Cutting Red String(Short Hiatus)


Destiny and Fate control the world.

At birth you are given a uniquely half shaped necklace that grows warmer when you are near your soulmate.

Your soulmate, is the perfect one for you, you both fit each other's preference, they are the other half of the necklace.

Destiny and Fate personally chose that person for you.

What happens if they die?

Well second chances aren't offered , so you must be alone forever.

But what happens when you don't love that soulmate?

Karma will get you.

Bubbly, happy Song Min Ji is about to discover how mean Karmacan get when she starts to fall for Kai, the mysterious guy who everyone avoids. She gets confused when Myungsoo, her soulmate, appears into her life. He's perfect for her, she's perfect for him. But what about her first love, Jinyoung, who comes back into her life? Who will steal her heart? And will Karma get back at her for making the wrong choice?


Do I love him?

Is he really the one for me?

But, he seems so much better.

He was my first.

But I was betrayed.

Why does he keep pushing me away?

Doesn't he love me?

I don't believe it.

Will anyone get hurt?

Should I just not love?


Hey guys! I'm back again with another original story! Please don't copy it! I hope you guys comment and subscribe!

Also don't you love this poster? It was made by vanivici Go check out the shop now! Just click on the shop and you will be directed there!

Also this amazing background was made by Babexo

Go check out her shop! Just click the shop and you will be directed there!


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UNIQcorn #1
Chapter 1: nice story
Tarantulax #2
ArianaMaddi #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it