its over? its baby goobye

Tell me the Truth.....


I looked from the both of them back and forth “what do you mean?” and she chuckled a little “we are switching the plug” and I looked at them “OVER MY DEAD BODY!” and I stood up and looked at them “now listen here young man, you have no say in this” and I looked at them furious. “NO SAY? NO SAY? YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT KILLING THE WOMAN I LOVE I HAVE EVERY SAY IN THIS!” and I pointed at them, and held Shin Tae’s hand “you will do no such thing while I’m still alive and standing” and I looked down at Shin Tae. “I won’t let them hurt you” and I touched her face.

She was going to talk when her husband stopped her “so what should we do then?” and he looked at me “well keep her alive, she will come back” and he nodded ad scratched his chin “so you rather have us suffer and watch her in the same emotionless pose, status doing nothing making no progress?” and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. “No I” and I went silent “I don’t want you to take her away from me yet again” and I sat down and looked at Shin Tae.

Then I jumped up “w-w-wah!” and I held her hand “S-S-Shin Tae?” and I hovered over her “what! What is it?” and I looked at them, “she just squeezed my hand” and I looked back down at them. “Honey it’s me your mother, can you hear me?” and then I felt another squeeze “s-s-she responded!!!!” and I could feel tears streaming down, the doctor ran in, he looked at me and came forward and tested Shin Tae.

“People in comas make movements, because their brain is still active….but I don’t think” and he looked at her. I held her hand tight “she’s still with us” and I looked at her “she’ll come back” the doctor sighed and turned to her parents “well unfortunately that is not your concern, legally it is up to the guardians of the patient and since Ms.Shin Tae is still under age and both her parents are alive. Also I presume you two aren’t married” I looked at him and shook my head “n-no” and he nodded and turned to her parents “are you sure it’s the right decision?” and they both looked at each other my free hand curling into a ball.

“w-well let’s take a break for now and come back later” and her mother smiled the doctor nodded and walked over to Shin Tae and checked her pulse and in a low whisper he said “fight for her, do not give up on her” and I looked at him and nodded “yes sir” he nodded back and left with the mother.

“don’t give up on my daughter you hear” and I looked up at her father “you’re the first male I’ve seen besides Yongguk that has truly loved her…but your love is past a little sister image and I need you to promise me you will never leave her side, that you will always come to her aid and that you will never ever let her go” and he looked at me with pleaded eyes, I nodded and bowed “I promise Mr.Tae” and he smiled and followed where his wife and doctor went.

I looked back at Shin Tae “Tae…..please wake up soon, I don’t think I’d be able to hold them off” a tear slipping down my face as I buried my face into her neck, her scent fading into the scent of hospital and old people. I stood up and shook my head and I couldn’t take it, I need to leave, I need a break……….so I ran……..out and far away…..I’m sorry doc and I’m sorry Mr.Tae but a life without Shin Tae is a life not worth living…………………………..


“I can’t take it anymore dear”

….who’s talking?

“He abandoned her”

…….he...what...wait….where’s Kris?

“After spouting all that”

Where’s Kris?!?!

“It’s time”


“Doc……we’ve come to a decision”


“And what is that Mrs.Tae?”


“Pull the plug”

Your heart drops, and you try to open your eyes, and scream. You couldn’t do anything, where is Kris? Why did he leave your side? Did he not love you anymore? You felt a tear fall down your cheeks



“A tear just slipped down her cheek!”

And then you felt a hand your face

“Shinny…..are you crying because we’re going to let you go?”

You fought the restrictions holding you back, hard, trying to reach out to them, and slowly your mouth opened… felt like tiny stitches being ripped apart. Then your eyes opened and you looked around

“SHINNY” and your mother hugged you tight, you felt more tears streaming down your face “w-w-where’s Kris?” you managed to croak, your throat was coarse and hard and you needed a drink. Your mother pulled back and shook her head “we don’t know Hun, we came back and he was gone….thought he went somewhere but it’s been two days since he’s been here” and you blinked furiously

“T-two days?!?!” and you tried to sit up, the doctor rushed to you and helped you “you need to rest you just woke up from a coma” and you shook your head “I’ve been sleeping the whole time, no more I need to find Kris” and you slowly flung the bed sheets away, and stepped out, your feet giving way underneath you.

You felt strong hands help you up “f-father” and he smiled at you “I’m so happy you’re fine” and you looked at him “please forgive me for ever going to let you go” and you shook your head “it’s okay, I understand why you would” and you hugged him. “I think you need to learn how to walk again” and you nodded and sat back on the bed “it seems like I’ve forgotten to do a lot of things” and you sighed and looked around “I gotta find Kris” but your mother shook her head “you will find him tomorrow, right now you are staying put” and she looked at you stern and you nodded, not wanting to disobey her.

*A few minute later*

You woke up and no one was in the room, it felt strange not having Kris around…..Guess you really did fall for him…..and hard. You swung the blanket over, and stepped out the bed, falling to the ground at sudden contact. You lifted yourself up and slowly took baby steps, trying to remember to walk was more difficult “great I’m a bloody teenager who needs to learn how to walk” and you managed to reach the door. You opened it slightly and looked outside.

Okay, there was a lady behind the desk and a nurse guy thing standing talking to her, chatting her up, you rolled your eyes and looked around….there was no one….so you opened the door wider and stopped, the two looked at you, you looked back at them, and did a zipped lip motion and they smiled and nodded, and you walked towards them.

“Ah sorry to interrupt your conversation, but where are my normal clothing?” and the girl smiled and stood up “I will go fetch them” and you nodded and she left, leaving you with the guy. “So what’s your name?” and you looked at him “ah Shi- Hwang-Yeong” and you nodded and so did he “do you come here often?” and you looked at him “to the hospital?” and you  laughed “no I try to stay away from here” and you smiled “what if you get hurt?” and he moved closer….a little too close. “Well I will treat it myself” and you shuffled away a little, he then brushed his hand down your back side to your behind, you slapped his hand

“Here they are” and the girl came back the guy scooted away and you looked at him, then to the girl and grabbed your clothing. You then began walking away hearing “so where were we?” it made you stop and walk back, you looked at the girl and smiled then bent down and whispered “if I were you I would check the security camera now” and you smiled and walked back into your room. Closed the door behind you and started changing when you heard “you jerk! Get out of here, before I call the Head of Office you harasser!!!” and you hear a thud….did she chuck something at him? You chuckled and shook your head.

You looked down at the clothing… was a dress; you rolled your eyes at your mother choice of clothing and slipped it on. You turned around when the door opened, it was her “ah hello” and you smiled, so did she “ah I just came to apologise for the guy” and you shook your head “no need” and you brushed your hair and looked around “ah is it possible for me to check myself out?” and she looked at you “well yeah…if you want” and you nodded “of yes I do…I gotta find someone” and she looked at you “let me guess….that guy?” and you looked at her.

“Yeah” and you looked out the window “he’s not by my side anymore, and I feel like something bad is going to happen to him” and you turned back to her and laughed “oh don’t mind my nonsense” and you chuckled, she shook her head as you put on your shoes and she beckoned you to follow her, so you did, back to the desk. “He seems like a good catch” and you looked at her and blushed “ah y-yeah” and you smiled and looked at her, she passed you a form “sign here please” and you nodded and did as she said.

“Well I will be off now” and you bowed and walked out the hospital and breathed in the fresh air. You catch a bus back to your apartment. You went up the stairs and instead of going to your apartment you went straight into EXO’s. They were all eating…..except Kris wasn’t there.

“H-H-HWANG-YEONG!” and Baekhyun got up and ran to you, he placed a hand on your forehead, then to your cheek then he poked you “OMO IS THIS REAL?!?!?!” and you smiled and slapped his hand “ya! Stop touching me like that” but then you sighed and looked around “where is he?” and Baekhyun looked at you “eh?” and you looked him in the eye “Where.Is.He” and he looked around and quickly ran to the table and hung his head, o did everyone.

“YA! WHERE IS HE?” and Donghae got up and walked to you, you whispered “Donghae, please where is Kris?” and he hugged you and gave you a squeeze “it’s going to be alright Shin Tae” and you pushed him away “tell me where is he?” and he sighed and shook his head “he’s not himself at the moment” and you blinked “w-what?” and you shook your head and made your way to his room “I wouldn’t do that” and you turned to see Chanyeol eating, you shook your head and took a step “don’t make me stop you” and you turned again “what’s going on?” and you turned to them, they all turned away. You breathed in and out “don’t stop me” and you continued, you walked to Kris’s door and heard them speak.

“Shouldn’t we stop her?”

“It’s not going to end well”

“Let it…’s what he gets for deserting her”

…..deserting her? W-W-What? You were curious at that last sentence and you slowly opened Kris’s door, your eyes soon adjusted to the dark “didn’t I say not to disturb me?!?!?!” and the lights went on. You stood there frozen on the spot, so did the person talking, his eyes widening and the girl sitting on the bed half with a facial expression of ‘can you see we’re busy’. Your heart tore at the sight you were seeing………

“So I wake up from a coma to t-this?” and you looked at Kris to the girl “S-S-Shin” you slammed your fist at the wall “DON’T CALL ME SO FORMALLY I DON’T KNOW YOU” and you looked at him, with tears falling from your eyes and you let your fist slide down and you looked him in the eye “I should of just stayed with Jung Kook….at least he didn’t stop fighting for me” and you looked at the girl “I hope you enjoy being with this jerk, maybe he will leave you half way” and you turned away and ran down the stairs. Hearing him call your name, you shook your head and blocked your ears, tripping down the stairs “ouch” and you felt them rush to you, you laughed and shook your head “clumsy me” and you patted yourself and smiled. You walked to the door, shaking your head, you turned and he was standing there, you cleared your throat.

“I expect you all to be at school tomorrow morning, you have a lot of catch up to do” and you opened the door “d-d-don’t make me come and get you” and you stepped out turned to them and whispered looking at Kris “cause I won’t” and you closed the door behind you and ran to your apartment and shut the door behind you, and you cried your heart out.

You were lying on the ground, tears dried on your face, your eyes stinging from the after effect of crying for 3 hours. You looked outside and it was pitch black, you wondered what he did…..with the girl, or what he was going to do….with the girl. You shook your head; of course you knew what he was doing with that girl. You closed your eyes, new fresh tars forming, thinking how Kris told you he loved you and if they were all lies. You clutched your chest and curled into a ball…..wanting everything to go away, you heard your doors click and footsteps, you turned

“SHIN TAE!!” and you felt arms wrap around you “m-mother!” and you clinged to her and started crying all over again.


“Don’t worry, I will be fine” and your mother looked at you with concern “I’m just saying, if you want we could pull you out and put into another school, somewhere overseas with us” and you smiled and shook your head “no I wouldn’t leave my friends” and you looked away and sighed. Your mother rubbed your arm “are you alright…..with Kris?” and you turned to her “mother, it’s reality……I’d be stupid to think that someone would care for a person as reckless as me” and you sighed and shook your head “anyways you should be going, father would be waiting for you and I have to sleep for school!” and your mother looked at you.

“You are brave” and she hugged you “and strong and have a free spirit, don’t forget that” and you nodded, after more hugs you then waved your mother goodbye. Then you went to bed and laid your head down……are you and Kris….over???


“Ah welcome back Shin Tae, I hope your family problems are finally resolved” and you looked at the principal “eh?” and he smiled “your mother called me, telling me all about the issues and the misfortunate death of your uncle” and he patted your back “glad to have you back” and you smiled and nodded. “Oh and I would love to say congratulations” and you turned to him again “what for Principal” and he smiled and pointed “to that…guess you did straighten them out” and you looked to where he was pointing to see, Sehun and Luhan helping a kid with his books and laughing and smiling at the same time. You shook your head and smiled, then Kris appeared, you stopped and turned away and looked at the Principal “well good day sir” and you bowed and turned and walked away.

“Wah! Welcome back President” and you nodded “ah President welcome back” and you smiled “good to be back” and then you felt a tug and looked down it was someone you never saw before. “Annyeong! I’m new here, my name is Kim Seok Jin when you see me around please wave and please treat me well” and he bowed and you smiled “hello, nice to meet you too, ah okay and my name is Shin Tae I am the School Council President” and you bowed back, he smiled and you felt strange, then he waved and walked away, you shook your head.

“I don’t like him” you jumped and turned to see Kris, you rolled your eyes “I don’t care what you like or what you don’t like” and you shoved him away. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him, his voice dropped to a whisper “I-I-I’m s-sorry, I thought you were a goner and I couldn’t bear it, so I” and he stopped, you shook your head and pushed him away “you didn’t want to stick around? You didn’t care that I would miss having you next to me, keeping me going?” and you looked at him.

“You knew I was there?” and you threw your hands up “of course I did!!! You know how many times I wanted to respond and comfort you back?! To reassure you that I was fine, that I knew you were there! That you were beside me! How I wanted to wrap my arms around you too!” and you stopped “you know what, who cares, obviously you didn’t because you gave up on me” and you turned and walked away, to class leaving Kris there.

You slid the door open walked in and bowed “sorry I’m late” and the teacher just smiled and shook his head “no worries, must be tough, first day back and already busy” and you laughed and took your seat in the back. You sat in the back of every class, to keep an eye out on the misbehaving ones. You sighed and slumped down on the table “did you have a fight with your boyfriend?” you jumped up and turned “a-ah Kim Seok Jin” and he smiled back at you “Jin is fine” and you smiled and nodded, then shook your head “ah ani, I didn’t he’s not my boyfriend” then you leaned back and whispered “he’s nothing to me” and you turned to him and smiled, then you look ahead and looked at the teacher.


Class finished and you stretched and hung your head back “you that tired?” and you looked up at Jin who was hovering over you, you smiled and shrugged and sat straight “just a little” and you stood up and grabbed your books and began walking out “so you want to give me a tour? I have a free period next so…..” and you turned “ah well” and then you shook your head “sure” and you pointed to your locker “just let me put my books away and we can begin” and he nodded and walked with you to your locker, you reached your locker and opened it and put your books away, then all you remember was hearing a “watch out!” you closed your eyes and when you realised nothing happened you opened them and saw hands on either side of you and you turned around to see Jin fall to the ground.

“Waaah J-Jin!” and you kneeled down and saw a broken glass bottle behind him, you touched his back, your finger slicing on a piece of glass, your eyes widen and you whispered “a-a-are there some s-s-stuck on you?” and you got a groan as a reply.

 You stood up and you looked around and thank goodness you saw Lay “LLLLLLAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!” and he looked up and saw you waving and ran towards you, “ah shiz what happened?” you shook your head “I need you to clean up this broken glass, before someone gets hurt” and he nodded, and you helped Jin up, placing his arm around your shoulder, you then saw the rest of EXO, and you made eye contact with Kris, you looked back at Lay.

“When you’re down, meet me in room 45” and you walked away with Jin. “Jin can you hear me” you hear a groan in response, you nodded and shook your head, you then stopped and reached down and grabbed his legs and carried him bridal style to the nurse’s office. “MISS!!” and she looked at you “what happened?!” and you shook your head “he has glass stuck in his back” and she nodded and indicated for you to put him on the bed “lie him on his stomach” and you did, then she took off his jacket slowly and we both gasped, his shirt at the back was drenched in red, the nurse started quivering “a-a-h S-S-Shin T-Tae” and she clutched her stomach “I know” and you looked at her, handed her a bucket and pointed outside the door “I will take care of it, just tell me what I need to do” and she smiled and nodded “you need to pull out every glass shard then dab dis-infected poll on his back then bandage him up…..I’m sorry, I don’t do good with b-b-bl” and she ran out, you sighed at how your nurse was so weak in the blood category

You took off your blazer and rolled up your shirts sleeves and put on gloves. “Jin this might hurt a little” and you runned your hand down his back to feel the glass, you felt something sticking out below his shoulders, you grabbed the tweezers and pulled it out “argh” and he jerked a little, you tried to soothe him. “Don’t worry it’ll be over soon” and you continued.

Finally all the glass shards where out and he was breathing normally, you dabbed his back with the dis-infector the nurse mention, you leaned down and whispered “you can get up now” and he groaned and got up, then the doors opened and you turned “ah good timing” and you looked at Lay and the rest and you went to the cupboard and looked for a bandage “so did you catch who it was?” and Lay smiled “how did you know I would?” and you shrugged “no idea” and you walked back to Jin. “If you could” and he looked at you and nodded, he lifted up his right arm, you then started wrapping the bandage around him.

“Seems when you were absent, new students came and decided to create an up roar, and your return is displeasing to the leader” you snorted and continued “and the leader?” and the next response was not from the person you expected, it came from Jin. “His name is Min Yoon Gi” and you looked down at Jin “eh?” and he looked up at you, you blushed at the sudden closeness and looked away and continued wrapping. “His nickname is Suga” and you looked confused “Suga?” and he nodded “yes Suga” and you clasped his bandage together and sat next to him “better?” and he nodded and smiled “thanks” and then you heard a bang, you looked up at Kris then turned back to Jin. “Tell me more?” and he nodded “he came from Wandong High” and you blinked “W-W-Wandong?” and he nodded “why would he come here?” and Jin looked at you “well, he got kicked out, and the only school that would take him in was” and you nodded “I see, it was our motto” and you whispered “damn principal” then the bell rang.

It was an awkward silence between you all, you cleared your throat and looked at them “shouldn’t you be getting to class?” and then they all blinked and nodded “well of course” and they started bowing, you chuckled and smiled “ah Shinny?” and you looked at Baekhyun who stopped “ah will you come by for dinner?” and you looked at him, to Kris then to Baekhyun and smiled “wouldn’t miss it” he smiled and skipped out the room, everyone waved and said “see you tonight” then it was just Jin and you in the room.


“So Kris is your boyfriend?” and you looked at Jin “w-w-what? N-no” and you looked down at your hands “actually I don’t know where we stand” and you looked at the space he occupied just a couple of minutes ago…………..


What will you do now? Seeing Kris like that.....with someone else......after you woke up........where will you and Kris stand now? Are you two over? Is it the end for your "could-be" relationship? Who is this Jin? and this new trouble maker Suga? What will blossom and what will wither? find out next

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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 2: ahaha I will stand my ground! XD
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 1: They're all gang members!!!!! :O lol
I like their nicknames. =P