Bonus 1

Living in the Corner of his Eye

November 14th, 2011

Sometimes I wonder, what would it be like if I did talk to you? If I mustered enough courage to tell you everything I wrote in these very pages, to have the chance to be yours? You could laugh at me of course, or reject me. It would be expected. Or maybe... There's always that slight chance, that maybe you'd hear me out? That we would laugh awkwardly together, sitting together in the library, getting to know each other as though I don't already know so much about you. You're bright smile would make my world, and we would slowly get closer day by day. That dying hand, that empty grasp, it would finally be reached. Eventually we would begin to do cute couple things, sounds ironic doesn't it? Maybe couple t-shirts... Or is that too cheesy? Whatever you want Kibum... It's up to you. And then we'd go on our first date. I would pretend to be late, probably annoying the hell out of you, before finally showing up two minutes after the planned time. I would come up behind you slowly, smiling, and I would recite that poem to you, the one on the first page of this very notebook. Then I would slowly walk around and come to stand in front of you on the other side of the table and lean in slowly, softly finishing the last line. "Please will you be... my Key?" And then you would probably laugh at my cheesiness, teasing me and pretending to be annoyed, but by that slight blush on your perfect cheeks, I would know you're touched. But being Kibum, you'd never show it. 

Time would go by and we'd smile at each other in passing in the hallways, study together in the library, sharing a goodbye kiss before going to our separate classes... Wouldn't it be great? Living life with you, that is my dream.


January 1st, 2012

I just realized…. All these entries and I still haven’t written about how I first met you have I? How could I not have written it down all ready…. The day is so clear I don’t think I’ll ever forget it as long as I live, Kibum.

It was your first day here. I was sitting here in the library like I always did, watching from the back, but something about you caught my eye. Maybe it was how beautiful you were even back then, maybe how you were determined to come study in the library even on your first day of class, or maybe it was the small beads of sweat on your forehead that showed your inner stress even though your calm expression didn’t. I’m not really sure, but I do know one thing: You’re confidence was admirable.

The way you carried yourself not out of arrogancy, but out of courage and determination. You were not a scared and timid first year in the least bit, and that was something I truly looked up to. Even before college, I was never very good at asserting myself or showing any form of confidence. The way you were able to do so was just…. Amazing.

But by the time you sat down in the very seat you’ve sat in every day since, I had made a decision to meet you in this library someday.

See you were what kept me going, Kibum. If I got nervous or shy, I used to go curl up in my apartment with a book or journal. But this time, I reminded myself that one day, I would need to talk to you. One day, I would need to overcome my wallflower instinct.

So I started talking with professors, and then a small group of guys who I now share the apartment with. I still don’t talk much, but it’s more than before. And that’s only in the last 5 months. I’m getting better, Kibum. And one day, just maybe, I’ll be good enough for someone like you.


Sorry it's not very long, I might be posting little bonus chapters here and there with one or two of Jonghyun's diary entries. So here's the first! Hope it's okay.... thank you so much for your amazing comments and supermiri for the upvote! Every one of you guys mean so much to us. Now I'm off to go fix my brother's hair which SHOULD NOT BE SILVER RIGHT NOW. Okay bye~


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Hi, Amaya here. Sorry there haven't been updates lately. I'm finishing Marching Band season and flute auditions so I will be back with MANY chapters soon!


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Chapter 12: Why? Why Minho is worried for Taemin and not for Key? Ahhh... I wish it has more minkey... I'm not really fond of 2min...
Chapter 7: I personaly think that Minho likes Key ♡♡♡ they are both my SHINee biases ♡♡♡

Jongkey and Minkey forever ♡♥♡
Chapter 1: Omg 'study date' with his hyung's crush ... that will be very interesting ♡♡♡ hope that Tae won't fall for Key too ◐﹏◑
Chapter 20: I can't express how happy I am at the way this story turned out. It was just so beautiful and I love the way you write author-nim <3 please keep writing more stories
goofyville #5
Chapter 20: I am so happy that I stumbled upon this gem of a fic. So fluffy and cute.
Chapter 20: It's a beautiful story, i could re-read it as oftenas i want and would (most probably) still not get bored of it
xxangelwhitexx #7
Chapter 20: it ended TT nooooo. i really loved this story >< and the ending was perfect. this was one of the stories i always looked forward to when it updated ^^ thank you for writing this and i look forward to when you write a one fic :D
vivianchan #8
Chapter 20: Wahhhh I loved this so much :') what a great ending to a great story really and truly this is definitely among my favourites!! Love this story heaps thankyou!! Xoxo
Maknaelover17 #9
Chapter 20: ahhhhh so sweet >< I love this story and I'm really sad its over. Thank you so much for writing it <3
iluvbubbles_yay #10
Chapter 19: Awww so sweet, can't believe this has nearly ended! I really enjoy following this, sorry for not commenting a huge amount ^^" But this was a really nice with the awesome dance performance, I'd love to see all that xD and then the adorableness of Jonghyun getting Kibum a really sweet, thoughtful present, awww :3 (And very good that going on and dancing didn't result in worsening of the injury! Go Jjong and random knowledge of how to brace the ankle!)Anyways, thanks so much for updating ^^