Rainbow Boy Sim Date

2 Dimensional Boy

Joonmyun was a regular guy; he lived alone in an apartment in Seoul. He worked a stay at home job so he was pretty much glued to the computer every hour of the day, which got him into dating Sims. He never really thought he was the type of guy to play dating Sims even though his friends would play them non-stop, but what else can he do when he has to sit at home and type away endlessly.
At first he only played simple dating sims with a script that could have been written by his twelve year old niece which gradually got to tear jerking or sweet story lines with heart wrenchingly sad character backstories. 

Either way Joonmyun had an obsession

Joonmyun had recently came back from a long vacation in Guangzhou to meet up with some old friends, he hadn’t even unpacked yet but the first thing he did was sit right at his desk and open up his laptop. Joonmyun sat at his desk staring blankly at his bright computer monitor, tapping his pen against his forehead. He lazily dragged his mouse back and forth from his screen when suddenly a voice spoke “You have mail” Joonmyun nearly jumped out of his chair at the sudden noise coming from his machine. He opened the new email to find a notification, which read
“ Dear Gaurdianangel91,
The user “xoxoxoooo” has uploaded a new flash game ‘Rainbow boys dating sim’ “
Joonmyun let out a manly squeak of pure excitement and began to download the game already. When the game finished loading he immediately went and opened it up, but instead of clicking play he clicked the character list button because he has always loved learning about the different characters individually. It was almost like he was getting to know them face-to-face. He slowly scrolled through the characters 
Kim Minseok, March 26 1990
Luhan, April 20 1990
Wufan, November 6 1990
Zhang Yixing, October 7 1991
Huang Zitao, May 2 1993
Kim Jongdae, September 21 1992
Joonmyun stopped scrolling when he got to Jongdae and he smiled “What a pretty boy”

When Jongdae first met Joonmyun, Jongdae looked out from Joonmyun’s computer screen and he noticed that they were in a small room that was a little bit messy but the boy controlling the game didn’t seem to really care. When Joonmyun saw Jongdae, his eyes started shining with anticipation and he complimented him for his good looks and very high cheekbones. Jongdae heard him and really wanted to smile and thank Joonmyun but you see he can’t because he’s not real. He’s only a dating sim character. Joonmyun clicked the play button eagerly and filled out basic details. Joonmyun first started talking to Jongdae at the park because that was Jongdae’s set area. They chatted for a while; Joonmyun would pick an answer or remark to Jongdaes statement or question to make Jongdae react certain ways. But all Jongdae wanted to do was hug Joonmyun because he thought he was absolute perfection. Joonmyun decided to call him Chen instead of Jongdae because he got up to a certain level of hearts where you could pick nicknames. Jongdae was perfectly okay with that as long as Joonmyun liked it he liked it too.  After that day when Joonmyun clicked the play button, they spent about a month together, only the two of them, day after day. Joonmyun was from another world but he was still more than kind to Jongdae. 

Joonmyun would sometimes go out with his friends or merely go out on a walk but he would always leave his computer screen open so he wouldn’t lose all his progress with Jongdae. This time Joonmyun was going to a party and he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow after he left, Jongdae realised everything all to quickly and began to sob “I'm sorry I can't get out of this screen, I-I'm only a 2 dimensional boy. No matter how much I want to, I won't ever feel your touch. I'm sorry I can't speak to you of my feelings, the only thing I can tell you is what I've been programmed to say.” He said as tears rolled down his face

But what he really wants to say is “I’m so glad I met you”

Joonmyun showed him that he loved him through the fact that Jongdae checked his saved games. He never strayed from the path of Jongdaes ending; even though there were five other guys to pick he never cheated on him with any of them. So then another month had passed and Joonmyun began to lose interest in Rainbow boy sim date. A newer and better dating sim came out and Joonmyun bought the game instantly and began to install it Jongdae knew his feelings had changed but all he could do was smile. Jongdae let out small sobs and stood there, “Oh that's right... All games have an ending, because I'm only a 2 dimensional boy he could have never loved me really. No matter how much I love you Joonmyun, It always ends when you're bored you'll leave this stupid game and I. I'm sorry that I dreamed more than I should have but I purely wanted to be with you outside of this screen,” Jongdae continued to use his fake smile he always used for the beginning of the game while he cried, “But p-please remember, how thankful I am that you loved me once” Jongdae continued to smile even when Joonmyun quit the Rainbow Boys Sim Date to play Boyband Sim Date.

Joonmyun went for week’s maybe even months without Jongdae. He probably forgot him but Jongdae could never forget how much Joonmyun used to care about him. Jongdae couldn’t take it anymore he smashed his fist against the screen “I only want you to remember me again!” Jongdae shrieked as he pounded his fist into the screen again “I only wanted to be with you one last time!” He yelled throwing another punch at the glass before he heard a crack. Everything went white.

Joonmyun and his best friends Chanyeol and Baekhyun were all at a crowded cafe for some tea and small snacks. “So your computer broke right?” Chanyeol asked with his mouth completely full of cake. “ Yeah it was so weird. There were a couple dead pixels around this hole on my monitor but-”
“So you lost everything? All of your files?” Baekhyun interrupted
“No, that’s the thing-” 
“Did you lose uh um... damn what’s his name Jong something?” Chanyeol said shovelling more cake into his mouth
“Jongdae?” Baekhyun corrected,
“Will you guys just let me speak?” Joonmyun snapped angrily before sighing, “Jongdaes game file is the only thing that’s missing everything else is still there”.
“Freaky going on here” Chanyeol muttered causing everyone to erupt into a fit of giggles. Joonmyun called over a waiter and ordered more green tea cakes for him and his friends, he was about to thank the young looking boy before his eyes went wide and his mouth hung agape, standing in front of him was Jongdae at least what really looked like him. He had the Cheekbones and the jawline and the smile, Joonmyun just couldn’t believe it at all. The young waiter bowed and hurried off to get more cakes for their table but Joonmyun just laughed it off “I’m probably going crazy “ He muttered to himself. The Jongdae look alike came back with cake and was about to turn around and go back to serve other tables Joonmyun quickly asked for the cheque. “Aw you want to leave us already?” Baekhyun teased taking large forkfuls of cake and shoving them down his own throat. Chanyeol let out a small chuckle as he finished his cake almost in the blink of an eye. Chanyeol turned to Joonmyun and asked, “You think the waiters cute right?” Joonmyun looked flustered “No! Its just I think I might know him” Joonmyun retorted letting his sentence trail off after the word ‘no’. Another waiter came out and handed him the cheque. Joonmyun pays but before he leaves he notices the small writing on the receipt.

“I’m glad you haven’t forgot me completely 
-Jongdae or Chen as you liked to call me “


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Omg please say there is a continuation! Please!
Chapter 1: Sequel pls? ;(((( I'm a er for dating sims so I can somehow relate to this story goshhh ;;
Chapter 1: This story is pretty original!~ I'm glad Chen could go out but is Suho going to do something about it? I know this is a short story but it could be so much more if you make it chaptered or with more details :) I would read it.
Chapter 1: Wow I love the plot. It's very unique! SuChen <3
Oh I really liked it. I want more.
Please please.
Chapter 1: this is quite honestly one of the best fics i have read on here (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) you are an amazing writer!!!! <333333
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this <3 this is not a one-shot,right?i mean like,please tell me its not over,i really love this
Aaahhh This story makes me so happy for some reason XD Please update soon. I love this idea so much <33 oooohhh i can't wait :)