"Whatever you need Kibum, I can do."

Living in the Corner of his Eye

“We-we’re going where?!” Key’s usual confident manner disappeared completely, the color draining from his face in all of two seconds. “An amusement park, genius!” Minho smiled happily, looking over at Taemin who just happened to be watching him from the other side of the library table, his eyes bright. “Yup! Come on hyung it’ll be fun~ It was Minho’s idea!”

 Key looked toward Taemin, his smile resembling that of an evil blood-thirsty demon more than his own. “Taemin…” He warned with a forced sweet tone through gritted teeth before turning to glare at Minho. “And you know better than anyone else that I’M NOT GOING TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK.”

Minho wasn’t even phased by his friend’s outbursts. Like Key had said, he knew better than anyone else why Key was refusing to go, and that just made this a million times more fun.

Jonghyun was completely lost, sitting in his usually seat in the back of the table, watching the scene play out before him.

The others had almost forgotten he was there. Key stood defiantly, desperately trying to think his way out of the utter hell he was about to be dragged into. He looked around, only having a sudden idea pop into his head when his gaze landed on Jonghyun.

He ran around to the other side of the table and threw his arms around the older’s neck, resting his chin on top of his head, with an evil smile. “I’m only going if Half-Pint here goes.”

Jonghyun flinched and stiffened up at Key’s sudden touch, breathing suddenly becoming as difficult as running through molasses. “Wh-what?!” He could barely get the word out.

Key pouted, though Jonghyun couldn’t see it as he was literally on top of him. “Come on~” He said.

A couple days ago Minho would have found Key’s interaction cute but for some unknown reason, no matter how hard he tried, he didn’t like it. He found his gaze constantly shifting over to Taemin, who now had the same expression on as Key’s. Now that was cute.

“Yah! Key hyung, you’re my boyfriend!” Neither him nor Key noticed the slight flinch from both Jonghyun and Minho at the word boyfriend. Key stood up, “That’s Key Umma to you Taemin-ah.” He smirked. “And you would come either way, it’s this puppy I’m trying to drag along.” He pointed at Jonghyun who was again studying the wood grains of the table.


“Because he’s interesting, fun to annoy, and nicer than you.” Key stuck his tongue out at Taemin while Jonghyun let what Key had just said sink in. he, he thinks I’m nice?

Taemin was about to run up and most likely do something horribly dangerous such as step on Key’s foot before Minho clapped his hands. “Okay that settles it. All four of us will meet at the front of the library building in 10 minutes while I go get my car. Let’s get out of here.”

With a still grumbling Key, a hyper Taemin, and a Jonghyun who was probably now in a state of mental shock left behind in the library Minho walked to get his car with a small smile on his face. If Key is distracted by Jonghyun than maybe I can take Tae on some roller coasters…. Wait, why would I want to do that with him and not Kibum? Aish what is going on with me….


“Ugh, why am I here again?”

“Because Jonghyun came, now stop complaining.”

“Who’s Jonghyun? That’s half-pint. And I’m not complaining!! I’m just expressing my negative opinion about being stuck in this torture spot for the rest of the night with you idiots.”

“That would be complaining. And he does have an actual name, just because he’s short doesn’t mean you can call him whatever you want.”

“I call any of you whatever I want anyways.”

“I can hear you guys you know.”

“Oh right, sorry.”

Minho and Key continued bickering while Taemin and Jonghyun walked behind them through the amusement park. It wasn’t too crowded and it was a nice day for a trip like this, all in all it wasn’t horrible. Plus the four of them were together, so nothing could go too badly, right? Okay who are they kidding four college student boys out for the night atan  amusement park, many things could go wrong.

“!! No way!” Key yelled.

Like that.

“What happened?” Taemin asked, bounding up to stand beside Minho while Jonghyun quickened his pace to come up beside Key on the other side.

Key glared, I lost kai bai bo to that jerk- he pointed at Minho.

Taemin looked confused, “And that’s bad… why?”

Jonghyun leaned forward a bit so that he could get a better look at the other three and waited for Key’s answer.

“I have to ride a stupid roller-coaster.”

Minho grinned. “Success!” He yelled, throwing his fist up in the air.

“Shut up!” Key responded punching him in the shoulder hard enough  for him to lower his arm.

“Come on hy- Umma. It can’t be that bad.” Taemin tried to reassure him.

Key shook his head; his reaction similar to what happened in the library earlier, all former attributes of his usual self disappeared. “No you don’t understand, I can’t.”

Minho said something quietly to Taemin that Jonghyun couldn’t hear while Key kept his head down. Jonghyun raised his hand tentatively, having an inner fight with himself for a good 30 seconds before he finally got up the courage to gently wrap his hand around Key’s, squeezing it slightly. “I’ll ride with you.” He said quietly.

Key looked over at him, almost a completely different person as he responded, “Thanks.”


Key was unusually quiet on the way to the roller coaster- it was one of the smaller ones, but still scary none the less.

Jonghyun couldn’t help but notice that they were still holding hands the entire way there, and Key ended up squeezing his tighter and tighter as they got closer.

The attendant waved them through after they held up wristbands showing they had paid, Minho and Taemin right behind them.

The seats were groups of two in a straight line down the coaster. Minho looked to the other two as he took a seat with Taemin while Jonghyun and Key sat one seat in front of the other two, having to untwine their hands to climb in.

Key turned around and locked eyes with Minho and the younger nodded. “It’ll be fine, Kibum. I know you’re scared but you knew you would need to do it someday.

Key swallowed nervously, his arms shaking as an attendant pulled the bars down in front of them and checked to make sure they were secure.

Jonghyun was silent as he watched Key tremble, completely in awe at how much going on a roller coaster changed the boy he knew so well. It was actually scary. But Jonghyun knew what his job was, and why he was here. What he had written down in the notebook, what he had promised.

He found Key’s hand once again and clasped it tightly, meeting the other’s eye. “You’ll be okay Kibum, I promise.”

Key nodded, though his eyes still showed the fear he felt, and that he really didn’t believe what Jonghyun was saying. “Are you sure?”

Jonghyun couldn’t help but feel like their roles had switched, now he was the one in charge. “Positive. I swear it on my miserable excuse for a height.” He smiled.

Key laughed, all thoughts of the roller coaster gone for the moment, as though it was just the two of them, floating together in space. “I believe you, half-pint.”

And then they were off.


Key stiffened at the sudden movement of the cart and his hand tightened around Jjong’s.

He glanced at him for reassurance then continued staring forward with a look of terror in his eyes.

As they were slowly pulled up the hill Jonghyun leaned over and whispered something in Key’s ear. “Do you know what I do when I’m scared of these rides?”

Key shook his head, his eyes still glued forward.

“I let all the fear come up in me right now, and then when we get to the top of the hill, we yell 1, 2, 3! And scream it all out. And everything you were scared of, push it out in that scream, okay?”

Key nodded, his body relaxing a little.

“Oh, and Kibum?”

“Y-yes” His voice was shaky.

“When we get to the one loop, close your eyes. I’ll tell you when to open them, and you’ll love it, I promise. Got it?”

“I-I guess.”

“You ready?”

He didn’t respond, only continued to look forward. They were almost at the top now, and the front of the cart was starting to level out. They could see the hill ahead of him and Jonghyun whispered into his ear.


He turned away and faced forward, his voice louder.


Key took a deep breath and Jonghyun yelled, “3!!!”

As the cart plummeted down they both screamed at the top of their lungs, and Jonghyun could feel Key’s shoulder relax against him if only a little bit.

Their hands stayed intertwined as they went up and down, in and out, through the course. Around the third hill Jonghyun yelled over the rushing wind, “There’s the loop!”

Key squeezed his hand a little bit, another wave of fear coming over him.

“Just close you eyes!”

Key nodded and shut his eyelids, squeezing Jonghyun’s  hand even tighter if possible. They neared the loop and the cart began to go up, almost vertical now. Soon they were almost upside down and Jonghyun grinned, “Now!”

Key opened his eyes, and time seemed to slow down. He saw the tracks, the world from a beautiful upside-down perspective, and a lovely attractive boy grinning from the seat next to him. It was gorgeous.

They shared eye contact for but a moment but any moment is enough. It was wonderful, and Key would never forget it.

But all at once the moment was over too quickly and they came down, back to the usual hills and turns.

“See, it wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jonghyun yelled again.

He could see Key’s smile, but couldn’t quite catch his response. “What?!” He yelled.

Key turned towards him and grinned even bigger. “Only thanks to you.” He said, just loud enough to be heard, but perfection to Jonghyun’s ears.

They shared that same smile until the end of the ride, the cart slowing down and Key relaxing his body entirely against Jonghyun’s, leaning his head onto his shoulder.

“I didn’t know you could yell.” He laughed lightly, a beautiful sound. “You’re always so quit.”

Jonghyun looked ahead, watching as the attendant came over to remove the bars and belts, “Whatever you need Kibum, I can do.”


Hello everyone! Oh how I love amusement parks~ Just a fun fact, the whole roller coaster scene with Kibum was based off of the experience I had with Arrow and our other friend, those were some of the things they told me while I was shaking and freaking out on the way up. They thought I was going to jump out or something... X3 But it worked in the long run! But enough of that, thank you to everyone who subscribed or commented, and to jjongluvbummie and SHINeeLove05 for the upvotes!! Please, please, comment/subscribe. We'll see you all later!


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Hi, Amaya here. Sorry there haven't been updates lately. I'm finishing Marching Band season and flute auditions so I will be back with MANY chapters soon!


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Chapter 12: Why? Why Minho is worried for Taemin and not for Key? Ahhh... I wish it has more minkey... I'm not really fond of 2min...
Chapter 7: I personaly think that Minho likes Key ♡♡♡ they are both my SHINee biases ♡♡♡

Jongkey and Minkey forever ♡♥♡
Chapter 1: Omg 'study date' with his hyung's crush ... that will be very interesting ♡♡♡ hope that Tae won't fall for Key too ◐﹏◑
Chapter 20: I can't express how happy I am at the way this story turned out. It was just so beautiful and I love the way you write author-nim <3 please keep writing more stories
goofyville #5
Chapter 20: I am so happy that I stumbled upon this gem of a fic. So fluffy and cute.
Chapter 20: It's a beautiful story, i could re-read it as oftenas i want and would (most probably) still not get bored of it
xxangelwhitexx #7
Chapter 20: it ended TT nooooo. i really loved this story >< and the ending was perfect. this was one of the stories i always looked forward to when it updated ^^ thank you for writing this and i look forward to when you write a one fic :D
vivianchan #8
Chapter 20: Wahhhh I loved this so much :') what a great ending to a great story really and truly this is definitely among my favourites!! Love this story heaps thankyou!! Xoxo
Maknaelover17 #9
Chapter 20: ahhhhh so sweet >< I love this story and I'm really sad its over. Thank you so much for writing it <3
iluvbubbles_yay #10
Chapter 19: Awww so sweet, can't believe this has nearly ended! I really enjoy following this, sorry for not commenting a huge amount ^^" But this was a really nice with the awesome dance performance, I'd love to see all that xD and then the adorableness of Jonghyun getting Kibum a really sweet, thoughtful present, awww :3 (And very good that going on and dancing didn't result in worsening of the injury! Go Jjong and random knowledge of how to brace the ankle!)Anyways, thanks so much for updating ^^