This is Love (Minah x Yura)

Kpop Yuri Oneshot Requests~


Yura was never one for romance. She watched couple after couple fall apart and year by year, little by little, she began to lose faith in love. By now she even resented the thought of it. But Minah was different. Yura couldn't put her finger on what exactly made her different, but it almost made her feel hope in love. Almost...
Minah was the opposite from yura, she had hopes and dreams. She longed for a loving relationship. She actually believed in growing old with someone, which was a concept Yura couldn't even begin to grasp. Minah was always genuinely happy, whether on stage or behind the scenes she would wear a true smile, where as Yura always forced one. But Minah was the first to make her genuinely smile. 
I guess that's where it started, where the spark of hope began to flare, with a simple smile from the younger girl. But that smile soon turned into more. An innocent hug turned into a kiss, a kiss turned more intimate, and soon they frequently met in secret to steal touches and embrace whenever they had the chance.
They weren't together though. They were just messing around with no feelings. Or at least That's what Yura would tell herself.  
"Are you ok?" Minah's voice broke through Yura's train of thought and brought her back to reality. She looked up, meeting Minah's gaze and nodded, receiving a sweet smile from the other girl in return.
"Yeah," Yura whispered. "Sorry I was just thinking."
Yura ran a hand down the younger girl's side to the small of her back, tracing light patterns on Minah's bare skin. After their show that night, they had both rushed back to their hotel room. They were lucky enough to share a room so they didn't have to lie or raise suspension when they ran off to get alone time. There was always a rush when Yura held Minah, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't make her heart race, but the aftermath always conflicted her. 
Was she making love to this girl or were they just fooling around? 
"Yura...?" Minah's voice yet again broke through her train of thought. 
"Hmm?" Yura hummed as she ran her hand down to Minah's hip, gripping it gently, and pulling her closer. They both shudder at the feel of heated bear skin on skin and Minah nuzzles closer, resting her head on the older girl's chest. She listens to Yura's heart beat for a few minutes, running her fingers absentmindedly across the other girl's waist. Yura sighs contently and ran a hand through Minah's hair as she waits for Minah to reply.
"Yura..." Minah began, lifting her head to lock eyes with the other girl. "I... I love you." 
Yura froze. Did she really just hear Minah utter the three words she feared most? What would Yura even say? Did she love this girl? No... Yura didn't believe in love. Love didn't last. Love complicated things. Minah and Yura... They were friend right? But friends don't do things like kiss and touch and hold hands. So what exactly were they? Yura didn't even know what her feelings for this girl meant. 
"I-I don't believe in love, Minah," Yura's reply came out weak, her voice cracking and her hands began to tremble. Yura gently nudged the girl off of her chest and sat up. She pulled the covers over her body, feeling vulnerable, as if no one has seen her like this even though Minah has more times than she could count. She leaned over, reaching for the clothes they threw off earlier that lay in a pile on the floor next to the bed.
"What are you doing?" Minah's voice sounded hurt, weak, and Yura knew if she looked back she'd be met with tear filled eyes.
"Getting dressed," Yura muttered her reply as she pulled a shirt on and stood, still holding the sheets to cover the other half of her body before she could put shorts on. 
"Why?" Minah questioned. Yura looked back for a split second, regretting it instantly as she saw the heartache in the other girl's eyes.
"I can't stay here with you," she replied. "I'm going to see if I can get my own hotel room." 
"Please.. Yura, don't leave. Let's talk about this."
"Didn't you just hear me?" Her voice shook, anger boiling up through it. She wasn't angry at Minah, she didn't know why she was angry. Maybe it's because what they had just became ten times more complicated or maybe she was mad because she was hurting the other girl. She didn't know, but she definitely didn't want to admit that she could be mad because of the flip her heart did when Minah whispered those three words.
"I don't believe in love, Minah. Love never lasts, I don't want to ruin our friendship for something like that."
"You believe in love!" Minah practically yelled, shooting up from the bed and grabbing Yura by the arm before she could run out. "You're just scared of it! And don't tell me it will ruin out friendship. Yura, this isn't friendship, this is a relationship."
"No, it's not," Yura could feel the tears begin to form as she tried to stammer out her words. "This.. This isn't a relationship. They don't last, they don't work. Minah, in relationships people fight! They hurt each other and grow apart! I don't want to hurt you..."
"If you leave this room, that's exactly what you'll be doing." Yura was shocked at those words. She didn't want things to go so far. All she wanted to do was protect this girl and be close to her at the same time. She didn't know why she wanted to be close to her... She didn't understand what her heart was saying to her. But as she looked into Minah's eyes and saw the hurt in them, she could feel her own heart breaking at the thought of her causing that pain. 
"What we have, Yura," Minah began, bringing Yura's hand up to her bare chest and pressing it over her heart, doing the same with her other hand to feel Yura's heart beat. "This... This feeling, Yura, it's love. I love you and I know you love me too." 
"No... I-I can't.. I-" 
"Shh," Minah hushed as she put a finger to Yura's lips. 
Before Yura could respond, Minah leaned in, pressing herself against the older girl and met her lips in a heated kiss. Yura struggled a little, but eventually gave in, parting her lips slightly for Minah as the younger girl deepened the passion kiss. After the lack of oxygen became an issue, Minah broke the kiss, placing her hands on either side of Yura's face and locking her gaze on the older girl's with a serious expression. 
"Now tell me," Minah began, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me."
Yura just stared back, fear started to well up inside her as she realized she just couldn't say it. She couldn't lie to this girl because... Because she loves her. She's in love with her and she doesn't want to fight it anymore. She never realized how long she's been fighting her feelings or how exhausted it has made her. It's as if a weight has lifted from her shoulders now that she's finally accepted her feelings, now that she's decided to act on them.
"I-I'm scared," Yura began hesitantly. "But Minah, I'm in love with you." 
Minah pulled Yura in, wrapping her arms around her neck and burying her head in the older girl's shoulder. Yura slowly slid her arms around the smaller girl's waist and held her tightly, tears escaped both their eyes as they grip each other as if they'd disappear any second. 
"Finally," Minah broke the silence, whispering gently. "I love you too, Yura..." 

This ended being a little more angsty than I planned but I hope you guys like it >_< sorry if there's a few errors. I actually wrote this on my phone at work and I was so excited about I just had to post it now x3 don't worry I'll go back and edit it after I get off!


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Chapter 4: With the first part I was glad Yura was able to break through and give Minah a chance. I know it must've been seriously hard on her but good thing Minah actually fought through it and stopped Yura. With the second part, I could feel the mixed feelings about jealousy and she seriously went over board with trying to end it, but I know she couldn't control it, once again thankful for Minah for letting her talk things out. The power in Minahs words were a good touch, I really enjoyed that part actually. It was an eye opener (in a way) towards Yura. But wow went quickly into marriage lol but it was cute though <3
Chapter 1: Omg that was so cute!!! And I had a feeling Jia would've walked in on them but I'm glad the feeling was mutual between them :D it was so funny how Fei was mad that Jia invited everyone to their "date"
chakashell #3
Chapter 4: I need more,Lunber cause gaaaahbhh
Mickey01 #4
Eunjung&Qri or Eunjung&Yoona
i have a request, hope you'll make it up author :)
Chapter 2: A continuation of this Lunber chap would be super cute!
Mickey01 #6
Pairing: eunjung&qri or eunjung&suzy
Rated: M
plot: whatever you want author ^^
Pairing: Sulli &CL
Plot:CL saw sulli in mbc backstage she thinking how innocent is sulli and she found some f(x) picture in her phone so she make sulli pleased and be her doll
Seoulqueenka #8
Pairing: qri/eunjung
Plot:qri gets jealous of eunjungs flirting and wants to remind her who her girlfriend is