After Life.

A Round of Applause.

 Please enjoy this chapter! (:



I groan waking up early in the morning from what I can tell. I can see the sun shining from the window. I roll out of the bed with the blanket not wanting to get up and stretch. Laying there for a minute or two, I decide to get up and go to the studio. I yawn and get up to stretch.

"..Brush teeth..brush hair....shower.."I mumble, not fully awake. 

I lazily tread to the bathroom to do my routine. With a determined smile on my face I walk out the bathroom in some dark grey sweatpants with a  blank tanktop in some black Nikes. I look over to the sleeping lump that was Eunhyuk. I shook my head smiling and walked out of his room. I made sure not to let the door squeek before leaving.

I walk into the kitchen looking for something to eat and see Ryeowook getting some pots and pans out of the cabinets.

"Do you need some help?" I asked curiously watching him trying to balance the cooking materials.

Ryeowook tensed up a but then looked behind him to look at me, "No, Hyo-ah! I'm fine! Breakfast will be ready in about 30 minutes."

I shrug, "Alright, if you say so."

I walk into the living room to see Heechul, Donghae and Yesung sprawled on the floor and couch. Heechul was under a pink blanket that didn't reach his knees while Donghae had a handful of that blanket with a stuffed animal in the other hand. Last, Yesung was on the couch buried under multiple blankets and mobbed by many, many stuffed animals.

These guys..

I just smile to myself and walk out of the apartment to the studio. I enter the studio with a smile on my face. I see the boombox hasn't left the floor from when we last used it. I walk up to the boombox and take out the CD that was last in there. I notice a black CD bag next to it. I open it and scroll through it then finally find one I like. Once I put it in Bottoms up by Trey Songz ft Nicki Minaj comes on.

"Let's see if I still remember this.." I grinned.

Yeah, I have a love to dance to rap songs. They bring the out my inner gangster.

(This choreography does not belong to me. The song does not belong to me. This is only for the use of my story.) 

I was breathing a bit once the song was over. Someone cleared their throat after the music stopped so I looked to the door from the reflection of the mirror.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

Eunhyuk shrugged and smirked, "Long enough. I'm impressed."

I laughed a bit mimicking, "I'm impressed. Fine, you and me. Right here. Lets go."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to seriously lower your confidence." He exaggerated.

I giggled, "I'll be fine, Oh Great Dance Master." I ended with sarcasm.

Eunhyuk smirked and pressed play on the boombox. Music started spilling our of the speakers. Eunhyuk's head started bobbing to the music. His limbs started moving on their own. He started with popping and locking then started mixing it up with glides and a bit of b-boy moves.

I was impressed.

My head started bobbing along with the music soon after Eunhyuk started dancing. My feet started moving with the music along with my arms. Eunhyuk and I were going at it. None of us wanted to stop until someone came on top. The music ended and another slower song came on.      Closer by Ne-Yo.

We're right in eachother's face dancing away. His upper body is right up against mine. Well, my face is to his neck. I look up at him as I dance around him while he gives me the same intense stare while standing still. Once I made it back around so that I'm facing him he puts his hands on my waist feeling my hips as they swerved.

Before things got any farther the CD started skipping causing us to stop. My stomach grumbled which caused Eunhyuk to smirk, "Are you hungry?"

I laughed a bit, "Yeah. We should go get breakfast."

He nodded heading towards the door which I followed. We enter the kitchen to see everyone getting their breakfast.

"Omo! Ryeowook! This looks great!" I boasted.

Ryeowook smiled shyly giving me a plate of his food, "Eat up."

I sat down in between Ryeowook and Donghae. Shin Dong was almost done with his bowl, but before he finished he intterupted the silence with, "Who has a full schedule today? Because I do." he finished with a frown.

Heechul scoffed crossing his arms, "Me."

Donghae nodded sadly, "Yeah, me too."

Sungmin, Ryeowook and Leeteuk also silently agreed.

"What about Siwon?" I questioned noticing he's not here.

"He's filming for Oh My Lady and I have to record some songs today so i'm booked today. " informed Kyuhyun sadly.

I glanced over at Eunhyuk noticing he's been quiet the whole time, "Eunhyuk?"

He swallowed the remaining rice in his mouth and smiled triumphantly, "Nope! Haha~!"

I look over to Leeteuk considering he's the leader, "So Eunhyuk and I are going to be chillin here until you guys get back?"

He shrugged nodding, "I guess unless you guys want to go out and do something instead of being bored here."

Donghae snickered, "Eunhyuk and Hyo-ah sitting in a tree..."

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Heechul finished.

I laughed nervously while Eunhyuk had a bit of an annoyed face with his cheeks started to grow a light shade of pink.   "Now, Now you guys. Don't tease them. Besides we need to start heading out.  Manager-Hyung doesn't like it when we're late." Leeteuk scolded.

"Yes, Hyung~" echoed Donghae and Heechul.

After the last member left the apartment I looked over to Eunhyuk, "What now?"

He shrugged not having a clue either. "What about watching a movie?" he suggested. I shook my head, "It's only best when it's dark."


"We can do that later."

"Make some cupcakes?"

"We just ate."

"Go out somewhere?"

"What if someone recognizes you?"

"Then what do we do!?" Eunhyuk fumed falling onto the couch.

I cross my arms thinking.

"Hmm.. Want to go to a club later? I heard it's supposed to be great. It's called After Life. It'll be dark by them so no one will recognize you?" I suggested.

He nods after a minute of thinking, "Yeah, that'd be cool."

"So what about playing some truth or dare until the time passes?" I smirk mischieviously.

Eunhyuk's head perks at the mentioning of the game.

"You're on."

It went from harmless truths like your favorite color to rediculous dares like screaming outrages things outside like "I don't shower."

Yeah, stuff like that.

"Alright, alright! Last one! last one! I wouldn't have offered to play this if you were crazy enough to answer and do everything that was asked!" I blurted.

He just smirks crossing his arms triumphantly, "Guess you learned something new today.. So, pick. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I uttered without thinking twice about it.

"I'm picking your outfit tonight."

"Nothing ty."

"Deal. Where's your duffle bag?" he asked.

I pointed towards Eunhyuk's room. He got up from the couch and headed towards it.  A few minutes later I hear a shout from the room, "Hey, Hyo-ah! You should wear this!"

I stroll over to his room to find him grinning holding up a red lace bra with matching .

"GIVE ME THAT!!" I shrieked charging towards him. He just laughes throwing the undergarments at me. The mischevious man goes back to rummaging through my duffle bag until he brings out a nice outfit.

"You're wearing this." He stated.

I look over it and smile in satifaction, "Alright. Nice choice. What time is it anyways? 8:00?"

Eunhyuk glances over to his alarm clock. 7:45pm.

"Yeah, about. I'm gonna go chance so you should as well."

I nod walking into the bathroom while Eunhyuk hurries and chances in his room. I game my hair some waves with my bangs across my forehead. I put on a black tank top with a white elbow length button up shirt and some jean shorts. I also add some black open toe heels with white bows on the back.

(Yes, I'm using Im Soo Yeon. She's beautiful and also she makes all the clothes she wears totally great. :33333)

(I don't know how girls can wear this high of a heel. It's like woah. :P)

Walking out of the bathroom I see Eunhyuk shirtless rummaging through his drawers looking for a shirt to wear. I avert my eyes from his strong, smooth back feeling some heat gathering at my cheeks. I clear my throat causing him to look over his shoulder at me. He just smiles and nods in approval at his choice in clothing. A frustrated sigh comes from his pouty lips so he just puts on a white wifebeater with a white jacket.

"Alright, let's go."

We arrive at After Life in no time. The music is blaring. The lights are dim, but the neon colors and glow sticks help brighten it. Above the dance floor, there was the DJ on a dome like room. It looked sweet. There were also screens around the dome showing people dancing and music videos that go along with the song that the DJ is playing.

(The disco ball is hanging on from under the dome thing. :DD)


"C'mon let's go dance!" Eunhyuk grabbed my hand and headed towards the mob of people dancing. I just smile letting him drag me. Goodbye Baby By Big Bang starts playing. We start swaying with the music along with the others.  Eunhyuk starts backing up a bit to start popping and locking along with gliding. I smirk swaying my hips a bit as he dances. He finishes it gliding over looking down at me. My smirk widens as I turn around and grind into him. I put my hands up touching his hand, running my fingers through his hair. He responds by putting his hands on my waist. Before the song ended I turn around pulling him towards me in one swift motion so our foreheads are against eachother.

"I'm thirsty." I stated yelling over the blaring music. I jerked my head at room not far from us that has clear walls around it to keep the noise out. Eunhyuk nods agreeing to go. Once we enter and sit down, we order our drinks.

"Thanks for suggesting coming here. I really needed to let lose." Eunhyuk breathed.

I smiled in reponse, "No problem."

Before our conversation actually started I saw the people crowding around something on the middle of the dance floor.  I got up from my seat and walked up to the clear wall trying to get a better look. I still couldnt see clearly so I headed out of the bar room. I looked behind me waving my hand at Eunhyuk for him to follow me. I push through my way through the clubbers to see the mystery in the middle of the dance floor. Beautiful Hangover by Big Bang was playing.

"D-Trix, D-Trix, D-Trix!" was chanted throughout the crowd.

(Ahh! I know, I know. This name belongs to one of the members of Quest Crew. I'm only using this for my story. I do not own this name.)

I finally get to the front of the mob of people with Eunhyuk right behind me to see this D-Trix person totally dominating. She had long dark waves, about to her shoulder blades. She had on a black cut top with a grey undershirt along with some navy loose jeans. Lastly, she had black and white converse.

Looks like I have a lot of dancing to do.. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! (:

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Plmokn #2
Update soon pls =)
update please =))
Pls, update! the story is getting awesome every chapter!!
this is great! I love how the story goes^^
*sorry about the late comment*<br />
aww eunhyuk is so sweet :D<br />
can't wait for the more serious stuff!!<br />
update soon plz!!
Thank you guys so much for commenting! (:<br />
It reminds me that I'm not writing these chapters for nothing, haha.<br />
I love you guys so much! x)<br />
Thanks again for the support!<br />
WOW. you had me at the sight of Eunhyuk as a welcome to your fanfic.. Now it's just, death-defying. LOL :)) more eunhyuk-rhythm beat dance scenes, I guess? I always get the tinglies while reading those. :)) ILOVEIT! KEEP IT UP! ;)
ParkChinji #9
OH MEN !!! Eunhyuk is just sooooooooo awesome . <br />
Update soon :)