiet streets of the early morning. The rain was still pouring and Changjo couldn’t help but let out his tears.

“How is he!?” Changjo asked anxiously when the doctor came out of surgery. “He’s alive,” the doctor stated, lifting a giant weight off of Changjo’s chest, “but,” he continued.

Changjo’s heart dropped, “but what?!”

“He is in a coma,” the doctor stated.

“A coma? Is he okay? When will he wake up?” Changjo asked impatiently.

“All his wounds have been treated and he is in a good physical state. Unfortunately there was a lot of damage to his head. We don’t know when he will wake up, but hopefully it will be soon.”

“Can I see him…?” Changjo asked the doctor with pleading eyes.

“Follow me,” the doctor said before walking away.

Five weeks had passed and there was still no change with Ricky. Changjo’s life changed drastically. He still had hope, but he felt like he lost something very important to him. His cheerful ways which he learned from Ricky soon left him, returning him into the sad, melancholy person he was before. He started drinking again and came down with insomnia. He skipped school and often spent his days sitting at home drinking away his sorrows. Chunji grew very worried about his friend, but could do nothing to help him. Without Ricky, Changjo’s life was meaningless; it was as if he had slipped into a coma with him.

“Let’s go hang out today,” Chunji said trying to lift Changjo’s spirit.

“I don’t want to,” Changjo bluntly replied.

“You can’t spend all your time locked up in the house!” Chunji said to him.

“Yes I can,” Changjo said matter-of-factly.

“At least come to school with me,” Chunji wined, just wanting Changjo to get outside. After much begging, Changjo agreed just to get Chunji to shut up. They walked silently side by side and the rain lightly drizzled on them. It always seems to be raining nowadays… Changjo thought to himself. He didn’t say a word as he walked into the class and took his regular seat at the back. Some students were shocked to see him after so many days and others were scared of the darkness he seemed to carry around with him. Changjo looked at the empty desk next to him and his mind was flooded with memories from the day he met Ricky. ‘Annyonghasseo, my name is Ricky,’ the boy had said to him, outreaching his hand. A small smile lingered on Changjo’s lips at the pleasant memory until he realized and shook it away. The class proceeded as normal with the teacher speaking, students taking notes, and Changjo staring off into space. The lesson was interrupted when the phone rang. The teacher quickly answered it and his eyes shot to the back row. He nodded his head and hung up. “Changjo, you’re wanted in the principal’s office.” Everyone turned to stare at him as he got up with confusion and left the class.

“You wanted to see me?” Changjo said as he walked into the office.

“Yes, please have a seat,” the principal said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. Changjo sat wordlessly and stared at the principal. “We got a call from the hospital,” he started. Changjo ears perked up and he impatiently waited for the principal’s next words. “And they wanted me to inform you that Ricky has woken up,” the principal concluded with a warm smile.

Changjo shot up from his chair. “He’s awake?!” Changjo exclaimed. The principal nodded and Changjo raced out of the room.

“Ricky!” Changjo exclaimed overjoyed as he ran into the hospital room. “Ricky! You’re awake!” Tears came to his eyes with the excitement he was feeling.

“…who are you…?” Ricky asked, looking at Changjo with confused eyes.

“Ricky…” Changjo breathing out, his heart shattering.

Suddenly a smile spread across Ricky’s face. “I’m kidding!” Ricky said, his laugh booming through the room.

“Ricky!” Changjo said pouting.

“Mianhae Changjo,” Ricky said, still slightly giggling.

“You won’t believe how worried I’ve been!” Changjo said intertwining their fingers together, “I’ve missed you.”

Ricky smiled and tightened his grip on Changjo’s hand. “I love you Changjo,” Ricky said sweetly, staring deeply into his eyes.

“I love you too Ricky.” Changjo gently leaned down and pressed his lips to Ricky’s, kissing him affectionately.

“So…” Changjo began, “when can you come home?”

“In a few days,” Ricky smiled.

In no time, Changjo and Ricky’s lives went back to normal. Ricky moved in permanently with Changjo and they both attended school together. Changjo introduced Ricky to his parents and they gladly approved of him. Ricky’s parents were sent to jail and he didn’t have to worry about them ever again. Chunji was happy to see Changjo with a smile on his face and enjoyed hanging out with both Changjo and Ricky. Changjo spent all his time with Ricky and couldn’t be any happier; his life was finally perfect. 

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shiumin #1
Chapter 1: I cried... u r really talented :") i love it
Chapter 1: This is sweet. I was so worried this would end badly, but I'm extremely glad it ended happily^^ It's a nice change for this type of story xD. ~~ ♥
Chapter 1: I really love your story. . I don't know what to say anymore. Just that I love this and fullstop. *whisper (I really,really love this.)