Taking Chances (Luna x Amber)

Kpop Yuri Oneshot Requests~

Luna's POV:

Couples everywhere. God, it makes me feel so depressed. I've been by so many cafés today but haven't gone into one because there's always at least one couple snuggling and shoving their happiness in everyone's face. I just want to buy a stupid cup of coffee in peace!

I'm not usually like this, all moping and depressed, but it's hard not to be when you get dumped by your boyfriend less than a month ago and then find out he's dating your so-called best friend two weeks later. Ever since then I can't even go anywhere without seeing them together, holding hands and laughing at god knows what while I'm just sitting there, all alone to sulk about my broken heart.

I finally walk past an empty coffee shop in a part of town I don't usually go to. At first I think it's closed but looking in the window, I see two employees behind the counter waiting for a customer. Shrugging, I sigh and pull the door open, walking straight to the counter and face-to-face with a tall, cute, tomboy waiting to take my order.

"Finally a customer!" She cheered. "Hi, how may I help you?"

"Just an espresso, please," I reply.

"It'll be ready shortly!"

I just nodded in reply and took a seat at one of the tables nearest to the window. Staring out the window, I noticed that it has just begun to rain and I chuckled at the thought of me literally having a rain cloud over my head now of all times.

I sighed and pulled out a book from my backpack. I didn't have an umbrella, so I wasn't planning on going out their until the rain died down. Now I can just enjoy my coffee and book in peace while it continues to rain. Maybe this will be just what I need to get over my broken heart.

"Here's your espresso" the girl who took my order stood next to the table I was at and placed the cup down.

"And here," she said as she placed a red velvet cupcake, iced with a heart on top, in front of me. "It's on the house. You looked like you were having a bad day. Maybe this would cheer you up a little."        

"Um.. Thanks," I said as I stared at the cupcake. I knew it was a nice gesture but for some reason the heart irritated me. Without thinking I took my finger and ran it through the middle of the heart shaped icing, effectively turning it into a red smudge.

"Don't like hearts?" The girl said, giving me an amused look.

"Ah... No there's nothing wrong with hearts... Just not in a loving mood I guess." I reply as I take a bite of the cupcake. "But thanks for the cupcake, it's good."

"So let me guess... Bad break up or unrequited love?"

"It's a long story and I'm not really in the mood to talk about it." I grumble as I sip on my espresso.

"Oh come on, there's no one here, I have time to talk. Plus, I'm sure talking it with someone is better than sitting here and sighing ever five seconds."

"We don't even know each other."

"Let's fix that! Hi, I'm Amber, and you?" She said, a grin spreading across her face as she reached out her hand.

I huffed and decided to give in. What harm could it do? Maybe it could actually help me get over things and move on.

"I'm Luna," I took her hand and shook it, trying to fight the smile forming on my lips as I look at her pleased expression. "It's nice to meet you, Amber."

"So, tell me, why are you so down, Luna?"

"I was dating this guy," I sighed as I began. "We dated for about 5 months and I know things weren't perfect but I didn't think he wouldn't actually dump me. But about a month ago he does. And not only does he break up with me by phone, but he doesn't even wait for me to answer. He just leaves me a voicemail saying 'I want to see other people' and that was it."

"What a jerk!" Amber yells, throwing up her hands in frustration.

"That's not even the worst part! About a week ago I found out he was dating my 'best friend'," I use my fingers to put air quotations around those words. "And she asked if I wanted to double date with them and some friend of hers she wants to set me up with."

"Please tell me you said no!" Amber practically shouted.

"I told her I didn't want to be set up but..."

"But please don't tell me you gave in!"

"Well," I hesitated, "I'm not being set up. But she kept persisting that I go out to this new club with them. I finally got fed up and agreed to go. Now I'm going to be the third wheel to my best friend and my ex-boyfriend."

I put my head in my hands and shook my head, groaning in frustration as I just realized the reality of the situation. I jump slightly as I feel a firm, yet reassuring hand rub my shoulder lightly and I look back up to meet Amber's eyes. She gave me a sympathetic smile and the look in her eyes told me she understood exactly how I was feeling, somehow this small action made me feel one hundred times better.

"Hey it's going to be okay," Amber said gently. "Maybe you'll find someone at the bar to make your ex-boyfriend jealous."

"Yeah, sure," I chuckle as I continue to sip my coffee. "Usually people aren't very interested in me."

"I don't know why they wouldn't be. You're beautiful and you seem sweet," she mumbled softly.

I couldn't help the blush that rushed to my cheeks as she said this and I felt my heart skip a beat when my gaze locked on hers. I barely knew this person, I just met her today, but there was something about her that drew me to her. She was friendly, easy to talk to, caring, and thoughtful. I hadn't come across someone like this since I met my ex-boyfriend.

Without thinking, my body moved on its own and leaned over for our lips to meet in a brief, unexpected kiss. My head rushed at the feeling of her lips on mine, but as realization settled in I jerked away immediately.

"I-I'm so sorry! I don't know where that came from," I stuttered. "I don't ever do something like this. I just... You were so nice and cute and...”

"It's okay," she interrupted, placing a gentle hand on top of mine. "I didn't mind it."

She smiled at me when I finally lifted my head to meet her gaze. My heart did another flip in my chest as she leaned in closer and slowly whispered, "So you think I'm cute huh?"

"I um... Well yeah..." I muttered as I looked away to hide my blush.

She cleared and looked back over at her to see her hands tapping on the table and a contemplative expression across her face. Finally after what seemed like hours went by she looked back up at me with a playful expression, but looking in her eyes I could see the seriousness behind them.

"So when was this third wheel date with your ex..?" She mumbled as she fiddled with her hands.

"Um tonight, in about an hour," I began, realizing what she was getting at. "Would you like to be my date?"

"Well, I don't know," she joked, a smirk forming on her lips. "I need to check if I'm free."

I arched my eyebrow and waited for her answer. She smirked and pretended to scroll through her phone and check her schedule.

"Well, looks like I'm free tonight," she grinned and held out her hand. "Shall we go?"

"What about work?" I questioned as I took her hand and slowly stood up.

"Oh, my shift ended a while ago!" She relied as she led me to the door, reaching down next to it for the umbrella leaning against the wall.

We both walked out the door, as we did she opened the umbrella for me and I linked my arm with hers. We began to walk down the street, arm-in-arm, and I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face.

"So, you're the type of person who doesn't tip one the best waitresses around," she joked as she nudged my side.

"How's this for a tip?" I leaned up, pressing my lips to her cheek quickly before pulling away. A blush ran to her cheeks and I couldn't hold in the giggle that escaped my lips. "Pretty good tip, huh?"

"Hmm, I think I deserve a little more," she smirked as we continued to walk on.

"Well, you'll just have to wait till later!" I chuckled. I had a feeling that this date will be great and suddenly I found myself looking forward to it, even if my ex will be there.

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Chapter 4: With the first part I was glad Yura was able to break through and give Minah a chance. I know it must've been seriously hard on her but good thing Minah actually fought through it and stopped Yura. With the second part, I could feel the mixed feelings about jealousy and she seriously went over board with trying to end it, but I know she couldn't control it, once again thankful for Minah for letting her talk things out. The power in Minahs words were a good touch, I really enjoyed that part actually. It was an eye opener (in a way) towards Yura. But wow went quickly into marriage lol but it was cute though <3
Chapter 1: Omg that was so cute!!! And I had a feeling Jia would've walked in on them but I'm glad the feeling was mutual between them :D it was so funny how Fei was mad that Jia invited everyone to their "date"
chakashell #3
Chapter 4: I need more,Lunber cause gaaaahbhh
Mickey01 #4
Eunjung&Qri or Eunjung&Yoona
i have a request, hope you'll make it up author :)
Chapter 2: A continuation of this Lunber chap would be super cute!
Mickey01 #6
Pairing: eunjung&qri or eunjung&suzy
Rated: M
plot: whatever you want author ^^
Pairing: Sulli &CL
Plot:CL saw sulli in mbc backstage she thinking how innocent is sulli and she found some f(x) picture in her phone so she make sulli pleased and be her doll
Seoulqueenka #8
Pairing: qri/eunjung
Plot:qri gets jealous of eunjungs flirting and wants to remind her who her girlfriend is