Past Is Past


 " I'll get the other luggage, you can just take a look around " Changsub drops the suitcase he had in his hand and gestures chorong to go inside. Chorong gives him a small nod and walks toward the lIving room. She puts the two bag she had beside the sofa. The living room was spacious with just a t.v , sofa and a coffee table. From there she could also see the kitchen which was clean and organinzed. on the left she saw two doors. Curious to see her room she opened one of them and picked inside. The walls were covered in poster  and music CD scattered here and there. She knew it wasn't her room cause it wasn't empty but she keeplooking around standing near the door. She was concentrating on the photo frame that was besides the bed when she thought she saw something move on the bed. It moved again. " Wait , Eunji is in her classess and she send that guy to help me out.No one is suppose to be in the house. Not knowing what to do Chorong slowly backs out and closes the door behind her. She keeps her hand in the door knob so no one can escape the room. 

Changsub who just came back with the luggages is hushed at and geustured to come near her all the while chorong is still grabbing the door knob. Changsub is seriously confused. He raised his right eyebrow questioning the situation and stands besides chorong switching his glance from her to the door. " I think there is someone inside the room" Chorong mumbles.

" WHO?" Changsub getting more confused.

"I don't know. A blurglar maybe" Chorong shrugged her shoulder. Changsub told chorong to move and he slowly opened the door. There was someone under the sheet for sure alright. Changsub slowly moves toward the bed.Chorong sticks close to him.


Someone is sleeping there but he can't tell who. Her long black hair is covering her face. " If only I could moved long black h- OH " Changsub realises who it. He quickly walks towards the door and drags chorong outas well.

" We need to get out of here" In a hurry Changsub slams the room's door  Waking naeun up. " Let's go" Changsub hasn't let go of chorong wrist. " BUT..." Chorong stops changsub for a moment in the middle of the living room. " i'll explain once we get out " and starts dragging her again. This time chorong doesn't protest.


Chorong stirs her ice americano while Changsub angrily hits the screen in his phone

Kakako Talk.

Changsub: How could u forget to mention that Naeun was in the house???? HOW HOW HOW

Hyunsik: Chill man. We kinda forgot about her. 

Eunji: The situation is getting out of hand. She saw you guys getting out of the house now she won't stop asking about why you  guys were together  even though I told her already.

Changsub: Just get to the cafe fast. The situation is so awkward I might just die.

Eunji: Don't Die. I can't handle Naeun right now I don't know what i will do if you die.

Changsub: Do you wanna die than??

Hyunsik: No one is dying. Give us 10 minutes we will be there.

Changsub : You better be. I am never helping you guys ever.

"soooo..." Chorong tries to get Changsub attention. He looks up from the phone and gives her an awkward smile. " We are so sorry about this mess. Eunji will be here soon" Changsub takes a bite of the choclate cake beside him. " Who wasn't the person on the bed though?" Her question stops changsub from going in for another bite of the delicious cake. " Eunji'sfriend. Eunji's friend"

" Why did we run away if it was just eunji's friend?" Chorong takes a sip of her coffee. " It's a long story"

 Changsub had already explained chorong the situation with naeun. Maybe cause the ious topic was already personal  when they satarted talking about other things. it wasn't awkward between them. The 10 min that Hyunsik claimed they will be there on was long and gone. 

Eunji and Hyunsik finally arrived half expecting Changsub to storm out of the cafe as soon as he saw them. But to their surprise Changsub Hugged them both and cheerfully offered to get them some coffee. Hyunsik and Changsub went to get the coffee.

Eunji apologized to Chorong for being late. They had met a few time before to discuss the move. They had both quiet liked each other but they were still a little awkward. Eunji didn't like awkward. When the boys were back with the coffee, She suggested that all of them go out tonight to get to know each other and celebrate this new begining. Chorong gleefully accepted. "Can I also tell Naeun to come?" She looked at chorong but the question was more so directed toward Changsub. I mean she has already seen you and you guys will beseeing each other a lot so it will be nice to get to know her as well" Eunji said trying to make it look like a good idea. Chorong said yes to that as well.

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Chapter 5: This chapter is so funny..i really can imagine all the dorks acting in the real life.....i can see that you're cube stan....btw i love changsub ang chorong so much♥♥♥
I think this story has no ending...so sad (-_-)
Please more .....when do this story continue...been waiting for ages (T.T)
xoxoria #4
Chapter 1: Update soon, hwaiting author-nim!^^