Nickhunnie and Taecyeonnie: Fearless

Oneshots XD
[start of story.]

one-shot for Midnight_Joker.
starring Chung Sang Hee, Nichkhun Horvejkul & Ok Taecyeon.

author's note: rushed -_- mianhae.
[Fearless by Taylor Swift:]


"I can't believe you're sitting with me."

"I can't believe you're still alive."

"What did you mean by that?"

"Since you know, you're sitting beside me. My pure hotness should melt you by now."

She slapped my arm. "As if! You're not even this close on becoming my crush!"

"As if I would want to be that lucky person," I replied in sarcasm. She slapped me again.

"Would you stop slapping me?!" I yelled as I put my earphones on. "If you touch my muscles one more time, I swear you'll never see sunlight ever again."

" >.> Sure, like those fat of yours are called muscles," she laughed. "Aish. Chincha. You make me laugh, Mister Fat ."

I ignored her last sentence and raised the volume of my Ipod. True fact, I could really choke her to death if she asked me to. But I'll do that once killing is legal in this country, or if I'm drunk and lost my temper, stabs a knife on then throw her dead body at the river. No one would ever suspect a thing. Nobody would care if she dies anyway.

Except for Taecyeon, class president. The Mr. Know-it-all with his American accent and tall-dark-and-handsome structure. Please?! I am so much better than him!

For instance, I learned how to ride my bike when I was in 1st grade. He learned in 3rd grade. Well, let's ignore the fact that he skipped a few grades because he's such a nerd for reading books! Plus, he goes to the gym everyday for 2 hours! 2 hours, I repeat... how could you manage your time like that?! If I was him, I could have cut Sang Hee's bangs by now and watch her cry to her mommy and rant about how she hates me.

But deep inside I know that she adores this cute and charming Thai prince, Nichkhun Horvejkul. Who can't resist my charming wink and shining smile?! No one! This well-built body of mines gave me the title of being "Mr. Seoul Academy" from year 2006-2009... but I didn't win this year because Mr. Know-it-all just have to join and defeat me by a landslide.

"Is there an extra sit for student Taecyeon?" Mrs. Choi with her fat belly (no kidding, she's pregnant) yelled throughout the yellow bus.

Then I felt my face landing on the black dirty floor of the bus. Sang Hee just pushed me off my sit and now she's raising her hand so she could sit with the class' president.

"There's one beside me, Mrs. Choi!" She said as she frantically raised her hand. "Taecyeon can sit beside me!"

I quickly stood up and faced her. "And what about me, huh? Where am I suppose to sit?!"

"You could go sit beside... I don't know! Should I care about yo--" She stopped once Taecyeon flashed an innocent smile at her. I mean, seriously?! How does he do that?! He just smiles at her and show her his abnormal-looking teeth and she just falls for him crazily. Is the planet not rotating well or what? I've spent 10 years of my life annoying the guts out of her just to let her notice me yet, she hadn't let out a squeal when I winked at her one time.

"Nichkhun, go sit beside Wooyoung okay?" Mrs. Choi said then told the driver to start driving.

I just nodded my head and dragged myself beside Wooyoung and sat beside him. "Hi," he smiled at me.

"Hi," I smiled back. I turned to where Taecyeon and Sang Hee were sitting and started feeling sad and jealous about it.

It was a 30-minutes drive. Soon, we arrived at our destination and it seemed like a camping site or something. Mrs. Choi panted for a couple of minutes, then stood up straight and started pointing to some of the cabins around. Unluckily, I was assigned to share a cabin for the weekend with Wooyoung and Taecyeon. Great, just great. Can't my life be any happier... not!

After that we all gathered up at the park. Mrs. Choi then held papers on her hand and started giving it to us. "We'll be having a small but serious game. It's a scavenger hunt and whoever finds all the materials first, wins the prize!" She, herself, was excited about her plan.

"Do we work as a group?" Someone yelled.

"Uhm, sure! Let me see here... Sunye and Taecyeon, Wooyoung and... Junho, Nichkhun and Sang Hee..."

YES!! I'm with Sang Hee! Oh thank goodness! My life has its own meaning again!

"Miss, I can't work with Nichkhun! He's just going to annoy me and who knows what might happen if we're left alone..."

T_T. "Okay. Then go with Sunye! Taec, your partner is Nichkhun!"

Say what?!

He walked towards me with the list of materials we have to find. "So... let's get going?"

"Yeah yeah sure. Let's go," I bitterly replied as I headed off to find the first thing on the list. A bird's nest. I looked through the trees, the tall ones to be exact, and completely not caring whether Taecyeon's following me or not. We never really talked to each other, and both of us couldn't care less about one another. We're just ghosts on each others' worlds... well, in mine he's my worst nightmare; for always stealing Sang Hee away from me, that is.

"Sunye! Over there, I think I found one!" I heard a familiar voice screaming behind me. And you've guessed it right, it was Sang Hee.

"Wassup shortypants?" I joked as she walked up to me because I was standing beside the tree she was pointing at.

She glared at me. "Shut up, Nichkhun! I'm here to get that bird nest!"

"You can't!" "Why not?!"

"Because I saw it first! Taecyeon and I were about to grab it but you just have to stand here beside me and flirt with me," I smirked.

"Excuse me?! O_o I wasn't flirting! I obviously dislike you, and I would do anything just to get rid of you!"

Sunye snapped her fingers and caught our attention. "Uhm, guys... Junho already grabbed it. Let's just go look for another one."

"See what you did?!" We yelled at each other, at the same time. "I did?! It was completely your fault!"

"You started it!" She yelled as she pushed me. I stepped on dry leaves and before I knew it, I was about to fall on a hole. I grabbed Sang Hee's hand just in case she could pull me back and help me regain my balance, but I unfortunately pulled her with me. Now the both of us are stuck in the hole.

"NICKHUN! SANG HEE! Are you two okay?!!" I heard Taecyeon's voice echo.

"Y-Yeah, we're fine," Sang Hee weakly replied. "Just go call Mrs. Choi and ask for help!"

I looked on my side and saw Sang Hee rolled into a ball, gasping for air. "Sang Hee!" I held her knee and saw that it was bleeding. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Let me fix that for you." I ripped off my shirt and tied it like a bandana around her knee to stop the bleeding.

"T-Thanks," she roughly said and sat against the ground.

"A-Are you sure? Don't worry, they'll get us out of here soon," I reassured.


[ Hours later... ]

I paced around the room, hoping Sang Hee's alright. Everything was my fault. If I didn't pull her with me, she wouldn't be injured. Aish... I'm so stupid! I'm the stupidest man in this world!! Now how could I deserve Sang Hee if I can't even prove to her that I'm better than Taecyeon?!

The doctor came out of the room and approached me. "Don't worry, her knee tendon wasn't torned, thank goodness. But she needs to gather up her energy if she's going to continue with the trip activities," he told me.

"Thanks doc," I smiled then entered the room.

Sang Hee was sleeping peacefully on the white plan bed. I sat down beside her and her hair. "Mianhae..."
"Nichkhun... Nichkhun," she muttered under her breath, her eyes still closed. "Nickhhun."

"I'm here, Sang Hee. Don't worry, I'll take care of yo---" "JUGULLE?!" She held a handful of my hair and started pulling. "Ow ow ow ow ow~"

"How dare you not apologize to me?!! It was entirely your fault why I ended up like this!!" She continued on yelling as she pinched my ear. "Why did you pull me anyway?! That was so stupid if you! Idiot! Idiot!! Idiot!"

I pulled off her hand from my burning-red ear. I lost my balance again and fell on top of her, our faces were inches away from other. I felt my heart skipping a beat or two. My face was also burning up. My eyes were looking at her two cute brown eyes. "M-Mianhae," I uttered.

"Apology accepted." She pushed me away and covered her face with the blanket.

I sat back on my sit, played with my fingers. All of the sudden Mrs. Choi entered the room, panting. "Sang Hee! My girl, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay," Sang Hee replied and pulled off the blanket from her face.

"Thanks because I just called your parents just called and they were like all woo-OOMPHHHH!!"

"MRS. CHOI!!!!" I yelped as I ran towards her. "Shoot!! She's giving birth!! What do I do?! Nah otoke?!!!"

Sang Hee screamed back at me. "Would you calm down, man?! Carry her to another room and yell for help."

I nodded and reached out for the door. "OMONA!! The door's locked!"

"E-Eh?!!" Sang Hee freaked out as she walked towards Mrs. Choi who's gasping for air, making her breathing exercises that she usually do whenever she gets cramps. "Don't worry, Mrs. Choi. I know how to do this! Nichkhun, stay here beside me... I might need help."

[ More hours passed... ]

"Twins!" Sang Hee announced in joy as she held the first baby in her arm. The second one was with me.

Mrs. Choi smiled. "Aw... they're so cute. What should I name them?"

"Sang Hee/Nichkhun!!" We yelled at the same time. We looked at each other.

"Well... they are twins. Boy and girl. Sure, after helping me give birth to them, it's the least thing I could do for the both of you."

The door suddenly came banging open. Taecyeon, smirking, looked at the three-- I mean, five of us (including the twins, of course.)

"Why do you always get trapped together?" he asked, still with a silly smirk on his face. "And I'm always the one who saves you?"

"Maybe it's destiny?" I said as if it was a real statement, not a question. I turned to Sang Hee who was smiling back at me.

"I'll go get the doctor," Taecyeon said and left. Shaking his head as he made his way to the receptionist, he mumbled to himself. "Yeah, destiny of Nichkhun being his prince charming, me their knight in shining armour." He stopped on his tracks, looked on the ground and swore under his breath.

"That T_T"


sticky note: sorry, I make the crapiest endings ever -_- *bows* mianhae, mianhae.

[end of story.]

Patricia's Note: This was written by ranee' pots...and i really liked it!! it's really cute!!! kekekeke i hope u enjoyed!!!!! XD

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Name: Kim Samantha<br />
Age:18 years old<br />
Partner: U-Kiss Kevin<br />
Plot: It is about love from the past because when Kevin is not yet an celebrity they have a relationship.But when he become a celebrity he broked up with her because he wants to protect her from his fans.<br />
Happy/Sad ending:Happy<br />
Drama/No drama: Drama<br />
Extras: Anything that you want to apply !! saranghae !! thank you !!
minka_ichigo911211 #2
Name: Kim Euncha<br />
Age: 18<br />
Partner: MBLAQ's Yang Seungho<br />
Plot: Something about love story at high school (hate turns into love...)<br />
Happy/Sad ending: HAPPY!!!:DDDD<br />
Drama/No drama: Drama!!!!<br />
Extras: seungho plays his role as ordinary people, not celeb..<br />
<br />
Thanks before..<br />
lilmissgiggles1125 #3
Name: park ha young :D<br />
age:22<br />
partner: KYUHYUN!! :D<br />
plot: N/A LOL<br />
Ending: happpy<br />
drama:yes! :D<br />
extra's: whatever you feel like adding :D